"Yes, this woman's current strength is not enough, so she needs to take a crucial step."

Yinlong, who was still tilting her head to look at the "scenery" outside the window, immediately frowned when she heard these words. She turned her head to look at Mr. Pisco:

"are you sure?"

"Of course."

The bored middle-aged man nodded.


Silver Dragon confirmed again.

"Yes, now."


Alexia also agreed:

"It's now."

Chapter 2164 Three Books

Seeing Alexia say the same thing, the Silver Dragon Lord turned to look at the short lady:

"I really didn't expect you to have come this far."

she muttered.

"This is not surprising. In your opinion, the existence of Miss Miller in this era is indeed unexpected, but if you know the original arrangement of fate, then it will not be surprising."

Mr. Pisco said.

"The original arrangement?"

Sigrid asked rhetorically.

"Yes, even the epic of time cannot see the most complete destiny, so there will always be some subtle deviations. In the originally estimated history, Miss Miller..."

"No need to explain."

Alexia interrupted him, her reaction seemed normal:

"Since it is something that will never happen, let's not talk about it. I know that there is a strange situation that Jenkins has experienced, and there are similar situations. But in our world, the timeline is stable and unique, and there is no possibility of division, so there is no possibility of division. If it happens, it will definitely not happen.”

"Yes, you're right."

Mr. Pisco nodded slightly, and then sighed:

"So, you know what I'm trying to say?"

"Combined with Jenkins saying that he would tell me the secret after everything is over, it is actually easy to guess what you want to say. For him and the world."

"Now that you understand, that's good. Let's end this topic and return to what we were originally about to say. Now that you have opened the door and seen the road, even if you are still far away from reaching the end, at least you know the end. Right?"


"Then, I have a way to let you briefly experience the power of the end point. I think this power is enough to help Jenkins."

"So what exactly does that mean?"

Hathaway, who was holding the cat, still didn't understand. Chocolate, who was unhappy on top of it, did understand, but Chocolate was too lazy to explain.

"I want to temporarily transform into a god."

Alexia said softly, ignoring the surprise on the faces of Hathaway and Sigrid:

"Unlike Jenkins' situation, he has actually reached the end, and he will become a real god when he becomes a god. But I haven't yet. Even if I succeed with the help of this gentleman in a while, I can only be regarded as a god on earth, a mortal The god is a false god, but if he can use that power for a moment, I think it will be very helpful to Jenkins."

The reason why Mr. Pisco arrived at Nolan at this point in time is because the story of the eighteenth century has reached its end. This is the period when the power of the so-called "destiny" is strongest. After the savior Jenkins Willamette entered the strange realm, it was equivalent to the material world temporarily without a savior. Therefore, even if the original destiny would not be realized, in this case it still reached the point where "all the saviors disappeared, but Alexia is still here."

Mr. Pisco is the epic of time, and the little fairy Vinette is the treasure book of all things. As long as the unpredictable power of all things is added, then when the three forces gather, there is indeed a chance to hold a ceremony to fake cultivation, so that Alexia felt the power she would gain without Jenkins.

This certainly sounds difficult to achieve, after all, it is about making people become gods, and Alexia has not yet reached the final step.

But the idea put forward by Mr. Pisco is indeed feasible. Moreover, everyone's actions are to help the savior, so they should be favored by fate and increase the probability of success, just like the old elf has not succeeded once in hundreds of years. "Open the door" has succeeded now.

Therefore, what is currently lacking is the power of the Wanxiang Impermanence card. There is another [World] in Jenkins' hand, but that one cannot appear here.

Fortunately, this is the Church of the Sage, and among the pile of things that Jenkins cannot bring into the nine-story tower, there seems to be the Impermanence card.

So everyone took action separately. Mr. Pisco, the little elf Vinette, the Silver Dragon and Princess Sophia went to the Gate of All Things to arrange the ceremony. In this way, they could also use the power of that gate. As for the speech to the church, Let Hathaway do the talking.

Alexia went to two fortune tellers to ask for their opinions on the Impermanence Card. Sigrid went to the church to ask for the Impermanence Card. Not every card met the requirements, so she simply came over to identify them one by one.

Sigrid was the quickest to act. When the church heard that it was to help Jenkins in the tower, they immediately took out all the impermanence cards owned by Nolan. In fact, there are only three in total, two of which have always been in the Diocese of Nolan.

Both of the two in Nolan Parish have owners. One belongs to the old tombkeeper of the Church of Death, the oldest demigod in the Nolan area. He controls the [Impermanence of Everything - Tomb]. The other one belongs to the nun Natasha of the Ocean Church. This nun only became a benefactor last winter, so her level is only level 1.

