"Savior, you are indeed a variable."

The vortex gradually shrank, and together with the seven heart-shaped diamonds, turned into a halo and suspended behind the giant. It roared, sprayed steam, and sprayed the power of sin, gathering all the sins of the eighteenth century:

"So what, you are not a god now. And I am, the beast of disaster!"

With the most powerful blow, he punched Jenkins. This punch was a full blow from the beast of disaster, the Difference Engine. The power gathered was enough to subvert the rules of the world and bring about the death of any mortal.

The fist broke the golden page, so Jenkins raised his hand and stopped the fist with the index finger of his right hand as if it was about to turn him into powder.

With a slight exertion, the huge giant fell backwards. The huge metal body was shattered, and the black ball immediately flew out from the forehead, trying to hide in the depths of the star sea.

But at some point, the golden light of the book pages that almost covered the entire sea of ​​stars had surrounded the black metal ball. They turned into chains engraved with square characters, firmly fixing the body of the beast of disaster, the Difference Engine, in the sea of ​​stars.

The page of the book floats up and overlaps with the ball. The power to suppress the beast of disaster is more like embedding the ball in the center of the page.

If it were the beast of disaster, the Difference Engine, in its complete form, it might even be able to try to struggle. But the several confrontations with Jenkins and his friends just now have caused the Difference Machine to fall from its best condition.

"You are obviously not a god! Why! Why can't I figure out what is going on now? What kind of power are you using!"

The sound of the differential engine still came from all directions, but there was a bit more madness in the sound. Generally speaking, disaster beasts are crazy and incommunicable, with only a few exceptions possessing wisdom far beyond that of humans. The Difference Engine is one of the few exceptions, but at this moment in front of an enemy that is completely unable to understand, calculate, and build models, this machine goes crazy. It cannot accept that its computing power cannot analyze reality, which is a violation of its underlying rules.

"To be honest, I don't quite understand the current situation."

Jenkins looked at his hands that were glowing with golden light and said:

"But I have a certain suspicion."

He waved to the train hovering in the sky, and the nine slates of the [Doomsday Document] carried by the church flew out automatically and floated across the star sea through the train window.

These nine stone slabs symbolize both the savior and the disaster. When Jenkins used the nine gem coins just now, if he could match the power of the nine stone tablets, he might be able to defeat the opponent without the [blessing of books] at all.

But this does not mean that the stone tablet has no role at this moment. It is reasonable to appear. It means that the doomsday document at the end of the era has dual functions for disasters and civilization.

Chapter 2234: A dignified exit

Nine stone slabs rotated around Jenkins in the sea of ​​stars. He stretched out his hand and clicked on them one by one. The aura visible to the naked eye shone on the surface of the stone slabs as Jenkins' fingers emitted golden light moved. Purple, gold, green, yellow, red, black, white, blue and colorful, the light of the nine colors is not strong, but it is particularly eye-catching.

At the moment of contact, he understood the full function of the [Doomsday Document], as if he was "omniscient" in a deified state.

The nine stone tablets are gathered together. If the savior gets it, it will enhance the power of the savior ability of the holder. If it is obtained by the disaster, it will accelerate the impact of the disaster on the world.

At the same time, because the nine stone tablets have the properties of [Prophecy of Salvation] and [Declaration of Destruction] at the same time, before the end of the world, any one of the stone tablets has the property of temporarily sealing the beast of disaster. After the end of the world, any one of them can Can become the incarnation of the beast of disaster.

There has never been a situation where a savior or a disaster has obtained all the [Doomsday Documents], but in the past there have indeed been situations where the savior used a single [Doomsday Document] to temporarily seal the beast of disaster.

So Jenkins used his fingers to pull the nine stone slabs and let them slowly fly towards the black metal ball imprisoned by the golden pages. The size of the sphere was much larger than that of any normal human being, but the stone slab continued to grow in size as it flew through the sea of ​​stars.

When all the nine colors of light shine on the surface of the metal ball, any stone slab is enough to cover the ball.

Martial Arts [Twin Demons], Divine Magic [True Phantom], Basic [Undead], Alien [Stranger], Holy [Hero], Conjuration [Uncrowned King]. Six stone slabs form a cube and enclose the sphere.

Life [World Tree Seedling], Chain [Stage of Destiny], Destiny [Unknown Road Ahead]. Three stone slabs surround the cube, forming an intertwined equilateral triangle that encloses the cube.

