"It turns out that the arena that triggered B-06-2-4482 [Battle of Treasure Hunters] is indeed the arena in the strange world... But didn't the cultists steal a skull from a primitive tribe in the southern forest? That was the prototype of the arena... That skull, wouldn't it be used to summon this strange world? What exactly does the differential machine have to pay to move the strange world?"

This kind of thing is probably only known by the differential machine, so Jenkins didn't think much about it. He looked at the many fire doors behind him. These doors were not all on the ground, and a large part of them were suspended in the air. The size of each door was exactly the same, and there was no difference.

"So, it won't be that you are manipulating me to encounter some enemies?"

Jenkins said to the man in the black hunting suit. Since all the doors are the same, the contents behind the doors may really be manipulated.

"I won't violate the rules of the strange world."

After saying that, he actually closed his eyes and stopped looking at Jenkins.

"Also, after I cross these doors, can I directly meet my opponents? I won't be required to be a detective to find the enemy at an unknown time, right?"

"The people behind the doors are also waiting for you to challenge. They are all heroes or opponents of heroes who have been defeated in history. At the moment of death, they see you and fight a life-and-death battle with you. If they lose, history will not change, but the bodies left behind are just ordinary bodies, and you drag away the essence of the hero's life. If you lose, history will not change, and your body will be recycled by me and put into the furnace."

"Is it the soul that is burned?"

"Of course not, what do I need the soul for? I am not one of those dirty demons. What is burned is the experience and skills of the dead, which will not have any impact on the real world."

"I almost understand, it turns out that this time it is a [hero]. If I am defeated by the hero or the enemy of the hero, then I will lose the qualification of [hero], which constitutes the meaning of the qualification of the rebellious savior. This is really simple."

In this way, in order to continue the fire, we must prepare to start the challenge.

Chapter 2153 Fair Competition and Martial Virtue

The rules this time are relatively clear, not as complicated as last time. But the simpler it is, the harder it is to find a shortcut to break through.

This time, the strange realm is somewhat similar to the possible strange realms that Jessica experienced together. They all use a certain location as the starting point to enter other spaces to complete tasks. However, that time tested wisdom, and this time it is a complete test of force.

While thinking, Jenkins put the magic sword and backpack on his back on the ground together, and then summoned the bone holy sword in his hand. Facing unknown powerful enemies, you still have to use your usual weapons.

Of course, since entering the fire gate will involve a duel, Jenkins will naturally not rush in unprepared.

This is not a fair game with friendship first. Although Jenkins does not have a banned drug that can break through the limit, it is still okay to adjust the state before entering.

Although most of the rituals that can provide buffs are better than nothing for Jenkins now because of the excessive strength of the soul and body, making alchemical props or adding power to weapons are necessary preparations.

Because there were not many items in the backpack, no complicated rituals were used. The coat on his body was a gift and did not need to be enhanced. Although the holy sword in his hand was also a gift, according to its "life and death" form, Jenkins temporarily used his own blood to draw a ritual symbol representing the "world tree" on the sword.

This did not enhance the sharpness of the sword, but it could temporarily serve as an amplification scepter when using spells, and serve as a lower-level substitute for the cane.

After all, it was a bit inconvenient to have a sword in one hand and a cane in the other.

In addition, the soles of the shoes were made to have a non-slip effect, and only a few simple explosives were made from empty bottles and hung on the waist. Jenkins did have some explosive spells on him, but small and easy-to-use items like spells were one less, so alchemical items were also appropriate supplements.

After making preparations, Jenkins left all his backpacks and magic swords behind. It might be cool to show up with two swords, but he was not a person who would risk his life for the sake of being cool.

He didn't know how to use two swords at the same time, and in the battle experience passed down by the [Heroes], excluding those spellcasters who were good at controlling weapons with telekinesis, no one used two swords at the same time - it seemed that doing so was a stupid act.

Of course, before leaving, Jenkins did not forget to warn the man in black hunting clothes not to touch his things, but the other party was of course too lazy to pay attention to Jenkins.

