The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 1710: If regret is useful, what do you want to kill?

Emperor Xiao Qing smiled slightly, "How dare you let you, the young master of the Holy Sword Sect, salute like this, I'm afraid this king can't bear it, hey, do you want the Holy Sword?"

"No, no more." Jian Wuyu replied with a hoarse voice.

"Do you still want to be your maid?" Xiao Qingdi asked again.

"No... I dare not, I don't dare anymore..."

Jian Wuyu's figure trembled, and his whole body was filled with endless regret.

If he had known that the strength of this seemingly invisible youth was so terrifying, even if he had given him a hundred courage, he would not dare to be so arrogant in front of Emperor Xiao Qing.

"Senior, spare my life."

He bowed down very sincerely, with a panic in his voice, but said in a respectful voice, "The younger generation knows that what I do is worth a thousand deaths and offends the immortal. It won't do anything to you, but God still has a benevolent heart. As a long-lived person, seniors will definitely not care about juniors."

"As long as they can survive, the juniors are willing to pay any price."

At this moment, he dare not have any small tricks.

Because he knows very well that facing an immortal, even if his strength reaches the half-step long-lived stage, he is absolutely impossible to be the opponent of the opponent, and he must not have any thoughts.

Otherwise, he will undoubtedly die.

Of course, this can be regarded as a life-saving method, after all, if you don't enter the longevity realm, you will never know how terrible it is.

Some immortals have a hard-skinned face, and in such a situation, they will naturally let him go for the sake of the immortals of the other race.

"Moreover, senior, you and I belong to the Holy Sword Sect. We are actually a family."

In the end, when he discovered that Emperor Xiao Qing didn't act on himself immediately, he was relieved and displayed his final killer.

The same sect person, this excuse is enough!


Just as he felt proud of his wit in his heart, suddenly, the water sword suspended in the air slashed in the air, directly cutting off one of the young man's arms.


The youth screamed.

"Thank you seniors for showing mercy."

The voice was hoarse, and the whole body was trembling with pain, but he was relieved.

In his opinion, Emperor Xiao Qing's actions unconsciously planned to punish him and let him go.

"No hurry, there will be more later."

However, when he breathed a sigh of relief, he heard Emperor Xiao Qing's indifferent voice.

"Wh...what?" He suddenly raised his head, looking at Emperor Xiao Qing with shock.


The sword chant sounded again, and the water sword burst out with unparalleled sharpness, and directly swept across the sword, and also cut off Jian Wuyu's other arm.

"Enough... Enough?" Jian Wuyu roared with cold sweat, but gritted his teeth.

"not enough."


Another sword light swept across, cutting off Jian Wuyu's right leg.

Jian Wuyu trembled, raised his hand and clasped his fist, "Senior, I am a disciple of the Sacred Sword Sect's Tianjiao, and I have received the respect of my Sword Sage ancestor..."


However, when he finished speaking, there was another sword roar.


The blood blasted out, and the feeling of coldness passed, he lowered his head and looked down.

Sure enough, the other leg was also cut off.

People stick!

These two words abruptly appeared in Jian Wuyu's mind, causing him to tremble constantly.

He didn't know if it was the pain or what, his whole body was shaking.

His eyes were blood red, he gritted his teeth, and shouted, "Senior, is that enough? Can juniors recover their limbs?"

Obviously, he didn't even dare to recover his limbs, but he had to get the consent of Emperor Xiao Qing.

"not enough."

However, the answer to him was still the indifferent words of Emperor Xiao Qing.


The sword roar sounded again.

"no no..."

Jian Wuyu screamed in horror, and energy flashed across his body, and he was about to flee away with him.

All his limbs were cut off, what else could be cut off?

It's nothing more than his fate.

At this moment, he understood that Emperor Xiao Qing didn't punish him and let him go, but really wanted his life.

But can he run?

Before the retreat, Emperor Xiao Qing was able to kill the half-step immortal and surrender the real immortal. Now after three months of retreat, he has truly settled for three months. What level of his strength has reached? know.

He just volleyed, and the void around Jian Wuyu was completely imprisoned.

No matter how powerful his young Jian Wuyu exploded, it would be useless to continue to collide, because the void was imprisoned and he couldn't leave at all.


The next moment, a sword light fell from the sky, directly splitting Young Jian Wuyu in half.

His soul was safe and sound, but standing on the Changsheng Bridge with a face of horror, he was about to flee with the Changsheng Bridge and the soul of heaven and earth.

However, it is still useless.

Void was imprisoned. No matter how his soul collided, he couldn't leave. He could only scream, "Senior, please be forgiving, this junior knows it's wrong, senior is forgiving..."

"Regret it?" Xiao Qing asked.

"Yes, the younger generation regrets it, please spare your life." Jian Wuyu's soul cried out in horror.

"If regret is useful, what do you need this king's sword for?" Xiao Qingdi suddenly laughed.

"Do not..."

Jian Wuyu's primordial spirit showed horror.

"Oh, before you die, this king can tell you a little secret." Xiao Qingdi suddenly smiled.

"Wh, what..." Jian Wuyu's soul was stunned.

"This king, it is not the longevity stage, and even the half-step longevity stage has not been reached." Xiao Qing said.

"No, it's impossible..." Jian Wuyu's soul suddenly changed color.

"Believe it or not, let's get on the road. The moment you hurt Luo Jing with your hands, you are already doomed to the end of the battle."

Emperor Xiao Qing's expression was dull, and he grabbed it.


In the panic of Jian Wuyu's primordial spirit, this fellow's Changshengqiao and primordial spirit exploded at the same time.

And the world of nine layers of souls, also completely shattered at this moment.

The terrifying power of the half-step immortal also spread out, however, it did not dissipate with the wind, but was caught in the air by Emperor Xiao Qing and turned into a burst of energy to be grasped in his hand.

After scanning the people, Emperor Xiao Qing pondered for a long while, and directly injected all the energy into Tian Huan's body, "Reward you."


Tian Huan's face changed, and then, before he could figure out what was going on, he felt a majestic force burst out of his body.

This power is the full energy of a half-step immortal, and it is also of the same origin with Tianhuan, and under the control of Emperor Xiao Qing, it is directly integrated into Tianhuan's body very smoothly.

In an instant, on top of Tian Huan's head, while the seven primordial spirit heaven and earth appeared, there were also two other primordial spirit heaven and earth looming.


His primordial spirit sat on the seventh heaven and suddenly shouted angrily, the majestic power poured into it, causing the last two primordial spirit heaven and earth to be directly opened up.

"Nine, nine heavens?"

On one side, the great ancestor Tiansheng, Sect Master and Wang Mo of the Holy Sword Sect were all stunned.

"Brother, I need to retreat for a while." Tian Sheng turned to look at Emperor Xiao Qing.

"On the island." Emperor Xiao Qing waved his hand at will, a burst of energy blasted out, grabbing Tianhuan directly and sending it to Dragon King Island.

Even though Tianhuan had already opened up the world of nine-layered souls, he still didn't have the slightest resistance in front of Emperor Xiao Qing and directly entered Dragon King Island.

"Too, too strong."

Seeing this scene, the great ancestor Tiansheng's voice was trembling, and he couldn't help but cheeky and looked at Emperor Xiao Qing, "Little, little friend, senior, can you help me improve my cultivation level?"


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