The tall righteous gods stood behind a group of false gods. The twelve great ones were evenly surrounding the circular ground, while Jenkins and the three hundred and sixty-five gods below were as big as ants.

Among them, only the two gods symbolizing January and December are not in human form. The former looks like a tree in the light, but it also seems to be just a patch of light. The latter can only see a cloak. What it is in the end, Jenkins cannot see.

Jenkins did not have the opportunity to deal with all the righteous gods, and he was only familiar with those few. He saw Ovia at a glance, and even though she was so tall, Jenkins could still feel her eyes on him. He was also looking at her, both of them smiling.

Jenkins looked up further and higher. In the sea of ​​​​stars, the stars were moving, and the surging star tide was flowing turbulently. The bells became louder and louder, and the singing became more complex and sacred.

The moving stars formed a circle of 17 star seats behind the giant Twelve Gods. In that star tide, the stars connected into a line, constructing the appearance of the masters.

The sixteen masters seemed to be integrated with the starry sky, controlling the huge body composed of stars, and sat in their positions. They are further away from Jenkins, but because of their bodies that seem to be made of stars, they are extremely close to Jenkins.

Just in terms of physical distance, the closest thing to the circular ground is the 365 false gods scattered in a circle, followed by the twelve giant-like gods standing in the light, and then toward the circle. Outside are the sixteen masters composed of stars.

Only the seat that symbolized the original master was unoccupied, and Jenkins suddenly had a guess in his mind. Of course, it was definitely not his seat, but he had a guess about the truth of the world.

The masters are extremely mysterious. Even the benefactors of the material world, few people know their information. But Jenkins had contact with some of them. He saw the Lord of Death and the Lord of Ice and Snow nodding at him, the Lord of Time looking at him, and the Lord of Flowers seemed to be with him.

The sound of the hymns gradually died down, and the bells finally stopped ringing. Jenkins still maintained the posture of holding the pendant in one hand and holding the golden book in the other. He whispered to the gods:


Chapter 2238 The Prototype of Diversity

"Hello, God of Lies."

Countless sounds echoed among the stars, and time, space, and destiny all vibrated because of these sounds.

Jenkins looked up at them:

"It's finally over. I have become a true savior. So, is it time to become a god?"

He had a smile on his face and knew the answer.

"This situation is a bit special."

The voice came from the left, and Jenkins turned to look at the former [Prince of Lies] and the current [God of Shadows and Stealth].

"According to the rules established from the beginning, after the savior successfully saves the world, he will be promoted to a god. We will give the savior the corresponding priesthood, but the savior must also leave the material world. Gods cannot walk in the material world arbitrarily. "

"So, I am an exception this time?"

Jenkins said he knew he would keep his promise.

"Yes, it's an exception."

The voice came from behind, and Jenkins turned around again. This time it was the [God of Flowers and Celebrations] who spoke. She is the image of a little girl. Jenkins had dealt with her during the "Six Gods Under Nolan" incident, and guessed that she had a deep connection with the "Lord of Flowers".

The last time I saw her, she was using the body of a little flower girl. But this time it should be the original appearance, that of an elf girl, so Jenkins’s conjecture was once again confirmed.

"You are different from any savior. This does not mean that you alone occupy all the places, but it means that you are fundamentally different from them."

"Does that mean I'm a god now?"

he asked.

"of course not."

The voice came from the front, and it was the God of Music who spoke. Jenkins knew that she was a clone of Ovia and inherited the [Music] priesthood. Although they are clones, they exist independently of each other and do not affect each other. But judging from the way the other person looked at him, even if they were independent of each other, their memories before becoming gods should be exactly the same.

"Your specialness does not lie in the state of your soul. Jenkins, in fact, you should already understand. But before we announce the final result, as usual, you need to know the operating rules of this world and the deepest secrets of this world."

“About the cycle of sin, the meaning of gods and lords, and the many divisions of the material world?”

he asked.


replied the God of Music.

"In that case, let me first explain what I know. I did see a lot from the stone slab just now."

He cleared his throat, and seeing that no one objected, he looked at the sea of ​​stars and told the gods:

"This world, even in the eighteenth century, is still a nascent world. It is still growing and expanding, and it is far from reaching its limit."

God smiled, and Jenkins really got it.

"The gods born from the beginning have discovered this, so they also understand that the new world is not stable, so it needs more new rules and stable time and space. Therefore, true gods and false gods need to exist , they suppress time and space, and at the same time when they sublimate themselves, they engrave more rules into the world, adding power and rules for expansion to the new world. "

After a pause, no one interrupted, then he continued:

"But the space of the material world has its limits after all. When it grows to a certain level, the space of the material world cannot continue to grow. In order to prevent space from collapsing or even more terrifying situations, a sin cycle system is established to regularly clean up civilization and intelligent creatures. The sins produced. I originally thought that the master who must appear in every era is actually to divide the world and establish a 'garbage dump'... Please forgive me for describing it this way, establishing a garbage dump to deal with [sin], but I feel This approach is not cyclical at all, it just treats the symptoms, not the root cause. Now I understand..."

