The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 1711: What are you longing for?

"Ancestor, your things have fallen."


Above Longwang Island, Wang Mo looked at Dazu Tiansheng with a smile on his face.

"What's missing?" Dazu Tiansheng looked around in surprise, showing a confused expression, "No."

"The festival is gone." Wang Mo said.

Great ancestor Tiansheng, "..."


The Sect Master of Sacred Sword and Luo Jing couldn't help laughing.

Especially Luo Jing, although smiling, but always looking at Emperor Xiao Qing, at this moment, she, who is the body of the soul, also has a flushed face, and only feels sweet in her heart.

"Big Brother Xiao..."

She muttered to herself in her heart, remembering what Xiao Qing said to Jian Wuyu, when she said that she was his woman, she only felt that a heart was beating faster like a deer.

"Thank you little friend."

After everyone's effect, under the leadership of the great ancestor Tian Sheng of the Holy Sword Sect, the lord and Wang Mo worshiped Emperor Xiao Qing at the same time.

"You are Welcome."

Emperor Xiao Qing was quite polite to the people of the Holy Sword Sect. He smiled softly and helped the three of them up. "Not to mention that Tianhuan is the second brother of this king. For good reason, the Holy Sword Sect is in trouble, and this king can't stand by."

"It's just that Jian Wuyu once said that within the Sacred Sword Sect outside the Territory, there is a supreme sword saint who is a strong man in the longevity realm. I don't know if he will sense what happened today."

The face of the Sect Master of the Holy Sword was embarrassed.

"This matter is indeed a problem."

The great ancestor Tiansheng also sighed, "If I expected it well, the so-called sword saint should have been sent by the sect to take people to the outer starry sky to find a new holy place for spiritual practice, but never returned. That person."

"The other party is the strongest tianjiao of the sect of that era, but he has a rebellious character and acts without scruples. The sect records that the other party is extremely short-sighted. If it is really him, maybe we will be in trouble."

Tian Sheng looked at Emperor Xiao Qing with a worried look, "Little friend, this matter is an internal matter of my Holy Sword Sect, but you are involved."

"This king said, this king is also a member of the Holy Sword Sect."

Emperor Xiao Qing smiled indifferently, "As for the so-called Juggernaut, if he doesn't come to provoke this king, it's all right. If he dares to show up, this king will kill him directly."


Such a confident look made Dazu Tiansheng couldn't help but breathe in cold air.

Then, when I remembered that Emperor Xiao Qing easily killed Jian Wuyu, a strong half-step immortal realm like an ant, suddenly, Tian Cheng's heart was horrified, and he raised his head to look at Emperor Xiao Qing, revealing his eyes. The color of horror, "You..."

However, before he could say his words, he was interrupted by Emperor Xiao Qing, "This king is very curious about the past of the Holy Sword Sect. Why not enter the island?"


The great ancestor Tiansheng nodded quickly, and bowed respectfully to Emperor Xiao Qing, "So, I will bother you."

One after another, his attitude towards Emperor Xiao Qing also began to change extremely respectfully.

Obviously, at this moment, he regarded Emperor Xiao Qing as a true immortal, and did not dare to show no respect.

Emperor Xiao Qing beckoned gently and sent Luo Jing's primordial spirit over, holding her little hand with one hand, and leading everyone into Dragon King Island.

In the main hall of the island, Emperor Xiao Qing and everyone gathered together, and immediately had his subordinates deliver a variety of teas and snacks, Xiao Wu, Ai Wen and Xiao Qi of the top ten dragon guards also welcomed the Emperor Xiao Qing.

"Presumably you also know what the Eight Hundred Realms of Human Race say in the outer world."

Great ancestor Tiansheng slowly said, "In ancient times, there was actually no Human Race Eight Hundred Realms. The so-called Eight Hundred Realms were all seized by powerful people who went out from the home star."

"Especially, the ancient forces in the mother planet now have bases almost outside the territory, and so does the Holy Sword Sect."

