Under the dim sky, standing was not a person, but a metal statue. It looked like a human, but had four hands and three heads, about the same size as Jenkins. The four hands held four weapons: a sword, a scimitar, a short staff, and a spear, and the six eyes were six different kinds of magic eyes.


With the alchemy knowledge gained from the legacy of the Kamel family, Jenkins recognized what was in front of him. He thought that his opponent was not only human, but he never expected that it could be this kind of man-made alchemical weapon.

"Making golems is the top lost alchemy skill. Even the Kamel family's inheritance has not been able to fully pass down all the manufacturing processes of golems. However, Miss Befanna seemed to have said that the Church of Creation and Mechanics and the Church of Death and the End seemed to have retained the manufacturing methods of this thing. Although golems are definitely lifeless, as long as the energy core of this thing can be found..."

Jenkins narrowed his eyes and looked at his opponent. The location with a strong aura must be the core of the golem, similar to the human heart.

But just as he looked at his opponent carefully, the golem, which was originally standing still, seemed to be activated, and the six magic eyes showed the color of wisdom:

"Found the target."

The voice was very stiff, indicating that it was not endowed with too much wisdom:

"Praise the great wisdom, destroy the savior!"

As he spoke, the eyes facing Jenkins accumulated different energies and released them all in an instant. Jenkins just reacted a little slowly, and his right hand was hit by the blue light, and his whole arm suddenly lost consciousness, and it took at least two seconds to return to normal.

Jenkins was not surprised by the other party's words. If the differential machine did not do anything to the door frame, he would feel confused.

Chapter 2157 The shortcomings of the magic eyes

The key to defeating the golem is to defeat the energy core, but the six magic eyes that were almost uninterrupted have made Jenkins flustered. The six magic eyes have six different functions, slowing down, petrifying, decomposing, space transmission, annihilation, and distortion, and Jenkins cannot tell the specific origin of any magic eye.

He dodged almost all around the square, and did not find that the attack of the magic eye had a pause effect. So he simply stomped his right foot on the ground, and with the stones flying, he kicked dozens of pieces of rubble towards the golem standing in front of the ruins of the fountain with a beautiful kick.

The stones collided and changed direction in the air, and under Jenkins' precise control, they were blocked in front of the vision of all eyes.

Although these rubbles could not completely block the effect of the magic eye, they at least gave Jenkins a chance to breathe. He did not use his mechanical ability to try to control the opponent, because it was obvious that the differential machine could not make such a serious mistake.

All held the sword in one hand and drew two arcs in the air neatly:

"Sword Dance·Spin!"

The white sword light flashed around Jenkins, forming a circle. At the same time, the effect of the holy sword itself and Jenkins' power blocked the effect of the magic eye outside the sword dance circle.

Then the circle expanded outward, cutting everything around it. When it was about to touch the humanoid golem, the golem finally moved. The sword in his hand swung forward and collided with the sword light. The sword dance circle supported for a few seconds and then completely cut off the sword, but then it was blocked by the scimitar. This time, it only broke a crack in the scimitar and finally dissipated.

The golem threw away the broken sword in his hand and left the place. While the magic eye continued to attack Jenkins, it rushed towards Jenkins.

Jenkins did not act rashly, but threw a pebble charm to the ground in front of him, and immediately billowing black smoke spewed out, hiding Jenkins behind the smoke.

The golem opened three big mouths, and with the emergence of suction, the black smoke was sucked into its mouth. Jenkins behind the smoke was shocked:

"So bold?"

He did not carry a charm that could create smoke, because that kind of charm was too basic and too cheap, and was generally used by low-level gifters to practice. After all, there are more than one way to create a blind spot in vision, and there are too many ways to see through the smoke, so Jenkins and the church did not use the limited space to carry this kind of charm.

The one thrown out just now was a spell used to turn stones into explosive smoke. Jenkins just wanted to create smoke for a short time and then take the opportunity to attack. He didn't expect the golem to dare to swallow these high-risk explosives.


He put on the air explosion ring and waved it in front of him. With a loud bang, the mushroom cloud surged above the square. Jenkins and the golem were almost facing the explosion, but Jenkins was the initiator of the explosion. He took the initiative to protect the vital parts, but was blown away by the shock wave. The injuries on his body can be recovered after a few breaths.

