The blue irregular-shaped wafer automatically floated upward from Alexia's hand, and resonated with the Rubik's Cube that was rotating at an ever-increasing speed.

"Since you rejected Jenkins' kindness, why did you specifically keep it? Did Alexia predict all this in advance?"

Sigrid asked.

"Women are always like this. Since it's a gift from your lover, you can't throw it away even if you don't want it."

Silver Dragon commented, and was predictably "warned" by Princess Sophia.

Alexia closed her eyes and raised her hands upwards. The wind picked up, and the power of the three books was instilled into her body more quickly. The power derived from another possibility was obtained again by the same person.

Her feet were off the ground, and her long hair was flying in the air behind her. The azure radiance bloomed once again, making people have to squint their eyes to look at this scene.

The blue chip that recorded the knowledge of another world was finally completely integrated with the Rubik's Cube, which represented the "principles of mathematics". The geometric and formula patterns on the floor completely covered all areas under everyone's feet.

In this light, the silver dragon heard the sound first, and then everyone heard the singing and the ringing of bells.

It was very difficult, like the first ray of sunlight rising from the end of the horizon, a beam of white light appeared out of thin air, shot down from the stone wall of the ceiling, and enveloped the short lady. Although not strong, it finally appeared.

She opened her eyes and floated in the air. Under the gaze of everyone, her face gradually disappeared into the light.

Chapter 2166 Nightmare

Even though they knew that the scene in front of them was the expected result, they still couldn't accept that someone they knew well had the power of God in just a few dozen minutes.

"Is this really just the power of a false god?"

Miss Audrey said incredulously, she didn't feel the difference between this power and the true god at all. Although he is weaker, his essence is definitely no longer that of a mortal.

Alexia was less than ten seconds walking distance away from her, and she could feel herself trembling. This was not a sign of facing a false god.

"No, it's interesting. It does contain false elements, but...what kind of knowledge did Jenkins give?"

In the light came the voice of the short lady asking questions to herself.

If a group of people now leave the underground and go outdoors, they can see that directly above them, the diffuse black clouds and gray fog have been swept away, and the afternoon sun shines on this area. Even if the sun exists, the deep galaxy can still be seen, and the shining stars are waiting, waiting for new companions to join.

This picture of the sun and the stars existing at the same time is consistent with the phenomenon recorded in some myths, but people underground cannot see this scene yet.

"Then let's go."

Alexia in the white light pillar took back the Rubik's Cube and held it up with one hand. The pattern on the ground turned into a circular emblem and rose into the air, as if Alexia was standing on it.

The three books were restored to their original state, the Impermanence card disappeared, and Mr. Pisco and the little elf Vinette returned to their human forms. Mr. Pisco wiped the sweat from his forehead and happily said to the short lady in the light:

"It's almost time. Jenkins is facing an enemy who needs you to fight. Go, mortal god, and show that thing the power of mortals."

"Opening a door to a strange place would waste a lot of energy, right?"

Yinlong also said that she considered more and was not dazzled by the success in front of her. Alexia's current state cannot last long, and her time and power cannot be compared with the real gods. She is still regarded as a false "mortal god", so she cannot spend too much power on opening the door.

"Use this."

Hathaway's voice sounded, and the red-haired lady holding the cat finally returned here, with a determined expression on her face and holding B-11-5-9421 [Inverted Blessing Bracelet·Love] in her hand.

This is the gift given by the lovebirds after Jenkins freed the souls of the lovebirds on the comb. Wearing it must ensure fidelity to love, so that it will have the power of blessing, otherwise it will be a curse, so Jenkins has never dared to wear it.

"This doesn't mean that I think this bracelet should belong to you. It's just that I need to use it to open the door to Jenkins for the time being."

The red-haired girl said, and Sigrid and Jessica by the wall also agreed. The love bracelet itself represents the blessing of love and the vow of loyalty. If it is worn by ladies, only the wife is qualified, so no one wants to give away this bracelet.

Alexia in the light was noncommittal, and with a slight wave of her hand, the bracelet flew over from Hathaway's hand.

She solemnly put the bracelet on her right wrist. The owner of the bracelet was Jenkins, because it was a gift given to him by the lovebirds who had liberated their souls. The current wearer is Alexi. Ya, has a love vow with Jenkins.

This resonance was empowered by Alexia at this moment, and a beam of light shot out from the bracelet and hit the standing Gate of All Things. The appearance of the Vientiane Gate has not changed at all, it just actively opened a gap.

"This door can still be used like this?"

The silver dragon is strange.

Alexia, who was in the light, looked back at everyone. When she saw Chocolate waving her little paws and saying "meow~", she turned around and walked into the Gate of Everything. The light brought by God disappeared, leaving only the people standing by the wall.

Hathaway couldn't help but sigh:

"Really, in the end, it was only Alexia who went to help Jenkins, and I never did anything."

She still felt bad about it.

"Actually, it's not important, and Jenkins won't care."

Sigrid comforted her.

