First of all, those with melee extraordinary abilities who don’t know how to cast spells don’t know how to resist spellcasting. Therefore, against them, the effect of spells is actually no better than directly suppressing them with force. Secondly, this kind of extraordinary ability users who can no longer be found in modern times retain the special skills of using cold weapons passed down from ancient times.

Later, some of these skills were transformed into red martial arts abilities, such as [Sword Dance and Spin], and some were passed down like the special skills of Miss Bevanna's mother's family. A larger part is lying in the libraries of various churches and illegal ancient organizations that have lasted for thousands of years. If nothing else happens, no one will be willing to look at it.

Even though Jenkins likes to use swords to solve problems, he can be sure that he is definitely no match for the current melee masters in the use of cold weapons.

[Sword Dance·Spin] He can only use it once. Although it is solidified in the gifter's ability system, the effect and power of use are definitely better than those of users in the old era. But if he is unlucky and his move misses, then he will have to use it again. The opponent who comes down will most likely be able to use Sword Dance one after another, and may even use the legendary "Blade Storm".

Chapter 2155 The Last Survivor

"So, I'm afraid the sword can't be used anymore."

After summarizing the current information, Jenkins put back his sword and took out his cane:

"This is probably good."

He nodded and moved on.

The passage was not long. In less than five minutes, Jenkins left the passage filled with mummies and entered a wide enclosed hall like a square.

At the end of the passage, you can see eight exquisite stone statues standing in the eight directions of the four-sided hall, and there are various styles of colorful murals on the walls. In the center of the space, there is a giant stone statue for worship. The dome is arc-shaped and covered with chandeliers. These chandeliers and candles placed on the ground provide light together, which makes the environment look beautiful.

But as Jenkins stepped into it, everything around him seemed to have changed over the course of thousands of years. The originally flat ground became pitted, the stone statues were broken, the murals were blurred, and mold seemed to be floating in the air. Everything around him was in decay. Looking back, he saw that the passage he came from had been blocked by the collapse, and he could only see the hands of an unknown mummy hanging down from the cracks in the stone.

The giant statue that originally stood in the center of the hall has fallen, and only some candle ends of the burning candles can still be seen. A beam of skylight slanted down from an invisible dome, and specks of dust slowly fell in the beam, as if time had frozen.

This beam of skylight illuminated the giant stone statue lying alone next to the rock base. A thin woman wearing leather armor stood in the light and stepped on the severed head of the stone statue. Against the backdrop of the surrounding darkness, she seemed to be Like glowing.

The woman looked down at Jenkins, who was standing at the end of the passage. Jenkins saw a scar on her face that extended from below her left eye, across the bridge of her nose, and stopped at the corner of her mouth. Her hair, which was not very long, was tied into a single ponytail. On the back of the head, this is a very capable image.


Although the woman is human, her Elvish language is surprisingly good.

"Yes, I'm here..."

"No need to say it, I know your purpose"

"You also know? That will save a lot of things... But before we do it, I want to ask He a question."

Jenkins raised a finger, which also meant that he did not intend to attack for the time being.

"You ask."

The woman's temper is really good.

"Where is this place now? Ancient ruins? Ancient tombs? Or was it the era in which you lived that you liked to build such deliberately old antique buildings?"

"No, this is a refuge."

The woman inserted her hand into the air and took out a short dagger. The dazzling aura revealed that it was undoubtedly a numbered item. She held it in her bandaged hand and waved it skillfully a few times to stir the air. Even though Jenkins was far away, she felt it. Scalp numbness.

"At the end of the era, the savior failed. The church and the kingdom jointly built the last refuge, hoping that people could escape the doomsday here... But how can it be so easy? You also see the situation here, I am the last survivor."

The woman shook her head:

"No, I'm dead too. So, any questions?"

"What will be the manifestation of the end of your era?"

Jenkins asked again, and the woman was not bored:

"The external manifestation is similar to the petrification curse. Any substance is transformed into stone. Even in some areas, even the air will be turned into stone. I am not a spell caster and cannot tell you the deeper reasons or the form of disaster. Stones will Formed into a Colossus, a Colossus would destroy civilization, that's what I saw."

"I understand, it's okay now."

Jenkins did not ask where the mummies in the collapsed passage behind him came from. He was not curious about anything.

"Okay, let's begin."

The woman closed her eyes, and the next second, she completely disappeared from Jenkins' sight, and even the Eye of Truth could not see her aura. The inspiration simply captures any trace of the woman, as if she has disappeared from this world.

But Jenkins did not deliberately look for the other party. Instead, he grabbed the cane with his left hand and scattered some plant seeds with his right hand, letting them fall into the cracks of the bricks.

