Chapter 2236 Departure and Stay

Dad and Miss Bevanna also saw the girl turned into chocolate, and Dad opened his mouth slightly to express surprise. He knew Jenkins and chocolate better than the girls around Jenkins. After all, after Jenkins picked up the chocolate at night last autumn, he took the cat to the antique shop the next day.

Dad had long thought that the close relationship between Jenkins and the cat was abnormal. Seeing this scene, he felt a little enlightened.

"You already knew this?"

Miss Bevanna asked beside him, very worriedly:

"Although...but, after all, we still have to be normal."

"How could I have known... Let's just say, there must be a reason why Jenkins is always with his cat."

"What exactly did you teach Jenkins this year?"

Miss Bevanna asked worriedly.

"Don't ask me, I don't know either."

Dad immediately shook his head.

Friends such as Miss Magic and Mr. Hood also saw the scene where the cat turned into a human, but they accepted it more than Jenkins' fiancée and teachers.

"You see, Jenkins also specializes in turning a young girl into a cat. He is always around. I know that he is not as serious as I thought."

Miss Magic, who was lying in front of the locomotive window, said half-jokingly to Miss Silver Flute.

The silver dragon has returned to human form, and the silver-haired girl and Princess Sophia stand on the roof of the train together. Seeing the chocolate turn into a human form, the silver dragon tilted his head and whispered something in the princess's ear. Then the princess's face turned red, she gently clenched her fists, and hammered the silver dragon's waist. Anastasia also deliberately made injuries.

That silver dragon must have said something colorful.

Jenkins had no time to care about what people thought of him. He looked at the phantom of the ball in front of him:

"Do you have anything else to say? If not, I'll turn the key."

The projection of the core of the difference engine body sways in the sea of ​​stars:

"Can you really not let me go?"

"There's no chance."

"Then, I will come back again one day, and I will return to the material world again. Savior William, I look forward to seeing the future you imagined, and see if the civilization you guide is better than my 'Land of Steel' 'Better... then, you must not let me down..."


The key to evolution is turned, and the power of the key itself is related to [evolution and degeneration]. The power of evolution promotes the growth of Jenkins' World Tree seedlings, and the power of degradation allows Dad to suppress his own power. If used against the enemy, he can also suppress the enemy's power.

At this moment, this key exerts the power of [degradation]. What it degrades is not the seal, but the body of the differential engine and its core power sealed in the seal. Jenkins forced the key in his hand to use its full effect so that it could have an effect on the beast of disaster.

As a result, cracks appeared on the surface of the key, and eventually, like the previous two keys, it scattered into light spots in Jenkins' hand. But those light spots were golden. This was the essence of the key infected by Jenkins' spirit, and together with it, it strengthened the effect on the difference engine.

The size of the seal in front of him finally shrunk to the size of a pendant. Gold-colored patterns appeared on the surface of the nine stone slabs. The runes formed a chain, and together with the patterns of silver and black iron, the differential engine was completely sealed in it.

The cube is embedded in an equilateral triangle formed by three stone slabs. The three-color light traces on the surface of the stone material are constantly flowing. Jenkins pulled out a long thread from Ovia's coat, which had turned into a mortal thing, and hung the seal with the thread, making it look like a pendant.

Holding the pendant in his hand, he smiled and patted the little head of the girl next to him. The black hair was a little messed up by Jenkins' hand, and Chocolate tightened his arm in dissatisfaction, but she blushed and lowered her head, not daring to look at him.

He turned around and looked at the people behind him. People were also looking at him.

"it's over?"

After a long time, Dad asked cautiously.

"it's over."

He held the pendant and smiled and nodded at the height of the sea of ​​stars. There was still silence. After a while, cheers erupted from the sea of ​​stars. Jenkins looked at the people in front of him with a smile. Hathaway held Alexia's hand tightly. Jessica and Miss J , Miss Windsor waved to him from the train window, Sigrid and the elves took care of the old elf, but they did not forget to look at Jenkins. The other girls did not come in with the train. For safety reasons, they were not suitable to participate in this decisive battle.

"Go home now?"

Amid the cheers, Hathaway asked Jenkins in a low voice. Jenkins kept smiling and shook his head:

"You go first, get out of here first, this place is about to collapse. I have to deal with this."