She and Jenkins were also considered acquaintances. On the rainy night last fall when he killed the art college students and sacrificed themselves to divinity, Jenkins was recovering from his injuries at the Ocean Church. It was Sister Natasha who took care of Jenkins (Chapter 49). It's a pity that Jenkins was not in the mood for romance at the time, otherwise there might not have been anything happening with Hathaway.

The card in the hands of the Sister of the Ocean Church has nothing to do with the ocean, but [Impermanence-Holy Sword]. The Ocean Church believes that she has the potential to become a hero.

The appearance of all-things-impermanent cards is often accompanied by an inevitable fate, such as the [Angel] that Jenkins once used. These two cards have obviously found their owners and have nothing to do with Alexia. The last one, which was collected and transported to the church because she wanted to help Jenkins, was Alexia's target.

The name of the card is [Impermanence of All Things - Spiritual Number·Zero].

"At first glance, this card appears for Alexia."

Sigrid said as she entered the underground with the card and came to the Gate of All Things. At this time, the short lady has not returned yet, but Hathaway has obtained permission from the church to use the open space in front of the Gate of All Things.

"Speaking of which, what did you tell the church? The people of the Zhengshen Church seemed to have a normal reaction and were not panicked by the effect of the following ceremony."

Princess Sophia and Hathaway stood together and watched the church deliver various ritual materials.

"Of course I won't say that Alexia will become a god, I just said that she will gain a one-time powerful power and go to the tower to help Jenkin... This is not a lie, but it does not tell the complete truth. "The church doesn't have to know what we're going to do, does it?"

Hathaway replied with a smile, reached out and touched the cat above her head, and Chocolate meowed. She felt that the red-haired human girl really learned a lot from Jenkins.

Alexia on the other side also successfully found Miss Bronyance and Miss Audrey. She did not tell half and hide half like Hathaway, but directly said what she wanted to do.

Miss Bronyance maintained the usual calmness of fortune tellers and had no special reaction. Miss Audrey was quite surprised:

"Have you come this far?"

Miss Audrey and Alexia have been friends for many years, and both of them have goals that are different from ordinary people. Miss Audrey relies on helping and guiding the savior to gain the power to share her destiny, while Alexia relies on her talent to find a new path.

"It's not that far yet, far from it, but I have to help Jenkins, he needs me. The results of arithmetic and divination have shown that I am the so-called [Mortal God]."

This is the conclusion reached by both the machine and the demigod.

When the three of them came to the underground Gate of Everything together, the ceremony was almost ready. The main body of the ceremony is not complicated, and the materials are even more simple. They are easy to collect even without the help of the church. Most of them are gold and silverware.

The focus of the ceremony was the power of the three books. After Hathaway gave the Impermanence card to Alexia, he retreated to the wall with the cat on his back. Unexpectedly, Chocolate actually poked the back of Hathaway's head with the tip of its tail, then used its tail to guide the direction, and took Hathaway away temporarily.

No one noticed Hathaway's departure, everyone's attention was on Alexia standing in front of the bronze door.

Without further ado, after letting the church people evacuate temporarily, the secret keeper stationed in front of the Gate of All Things also gave Alexia the authority to open the door, and then left temporarily.

Mr. Pisco nodded, and after confirming that there was no one else who shouldn't be there, he signaled for the ceremony to officially begin.

The candles beside the wall provided light to the underground space. After a while, Mr. Pisco and the little fairy Vinette also glowed together. The figures of the two gradually became illusory, and disappeared completely after a few minutes, turning into light particles and blending into the torn paper and ancient parchment rolls respectively. The torn white paper was repaired, and the rolled parchment was slowly unfolded.

Alexia gently let go of the hand holding the card, and the Impermanence Card immediately rose to the same height as the two pages. The power derived from the three oldest books, which symbolized the world, turned into three purple lines, connecting with Alexia from three directions.

A series of phantoms quickly sprang out from the pages of the epic of time, flashing before Alexia's eyes. She saw that timeline that could never happen again, understood her gains and losses, and fully understood what Jenkins' so-called secret was.

"He thinks I care about this?"

The short woman laughed at Jenkins in her heart, and then felt the power from the three books, which together completed the path she had not yet traveled.

A huge figure composed of complex formulas and geometric patterns took shape under Alexia's feet, just like Jenkins' emblem of the savior. At the same time, the sky-blue Rubik's Cube representing [Mathematical Principle] also appeared from her forehead to the top of her head. Blue light and shadow lit up the underground space, and everyone's face was illuminated.