Although there is a petrification curse, this shelter has probably undergone special treatment, so there is very fertile soil under the floor tiles, enough for seeds to take root and germinate.

After he sprinkled the seeds, he raised his left hand, and with a clang, the cane blocked the stabbing dagger. The woman did not compete with Jenkins, because she knew she was definitely not his opponent after just one contact, so she jumped back and retreated into the shadow that could not be illuminated by the skylight:

"Can you see me?"

The woman asked in a calm tone, stating a fact.

"No, at least not yet."

"Then how can you know exactly which direction I will attack from?"

She was really curious about this question, not trying to defeat Jenkins, so Jenkins answered:

"Although you are fast, there is no sound, and you don't even have the intention to kill me, but you smell too strong."

This does not mean that the other party does not like to take a bath, nor does it mean that the woman is crazy and wants to spray perfume on herself. She smells like those mummies. Although it seems that time has passed for thousands of years after Jenkins stepped into this place, in fact, for the woman, she has just fought out of the passage and died here with the mummies, so the smell of those corpses on her body certainly cannot disappear immediately.

"I see. I didn't expect I would make such a mistake."

The woman took a step back, closed her eyes, and then disappeared again.

This was not a simple invisibility, nor did it seem like she had entered the shadow world. Considering that the woman closed her eyes twice before disappearing, Jenkins was more inclined to believe that this was a magic eye or some kind of rule-based idealistic ability.

He still stood there, as if he was appreciating the magnificent view of the skylight shining on the giant stone sculpture head, and as if he was carefully examining the dust trails drifting in the light. But suddenly his left hand was raised again, and this time he did not hold the opponent's weapon, but let the staff body hit the blade of the short knife very neatly.

Under the huge impact, the woman's wrist was bent back, but the short knife did not fall out of her hand. She was forced to retreat again and leave the attack range of Jenkins's staff:

"The smell on my body should have disappeared. How did you find me this time?"

She asked again.

"You should have attacked me immediately when you approached me, instead of observing me and waving your hands in front of me to confirm that you really couldn't see me. Although I don't know how you managed to hide your figure perfectly, I can barely see you at close range. So, once you get close, don't leave any space for observation, otherwise I will definitely find you."

Chapter 2156 Golem

Hearing Jenkins's explanation again, the woman nodded, closed her eyes for the third time without saying a word, and disappeared on the spot.

Jenkins finally switched the cane from his left hand to his right hand, and then held the cane with one hand and fiercely inserted it into the crack of the brick.

The majestic spirit seemed to form the shape of the world tree again behind him, and the green halo gradually spread, sweeping across the entire space like a shock wave. The dust that had accumulated on the ground for hundreds and thousands of years drifted away, and the spirit of life surged underground. The seeds sown by Jenkins quickly grew into vines and gushed out from the cracks of the bricks.

The vines became thicker and longer, lifting Jenkins steadily into the sky, but more of them grew wildly without restraint until they flooded the entire hall.

Jenkins controlled the vines under his feet to lift himself up to the beam of light. The light was warm and it was indeed the light of the sun. He looked down at the vines rolling and floating on the ground like tentacles, and watched the woman chopping the plants frantically.

Half an hour later, the woman was tied up like a mummy and lifted to the same height as Jenkins, and the vines stopped growing.

Green plants climbed on the walls, occupying all the space on the ground. The originally empty stone hall was filled with green plants, but it seemed even more old and dilapidated.

The vines loosened the part of the woman's face, revealing her head. The woman looked at the man under the beam of light that was close at hand, and he seemed to be glowing:


Although the physical strength of melee professionals in the past era is unimaginable for the modern "weak" benefactors. But no matter in which era, spellcasters are always stronger than non-casters. This is a rule that will not change, so after Jenkins gave up defeating the enemy head-on, he knew he had won.

"I seem to have won unfairly."

"No, it's true that you won."

The woman shook her head:

"Then kill me."

"Aren't you afraid?"

Jenkins leaned over and asked:

"Why should I be afraid? I'm already dead. Besides, everything around me will leave me with the arrival of the end of the world. Even if I win you, what's the point? Knowing that there will still be a powerful civilization continuing in the future is enough for me."

She could tell the level of civilization at the time when Jenkins lived from his words and clothes.

"Well... do you have anything else to say?"

Jenkins didn't act immediately. After all, he had asked a lot of questions just now, so he should let the other party enjoy the same treatment.

"There is indeed a problem. Civilization will be lost from our era. Does this affect you?"

The woman in the vine "mummy" asked.

"It has an impact, but it's not a big impact. After all, as long as intelligent life still exists, there will be a chance to start from scratch sooner or later."