But the explosion not only damaged the front of the golem, but also occurred inside the golem. Its manufacturing process is quite exquisite, and it has some power provided by the differential machine after "brainwashing". But even so, the internal explosion temporarily inactivated the one in the middle of his three heads, and the eyes on the head could not work for the time being.

"Good opportunity!"

He rushed through the smoke and dust of the explosion with a sword and chopped the head on the left side of the golem. But unexpectedly, the Golem, which was standing still and seemed to be damaged, suddenly started to move again, and the damaged scimitar cut open the sword:

"You've been fooled."

It said in a monotonous voice, and the spear pierced Jenkins' chest and pierced his heart.

"Do you think I still have a vital point now?"

After the Four Seasons Sublimation, Jenkins himself didn't know whether his body was human or not, but at least he knew that his heart was no longer a vital point. At the end of the town battle, the scarlet mayfly pierced him with dozens of spikes. He was completely fine at that time, so he would be fine this time too:

"You were fooled!"

A cane appeared in his empty left hand, and the orb on the top of the cane glowed again. In an instant, the white light enveloped the town square under the dim sky.

As a rare special item in the form of a living organ, the magic eye has not become the mainstream of research and application, not because the magic eye is rare, but because the magic eye has a fatal flaw.

As an eye, it must be able to "see" to function, and most magic eyes do not have special defensive properties in terms of vision. Therefore, although the magic eye is powerful, it is not uncommon to destroy the magic eye by destroying vision.

Therefore, when the glowing orb bloomed in front of the golem at close range, even Jenkins, who had mentally prepared to turn his head and close his eyes in advance, had his eyeballs burned by the white light behind his eyelids. Not to mention the four magic eyes of the golem that were still in effect. At close range, all four magic eyes were stimulated by strong light and temporarily lost their function.

The golem's self-healing ability was obviously not as good as Jenkins'. When Jenkins used the sword in his hand to cut off the spear that pierced his heart, broke free and recovered his vision, the golem still did not react because of the loss of vision.

But the golem was not simply relying on vision to perceive the surrounding environment. Therefore, when Jenkins stabbed the opponent's core with the sword, the golem threw away the broken spear in his hand and closed his two empty palms towards the center:


The metal palm tightly clamped the sword body, and because it was inanimate metal, most of the curse power on the bone holy sword was completely ineffective against the opponent.

The sword was clamped, Jenkins was stunned, and then he turned his wrist, and sparks flew in the golem's palms. The sword body turned over, and the blade rotated and slid across the palm, and was pulled back by Jenkins.

The casting material of the golem was not the alloy specially made by the differential machine that even the Holy Sword of Bones could not split. Therefore, in this simple fight, only one of the two palms was intact, and the other was cut off by Jenkins from the palm.

Having gained the advantage, Jenkins did not want to pursue the victory but stepped back. But the golem, which had recovered from the brief panic of losing vision, did not want him to retreat so easily.

The black iron scimitar could not reach Jenkins for the time being, but the short staff could. The wooden short staff was aimed at Jenkins' body, and lightning gathered from the staff and then struck Jenkins. This was the golem using a spell.

"Come on!"

The ability of [Titan Power] disappeared, but the effect did not disappear. Jenkins' right foot was in front and his left foot was behind. He held the sword in his right hand and pointed the tip of the sword forward, allowing the lightning to hit the sword.

But the lightning did not spread from the sword to Jenkins' arm, but attached to the surface of the Holy Sword of Bones.


He held the sword in one hand, stepped forward, twisted his waist, and swung it forward. The sword light with lightning attached to it slashed forward as if it was going to split the dim yellow sky.

Chapter 2158 Black Dragon

Originally, the power of Jenkins' [World Tree Seedling] was only manifested in the control of life force, but at this moment, borrowing this lightning, he suddenly discovered that nature is not only life, and the power of the world tree is not only reflected in life.

A ray of golden light appeared in the lightning, and the golem, which was forced to counterattack, collided with the sword light. When the smoke dissipated, the two heads of the golem had disappeared, and only the one holding the scimitar was intact among the four hands. The clothes on the outside of the metal torso were all torn into strips of cloth. Every time it took a step, the remaining lightning would flash on its body.

"So powerful?"

Jenkins himself was surprised by the power of the sword, and at the same time regretted not learning more abilities related to natural elements. [Ice Condensation] had already been used in the strange realm of the lava hell, and he had no other abilities that could actively generate elemental power.