The metal ball kept shaking in this confinement:

"It's useless, savior, I am not an ordinary beast of disaster. I have power no less than the first three disasters! I have long known the existence of the doomsday documents, and they cannot seal me. Even if you defeat me, Decades later, thousands of years later, I will still come back, and you can't seal me forever, just like any civilization in the past can't completely seal me."

"This is terrible. If we don't seal it completely, problems will arise sooner or later."

Alexa next to Jenkins said.

"What should we do?"

The father behind him also realized this problem.

Jenkins turned around and looked at the people around him. People were bathed in his power, and they all understood that if they didn't completely seal it now, they would have to face the raging Difference Engine sooner or later in the future.

The train sounded its whistle and stopped around the circular ground along the illusory energy track. The door at the front of the car opened, and Jenkins smiled and looked at Miss Magic, Miss Silver Flute, and Mr. Hood who were being supported by Mr. Black Cat and Mr. White Cat.

Everyone is smiling at him:

"You must give me a title now."

Miss Magic did not forget to remind her.


"Then this is for you."

Miss Magic walked up to Jenkins and threw a small bag to him. After opening it, there are fragments of the stone tablet inside. Jenkins thought for a moment and took out the fragment of the [Slate] that the Protoss gave him. The two fragments immediately resonated.

"You mentioned the fragments of this stone tablet, so I went looking for it, but I didn't expect to find it. Everyone couldn't understand its power and thought it was an ordinary stone, but I saw something different from it. .....”

Miss Magic smiled proudly:

"I used the mysteries of time and space I saw from this stone, summoned my friends and the power of the Zhengshen Church, and built this train across the treacherous realm. Using the resonance of the heart of the ocean and the heart of the machine, I built a We guided the direction of the treacherous realm. Oh, that group of people had always wanted the Mechanical Heart to find the Heart of the Ocean, but unexpectedly, in the end, they asked me to take advantage of this. "

Jenkins once asked Miss Magic to use the Heart of the Ocean to counter-track the Heart of Machinery to determine the location of the Difference Engine. Unexpectedly, this lady actually succeeded.

"Now that the slate is returned to its original owner, since I can understand something from it, you must be able too. Savior, go and find a way to seal the disaster. This battle should be over."

Jenkins held the fragments of the two stone slabs in his hands. Everyone was looking at him curiously. Even the cat was curious about what Jenkins would find.

He blinked, and only Hathaway and Alexia, who were nearby, saw the complicated expression on his face for a moment.

"That's how it works."

Jenkins said with a smile, Hathaway looked at him in surprise, she could see that the smile was fake.

As he spoke, Jenkins stepped on the ground suddenly, and floated to the heights of the sea of ​​​​stars, arriving in front of the stone pattern with a triangle embedded in a cube.

A total of nine stone slabs were used to create the cube and triangle. Each face had the emblem of the savior facing outward, and the face engraved with text faced inwards. This is an upgraded version of the construction method of the metal block used by Jenkins to seal the divinity. When he saw the information on the first floor of the Secret Library of the Sage Church, it was obviously intended by God for him to see.

Black light shot out from the gaps in the stone slab, and the differential engine had not given up its struggle yet.

"I didn't lose to you, I lost to fate!"

A phantom appeared behind the seal. It was the complete manifestation of an indescribable huge metal body. It was the entire body that the Difference Engine had buried deep under the soil of the material world and spent tens of thousands of years constructing.

At this moment, the body was summoned, and the stone seal was embedded in the center of the body. This body blocked the starlight, and black spiritual light gathered in the stone slab. Then, based on the Difference Machine's entire body, all its spirits, and the strongest disaster essence, the light cannon shot at Jenkins in the star sea.

Jenkins just floated there, not even hiding. This time he did not hold his cat down, but patted its little head, and the cat happily spat out the bright yellow bead.

In Chocolate's excited eyes, the original moon appeared and the sea of ​​​​stars, and the bright yellow beads blocked the black light beam.

"What? Moon Swallowing Spirit..."

From all sides of the huge body that covered the sea of ​​stars, thousands of tiny black light pillars gathered again and shot towards Jenkins. This time, he didn’t even use chocolate. Jenkins raised his hand and shot out golden light traces. Black and golden light collided in the sea of ​​stars, and the two-color light spots dispersed and disappeared:

"Our story is coming to an end, Difference Engine, and now it's your turn to take a bow. Don't leave in such an undignified way."