"That's good."

The woman closed her eyes, and Jenkins also summoned his sword. Although he won this time, he still felt unhappy.

"We are all poor people living at the end of the era."

He sighed in his heart.

Stepping out of the fiery red door frame again, the flame obtained this time was obviously much stronger than the first time. The man in full body armor the first time only relied on a crossbow to suppress Jenkins for a short time. He himself was not strong, but the woman just now was a real strong man. If it weren't for her lack of knowledge of Jenkins, Jenkins would not have won so easily.

"The intensity this time is not bad."

The man in front of the furnace still kept his hands on his chest. The fire was slightly stronger, allowing Jenkins to see more details of the man's body and clothes in front of the furnace.

"So do you want to make a compass or continue the challenge?"

He asked.

"If you make a compass, how much flame do you need? How long will it take?"

"It takes three-quarters of the flame here now, and the time is just a blink of an eye."

"What if I want to use this compass?"

Jenkins took out the compass he got from the town, which was used to find items at close range, from his backpack.

"Then only half of the current flame is needed, and the time is still a blink of an eye."

Jenkins thought about it and nodded in agreement. So he handed the compass to the other party, took two steps back, and saw the flames flow out of the furnace gate like a long rope again, wrapped the compass, and then completely rushed into the compass.

The brightness of the flame in the furnace dropped sharply, and Jenkins took the compass back from the hunter man. It was warm, and the aura was stronger than before. But the appearance did not change much, just adding a circle of glowing red runes on the metal shell.

"Actually, I'm curious, since you are responsible for guarding this furnace, what is the meaning of its existence?"

Jenkins asked again.

"Does it need meaning?"

"Of course it does."

The hunter man smiled:

"You guessed right, this is not an ordinary strange place. This is a place built by a great man for a special purpose. If you can rekindle the flame, I can tell you what the purpose is for free."

Jenkins did not comment, turned around and pointed the newly acquired compass at the door frame closest to him, and the pointer immediately started to move, but not fast. It pointed to the door frame next to it again, and this time the pointer moved faster.

"Judging the value based on the speed of the pointer..."

He thought to himself, and then spent some time trying it out. The strongest door frame could make the pointer turn so fast that only an afterimage could be seen. There were three similar door frames, which meant that there were three challenges with the highest difficulty.

"Only two of them would be enough to restore the furnace to its original flames."

The man in black hunting clothes reminded Jenkins behind him, so Jenkins put down the compass. But he did not choose any of the three, but walked towards the door with a slightly slower speed.

Although the time in the strange realm was limited, it was impossible for Jenkins to use multiple challenges to the weak to achieve his goal, but before confronting the strongest, Jenkins thought it was still necessary to test how strong those strongest were.

He was very worried that the power of the beast of disaster hidden this time was in one of the three doors.

Although it was difficult to quantify the speed of the compass needle's rotation with the naked eye, Jenkins estimated that the door he chose this time was probably second only to the three doors with the highest difficulty.

After crossing the fiery red door frame, Jenkins stepped into the water. The water was not deep, not even above the ankles, but it undoubtedly showed the bad environment.

The sky showed the normal dusk color, and Jenkins' shadow stretched long to the street behind him under the setting sun. At this time, the environment should be a town. The traces of people's lives can be seen around, but at this moment, the bodies of the townspeople filled the streets. Just now, Jenkins did not step into a puddle, but a puddle of blood.

"What happened?"

Because it is a town, from the appearance of the buildings and people's clothes, it can be identified that this is definitely the 13th century. Maybe the architectural style will be biased, but the words on the sign will not be wrong.

Looking at the corpses around, various types of scars can be seen on many corpses, and even a few corpses can be found on the traces of wild beasts. This doesn't look like it was made by one person, and as Jenkins moved forward, all kinds of strange corpses appeared one after another, including wild beasts, unidentifiable aliens, humans, elves, laboratory-synthesized orcs, blood-sucking species, dwarves, halflings, etc. Jenkins even saw several demon corpses, pressing down the remains of a gargoyle with only the head left.

After a few more steps, he left the street and entered the central square of the town.

Stepping into the square, the dusk sky suddenly became bleak, and the sunset glow with some traces of accumulated rain disappeared with the sun, but without the sun, the sky still showed a terrible dim yellow. The town suddenly became dilapidated, just like the forest and shelter he had just encountered, which suddenly froze after a long time.

The fountain in the center of the square, which originally held the image of a child holding a horizontal level, now only has a circle of surrounding stones left, and the statue has disappeared. The square ground, paved with neat stone slabs, is covered with dust and moss. No one has set foot here for a long time.

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