The mechanical empire that started with Naruto

Chapter 76 Shennong's Thoughts

Ankir Bandi.

After Shennong finished the meeting in the execution hall, he returned to Ankel Bandi. He needed to arrange a battle plan for tomorrow. Although he had said it before in Qian Yuye, that was only a rough plan.

And now Shen Nong has to arrange detailed tasks for the personnel, although Qian Yuye said that it would only consume Konoha's foundation.

But in the war, there were too many uncertainties, so Shennong planned to change the plan from the previous Hokage Building to ordinary ninjas.

Of course, during this period, Shennong could not guarantee not to kill important people in Konoha, but Shennong didn't care. As long as the fourth generation Sarutobi Hiruzen survived, there would be no big problem.

And with the three melons and two dates he had, Shennong didn't think he could kill Sarutobi Hiruzen, even if Sarutobi Hiruzen was already old, it would be impossible.

So Shen Nong began to arrange their tasks to the birds.

At this time, the flying birds stood in front of Shennong, and they were all very excited. After all, for them, revenge on Konoha can be said to be the long-cherished wish of the Kong Ninja. Now that they can really take revenge on Konoha, can they not be excited?

"The First Battalion will start flying individual combat aircraft to attack Konoha early tomorrow morning. Make sure to bomb Konoha for me.

After the bombing, stay near Konoha and wait for the next order. "


The people in the first brigade immediately became excited when they heard the order. You must know that before the Kong Ninja Village was taken under the control of the Machinery Empire, apart from the sky fortress of Ankel Bandi, it could be said that they could fly individual combat aircraft. They were all elites of Kong Ninja, let alone letting them bomb Konoha, which excited him even more.

However, because the air ninja attacked Konoha earlier than in the original work, the Asukas only had a hundred individual combat aircraft.

However, due to the addition of the Mechanical Empire, the individual combat aircraft has also been improved a lot.

At the same time, their weapons have also been changed, from the original kunai with explosive talismans shooting and attacking to using firearms to fire explosive talismans, which is faster and more stable.

The Mechanical Empire didn't want Konoha to know that this incident was related to the Mechanical Empire for the time being, so that's why they did this, otherwise the weapons of the birds might become energy weapons.

"The Second Brigade, after the bombing of the First Brigade, attacks from all directions of Konoha. Your mission is to kill Konoha. Your main targets are Konoha's Ninja Academy, Anbu, Roots, and the headquarters of the major families. "


Although the second team was depressed about falling behind the first team, the opponent was the elite of the Birds after all, so they could only secretly prepare to compete with the first team.

"Third Brigade, your mission is to capture all kinds of information about Konoha and various rare items after the Second Brigade attacks, especially to capture the Hyuga clan members. Capture as many as you can."


The third brigade didn't think anything of it. After all, they were the logistics personnel of Kong Ninja Village before. Now they were very satisfied to be able to go to the battlefield in person. There was nothing dissatisfied.

To be honest, Shennong was not sure whether he could complete the task he assigned.

In Shennong's opinion, the first group has a high chance of completing the task, but in Shennong's opinion, the second group's mission is unlikely to be completed. This depends on Konoha's cohesion.

If Konoha's cohesion is good, then Shennong's layout will be completed well, and vice versa.

After all, if the cohesion of Konoha is very good, then after the first bombing, the major families, the ANBU, the roots and other organizations must protect Konoha.

If the cohesion of Konoha is not good, it will be difficult for the Asukas to attack these places, and they may even fail.

But for Shennong, even if he fails, it doesn't matter. After all, once the war breaks out, His Majesty's mission will be completed.

As for the Asukas, Shen Nong didn't care too much. You must know that in the original work, Shen Nong could be said to have abandoned the empty ninja. He only wanted to use Zero-Tail to unify the ninja world.

Although Shennong no longer wants to unify the ninja world, the goal of the Machinery Empire is to unify the ninja world, so even if Shennong joins the Machinery Empire, he does not pay much attention to the birds.

However, as the Flying Birds are Shennong's exclusive force, Shennong still values ​​the Flying Birds more than he did before joining the Mechanical Empire.

You must know that as the third seat of the Science and Technology Bureau, Shen Nong has his own exclusive troops, and these Kong Ninja were originally Shen Nong's subordinates, so Shen Nong naturally valued them more than before.

However, what Shennong valued more was the people in the first brigade, which were all elites specially selected by Shennong. As for the people in the second brigade, Shennong was preparing to use this war to select talents.

You must know that there are only more than ten ghosts in Beiliuhu, and there are as many as 500 among his own birds. Although this is not a big deal, with the current economic situation of Shennong, he can't afford to support so many people. .

That's why Shennong planned to eliminate the top 100 people, and only those who survived the war experience and the other 400 people could get resources to grow.

And this time Shennong decided to complete the attack on Konoha by himself, trying not to involve Beilihu. After all, Shennong also wanted to take the executive position.

If Shen Nong wants to accomplish his goal alone, he also has a trump card, that is, the armor Qian Yuye made for Shen Nong has been completed.

Then Shennong asked the birds to rest and recuperate their energy, so as to be ready to attack at dawn tomorrow.

He himself returned to Ankel Bandi's hall and began to become familiar with his armor. Although the armor already belonged to him, he was not very familiar with it because he had just received it.

In the process of becoming familiar with it, Shennong also discovered that the main enhancement of this armor was his hand-to-hand combat ability.

Originally, Shennong possessed the Eight Gates Dunjia, as well as forbidden arts such as physical activation and physical regeneration, and his strength had already reached the fourth level.

This time, coupled with this armor that can specifically increase the melee combat ability, it can be said that Shennong's strength has been greatly increased, and he has truly become a strong man in the fourth level.

Although it is said that because of becoming a machine race, physical activation and physical regeneration are no longer effective, and the combat effectiveness has dropped a bit.

But in the process of transforming into a mechanical race, Shennong's mechanical body became more powerful and had more energy. Although these two technologies were gone, his foundation was greatly increased.

This is also his trump card when he wants to compete for the executive officer. After completing this war against Konoha, Shennong himself will also feel that he can get rewards from His Majesty and advance to the fourth level.

Once promoted to level four, he will no longer be weaker than Beiliuhu. Even though Beiliuhu's secret technique is very powerful, Shennong thinks that his combat effectiveness is not inferior to that of his opponent.

In addition, he was responsible for attacking Konoha this time, and there was no chance for Beilihu to make a contribution. Shennong felt that he was the one to be the executive officer this time.

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