"That's because you've also been to the tower and helped Jenkins with the elves."

Hathaway couldn't help but say, and Princess Sophia turned her face away immediately, not letting others see the smile on her face.

"Okay, okay, I want to have afternoon tea during the break, does anyone want to go with me? I think Jenkins will be back soon, and you don't want to be tired to welcome him home, right?"

Jessica suggested, and the group left. Only the chocolate on Hathaway's head was still lying on the red-haired lady's head. She turned around and looked at the door, and it was about to appear.

(Finnie prayed...)

The god Alexia crossed the Gate of All Things, and when her feet landed again, the surrounding area was already the empty gravel plain. The inexplicable music in her ears completely disappeared, and even the light around her body disappeared. The strange world suppressed the power of the incomplete god.

Although the visions disappeared, fortunately, the power of the time limit was still there.

She looked in the direction of the fiery red light, and the man in hunting clothes who happened to be leaning on the furnace gate with his hands on his chest turned his head at this time.

It was only a few seconds before Jenkins entered the last door.

Even though Alexia was now in the state of God, she did not feel that she was more powerful than when she was used as a descendant by the God of Lies, so now was not a good opportunity to fight with the host of the strange world.

She knew that she didn't have much time, so she didn't pay attention to the man in front of the furnace. Just a little tiptoe, the whole person moved out of thin air to the backpack that Jenkins dropped.

She saw the spiral sword placed together with the backpack, but after frowning, she ignored the sword and waved her hand to let some materials in Jenkins' backpack float out.

Turning to look at the hundreds of doors, the arithmetic divination almost immediately told her the current situation. Because she is not a true god, Alexia does not have the "omniscience and omnipotence" power of the God of Lies, but she already knows what she needs to do.

She turned to look at the door that Jenkins chose, but just as she was about to enter, the man in front of the furnace spoke:

"According to the rules, you cannot interfere with other people's challenges at will."

Alexia ignored him and stepped onto the threshold, so the man in the hunting suit could only shrug.

After crossing the door frame, the dark red environment around her changed immediately. The sky was dark and ashes were floating down. The current location is Fifth Queen Avenue, in front of Dad's antique shop. This door does not seem to show a scene from the distant past.

The surroundings are very quiet, even the fight between the two figures fighting on this street did not make any sound.

Two identical figures kept approaching and then separated. The bombardment of power and the interweaving of weapons made the silent scene extremely weird.

Both of them have the same [Hero] emblem under their feet, which means that this ability has been fully activated. There were also shadows of saplings flickering behind the two men. The powerful physical strength was almost equal to the confrontation, and each collision of fists completely exceeded the speed of sound.

Alexia could see that if the ability [Hero] was used in this way, after the effect of the ability ended, the ability would be temporarily unusable due to the rules of the strange world.

But she couldn't tell which [Hero] was the real one, or even which sapling was the real one. The two Jenkins who were fighting seemed to be exactly the same, not only in breath, but also in the nature of spirit.

But the appearance of the second world tree in this world was already a miracle, and it was impossible for the third one to appear, so one of the two in front of her must be fake.


She wanted to speak, but she couldn't make a sound. Combined with the silence in the fight, she immediately understood that any sound was prohibited in this world.

Alexia thought in her heart, and then saw the fighting figures stopped, standing on both sides of the street and looking at her. The scene of the Fifth Queen's Avenue, which was damaged by the battle, was restored as if time was reversed.

No one spoke, even [Empathy] was ineffective in this environment. The short lady frowned and looked at the two identical Jenkins one by one:

"It can completely simulate Jenkins, and even my current state is subject to silence restrictions... There is only one possibility, it is [Sin Nightmare]."

She came to the conclusion in her heart that this is an illusion, and the illusion does not follow the laws of reality, everything is false, so it is possible to imitate another Jenkins, and it is possible to limit the power of God as the "God of the World".

Because it is an illusion, the Jenkins transformed by the nightmare theoretically has all the power of Jenkins. But the weakness of the nightmare is also obvious. As long as it leaves the dream, it will never be a match for Jenkins or Alexia.

"But Jenkins is in a dream, and it is difficult for him to take the initiative to get out of this dream, so he needs me to help him. This is what Pisco said, I must appear, so that's it."

If she doesn't show up, Jenkins will be forced to fight another self. Even if he wins, the other party can still be reborn in the dream and appear again in his appearance. This battle, named duel, has been targeting Jenkins from the beginning. In this case, it is difficult for Jenkins to defeat this disaster beast.

In addition, it is forbidden to speak or communicate in the dream, so Jenkins can't even use his thoughts to influence the nightmare.

"Then who is Jenkins?"

She speculated in her heart, and the complex geometric and formula pattern under her feet appeared again. The sky blue light shines in all directions, the power of the mortal god illuminates the world and drives away the illusion. The scene of St. George Street around gradually disappears, and the real venue of this duel appears.