He chose the nearest flame door frame, but his body crossed the door frame and did not come behind the door frame, but entered a strange space.

It was no longer a lifeless sandy plain, but a forest. The fresh air and the sunlight sprinkled from the branches made Jenkins feel that every cell in his body was happy.

There were no artificial roads in the forest, only a trampled trail. Although the forest was full of vitality, the scattered corpse fragments and the blood-red blood scattered on the grass and tree trunks undoubtedly reminded Jenkins how dangerous this place was.

He walked forward with a sword along the trampled traces. The further he went, the stronger the bloody smell became, and the more tragic the traces of the battle became.

Soon, they left the bushes and came to a clearing in the woods. As Jenkins stepped into the clearing, everything around him changed.

The sun suddenly disappeared, and the blood-red light filled the sky. The lush forest withered at a speed visible to the naked eye. A group of crows flew from nowhere and landed on the dead tree under the blood-red sky, staring at the living man.

All the weeds on the open space withered, and the yellow sand covered the ground. There were corpses and armor piled on the ground. A tall man wearing full body armor and a helmet was waiting for Jenkins.

He was covered with filth and blood, and the pattern and original color of the armor could not be distinguished. He was at least more than two meters tall, and even made Jenkins doubt whether the other party was a pure human.

"I'm here..."

"No need to say more, I already know your intention."

A muffled sound came from the helmet. He used an ancient language, but Jenkins could barely understand it. The era of the other party should be the sixteenth century.

"Then I'll do it?"

Jenkins asked tentatively, and then felt that his words were strange.

So he didn't say much, but rushed towards his opponent with a sword. He didn't throw the explosives at his waist first because the scene looked like a fair duel. Even if he didn't intend to fight a fair duel at all, he had to pretend to do it at the beginning to test the opponent's strength.

Jenkins had a good idea, but the man in full armor was even less martial than him. When Jenkins rushed forward with a sword, the man didn't pick up the heavy sword like a door panel at his feet, but stretched his left hand behind him and took out a small crossbow made of fine steel.


The arrow with cold light pointed at Jenkins, and as the man hooked his fingers, the cold light shot straight into Jenkins's forehead.

If it was an ordinary arrow, Jenkins wouldn't have to dodge it now, but the man's crossbow and arrows all had the spiritual light intensity of numbered items. Because he didn't know the consequences of being hit, he didn't resist but dodged to the side. While dodging, he shouted in an unskilled ancient language:

"What do you mean by using a crossbow?"

"It's the same as the thing hanging on your waist."

The opponent's dull voice came from under the helmet again. He didn't give Jenkins a chance to breathe. He didn't put new arrows into the crossbow, but the shooting seemed to never stop.

Jenkins used the corpses and broken armor on the open ground to dodge. He saw that the objects hit by the arrows, even the soil, would disappear abruptly, as if they were bitten by invisible shadow monsters.

"After hitting the target, the material within a certain range is transmitted to other locations?"

This was his initial guess about the nature of the arrow.

He made a forward posture, but took a step back suddenly. While the enemy was aiming again, Jenkins stretched out his hand to take off the bottle on his waist and threw it forward.

The bottle fell on the sand between the two people. After a loud bang, the sand and dust completely blocked the view.

Jenkins did not want to attack with the explosive bottle, but to use the smoke and dust produced by the explosion to create a short opportunity for action.

As expected, the flying sand and gravel hit the metal armor. Although the opponent did not dodge, the opponent's eyes and senses were obviously only at the level of ordinary humans, and the crossbow and arrows did not have the ability to track automatically.

He took this opportunity to summon the high stool and flew himself into the sky. He did not give the opponent a chance to shoot arrows in the air, but chopped down with both hands and jumped to the enemy below.

Chapter 2154: Melee Superhuman

Jenkins' full-strength jump and chop, even if it did not hit the target, made the battle-hardened man in the armor scalp numb.