Nine savior emblems appeared at the feet of Jenkins, and then entered the stone slab one by one. The stone slab shone with light, pulling on the huge body of the Difference Machine and absorbing it into the seal.

Then, a huge seal composed of nine stone slabs with a triangle embedded in the cube came to Jenkins.

Jenkins glanced back, looking at everyone behind him. Hathaway became inexplicably nervous at this moment, as if Jenkins was saying goodbye.

"It doesn't matter."

Alexia held Hathaway's hand.


"He made a promise, so we have to believe him."

Jenkins turned his head, touched it gently in front of his face, and the three keys were summoned——

【Door Key】【Silver Key】【Evolution Key】

Among the three keys, the [Door Key] comes from the clues provided by Miss Magic, the [Silver Key] is obtained from the strange world, and the last [Evolution Key] is a strange thing kept by Dad. Each of the three keys has different powers, with the first two keys leaning more toward the concept of "space" and the latter toward the concept of "evolution."

Looking at the key floating in front of him, Jenkins first held the [Door Key]. After the huge cube with a triangular seal floated in front of him, he placed the black iron key in the center of the cube, with the front end of the key aligned with the cube, and reversed The hour hand turns slightly——


The original power of [Door Key] is to open any door with the concept of "lock". Even mysterious locks and seals may be opened by this key. At this time, under the influence of Jenkins' power, the concept of the key was reversed, and the [Key of the Door] locked the seal in front of him, constructing a door that truly had the properties of a space seal.

The size of the seal in front of him suddenly shrunk by one-third, and the key scattered into light spots and disappeared in his hand. Black iron lines appeared on the surface of the nine stone slabs, and the runes formed a chain. The power of this key was completely used to build Seal.

Then he held the [Silver Key] and watched as the seal inlaid with triangles in front of him became stable, and the black aura could no longer leak from the seal like before. Aim the small silver key at the center of the cube, align the front end of the key with the cube, and turn it slightly counterclockwise——


The original power of [Silver Key] is to open a passage from the material world to the external void, and even the world of the masters. The aliens once tried to use this key to invade Nolan, but the plot was foiled by Jenkins, Mr. White Cat, Mr. Hood and others. At the same time, this key also has the ability to "open locks" to a certain extent, but compared to the characteristics of "Door Key", which is more "door and lock", the characteristics of "Silver Key" are more biased towards "space and road".

Under the influence of Jenkins' power, the concept of the key was reversed. The [Silver Key] locked the space where the seal was located, cutting off all roads from inside the seal to outside the seal, and from outside the seal to inside the seal.

The size of the seal in front of him suddenly shrank by one-third again, and the key scattered into light spots and disappeared in his hand. Silver-white lines appeared on the surface of the nine stone slabs, and the runes formed chains, complementing the lines of black iron.

Chapter 2235 The final curtain call of the tree house

Finally, there is the [Evolution Key], a key that Dad has treasured for almost his whole life. It came from an accidental discovery by Dad and Old Jack when they went fishing one time. The [Evolution Key] itself is cursed. Because of this, Dad is almost "eternal life", but he also bears the price of power. The key's power didn't change after it was transferred from Dad's hands to Jenkins', but Jenkins barely felt the curse.

After all, he himself is an [Immortal], and the power of eternal life in the Evolution Key is meaningless to him.

Holding the [Evolution Key], I looked at the cube inlaid with triangular seals in front of me. It had shrunk to the size of a normal human head. The black aura was completely invisible, but the seal was still shaking. This was done by the difference engine. The final struggle.

Aim the key in your hand at the center of the cube, align the front end of the key with the cube, and turn it slightly counterclockwise——


A voice came from the seal. Jenkins held the key without moving, watching a beam of light shoot out from the last gap of the nine stone slabs, and the shadow of the ball was projected in front of him:

"Don't seal me. I can swear my allegiance to you with my soul. I am a very useful tool. Just like the civilizations in the past time and space used my power to develop, you can also use my power. . My computing power is unparalleled, and my modeling and configuration ability is the best in the world. Don’t seal me, I don’t want the Earth of Steel, savior, you win this round, don’t seal me, you can. Get more rewards!”

"Answer a question. If you answer it correctly, I won't seal you."

Jenkins said that people behind him were a little surprised, but no one objected to what Jenkins did.

"You ask."

The shadow of the ball was shaking.

"A very simple question, what kind of world is my ideal future world?"