"Back then, due to the over-exploitation of the human star, the spiritual energy gradually dried up. The strong people from all sides sent people in the door to find a suitable place for cultivation. Some people from the power found them and immediately returned to report to their respective powers, and then brought people. To open up frontiers, but the people sent by the Holy Sword Sect are gone forever."

Tian Sheng’s face showed a cold color, “The leader of the team was the strongest Tianjiao of the Holy Sword Sect of that era. Even at a young age, his kendo cultivation has reached the peak of the Sword Emperor, and he is also the Nine Heavens. A strong man in the realm, his soul mark has never been broken, and even now he is still hanging high in the Ancestral Hall of the Holy Sword, and it is getting stronger and stronger."

"There are others, most of the arrogances who went out with him back then are still alive."

"Later, it was my sect expert who went to the outside world. I heard that there was already an outside world called the Sword Realm. After investigation, I realized that it was the person sent out by the Holy Sword Sect to set up a sect and stand on his own with the treasures of the sect. The portal."

He shook his head with a helpless look on his face, "This is the secret of the sect, and it is also the shame of the sect. Very few people really know it, even the lord does not know it."

"Great Ancestor, then, did the later ancestors of the Holy Sword Sect go to the sword world to find them?" Wang Mo couldn't help asking.

"Who said I didn't go?"

Tian Sheng smiled bitterly, "At that time, when he learned that the Holy Sword Sect still had a holy land outside the territory, the contemporary Sect Master of the Holy Sword Sect was overjoyed, and went with the powerhouse of the Sect. As a result, they never returned. ."


"Did you die in the sword world?"

The faces of everyone changed.

"No, their soul marks are equally good, but they were subdued by the other party."

Tian Sheng said indifferently, "At that time, most of the sect master and the ancestors in the gate were missing, and he even carried countless treasures of the sect. In this way, the sect was completely in decline."

"Otherwise, my Holy Sword Sect, as the first sect of kendo in ancient times, how could it have fallen here?"

Although the words were plain, everyone could feel the sadness in Tian Cheng's heart.

Then, he smiled indifferently, "Actually, it's better for that guy to ignore us, at least, don't worry that he will bring someone back to **** the Holy Sword and the Holy Sword."

"But, all these ideas may soon be shattered."

He shook his head and said, "From Jian Wuyu's appearance, I know that the Holy Sword Sect will face the greatest difficulty in history. If I can't get through it, this time, maybe the Holy Sword Sect will be destroyed and replaced by the opponent."


The faces of young people like Wang Mo and Luo Jing changed drastically.

The Sect Master of the Sacred Sword Sect clenched his fists, his face showing unwillingness, "Hateful, if this Sect is strong enough, how could this be..."

However, how can he be unwilling?

After all, he was only the seventh heaven of the Yuanshen Realm.

"I must tell Gu Zu about this matter, and I will explain it to Gu Zu and leave."

Then, the great ancestor Tiansheng sighed, stood up and bowed to Emperor Xiao Qing, his figure rose into the sky.

Seeing the great ancestor leaving, the Sect Master also sighed and saluted Emperor Xiao Qing, "I also need to go back to the sect, so I will leave."

"Master, then I will go back together."

Wang Mo also left immediately.

After all, they were caught and left the Sacred Sword Sect. If they don't hurry back to appease the sect disciples, the sect may cause chaos.

In the blink of an eye, all the members of the Holy Sword Sect left, only Luo Jing looked at Emperor Xiao Qing with a worried expression on his face, "Big Brother Xiao, Holy Sword Sect, is there really any danger?"

"Don't worry, there is Big Brother Xiao here, no one can do anything to the Holy Sword Sect."

Emperor Xiao Qing comforted softly, but there was a look of expectation in his eyes.

After three months of retreat, the cultivation base has grown greatly. If you face the longevity person, what will be the result?

He is also looking forward to World War I!

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