He took a deep breath. Jenkins had already guessed the above content, and the following content was just harvested from two fragments of slate:

"The most important significance of the emergence of masters at the end of the era is not to deal with those sins at all, but to deal with the problem of the expansion of time and space in the material world to the limit. The masters divide the excess time and space, build a brand new world in the void, and deal with Sins are just minor troubles to be solved incidentally, and because the world of the masters is only a small part separated from the material world, the rules of each world are imperfect and have special rules that are not suitable for ordinary creatures to exist. ,but--"

He looked at the gods with a smile on his face, a smile from the bottom of his heart:

"It's amazing, really amazing. The ancient gods who created this series of rules in the First Age are really amazing. The world is constantly growing, but there are limits to time and space in the material world, so Divide the material world so that the material world can continue to grow, and at the same time, the world of the masters can become a new world. Although those worlds are not perfect, because the masters are completely independent from the material world, they have mastered more rules. "

He raised his head and looked at the seventeen masters composed of stars:

"The masters are not the caretakers of the world of sin at all. The masters above the gods are cultivators, the cultivators of the new world. You have seen the future of the world. Since the material world has limits and cannot expand infinitely, then cultivate more There are many new worlds. There is a limit to the growth of a single world, so a multiverse is constructed. This is the truth of this world. This world has just begun. The main material world is the qi point of the world, and beyond the qi point, Countless pioneers are cultivating new worlds to form a more diverse world system. This is the truth of this interesting world. The completely reasonable and correct truth is that the masters are actually the gods of the new world."

Jenkins was actually quite shocked when he learned the truth from the fragments of the [slate]. I originally thought that this world is dominated by the material world, and other worlds are functional subsidiary products. Only now do I know that the dominant world outside the material world actually has the potential to grow into a new "material world".

The world he came into was quite young, but its potential was endless. What's even more potential is that the gods who were first born completely rationally formulated regulations for the development of the world. This made it possible for a single world to evolve into a multiverse, and from possibility to reality.

In the foreseeable future, perhaps tens of millions of years from now, dozens of material worlds will be connected to each other, allowing diverse civilizations and cultures to grow together.

Every master is determined to become a god. They were originally righteous gods, but they were willing to devote long years to do things that may have no results for the development of the world.

The meaning of domination is to dominate a world and to cultivate a new world. From the beginning to the end of the eighteenth era, at the end of each era, a god will be promoted to the master, carrying the excess power of the material world to open up a new world.

"According to the rules, all aspects need to be considered when qualifying for promotion to a master. The person who is promoted must be a righteous god, and the power of a righteous god is sufficient; the person who is promoted must find a successor who is similar to his own priesthood, and the departure of a god cannot cause a vacancy in the rules. "The promoted person must be similar to the power of this era, so that he can carry more of the sins of the end of the era and leave."

This is the voice of Ovia, the sage is pronouncing the eternal rules on behalf of the gods.

"So, in this era, those who are qualified to be promoted to masters are sages and craftsmen?"

The sage represents knowledge, and the craftsman represents machinery. For the civilization of the eighteenth century, the power of these two people best meets the requirements.

"I can too, but I don't want to leave now."

The one who spoke was the righteous god [Traveler without a Trace] who represented November, and the core priestly duties [Travel] and [Contract].

Jenkins nodded clearly, thinking of the insurance businessman who reappeared in the material world for his own reasons. In line with the era, it does not necessarily refer to the theme of the era. Those rules that are gradually improved with the development of civilization can also be used.

"So, sage or craftsman, which one will leave in the end?"

he asked again.

"It's a sage. I don't have a suitable successor. Looking at the time and destiny, there is no suitable mortal candidate in the eighteenth century, and there is no similar god among the gods."

Said the God of Creation and Machinery.

"Originally, I chose the mortal Alexia Jane Miller as my successor. Regardless of divine intervention, she will definitely become the God of Mathematics. Her clerical field is highly overlapped with mine, and she can inherit my position. "

Ovia said.

"But even if Alexia becomes a god, she will only become a false god. How will she inherit your position?"

Jenkins asked again.

"The difference between a true god and a false god is not as big as the difference between a god and a master. The false god can inherit the position of the true god, and with the help of the special destiny at the end of the era, this can be achieved."

replied the god of January, the god of nature.

"In other words, the original plan was for Alexia, the savior who was not the savior, to become a god and inherit the position of the sage, while the sage became the eighteenth master and opened up a new world in the void. My appearance disrupted everything? So, is my appearance a bad thing for the world and the gods?"

"No, your presence is a gift to God and the world."