In fact, the ability to use fireballs, wind blades, etc. was quite common and widespread in the past. But in modern times, the damage that fireballs can cause can also be caused by bullets. Therefore, modern benefactors prefer abilities that cannot be replaced by bullets, so few people will use elemental abilities of basic damage type.

Not having abilities does not mean that there are no other ways. The golem itself is strong. Judging from the posture of holding a scimitar with one hand, it is probably a master of cold weapons. But the opponent's elemental resistance, especially the lightning resistance just now, seems to be particularly low, so Jenkins stared at the enemy who was slowly walking towards him, while touching his pocket with his left hand, took out two identical metal charms and put them in the palm of his right hand, and then held the sword with his right hand.

This posture blocks the direct contact between the skin and the hilt of the sword, but allows Jenkins to guide the power in it to attach to the sword when activating the charm.

The two charms just now are electric charms, which belong to the same category as the explosion charms that Jenkins uses most often. In fact, the production process of these two charms is basically the same, except for the core materials and the runes when drawing the charms.

It was supposed to be thrown out to hurt the enemy, but it was activated in his palm, and the chaotic current made Jenkins a little uncomfortable. The full activation of the four seasons nurtured the growth of the world tree, and the growing world tree complemented Jenkins's control of natural forces.

Guiding the lightning to attach to the sword, the sword body leaped with yellow lightning, the lightning ionized the air, and the subtle sound of the lute made Jenkins feel a smoother control of the weapon in his hand.

He walked towards the golem, and after a few dozen steps, they both entered the attack range of the other party at the same time. The lightning flashed and the straight sword thrust forward, and the scimitar blocked it, but was immediately wrapped around the arm by the lightning.

The golem's movement paused again because of the lightning, and Jenkins' sword directly broke through the scimitar's defense range, piercing through the golem's chest and piercing into the inside.

In the vision of the Eye of Truth, the energy core of the golem's chest flashed with white aura, and was pierced by the sword blade. The circular white aura suddenly brightened as if it was about to explode, and then suddenly extinguished.

The golem wanted to make a final struggle, and its body hit Jenkins, throwing away the scimitar and grabbing his neck. Jenkins suddenly stepped on the ground, then turned sideways to meet it, and hit the golem's chest with his shoulder to avoid the opponent's iron hand. He held the hilt of the sword with both hands and spun it vigorously, completely destroying the opponent's energy core.

The golem's movements slowed down, and after a few seconds, it completely stopped moving, like a metal statue.

Jenkins let out a long breath, and did not look at the fiery red door frame that was forming, but stopped to rest:

"It's really incredible. If I hadn't just found the weakness of the golem, I might not be able to beat a human of equal strength."

Jenkins was not very adaptable to this kind of head-on battle where there was no sneak attack. He had a good talent, but after all, he had only been a gifter for a year, and there were many basic things that he had not figured out clearly, let alone a head-on battle with those things that had been fighting for a lifetime.

"This is the second-level enemy, so the highest-level enemy is probably really tricky."

He couldn't use quantity to make up for quality and ignite the furnace that was about to go out. Of course, the hunting man in front of the furnace said that defeating two enemies of the highest difficulty would be enough for Jenkins to get out of the strange world, but in fact Jenkins could use the second-level enemy to make up the number, but it could only make up half of the flames. He had to defeat at least one enemy of the first difficulty.

Crossing the door frame, returning from the town's central square to the furnace, the flames finally brightened the surroundings. According to the time when the furnace went out, the effective time of this strange environment, and the size of the flames, the safest choice now is to defeat two more enemies of the second difficulty and one enemy of the highest difficulty to survive this strange environment.

You have to face an enemy of the highest difficulty anyway, and this is unavoidable. Therefore, Jenkins guessed that the power of the beast of disaster must be in the three doors of the highest difficulty. The power of the beast of disaster must also act according to the rules in the strange environment. In this strange environment, if the power of the beast of disaster is used as a challenge project, then of course Jenkins can be legitimately attacked.

"Let's defeat the remaining two enemies of the second difficulty first. There is no need to choose two enemies of the first difficulty."

He thought.

Because the flames in the furnace are more vigorous, the hunting man also proposed more projects that consume flames.