The man made the fastest response in the crisis. He could only give up shooting arrows temporarily, and raised his other hand to try to block Jenkins's downward chopping action with his gauntlet. He had a considerable degree of trust in his armor, but it was a pity that he misjudged the power of the weapon in Jenkins' hand. He did not even pause, and the left gauntlet and palm were chopped off like tofu.

Fortunately, the man reacted in time, and the crossbow in his right hand was immediately raised to block Jenkins' sword from continuing to chop down. The man's strength was far inferior to Jenkins', but the crossbow of the numbered item was not something Jenkins could cut with one sword.

Even so, the heavy armor still seemed to sink two centimeters in the ground, allowing the man in the armor to stabilize his body:

"What kind of monster are you?"

He had never encountered an enemy with good weapons, good skills and great strength. Generally speaking, it was impossible for someone to have all three of these at the same time.

Jenkins did not answer him. Seeing that he had the upper hand, he still held the sword with his right hand to press down the crossbow, and released the sword with his left hand and punched the opponent's abdomen.

Because one hand was disabled and the other hand was holding Jenkins' sword, the punch was not blocked. Although the armor was thick, it was easily penetrated by Jenkins's powerful blow.

Even if the [Titan Power] was absorbed by the World Tree Seedling, this power did not disappear. He stepped on the ground and exerted force on his waist. After the fist pierced through the armor, it pierced through the opponent's body again, and then penetrated the metal behind him.

Blood flowed down Jenkins' arms and fists, and the power holding up Jenkins' holy sword gradually weakened, and the flame of life was extinguished bit by bit in the opponent's body.

To be honest, although Jenkins was well prepared, the first opponent was not strong at all. Even if it weren't for the crossbow and the armor, the man's strength and speed would not have exceeded the upper limit of normal humans.

Therefore, this battle was considered bullying by Jenkins.

"I rarely kill people, let alone kill a complete stranger like you."

Jenkins said softly, pulling his arm out of the other person's abdomen.

"I'm the opposite of you. I don't need a reason to kill."

The voice in the armor was dull and weak.

"Do you have anything else to say?"

Jenkins asked again. When his hand penetrated the opponent's abdomen, he also sucked out the life at that moment. The person in the armor might not die of blood loss, but of old age.

"I have nothing to say. I have killed countless people in my life, and I like to challenge the strong most. It is good luck to meet an opponent like you again after death. Not everyone is qualified to fight a monster like you. "

Neither of them spoke again after that. After waiting for the other person to die, Jenkins opened the helmet and saw a man with a sloppy beard. Because the life force has been drained, the withered face looks like a mummy, but from the shape of the face, it can still be seen that this was a tough person before.

This is indeed an ordinary human being, like the appearance of a tribesman near the snowy mountains in the north.

"Fortunately, you died here in the first place, so it doesn't count as me killing you."

Jenkins whispered again, looking up at the blood-red sky:

"So, how do I get back?"

The flaming red door frame was only a one-way door. When Jenkins came here, the door frame did not follow.

Fortunately, at the same time he asked the question, the body he was holding in his hand automatically burned and turned into flames. The flames flowed and once again outlined the rectangular door frame in the air.

Jenkins did not step in immediately, but bent down to pick up the opponent's crossbow, which was a good thing. It's a pity that his hand went directly through the crossbow, as if the crossbow was just an illusion:

"I just know it's not that simple."

Shaking his head, he straightened up and walked through the door frame back to the metal furnace. The position was still the same as before, but a steady stream of flames flowed out of the door frame and into the furnace through the gap in the gate below the furnace.

The fire light grew slightly brighter, and Jenkins felt the warmth of the light, but it was not enough. After all, the enemy just now was indeed not strong.

"If there were only enemies of this level, you would only need to kill 23 more to burn before the furnace could regain its original brightness.

The man in hunting attire leaning on the outside of the furnace reminded him as if he knew what Jenkins was thinking.

"Do you think I deliberately picked such a weak person?"

Jenkins responded unceremoniously, and then asked:

"So, is there any way to detect the strength of the enemy behind each door?"

