This is what Alexia thinks is the simplest method. You can't go wrong with Jenkins by sniffing chocolate, everyone knows that.

But she had no time to pay attention to this "warm" scene. Alexia mobilized all the formula characters under her feet to the feet of Jenkins, who had been transformed into a nightmare. After confirming that his identity was revealed, the fake Jenkins melted away like colored plasticine.

Alexia had read the introduction of the long-lost "Ooze Slime" in a book, and that thing probably looked like this. It's just that although the appearance of the nightmare is mud, its color is colorful black.

The black color seems to contain all illusions, it is the color of profound dreams.

"Can you control it? Also, why are you here? It's very dangerous here."

Jenkins finally calmed down the emotional Chocolate, and then asked Alexia.

"No problem. Can't you see my current state? Controlling it is just the limit of the power I can mobilize."

Alexia replied, wanting to hug Jenkins, but couldn't spare the time:

"Don't hug me now. I want to concentrate on dealing with this thing. From now on, we will have plenty of time to hug each other."

"Alexia, these are the most beautiful love words you have ever said to me."

Jenkins couldn't help but say, the short lady smiled, and looked at the controlled mud with Jenkins. Before this thing is solved, it is not the time to joke and tease.

Chapter 2168 Compensation

"You said that the power of these disaster beasts has been modified by the difference engine, so they have the characteristics of mechanical gear creations. Why don't you see similar details in this one?"

Both of them were decisive people, so they knew that now was not a good time to express their feelings for each other, so they got down to business. Alexia was a little confused about this.

"Because its essence is a dream, and the Difference Engine is a material existence. The exploration of the soul and spirit has not yet reached the point where it can reform the sinful karma of dreams. Otherwise, I would not have been easily fooled by me in that dream last time. . How did you get in, you..."

Jenkins finally saw that something was wrong with Alexia's state at this time. The special external light and shadow effects of the mortal god were suppressed by the strange environment. Just now, Jenkins thought that she just borrowed great power through the power contract:

"What's going on? What a nonsense. Can your body withstand such a powerful force?"

This is different from the last time the God of Lies borrowed her body to appear in the world. Last time, Jenkins controlled the power very carefully, and the connection between the two parties was still shackles of the power contract.

"Go back quickly, don't use this power rashly, your body can't bear it."

He pressed Alexia's shoulders with his hands, checked the problems caused by the mortal body containing the power of God, and immediately repaired the body:

"Don't you feel the sting in your heart?"

The first thing to go wrong is of course the heart, which is the center of body circulation.

"It's okay. I calculated it after I gained this power. According to the plan, when I finish helping you and return to the Church of the Sage, there will be no problems with your body."

Alexia answered confidently.

"What does it mean to be just right? That doesn't work either."

He waved to Bai Hui, and the Star Demon Sword that fell into the ashes during the fierce battle immediately flew back to his hand. This is a manifestation of mental power affecting reality, or the effect of telekinesis and the like:

"No time wasted, you control the power of the nightmare, I will deal with it now."

"no problem."

Alexia also knew that it was important to do business, so she summoned the Rubik's Cube, which represented the principles of mathematics. There are a few more golden spots on the surface of the sky-blue Rubik's Cube. This not only does not destroy the overall beauty of the Rubik's Cube, but makes it look even more magical.

"The time for complete control is only ten seconds."

Alexia said, throwing the Rubik's Cube away. It rotated in the air and grew larger. When it fell, it completely captured the still mud like a prison.

The black nightmare kept struggling. It understood the current situation and knew that once it was approached by the man carrying the cat, it would really face death. But no matter how hard it struggled, it really couldn't escape by any means within the ten seconds promised by the mortal god.

Even if you want to pull all the creatures present to sleep again, the eye-catching cat is too "heavy". The fight with Jenkins just now is not without cost, and now its power is restricted, and it cannot make cats and people sleep at the same time. . And if you can't make all your opponents fall asleep, then pulling one or two of them into a dream is completely meaningless.

"Okay, ten seconds, right?"

Jenkins held the sword and counted down while walking towards the nightmare that was constantly squirming but unable to escape. He walked quickly, and within two or three seconds he arrived in front of Alexia's blue Rubik's Cube cage.

While the nightmare inside cannot escape, Jenkins outside can thrust his sword into it. He blinked his eyes, and after confirming that the opponent did not have any weaknesses or anything deadly and strange, he held the sword in his right hand, put the index and middle fingers of his left hand together, and pulled his fingers from the hilt along the sword's body. The tip of the sword.

Fire, strange flames enveloped this deadly magic sword. The Star Demon Sword itself has no ability to kill nightmares, and even the gift of fire after absorbing several different flames cannot destroy the remaining fragments of the disaster beast's power.

But unfortunately, when Beldiran met Nightmare for the first time, Jenkins absorbed part of the other person's essence. Although this is not enough to give him the ability to destroy the eternal beast of disaster, if it is just a fragment of the nightmare, then it is completely fine.