This fire is quite versatile. Projects include continuing to strengthen the compass to make it have more accurate positioning capabilities, using fire to heal wounds and expel curses, using fire to strengthen specific weapons such as Jenkins' sword, and even consuming a large amount of fire to directly and permanently strengthen the challenger's body, or transforming into a simple spirit to give an upgrade.

Jenkins didn't need anything, and was also worried that the fire transformed by the golem would be manipulated by the differential machine, so he refused to experience those projects that looked very good.

"I said, are you the only one guarding this furnace?"

He took advantage of the two minutes of rest to continue talking to the hunting man in front of the gate. The latter agreed in a muffled voice:

"This job is simple, I can do it alone."

"Won't you feel bored? I know, you help it to gain freedom."

This is based on the experience gained from the previous few strange realms.

"Boring? It's not boring here at all. On the contrary, I like this job. So, I don't want to leave here. I am the freest here."

"Then why do you help the difference engine?"

"If the difference engine refers to the machine with steam, then the reason cannot be told to you now."


"Because my duties do not include answering this question."

Jenkins raised his eyebrows:

"This way of answering questions seems to mean that there is a secret between you and it."

"Savior, now you should care about yourself, not me."

"Makes sense."

He nodded, picked out the items he would carry next in his backpack, and after getting ready, he used the compass to find the second door frame of the second difficulty, and then walked in.

This time, when he stepped into the door, he stepped into the water again, and the water was still submerged below his feet. But this time it was not a puddle. The ground was all water and mud, and it looked like a wetland or swamp.

There were low-lying plants like reeds or weeds around, and Jenkins had never seen anything like this in the plant atlas. But this does not hinder him. This is a pure natural environment. With every breath, Jenkins can feel the upper limit of his spiritual power increasing slightly.

After absorbing [Four Seasons] to complete himself, as long as he is still alive and in contact with nature, his strength will steadily increase, so he must not let the "Steel Land" that the Differential Machine is thinking about become the future of the world.

The ground of the swamp is a little bloody. Following the blood color, you can see the reeds - Jenkins thinks that is the reeds, and the bodies are lying in the reeds. Looking further away, more bodies are lying near the reeds, weapons are inserted diagonally on the soft mud surface, and unrecognizable flags are eroded by mud and water.

Many bodies are wearing armor, and the quality is quite good. After a little scrubbing and repairing, they can be used as armor for noble exhibits. There are two types of armor, so Jenkins inferred that a war broke out here not long ago, and the elite troops exchanged hands, which caused the current tragic situation.

"But what kind of power can distribute standard metal full body armor to every soldier?"

This is quite a remarkable thing. After all, even if the productivity has developed to the eighteenth century, when the soldiers go to the front line with bullets, they can't have such "luxurious" equipment.

In Jenkins' view, it was quite remarkable for the lower-class soldiers in the cold weapon era to have a leather armor covering the vital parts. Standard metal full-body armor not only represents the combat effectiveness of the army, but also represents the productivity of the era.

Jenkins stepped on the mud and pushed away the reeds, squatted down and knocked on the metal armor on the corpse, confirming that it was not a fake, but a real war weapon. Then he picked up the long sword that fell to the side and found some inscriptions at the bottom of the hilt.

"I don't know it at all, this is bad."

He didn't know it at all, which meant that this was most likely an era before the twelfth century, and it was impossible to guess what the opponent had.

Abandoning the long sword, Jenkins followed the traces of the corpses and found a "clearing" with shallow mud and water not far away, without reeds and weeds, and then he opened his mouth slightly:

A black dragon, the injured black dragon was lying in the mud and water, the chest rose and fell, indicating that the breathing force was very strong, and the nose was still emitting sparks with the exhalation.

It was larger than the red dragon temporarily living in Evergreen Forest. One of its eyes was blind, and there were traces of a sharp blade on its eyelid. The muddy water under its body had been dyed red. I think there were more wounds in the blind spots that Jenkins couldn't see.

Chapter 2159 The injured dragon and the despicable elf

The two wings of the one-eyed black dragon were tightly attached to the sides of its body, but Jenkins could see that only two-thirds of the wings on one side were left, and it seemed that the other party should have lost the ability to fly.

The black dragon was seriously injured, but there was no doubt that it was a genuine pure-blooded black dragon, and it was definitely not just a young dragon.

"What is the weakness of the black dragon?"

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