The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 1712: Master and disciple

On Dragon King Island, as the people of the Holy Sword Sect left, Emperor Xiao Qing frowned and said in a low voice, "There are at least a dozen powerful people from outside the world in the home planet today. Why are they here?"

The strength reached his current level, even if he was not Human Race Sage Master Lin Tian, ​​who could control the rules of the world, but he could also sense that someone had entered the home planet world.

"Master, did someone deliberately bring people in?" Xiao Wu walked behind Xiao Qingdi and said softly while helping him massage.

"I don't rule out this possibility, but it doesn't matter. If they obediently don't provoke the king, it's fine. If there is any change, just cut it off."

Emperor Xiao Qing smiled indifferently.

When everyone heard the words, they all laughed. Today's Dragon King Island is just when it is booming. The entire island has been built into a supreme holy land.

Not to mention the presence of Emperor Xiao Qing, they believe that in this world, absolutely no one can hurt the Dragon King Island.

"Yan'er hasn't even left the customs?"

Emperor Xiao Qing swept across Longwang Island and found that although some people on the island had already left the customs, Xiao Qingyan and others were still in retreat.


Suddenly, he showed a look of surprise, "Everyone from the Xuanyuan clan also came, and, Atari and Kong Shuai, it seems..."

Then, he couldn't help but smile, "Those two boys, the days from now on, it's not easy."

"Isn't it? They are probably having a headache now."

Xiao Wu laughed, thinking of Atari and Kong Shuai being held by two women respectively, and couldn't help but want to laugh.

"Big Brother Xiao."

At this moment, Ji Xinyao, who was wandering on the Dragon King Island, had already felt his heart when Xiao Qing's divine thoughts were swept away, and his figure flickered towards the hall.

"Everyone, please."

Xiao Qi chuckled softly, and led everyone to follow towards the hall.

"Big Brother Xiao."

Inside the hall, with a golden light flashing by, Ji Xinyao's figure appeared in front of Emperor Xiao Qing, her face looked at Emperor Xiao Qing with excitement.

"Long time no see."

Even if there were Luo Jing, Xiaowu and others around, she was very excited. While holding Xiao Qingdi's hand, she was so excited, "I miss you so much."

"Long time no see."

Emperor Xiao Qing smiled softly, took his hand back without a trace, and looked at Ji Xinyao with a little surprise, "You are so fast in your cultivation, and within a few months, you have already stepped into the Primordial God Realm. "

At this moment, Emperor Xiao Qing was truly shocked.

Ji Xinyao's talent is good, but the speed of cultivation is also regular, and it is reasonable to say that it is impossible to jump to the Primordial God Realm like this.

"I, I retreat in the clan and have been rewarded by my ancestors, so I practiced faster, but it was far worse than you."

Ji Xinyao's eyes flickered slightly, as if he was somewhat lost because Emperor Xiao Qing retracted his hand.

At the same time, she looked around and found that there was no Li Yuanji beside Emperor Xiao Qing, her eyes brightened, "The Empress Li is not there."

The eyes flickered slightly, and there was an intoxicating smile on Qiao's face, "Brother Xiao, I see that the practice environment on Dragon King Island is better than the Xuanyuan Clan. I wonder, can I settle down on Dragon King Island?"

She looked at Emperor Xiao Qing with a look of expectation on her face.

In my heart, there were some thoughts surging.


Emperor Xiao Qing nodded slightly and did not refuse the other party.

Then, looking at the door, Xiao Qi came with Ji Hao, Ji Tiandi and others.

As soon as Pu entered the door, as soon as he saw Emperor Xiao Qing, Ji's natural enemy showed excitement, and bowed to Emperor Xiao Qing, "Disciple, see Master!"

This sturdy, gray-haired old man, with excitement on his face at this moment, respectfully respecting his disciple, just kneeled in front of Emperor Xiao Qing in such respect.

Emperor Xiao Qing looked at Ji Tiandi in surprise, "Although you and I are superficial masters and apprentices, in fact, it was just a joke at the time. I know you were not voluntary. From then on, the joke let him pass."

Feel free to wave his hand to help Ji's natural enemy up.

At that time, accepting disciples was just a joke.

Today's Emperor Xiao Qing, looking at Ji Tiandi, a gray-haired old man, didn't want to embarrass him.

"Do not."

Unexpectedly, Ji Tiandi shook his head with excitement on his face, "A disciple who is a named disciple of Master for a day will always be your disciple."

"Unless the disciple did something that betrayed the master and was expelled from the master, otherwise, I beg Master not to deny me."

With that, he bowed again.

"Is this true?" Xiao Qing asked.

"It's hard to chase after a word." Ji Tiandi said in a deep voice.

"Well, if that's the case, you will be a disciple of this king in the future."

Emperor Xiao Qing chuckled softly. Before, his realm was not even as good as Ji's natural enemy. At that time, it was a bit of a misnomer to say that he was Ji's natural enemy.

But now he, not to mention Ji's natural enemy, no matter how strong he comes, he is qualified to be the opponent's master.

"Meet Master."

Ji Tiandi excitedly bowed to Emperor Xiao Qing.

This scene made the faces of the Xuanyuan people suddenly embarrassed, especially Ji Hao. He was still a junior in front of Ji's natural enemy, and he must respectfully shout ‘Old Ancestor’.

And he and Xiao Qing emperor are equal to the same generation.

At this moment, he looked at Emperor Xiao Qing, and he didn't know how to say hello.

"Asshole, Ji Hao, haven't you seen the ancestor yet?" Ji Tiandi snorted and let out a force, directly pressing Ji Hao, whose cultivation base was not as good as him, to the ground.

As a result, Ji Hao, along with the Xuanyuan people behind him, all lay down on the ground.

Ji Tiandi, "......"

Everyone of Emperor Xiao Qing, "..."

"See, met the ancestor..."

In desperation, Ji Hao could only blush and shout in a low voice.

"Brother Ji, don't be polite." Emperor Xiao Qing smiled indifferently, and lifted everyone up with a flick of his hand.


Ji Hao took a sigh of relief and hurriedly clasped his fists, "Thank you Brother Xiao."

As for Ji's natural enemy, it doesn't matter, anyway, his master is already worshipped.

When he looked at Emperor Xiao Qing and sensed the vast aura of Emperor Xiao Qing like a starry sky, he was even more horrified, "My master, I am afraid that the two ancestors of the clan, Ji Muchen and Ji Mufeng, are even more terrifying. Know exactly what level he has reached."

After all, with his strength, he is not yet qualified to participate in some Nine Heavens and Half-Step Immortal levels.

"In the future, I will definitely practice hard and never fall into the name of my master."

When he made up his mind, he saw Atari and Kong Shuai fleeing from a distance as if they were also fleeing. They looked scared and said, "They say women are beasts. It's so right and terrifying. .."

"Let's stop playing, let them play slowly."

While the two were talking, seeing Ji's natural enemy, Atari's mouth couldn't help but move, "I said the old man, don't you dare to say it's my master now? It’s just that the Primordial Divine Realm is in a heavy state, oops, it’s too shameful."

"Be a teacher for one day, and be a teacher for life. Since I am your master, you can't change unless you are quite the shameless person who betrayed the master." Ji Tiandi said with a cold face.

"This, ahem, of course not." Atari slapped haha, "Don't worry, I won't despise you, you will be my master in the future."

"If that's the case, then visit Master."

Ji Tiandi took Atari to Xiao Qingdi's face with satisfaction.

Atari, "....."

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