Holding the flaming sword in both hands, he pierced the inside of the Rubik's Cube, and the blade penetrated the colorful black "mud ball". The savior's emblem representing [Hero] under his feet emitted a dazzling light, causing the sword to be covered with an inexplicable brilliance on one side.

"Although this sword is called a magic sword, as long as the user is a hero, the power gathered through the bond of inherited faith will continue to help me."

He whispered the words that the ancient hero had said by the bonfire in the cemetery:

"What we inherit is not only strength, but also belief. Heroes are links, and there will be people who will inherit it and shine again."

The blade pierced the materialized body of the nightmare, and then the light and fire engulfed the nightmare's body.

After a long time, Jenkins withdrew his sword and watched the fire flow, building a door frame to leave the sacrificial site and return to the steel furnace.

He turned to look at Alexia, who was regaining her strength. There was an abnormal blush on her face, which was a sign that her body had endured too much strength.

"Go back quickly. I'll take care of the things here. After I leave the tower and go home, I'll give you some good conditioning. This time you were really messed up."

He quickly helped Alexia. This time the short lady did not refuse and was even in the mood to joke:

"Then when you get home, you must 'condition' my body well."

She kissed the side of Jenkins' face, but her earlobes turned red.

"The man in hunting attire in front of the furnace is weird, so be careful."

"Don't worry, I have eliminated the power of the disaster beast in this strange place. What else can stop me?"

This time Jenkins was finally able to safely walk through the door leaving the treacherous realm, instead of being chased and jumping in. But before leaving, there's one more thing to do.

"Okay, come back as soon as possible, we are waiting for you."

She held Jenkins' face and kissed him. When Jenkins opened his eyes again, Alexia had disappeared. Her body could not withstand the power of the god for too long, so she could not accompany Jenkins all the way to the end of the tower.


There was a voice from his shoulder, and Jenkins turned his head to see Chocolate lying there pitifully. In order to identify Jenkins, Alexia used the ritual of "Contacting the Moon-Swallowing Civet" to summon the cat, but when she left, she did not take the chocolate with her.

"Then, just walk with me."

With a smile on his lips, Jenkins gently patted the cat's little head, and rubbed its furry side with his fingertips:

"Just like it's always been."

This was originally a very good sentence, but Chocolate became even more uneasy when he heard Jenkins speak like this. Jenkins is very strange like this. He clearly knows, but still acts like he doesn't know.

After soothing his cat, Jenkins stepped over the door frame and returned to the furnace. The fragments of the nightmare stabbed to death by a sword turned into raging flames, completely igniting the furnace.

This light even surpassed the scene that Jenkins saw when he first came here. If the raging fire was not trapped in this steel furnace, it would probably burn down the entire world in an instant.

The man in hunting clothes was still leaning on the furnace gate. When he saw Jenkins walking out of the door frame with the cat, he did not pursue Alexia's violation, but pointed behind him.

Among the hundreds of fiery red door frames, except for the one that was leaking flames, all the others floated behind Jenkins. Hundreds of door frames overlap together to create a white light door when leaving the treacherous realm:

"That's great. You did a great job, so you can leave now."

It also didn't expect that even the fragments of [Sin Karma Nightmare] could be killed, so it didn't expect that there would be so many flames lighting up the furnace.

Jenkins turned around and left without picking up his luggage:

"I have something to say before I leave."

The man in hunting attire lowered his head and waved to him, his waving palms reddened by the flames reflected through the gap in the gate:

"I won't hold you accountable for violations, and you don't want to hold me accountable for violations. Come on, the matter here is over."

This look is really funny, but Jenkins will not give up:

"I broke the rules because I was on the road to salvation. Not only did I just call out one person, but not long ago, I even called out an entire army in the deception. The guy who got stuck was covered in black mud, and no one dared to accuse me of breaking the rules.”

He said this, and then suddenly scolded:

"You cooperated with the Calamity of the Era. First you controlled those doors to send me to the Balrog holding illegal weapons, and then you controlled those doors to let me face the fragments of the nightmare of sin that resided here. I thought, You should be held accountable for violating the rules, right? Do you know what happened to the guy who violated the rules last time? He was immediately captured by Mr. Prankster.

The other party obviously knows the name of the master:

"So what do you want?"

This is a sign of surrender.

"You can bet on whether I can defeat the disaster of this era and become a god. If I lose, I certainly can't do anything about your violations, but if I win, guess what I will do?"

Such a threat is simple and effective. The guy leaning against the furnace stood up straight and put his hands down:

"I did violate the rules, but didn't you find that I was helping you? As soon as you came in, I found that your physical condition was not right. You just gained powerful strength, but you don't know how to use it. I sent the opponent from weak to strong to you, so that you can gradually control and explore your own power perfectly, instead of throwing the fire demon in front of you right away. I am not a completely bad person."

Chapter 2169 Planting the sword

Looking at Jenkins's expression, the man in hunting suit also knew that this statement alone was not enough, so he said:

"I don't want to gamble with a lucky person like you who is favored by fate, and I don't want to use whether you become a god to determine my future. How can I make you forget my violation? I can't do everything. Just like you said, this is a special period at the end of the era. Although what I did is... a little wrong, it's not particularly wrong."