I thought there was no answer, but the other party actually spoke:

"Of course, the flames here are almost omnipotent. This fire can forge props for detection, but this small flame is not enough now."

"Oh well."

He looked again at the hundreds of doors behind him:

"This time, it seems that the situation is much simpler than I thought."

The door frame with flames constantly flowing out has completely disappeared. Jenkins held the holy sword and blinked his eyes. After confirming again that the aura intensity of each door was the same, he chose a brand new door and stepped in.

What he saw seemed to be a passage inside an ancient building. Both ends of the passage should be connected to the outside world, because Jenkins could feel the cool wind.

The wall above this passage is extremely high, but not very wide. There are corpses all around, and they are not corpses of living people, but corpses of dead people.

He did not move forward immediately, but squatted down and inspected the mummy closest to him that was divided into three parts. The mummy once had a very strong opponent. From the cutting marks, Jenkins could imagine the three sharp knives that could barely see the shadow of the corpse.

"Undead creature?"

These corpses are all undead creatures, and they are all mummified. Considering the current environment, Jenkins even guessed whether he had arrived in a tomb left over from an ancient era.

"Is this opponent a tomb robber?"

He shook his head and threw away the information that had nothing to do with the strange situation. Taking two steps forward, he checked the other corpses again and confirmed that his opponent was good at using sharp blades such as daggers and daggers, and he was very fast and powerful. There were no traces of incantations around, nor were there any traces left behind after using magic.

In such an area where the undead gather, once divine magic is used, the traces cannot be erased at all, so Jenkins concluded that his opponent was a pure melee illegal professional.

This is something that is quite difficult to understand in the 18th century. It is a normal phenomenon that all extraordinary beings in the 18th century, that is, gifted ones, have no melee ability but have excellent spellcasting ability. People in the extraordinary system of the eighteenth century could not understand the reason why they still only used non-spellcasting abilities even though they had touched the mystery.

Although in Jenkins' era, it was possible to rely on rituals, potions, and even the ancestral training methods of her mother taught to Jenkins by Miss Bevanna, or the special body modification technology of the Mechanicum Church, to cultivate knights or warriors who were no less inferior to those who gave the gift. , but even people who are bored would not do this.

After all, in the current system, as long as you have talent and can read, there is almost no threshold for learning conjurations and divine arts. Even if you don't have money, there are some conjuration abilities that you can learn that don't require expensive materials. A person like Professor Burns who bestows most of his abilities on martial arts is already an outlier, let alone someone who doesn't learn any conjuration or divine magic.

"According to what dad said about the development of the extraordinary system, the era when people without spellcasting abilities can still be seen frequently is the fifteenth century at the latest."

Jenkins deduced that after all, the indoor environment they were in did not look newly built at the current time, so it was impossible to judge the time by the architectural style or the clothing characteristics of the mummies.

"The era before the fifteenth century was very similar to the fantasy world in my impression."

He then analyzed that if the eighteen eras that had passed were classified according to Dad's personal classification, they could actually be simply divided into four parts.

Mythology, fantasy, darkness and modern times. The mythological era refers to the era when contemporary people could not find any written records at all, but most religious myths originated from that era, when the gods often walked on the earth; the fantasy era is the tens of thousands of years before and after the aliens migrated out of the material world, which is very similar to the world of Dungeons and Dragons imagined by Jenkins; the dark age is the era of continuous decline of civilization caused by the failure of the end of the era; the modern era is the millennium when humans can fully describe the historical context from the end of the seventeenth century.

Of course, the above is the definition of history that Dad casually defined when teaching his young apprentice, and there is no such statement in academia.

Of course, Daddy would not tell Jenkins how to fight against a person with extraordinary abilities who does not know how to cast spells and specializes in close combat. The church would not teach such outdated things, just like the church would not teach Jenkins how to fight an ancient fire demon, which has long been gone.

But fortunately, Jenkins never loses focus during class, and Daddy is also happy to share some interesting historical anecdotes with his apprentice when there is no business in the antique shop, so he does not know nothing.

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