The medical black technology system of the top student

Chapter 105 The war on bacteria is over.

The driver stopped the car at the school gate. Lu Liang did not return to the dormitory after getting off the car.

Instead, he walked towards the school's snack street.

It is now close to seven o'clock in the evening, and it is already past meal time in the school cafeteria.

Lu Liang could only go to a street stall to settle dinner matters.

Lu Liang ordered a piece of egg fried rice from a small roadside stall, then packed up and returned to his dormitory.

After pushing open the door of the dormitory, Lu Liang found that Cheng Ming, Liu Qi, and Zhu Liang were discussing something enthusiastically.

Lu Liang put the egg fried rice on the table and asked curiously: "What are you talking about, are you all so happy?"

"Lao Lu, didn't you read the news in the group? What are the class activities tomorrow?"

"A class activity, how can it be so fun?" Lu Liang said boredly.

Cheng Ming shook his head: "Lao Lu, you should first take a look at the content of this class activity before talking about it."

Lu Liang turned on his phone and glanced at the messages in the class group, then frowned involuntarily: "Rented a villa for a barbecue?"

Liu Qi also asked with interest: "Lao Lu, will you come tomorrow?"

Lu Liang thought for a moment, then put down his phone and said, "Forget it, there are still things to deal with tomorrow."

After all, antibiotic trials must be conducted as soon as possible.

Early the next morning, several people in the dormitory got up early.

Cheng Ming and others were going to catch the bus, while Lu Liang was going to the laboratory.

Lu Liang first went to the study room to find Wen Yong. He had made an appointment with Wen Yong yesterday, and Wen Yong had been waiting for him in the study room early.

After calling Wen Yong, the two walked towards the laboratory.

Wen Yong sighed as he walked: "Other people go out in pairs on weekends, but singles like us are still staying in the laboratory, really wanting to find a girlfriend."

But Lu Liang doesn't think so: "If you have time to find a girlfriend, it's better to play two games."

Wen Yong shook his head: "Brother Lu, your thoughts are very dangerous. How can games be compared with girlfriends? Girlfriends must be more important."

At this moment, the two of them had walked to the door of the microbiology laboratory unknowingly.

Lu Liang paused at the door. He looked back at Wen Yong and asked, "Let's put it this way, Brother Yong, what is your fundamental purpose in finding a girlfriend?"

Wen Yongyong couldn't help but pause when Lu Liang asked. He frowned and thought hard for a while.

"It should be for happiness."

Lu Liang asked while going through the sterilization process: "Then will you be happy playing games?"

Wen Yong had a troubled look on his face: "You can't say that, these two kinds of happiness are different."

"Is it different?"

Lu Liang asked: "The happiness caused by these two behaviors is ultimately caused by the body's secretion of dopamine to stimulate nerve excitement. It is just a matter of more or less dopamine secretion. Is there any difference?"

Wen Yong was speechless for a moment.

Lu Liang asked again: "Does it cost money to find a girlfriend?"


"Does the game cost money?"

"Need not."

"Will your girlfriend bother you?"


"Does the game bother you?"


Lu Liang spread his hands: "A game that you can play and stop whenever you want, it won't annoy you, and can bring you infinite happiness, and a game that costs money, will annoy you, and then can bring you happiness." Girlfriend, which one do you choose?"

"I choose my girlfriend." Wen Yong replied.

It's hopeless, carry it away, next person.

"Okay, let's start the experiment." Lu Liang sighed and said.

After ending this topic, Lu Liang took out the super bacteria he had induced.

At present, Staphylococcus aureus, induced by him, has evolved into one of the super bacteria, Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus through ultimate evolution.

Later, Lu Liang took out the third-generation oxazolidinone antibiotics placed in the refrigerator.

What he will test today is the susceptibility of superbugs such as methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus to third-generation evil bacteria.

With the addition of the third generation oxazolidinone antibiotics, a small change has occurred again in the microscopic world.

Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (referred to as Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus) looked at his peaceful colony and couldn't help but nodded with satisfaction.