Ovia's tone was particularly gentle:

"Jenkins, I don't care whether I become a master or not. Alexia, a mortal, doesn't care whether I become a god immediately. It is a long and difficult process to open up a new world and sort out the rules to make it a new material world. But if someone With a whole new set of rules and new rules that have never been seen in this world, he will be directly equivalent to the personality of the master. After becoming the real master, he will become a god in the true sense. For this world, the original material world is finally no longer alone..."

Chapter 2239 The Decision of the Gods

Jenkins hugged the big book in his hand tightly. The golden book merged with all his knowledge and power, and also merged with the fragments of the two [slates]. Ovia was right, he had already seen this information from the fragments of the stone slab just now. He just couldn't be sure and couldn't believe it.

But in the eyes of Jenkins, this world is really great. All the orders and rules are perfect, and it has considerable development potential. This order is almost perfect.

"Well, my appearance disrupted the original arrangement, so the current plan is..."

"You, the current God of Lies, will be directly promoted to the eighteenth Lord at the end of this era!"

Fanhua finally spoke, this was something that had been decided.

"But I..."

Jenkins wanted to decline modestly, but he thought that the people here were all gods, and being modest was useless:

"But I don't have that power at all. I'm not even a complete god. Oh, it's not that I want to deliberately shirk such responsibility, it's not that I don't want to take responsibility. In fact, if the world needs me, I can... ....”

He stopped mid-sentence:

"That's fine. After all, in some respects, Ovi and I...the sage's power is indeed very compatible. The sage is qualified to be the master of the Eighteenth Century, and I am probably also qualified."

After speaking, he used his last ability:

"Knowledge gives."

The two silver light bands were like the rushing Milky Way, rotating around Jenkins, but this time he did not flick his fingers, but looked at the two light bands that represented all his knowledge and memories, and the golden big ball he held in his hand. Book fusion.

There are some silver lines on the golden book. Even though Jenkins' two priesthoods have nothing to do with [knowledge], he understands that as long as he wants to, he is indeed qualified to obtain this priesthood. After all, he has the complete knowledge of the world.

"As long as you understand, Jenkins, your situation is special, and we have already discussed your arrangements. But before the final decision is announced, I think you still have many questions. Now I give you the opportunity to ask those questions you have always wondered about. And, in order to reward you for saving the Eighteenth Era, you can make three wishes to us as a mortal, as long as it does not harm the world, any three wishes."

The masters said in unison, Jenkins looked at the sea of ​​stars and didn't know what to say for a moment. He looked at the gods and everything in front of him:

"First of all, I'm curious, what's going on with my eyes? My eyes can see any spiritual light."

"This is the power of your soul. Your appearance in the material world is equivalent to possessing the personality of a master, so you have a different vision from mortals."

The Master of Time [Closed Circle] replied.

"So the whispers at the end of the month? Why do I hear those sounds at the end of every month?"

"The Righteous Gods are responsible for suppressing time. The end of the month is a key node in the power cycle of the Righteous Gods. Your soul is noble. At such a node, you will spontaneously look up at those figures that mortals cannot see."

The answer was [Holy Silver Secret Master], the master of the sixteenth century. Jenkins had never come into contact with this person before.

"Then do the righteous gods know that I'm looking at them?"

"of course I know."

Ovia said, Jenkins blushed and asked again:

"Every time I go through a strange situation, I get extra gifts. From the invisibility cloak at the beginning to the nine gem coins at the end...there is a reason for this, right?"

"You should know that the strange world is a fragment of space, not a complete world, but each strange world has consciousness, and they also want to grow into a real world. And you, a mortal with the potential to dominate, are their best choice. The strange world gives you gifts, hoping that you can choose them, integrate them into your future world, and become part of the complete world."

The ancient death god replied, and Jenkins seemed to see Mr. Augustus next to the chair of the master.

"So that's it..."

He sighed, not knowing what to say for a while. Obviously there are many questions, but now that the secrets of the world are known, those questions are not important. He thought about it, and there was only one last question left:


Took out Alexia's lady pocket watch and looked at it. Although the strange world was broken, he instinctively knew the current time in the material world by touching the pocket watch:

"There are about ten minutes left, and it will be a year since I came to this world. There are really too many things in this year, but the story ends at the end of this year. Is there any deep reason?"

In fact, it was the difference engine that chose today as the day of the decisive battle. But the Difference Engine had been sealed, so Jenkins couldn't ask it.

"Perhaps, you can consider this as fate."

The God of Fate [Hermit of Fate] replied:

"Starting from the same day and ending on the same day, you are born noble, and you spend one year in the material world to experience the life of a mortal in this world and establish great achievements. This is enough for you."

"Isn't it your special arrangement?"

Jenkins confirmed.

"Absolutely not."

Mr. Prank's tone was very cheerful, which made Jenkins a little unsure whether he should believe him.

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