After Jiumu Hai's report, Shan Hai also reported to Qian Yuye about the situation at Haixia Base.

“Today, the undersea infrastructure construction has been basically completed, and ten steel fortresses and nearly a hundred checkpoints have been basically completed.

Moreover, we have completed a rough exploration of mineral veins on the seabed and found nine large mineral veins, 21 medium-sized mineral veins, and nearly a hundred small mineral veins. There are also many deep-sea areas in the sea that the empire cannot detect. Mechanical soldiers are heading into the sea. Exploring the depths, but there is no news yet. "

Following Shankai's report, everyone couldn't help but marvel that there were so many mineral veins on the seabed. You must know that iron is still very expensive in the ninja world. They didn't expect that there were so many mineral veins on the seabed.

Before everyone could recover from the shock, Shan Hai continued to report to Qian Yuye.

“With the mining of mechanical armies and the refining and treatment at seabed bases, there are now about 50,000 tons of steel, and with the increase in personnel, this number is still rising.

At the same time, we also collected a large amount of materials urgently needed by the empire on the seabed, which is enough for the development of our mechanical empire for a long time. "

Then everyone came back to their senses and couldn't help but be moved and amazed by the richness of the material on the seabed. Looking at the mountains and seas, they didn't expect that it was him who had made the most contributions to the empire.

You must know that Shanhai has the least sense of existence among the high-level officials of the empire. Most of the time, Shanhai is at the bottom of the sea. Even the supplies are transported by mechanical soldiers. Therefore, few people have seen Shanhai, let alone know him. .

This report also allowed the empire's senior officials to officially get to know him. It can be said that the supplies he provided, among other things, can multiply the empire's mechanical soldiers several times.

Qianyu Yejue nodded with satisfaction after hearing Shan Hai's words. He had asked Shan Hai to build a base on the seabed just for the steel and various resources in the sea.

From the current point of view, the seabed does contain a large amount of material, and the mountains and seas did not disappoint him, bringing a large amount of resources to the empire.

As Shan Hai's report was completed, no one in the entire execution hall began to report. After all, with Shan Hai's report, no one's report seemed so important now.

What's more, the person in front of him needs to report before he can take his turn.

Then, miraculously, no one reported anything. When Qian Yuye saw that no one reported it, he said to everyone, "This is the first time the execution hall has been opened. Don't waste time. If you have any problems, report them actively."

After Qian Yuye finished speaking, Yingshan stood up and reported the situation in his hands to Qian Yuye.

In fact, Yingshan cannot come here with his position. After all, Yingshan is just a foreigner from Jiu Mian.

However, Qian Yuye saw that he had performed well in the Kingdom of Wind, so Qian Yuye transferred him back to the empire and made him a member of the logistics department.

After Yingshan's report was completed, everyone began to report the situation in their hands to Qian Yuye.

Most of the cases are more favorable, but one of the most important issues is the internal legal issues of the Mechanical Empire, and this issue also made Qian Yuye start thinking about the laws of the empire.

You must know that the original laws of this empire are actually very simple. Based on the original laws, just let the empire take over.

And as there are more people nowadays, some trivial matters will naturally arise, not to mention that they have already occurred, and they don't know how to deal with them yet.

So after the people from the Ministry of Justice completed their report, Qian Yuye asked them to draft a law on their own.

After hearing this order, the people in the Ministry of Justice were extremely happy. You must know that they are all ordinary people, many of whom have only read a few books. Now that they are asked to formulate the laws of the empire, how can they not be excited.

However, Qian Yuye had no hope in their knowledge, so he found many civilized laws in the core, copied them, and then sent them to the members of the Ministry of Justice through Skynet.

Let them select it themselves or compile it according to the situation in the empire. After the compilation, Qian Yuye will personally check it, and Qian Yuye will check it in person before it can be officially released.

To this point, those few people readily agreed. They still understood their own knowledge and had some knowledge, but it was not enough for them to compile the law.

However, when they saw the various laws in Skynet, they immediately fell into it. They all wanted to make a splash in formulating laws and let His Majesty see his talent.

You must know that there is currently no one in charge of the Ministry of Justice. Whoever performs well this time may be the Minister of Justice. How can this not make them excited?

After everyone finished reporting, Qian Yuye said to everyone, "Remember tomorrow's mission, ensure the success of the mission, and start the empire from now on. All departments must also work hard."


Then everyone stood up and saluted Qian Yuye.

Qian Yuye was about to walk down the steps when he suddenly turned around and said to everyone, "The position of executive officer has been vacant for a long time. Whoever gets the executive officer will depend on his own efforts."

Qian Yuye walked down the steps and went to the back of the execution hall to continue studying the reports they handed over. After all, he wanted to take charge of this imperial ship. Although he didn't understand the details, he still had to control the direction of the empire.

When everyone heard Qian Yuye's words, they immediately started talking. You must know that executive officers are different in the empire. Everyone has known for a long time that executive officers are actually the emperor's executive officers.

The executive hall was named after the executive officer. It can be imagined that the executive officer has great power. Although everyone does not care about the power, sitting high up can naturally get His Majesty's approval, which is what everyone longs for.

There are four executive officers in total, and each executive officer leads a higher-level organization, and their task is to help the emperor handle imperial affairs.

Therefore, with these four people, Qian Yuye does not need to come to the executive hall every day. It is enough to have the executive officer. If there is something that cannot be solved, it can be said to be very convenient for Qian Yuye to come again.

After all, Qian Yuye doesn't want to have to deal with government affairs every day. Although he won't be like the ancient emperors of the empire who died from overwork on imperial affairs, Qian Yuye doesn't want to deal with trivial matters every day.

That's why Qian Yuye set up these four executive officers, and these four executive officers plus the higher-level organization led by the executive officer, a total of fifty people just established the upper-level organization of the entire empire to help Qian Yuye deal with various matters.

And what Qian Yuye said before leaving was to inspire everyone and let them look forward. You must know that it is okay now, but if there are more people in the future, the position of the executive officer will not be as good as it is now.

At this time, when everyone heard Qian Yuye's words, various thoughts flashed in their eyes, especially Shennong and Bei Liuhu.

The two are the only candidates for the Science and Technology Bureau, but they heard that Orochimaru may also join the Science and Technology Bureau secretly after this plan. Now it seems that this is huge bad news.

So Beilihu and Shennong planned to make great achievements this time, and then win over the executive officer before Orochimaru joined the Machine Empire.

They were still very nervous about competing with Orochimaru, but if they competed with each other, they were very determined.

After all, Orochimaru's prestige spread throughout the entire ninja world, which made the two feel jealous. They decided to complete this mission before Orochimaru joined the Machine Empire. Then the two looked at each other, full of fighting spirit.

After Qian Yuye's words, the entire empire began to turn around in an astonishing way.

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