The sky is red, this is the center of the circular white and gray sacrificial field, surrounded by broken pillars and statues. But the two sides are still facing each other with exactly the same Jenkins. The dream is lifted, but the nightmare still perfectly imitates Jenkins' appearance.

Chapter 2167 Calling the Cat

After leaving the dream world, although Nightmare still looks like Jenkins, Alexia believes that as long as Jenkins is willing to speak, he will be able to prove his identity. This is her trust in him. But at this time, no one can speak. After thinking about it, she knew that the difference engine was well prepared and would never let Jenkins have a chance to talk to his nightmare.

"In this way, even if Jenkins shows me his identity with actions, the fake one will imitate it."

Sure enough, the two Jenkinses moved almost at the same time, and it was a very gentle touch on the shoulder, that is, the action of touching chocolate. But the two were almost the same, and Nightmare's speed could keep up with Jenkins.

Alexia thought about it, and did not retract the huge and complex pattern that gradually covered the entire white ash sacrificial field under her feet, but pulled the power again to cause the power of the bracelet on her right wrist.

The bracelet resonated spontaneously to find the owner of the love, but it could not distinguish the real Jenkins.

"Who of you can draw a small cake?"

The fake power was consumed a lot, and finally allowed herself to speak. Alexia did not waste her energy to make the two Jenkins speak, but asked a question.

This was the first time she spoke since she came to this strange place, and the cold voice even scared herself. The short lady did not like this kind of power, which was completely mathematical and completely emotionless. Maybe she would do this if she had not met Jenkins, but now she has a better choice, so she has no regrets about the power at this moment.

The two Jenkins took out pencils together and drew an identical cake. The cake became a reality under the creation pencil and flew in front of Alexia, who nodded:

"Exactly the same, then there is only one way left."

The mortal god said, letting the constantly flowing power burst out completely, and the mathematical formulas in the geometric pattern under his feet moved towards the two Jenkins, forming a means similar to the maze lock, fixing Jenkins firmly in place. Both Jenkins tried to struggle, and found that they could not break free in a short time and stopped moving.

In fact, even if Jenkins could not speak, Alexia had other ways to identify him. But she had lost her patience. After a comprehensive comparison, the simplest method was the most practical.

Then, Alexia let the floating materials taken from Jenkins' backpack fly in front of her. First, there was a glass jar full of water. A blue flame appeared under the jar, and the first to fly out were two glass bottles as basic ritual materials. They seemed to be controlled by invisible hands and sprinkled the powder in:

"Sugar and spice."

Sugar and spice entered the water in the jar. Under the heating of the flame, as Alexia chanted, the transparent water in the glass jar turned into a dreamlike color. Then, the two small cakes drawn by the two Jenkins also flew into the jar, and then melted like ice meeting fire:

"Add some beautiful things."

The liquid in the heated jar turned into colorful colors. The liquid spontaneously rotated counterclockwise, but not a drop splashed out.

"Don't forget the mysterious unknown object J."

Alexia put Jenkins' hair collected from her pillow into the colorful liquid in the jar.

Immediately, the blue flame she called up jumped up and completely wrapped the side of the jar. The flame broke away from Alexia's control and turned into a deep black.

"Cook with the greatest passion."

Alexia gently slid the tip of her right index finger across her white left wrist, and two drops of red blood fell into the jar, and a fragrant smell immediately wafted out.

"When the fire is just right--"

Alexia's voice was steady and cold. She hated herself like this. Although she said "mathematics can calculate everything" when she first met Jenkins, she had long seen the limitations of this sentence. After being exposed to the knowledge given by Jenkins, she had long since given up the path she was on. She knew what was better and knew how to cherish everything in her life. She knew that the appearance of Jenkins gave her a better choice, and she would not allow anyone to take him away.

"Dangerous cat--"


A cat's cry came from somewhere.

"Will appear in front of you."

White smoke came out of the mouth of the can containing liquid, and then a black and white kitten jumped out of the colorful liquid in the glass jar with its claws bared. It kicked the can with its claws, and the whole cat flew into the air, and then opened its mouth and swallowed the can and the black flames. As it fell from the air due to gravity, it burped with satisfaction.

"Which one is the real Jenkins?"

Alexia reached out and caught the cat she called, pinching its waist and hugging it. The black and white kitten slid out of the short lady's hands as smoothly as water, ran along her arm to her shoulder, and then jumped from her shoulder to the top of her head, stretched out its head and sniffed:


Chocolate's little paw pointed to the one on the right, and then jumped from Alexia's head to the white ash on the ground. After landing lightly, it rushed towards Jenkins excitedly, leaving a small string of cat footprints on the white ash ground.

Alexia didn't let go of the real Jenkins on the right until Chocolate actually jumped onto the shoulder of the right Jenkins.

Jenkins regained the right to move, breathed a sigh of relief, and then controlled Chocolate on his shoulder to stop it from licking his face. When Chocolate landed on his shoulder, he also regained the ability to speak:

"I'm here, I'm here, it's okay."

While patting the cute cat, he whispered to comfort her.

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