The sound of the difference engine immediately appeared:

"I know! You want to turn steam power into electric power. You want mortals to rely on the power of mortals and master the method of miniaturizing devices. You want civilization and technology to rely on the accumulation of the steam era to move towards a higher level. ..."

"The answer is wrong. I just want everyone to have food to eat and clothing to wear... Sure enough, after we talked for so long, you still can't understand my thoughts at all. What you see is just society, What I see is civilization.”

"Don't seal me, I...do it!"

As the sound of the ball came out, the black sinful aura of the difference machine actually seeped out of the seal again. Jenkins frowned and wanted to turn his wrist to completely form the last layer of seal, but there was an extremely dangerous sign in his heart. The danger came from behind.


People's voices also reminded him that although he did not turn around, his vague perception had "seen" that from the sea of ​​​​stars between Jenkins and everyone, three demigods who were almost integrated with the sea of ​​​​stars suddenly sprang out.

"How could the tree house perish so easily? It was indeed the intention."

But Jenkins did not turn around to block the three sneak attackers. Once he turned around, the unformed seal might be destroyed by the difference machine. Even if there is only one chance in a thousand, we must not take this risk.

The people behind him had no time to stop him. In order to prevent him from interfering with Jenkins' seal difference machine, people on the train, in the sea of ​​stars and on the circular stone floor were all at a distance from him. The sneak attacker was behind Jenkins almost immediately.

The ancient tree house has been passed down, and since the distant era, it has been seeking the hope of becoming a god. At the end of the turbulent eighteenth era, they helped the ancient mechanical creation Difference Engine, forcing the end of the era to come early, so that the Orthodox Church did not have enough time to find and cultivate a savior.

They became the helpers of the beast of disaster, but in fact they secretly planned to take action when the opponent was about to succeed. Even though it was repeatedly frustrated by Jenkins, Treehouse still had the idea of ​​disintegrating its own organization, hiding its final strength, and delivering a fatal blow.

Unfortunately, mortals are just mortals after all. Not only had the Difference Machine known about their plan a long time ago and revealed the location of the three people at this moment, forcing them to take action in advance, but even Jenkins could guess that these people would definitely appear in the end.

He didn't turn around, but the cat on his shoulder jumped behind him. The chocolate is in full view, shining in the sea of ​​stars. In the light ball, the small cat transformed into a beautiful girl with a fish-shaped hairpin and appeared behind Jenkins.

She was only slightly taller than Alexia, and wore a pair of shiny black leather shoes. Her long black hair was swaying behind her without any restraints. She is wearing a black and white gauze skirt. The bustle has an exaggerated curvature, opening up the layers of skirts, making the simple skirt look like a princess's dress.

The girl had an intoxicating and cunning smile on her face. With a flick of her right hand, the man who rushed the fastest turned into powder and disappeared into the sea of ​​stars. Then the index finger shook, and the power of the shadow pulled the second person closer to the abyss of the shadow world.

When the third person saw that the situation was not good, he immediately turned around and plunged into the cracks in the sea of ​​stars, trying to escape through the chaotic space flow. But how could the long-awaited chocolate let him go? The small cat wanted to rush over, but Jenkins grabbed his wrist.

Her wrists are thin and fair. The girl's face turned red when she was held.

"Let him go, the Treehouse must exist, otherwise other careerists will emerge in the next era. Rather than letting other unexpected organizations appear, it is better to let the Treehouse, which has been severely damaged and its members generally have low IQs, serve as a stage again The villain appears, which is also the convenience I provide for the next savior.”

Hearing what Jenkins said, Chocolate obediently stopped chasing him. Instead, she held his big hand with her small hand and stood beside him with her little head pressed against his arm.

The people behind him did not pursue the last demigod in the tree house who escaped, but watched him enter the space turbulence. As for where he will go in the future, it depends on fate.

What people are most interested in is actually the girl next to Jenkins. Everyone can clearly see the whole process of Chocolate changing from a cat to a human. Even people who are not familiar with Jenkins know that he has a cat and is almost inseparable. The cat can even be used to identify Jenkins.

Alexia and Hathaway both pursed their lips and showed no expression. Jenkins’ cat was actually a woman, which was not a happy thing for their fiancées. Even though they had known Chocolate’s identity for a long time, seeing Chocolate Having truly become human, the girls still don't know whether they should feel angry, embarrassed, excited, or just laughing at Jenkins.

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