He said vaguely, but he meant to use compensation to make Jenkins stop pursuing it. The following paragraph implicitly indicated that Jenkins couldn't ask for too much.

"First of all, I want to make sure how much you are controlled by the differential machine? Can I trust you?"

Jenkins asked, holding the magic sword in his hand, he looked fierce. Of course, the cat on his shoulder looked more fierce. Because he didn't know what Jenkins was thinking, Chocolate decided to behave better in order to get Jenkins' "forgiveness".

It thought Jenkins was angry with her.

The human-faced mechanical snake that Jenkins encountered on the first floor of the tower could even sacrifice itself to stop Jenkins from moving forward, so he couldn't guarantee whether the "compensation" he would get in a while was a trap.

"In fact, I was not controlled much by it, but it gave me a lot of benefits. It helped me repair the furnace and gave me some fire. This furnace was originally very dilapidated. It was not like this before the invasion of the machine. As for me..."

He knocked on the metal part of his body:

"Don't look at me as half metal and half stone, but this is to deceive the machine and make it think I am its person, otherwise how could it help me repair this place? That guy's maintenance technology is really good, and the fire he gave is also very heavy. I changed my appearance for these and made things difficult for you. This is worth it."

Seeing that Jenkins didn't believe it, the man in hunting suit took the initiative to reach into the stream of fire that was constantly drifting out of the only remaining door frame. Immediately, the stream of fire wrapped him and ignited his entire body.

After a moment, the stream of fire retreated again and continued to extend towards the furnace in the gate. The man in the hunting suit still stood there intact, his clothes were still the same as before, the only change was that his body was completely made of stone, and the metal part was gone.

"You see, as long as the fire is not extinguished, I will never be controlled by other forces. I am the one responsible for watching over the flames here, this is my responsibility and my mission, and no one can control me before the fire is extinguished."

These are all true words, and Jenkins believed them. Of course, the other party still has to pay a price to exchange for his forgiveness. The behavior of the man in the hunting suit is really bad enough. He deceived the differential engine and embarrassed Jenkins. It seems that he is the big winner.

Jenkins still had doubts:

"So, the place we are in now should not be a strange place formed by the space fragments of the world that dominates, right?"

"Of course not, the reasons for the formation of strange places are complex and varied. But you have to know that the space fragments floating in the void are not just from the world splitting. There are also some sealed places for evil things, some strange spaces formed by chance under probability, and even some functional spaces created by great people, such as here."

The hunting man pointed to the furnace behind him:

"You can understand this world as a kind of insurance measure. When the material world is destroyed in an unpredictable scenario, I mean complete destruction, the flames here will support the material world, and the memories and experiences of those strong people who were burned and recast will return to the material world. Of course, there are more than one insurance measures here, and there are many strange spaces created by great people on a whim."

"Will there really be a day when the end comes?"

Jenkins asked again.

"I don't know, at least I can't see it now, but there must be insurance measures. Just like even if the probability of the house collapsing is very low, you still have to buy an insurance policy... Is there still a word called insurance in your era? Of course, the most important function here, in my opinion, is not to prepare for the real Doomsday, but to provide a way for the casters in the material world to summon the heroic spirits. There should still be some methods in the material world that can summon the heroic spirits of the past, right? A small part of them are actually directed here."

Jenkins has also heard of some of the rituals mentioned by the hunter. Although it is not popular in modern times, the former "School of Summoning Spirits" was once one of the mainstreams in mysticism.

"Have you been guarding this place?"

"Yes, yes, it's a boring job, but because you can enter the past time and space and look for dead strong men, this place is actually not bad. In fact, there is one more thing I can tell you. This place allows multiple people to work together. The mysterious realms that are repeatedly entered in different eras will only appear at special time points at the end of the era. The mysterious realms in ordinary eras are all one-time."

"This is really the first time I've heard of this."

Jenkins was slightly surprised, but not really that surprised. It was obvious that more than one person had entered the ancient town mystery and the shadow castle mystery not long ago. He thought of this problem at that time.

"Okay, okay, I've almost introduced the basic situation here. What do you need me to compensate you for?"

The topic finally returned to the beginning, and Jenkins also understood that the other party's purpose of "framing" him was to repair the furnace behind him, and that he was actually taking advantage of the difference engine. But even so, even if the other party does help him gradually master the new power, Jenkins will not give up the compensation because of this. After all, he is "working" for the man in the hunting suit for nothing, and he should get some compensation.

"Repair my sword."

He summoned the broken bone holy sword.

"Sorry, I can't do it...what's your expression? I'm not lying."

The man in hunting attire immediately waved his hand:

"You should know that this broken sword contains elements of the undead and trees. Fire naturally restrains the undead and trees, so I can't repair it without affecting its original function. You have to understand that I am not a blacksmith, I am just here. 's caretaker.

"Then just now you said that using the other two swords can be used to repair this..."

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