He shook the pendant in his hand:

"I'm going to put it somewhere no one knows, so you leave first."

The complete failure of the Difference Engine means that the maximum force maintaining the space here has disappeared. This strange world has already accommodated too many things that it should not accommodate. It is just a space fragment, and the space intensity is not high. Now that the Difference Engine is gone, it is also going to die.

There were already signs of collapse on the edge of the sea of ​​stars. After hearing Jenkins' words, people didn't think much about it. Miss Magic immediately started the train again to patrol the sea of ​​stars, allowing people to board it.

When they came to the strange place just now, they jumped out of the car like rain, and it was not so easy to get in the car again.

So while everyone was getting in the car, Hathaway and others spoke a few words to Jenkins who landed back on the circular floor. Dad and Miss Bevanna did not disturb them. Dad just patted Jenkins on the shoulder:

"You are my best apprentice."

Miss Stillwell, who was trying to help her father, thought for a moment and retracted her hand, then gave Jenkins a mischievous expression.

Hathaway hugged Jenkins, making Chocolate, who was holding Jenkins' hand, and Alexia, who was standing behind her, a little dissatisfied.

"it is finally over."

The red-haired lady whispered in his ear.

"it's over."

"You'll be back soon, right?"


"Do you remember our wedding next summer?"


"That's good."

She pushed Jenkins away, wiped the corners of her eyes, and then pulled Alexia over:

"Dolores and Julia originally wanted to come, but we didn't let her come. She is protecting Britney in the church. You don't know what a mess the material world is now."

Hathaway said as she wiped her face with the back of her hand.

"Even if you defeat the Difference Engine, it will probably take many years for this disaster to subside."

Alexia also said, her eyes were not as red as Hathaway's, but her expression was also a bit wrong:

"You promised you would come back immediately."

"Of course, I will go back immediately after handling the matters here."

He kissed Hathaway and Alexia's foreheads in turn, and then pushed the chocolate that was holding his hand over:

"Chocolate will go with you. It's enough to leave me alone here."

"don't want!"

The voice was very soft, and the petite girl hugged Jenkins' arm with both hands, and looked into Jenkins' eyes with her amber eyes.


He patted Chocolate's little head, and the girl wearing a fish-shaped hairpin reluctantly let go of his hand:

"Await your return."

She said softly, and then turned back three times, walking towards the direction of the train with Hathaway and Alexia.

People packed into the slightly crowded train one after another. People of different races and beliefs did not plan the use of the carriages according to specific identities. The Daybreak steam train was about to set off again. Miss Magic stuck her head out of the front window to greet him:

"How do you feel about this work of mine?"

She banged on the car door twice without any care:

"I plan to name it [Dawn], what do you think?"

"Pretty good, let's go quickly. If we don't start, it will be dangerous soon."

Jenkins said, nodding.

Miss Magic then waved to him, then got back into the front of the locomotive. After a few operations, black smoke finally came out of the locomotive's chimney, but the train did not set off.

"What's wrong?"

He asked curiously. Miss Magic poked her head out of the car window again, a little embarrassed:

"The energy is not enough. When we came in, the Nolan Church used rituals to organize almost all of Nolan's pseudo-gods and level 4 or above benefactors of the true gods to complete the one-way recharging."

"It's okay, Sigrid, this is for you."

He called Sigrid who was with the elves and handed her the cane:

"Use this as a source of energy. You and I are both descendants of the World Tree Priest, so we should be able to use this cane."

"But, gave it to me..."

The nun hesitated, and Jenkins kissed her, who immediately blushed.

"The battle is over, I don't need weapons anymore."

"Then...well, come back as soon as possible, we will all be waiting for you."

She lowered her head and said softly. Before turning around and heading to the front of the car, she suddenly stood up on tiptoes and kissed the side of Jenkins' face.

Then he hurriedly boarded the front of the train, and as the emerald green light fell, the train whistle sounded. Transparent energy tracks appeared in the collapsing star space. The train slowly drove away. People stuck their heads out of the windows and waved their hands and hats to say goodbye to Jenkins.