In the fight against antibiotics, as they have evolved resistance, most antibiotics now have no effect on them.

Without antibiotics to interfere with them, they will usher in a peaceful age.

Just when Aureus Aureus was dreaming about smooth sailing in the future, a sudden wailing sound in the distance woke him up from his fantasy.

That was the cry of his people.

Armor-resistant Staphylococcus aureus couldn't help but tremble in his heart.

what's the situation?

Aureus-resistant Staphylococcus aureus hurriedly rushed to the direction where the wailing came from to check.

Soon, he saw the corpses of his own tribe scattered all over the field. This horrifying scene made Aureus tremble all over.

His eyes scanned the battlefield, looking for the culprit.

But the moment A-resistant Staphylococcus aureus saw the culprit, his face suddenly turned pale.

It was a "monster" he had never seen before!

The monster's body is composed of three ring-structured molecules, twisted and weird. The most terrifying thing is that there is a horrifying giant arm connected to the end of the ring structure.

Phenyl and ethyl groups extend from that giant arm.

Every time the monster waved his arm, the wind of death would spread, leaving his tribe lying dead.

This. What is this!


But aren’t they all already resistant to antibiotics?

Why does this antibiotic still kill them!

Is it a new antibiotic?

Aureus-resistant Staphylococcus aureus feels cold all over, and the proteins in the body seem to solidify at this moment.

But the instinct engraved in his DNA still allowed him to make the right decision.

"Mate, mutate quickly, evolve resistance!"

Armor-resistant Staphylococcus aureus roared with all its strength.

Mutation is their only weapon, and it is also their most effective weapon!

Only mutation can adapt to everything!

And with the command of the armor-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, other armor-resistant Staphylococcus aureus began to adjust their DNA, and then rushed towards the "monster".

They must use their own death to find the only chance of life.

But Aureus-resistant Staphylococcus aureus soon discovered that their most powerful weapon, "mutation", seemed to have lost its effect at this moment.

With a wave of the "monster's" giant hand, Armor-resistant Staphylococcus aureus felt a strange force pouring into his body, directly sealing the 50s ribose subunit in his body.

This scene made Aureus resistant Staphylococcus aureus look horrified.

He had fought against countless antibiotics, and those antibiotics all attacked from the outside in.

And this "monster" can attack from the inside out, and the cell walls on the body's surface cannot play any defensive role at all!

This move directly caught the A-resistant Staphylococcus aureus off guard.

At that moment, A. aureus understood that if they wanted to adapt to this method, they would need to mutate longer than before.

But the question is, where do they get the time!

Now the "monster" has walked towards his tribe, obviously intending to kill them all!

The dying Staphylococcus aureus was lying on the ground with a look of despair. The only thing he could do now was to use his last strength to scream at his tribe.

"Run, silly kids!"

But despite this, it was still to no avail. The "monster" had already rushed into the huge bacterial colony and started killing, and blood flowed into a river for a while.

Finally, the "monster" came to the last armor-resistant Staphylococcus aureus and watched the "monster" raise its huge arm.

The armor-resistant Staphylococcus aureus used his last bit of strength to ask the last doubt in his heart: "What kind of antibiotics are you!"

After hearing the question about armor-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, the "monster" curled his lips.

"We are the third generation of synthetic antibiotics!"

"Artificial synthesis, repay the third generation, the loser is not unfair!"

A look of relief appeared on the face of A-resistant Staphylococcus aureus.

At this moment, the three generations of evil showed no mercy, and fell with their hands, killing the last armor-resistant Staphylococcus aureus.

So far, no A-resistant Staphylococcus aureus has survived!

It’s not just armor-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. Similar massacres are also taking place in other petri dishes.

It’s just that the targets of the slaughter are replaced by multidrug-resistant Streptococcus pneumoniae, vancomycin enterococci, and other superbugs.

Without exception, these superbugs ended up being easily killed by third-generation oxazolidinone antibiotics.

At this point, the germ war is over.

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