But this is not enough. Alexia has no priesthood and no divinity. Even if she is a false mortal god for a short period of time, it is not that easy to accomplish.

Chapter 2165 Mortal God

Suddenly I heard footsteps, and it was Jessica, who was supposed to be at the venue, walking down the stairs. Miss J and Miss Windsor followed behind, using two bodies created by Jenkins.

Because Hathaway and his party may have borrowed the power of the Gate of All Things to prevent the floating assembly hall above the church from being affected, the meeting was temporarily suspended, and the three of them obviously already knew what Alexia wanted to do:

"If you want to use fake things to cultivate yourself, you must use the real part, not all fake things."

They said that Miss J and Miss Windsor are the best examples of turning falsehood into reality. The former was a former demigod, the nearly strongest person in that possible world.

"In other words, you must at least have the power of a true god?"

Sigrid asked by the wall.

"Yes, and it is best to have the power of a true god with similar power and properties. It does not need to be complete, even just a trace is enough."

The three of them came to stand next to Sigrid and looked at the glowing Alexia standing there thinking.

"This is a bit troublesome. I've never heard of a god whose vocation is mathematics."

The silver dragon judged the power of the gods without scruples.

"But it doesn't have to be mathematics, wouldn't [knowledge] also fit in?"

Princess Sophia reminded, Anastasia hammered the palm of her left hand with her right fist:

"So that's what the sage expected?"

As soon as she finished speaking, two rays of light, one black and one white, appeared beside everyone. The two rays of light even overwhelmed the sky-blue light from Alexia. But only Alexia could see these two figures, because they came only for her.

Silver Dragon seemed to realize something, raised his beautiful eyebrows, but said nothing.

They were two ladies, one wearing a black robe and a large, pointed, wide-brimmed hat, and the other wearing the standard white sacrificial robe of the Church of the Sage, with long hair covering the hood of the robe.

The two appeared almost at the same time. In Alexia's eyes, the conflicting temperament between the demonic distortion and the sacred order immediately seemed to distort space, making the originally empty space in front of the door seem a little different.

Even the other people who couldn't see the witch and goddess realized that something was coming to this space.

The mythical witch and the sage Ovia walked together, and Alexia turned to look at them. Instead of asking about his own affairs, he asked:

"Is Jenkins... okay now?"

"It's not bad, but the bone sword is broken. It's a pity."

The witch answered quickly. Even Alexia couldn't see the other person's face clearly, so she didn't know the purpose of the answer.

"You don't have to worry, Jenkins is okay for now, but he needs you."

Ovia stretched out her finger towards Alexia. She was using the body of little Fini, but her body changed into that of a girl. The tips of the white fingers shone with a bright golden light. This was the power from God. Even if the gods blessed the Son, they would not give him so much power.

Alexia's eyes were attracted by the golden light, and she knew what she was longing for. Subconsciously, he stretched out his fingers, wanting to touch the brilliance of "Fini"'s fingertips with his fingertips. But the silly look of Jenkins holding the cat flashed before her eyes inexplicably. The short lady woke up, shook her head and retracted her hand:

"Sorry, I guess this isn't for me. Although your power is great, I don't plan to take that path anymore. (Note)"

Ovia did not insist, but withdrew her hand. The witch in black on the side seemed to want to say something, but shook her head and disappeared together with the god in the light of white and black.

“The road you choose is the road untrodden.”

These are the words left by the sage before leaving.

"Yes, no one has walked it, but Jenkins really showed me that path."

Alexia looked at her hand, and Silver Dragon looked at her with interest:

"You really refused? Don't look at me like that. I didn't see anything just now... So now, where are you going to find divine power that is similar to yours?"


"He is indeed a god, but does his priesthood include knowledge? Or is it that the sage has given him his power?"

Alexia did not answer, but turned her right hand, and a shiny object like a chip appeared between her fingers. The appearance of that thing added new content to the already complicated patterns at Alexia's feet that no one but her could decipher. At the same time, the Rubik's Cube that remained motionless above her head finally began to squirm and watch the rotation. .

"What's this?"

Sigrid asked at the wall, and then she noticed that Hathaway, who was supposed to be beside her, was missing.

"This is materialized knowledge."

It was Miss J who answered the question:

"[Knowledge Grant] The knowledge fragments given by this ability, if materialized, will turn into this. But it is difficult to do. In addition to the corresponding ability, there is also the issue of proficiency."

"Yes, Jenkins tried to give me some knowledge before he left, but I refused."

Jenkins' [Knowledge Grant] ability originally came from Alexia after the Flame Card Game. Therefore, it is possible for Alexia to have the ability to materialize illusory knowledge fragments.

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