Standing alone on the circular ground flashing with nine emblems, Jenkins waved goodbye to them, raised his head and watched the train circle twice in the sea of ​​stars and then suddenly accelerate.

Green and golden light enveloped the surface of the train, and the train traveling faster than the speed of light drove into the white light door that suddenly appeared. As the light door disappeared, Jenkins looked up in another direction, and the Star Spirit and Mr. Augustus who were hiding in the starry sky also walked out.

Chapter 2237 Gods and Gods

"Thank you so much this time. I will formally thank you after I finish handling the rest of the matter. Mr. Augustus, I will not forget to treat you to a drink~"

Jenkins waved his hand at Mr. Augustus, who was wearing a black cloak. The latter pulled down his hood, nodded to him with a smile, and then completely disappeared into the starry sky.

"God of lies, do you know what will happen next?"

Rakul asked in the false starry sky. Jenkins looked up at his protoss friends. Even though the protoss clan would not easily participate in the changes in the material world, Rakul came to help him this time.

"of course I know."

He waved the two slate fragments in his left hand, and then the golden pages still spread in the sea of ​​stars finally shrank, and finally formed a pure golden book in front of Jenkins.

Jenkins shook his fingers, and all his own light spots appeared and merged into the book. Then he threw two more slate fragments in. In this way, he is currently holding the pendant that seals the differential machine in his right hand and the big book in his left hand.

"Just for you to know, it's an honor to witness your year, and I look forward to our next meeting in the sea of ​​stars."

After that, the female star lady also withdrew from the sea of ​​stars.

Jenkins was left standing on the circular ground suspended in the sea of ​​stars. Even though the battle was over, the nine savior emblems imprinted here were still flashing, as if foreshadowing something.

He looked at the collapsing sea of ​​stars around him, at the starry sky after the sea of ​​stars collapsed, and then at his arms. The golden light still did not dissipate. The differential machine was right. At this time, he was still in a mortal state, but the power he used was close to that of a god.

But he also knew that this was not the power of God, after all, neither of the two priesthoods had been activated. Jenkins had some guesses about this, and he had seen something on the fragments of the [Slate].

What he saw in the fragments of the slate was definitely not the way to seal the differential machine. Using three keys to seal it was something Jenkins had thought of long ago, otherwise he would not have used the keys at the end, instead of using the keys to open a door to temporarily leave during the tower climbing process.

As for the gains from watching the slate, it is actually difficult to describe, and Jenkins still has to make the last step to confirm. That answer will answer all the questions so far and all the unreasonable things about him.

At a certain moment, the collapse of the star sea suddenly paused, and at the same time, a bell sounded from the distant starry sky. This is not the bell of the differential machine, but the bell of the gods, which is loud and distant, and can even be said to be ancient.

In the false starry sky, dots of starlight flickered. It is overlapping with the real star sea, turning from fantasy to reality, and this is also the final destination of this space.

But before it really reaches the star realm here, it still has its last duty.

As the bells rang, the singing voices of children and pure maidens gradually came into his ears. This sound was different from all the previous hymns. This song itself had the power to surpass any numbered object. This was not a hymn, but a song of the world and a song of God.

In this song, 365 stars twinkled around Jenkins. In the starlight, in the bells, in the songs, the figures of the gods gradually came.

They maintained the body size of normal mortals. Although most of them were not in human form, their basic size was similar. The 365 false gods of this world appeared in the sea of ​​stars, far around the circular stone floor where Jenkins stood.

Each god radiated light because of his own special divine power characteristics and the scope of his duties. Whether it was the good gods or the evil gods, they all stood together quietly at this moment. The holy lights of various colors did not dim the starry sky like a guest taking over the main role, but were suppressed in a suitable range.

These lights connected together, and actually formed a hazy pure white color.

Jenkins saw many "familiar faces" among them. He also looked in the direction of the God of Music, who smiled at him.

He did not pay much attention to these gods, but looked deeper into the chaotic star sea. Twelve white holy lights fell from nowhere, and in the singing and the loud bells that kept ringing, the twelve gods also appeared.

Compared with the false gods who were the same size and could be seen clearly, the twelve gods stood like giants in the star sea. They were all shrouded in their own light, just like what was seen in the whisper at the end of the moon, and Jenkins could not really "see" them.

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