The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 1746: The knocked down Tianjiao

After the First World War, except for the three people on the scene who knew the result, others didn't even know that they had ever fought.

The emperor Xiao Qing asked Da Cang Long to enter the Dragon King Island for a while, while Da Cang Linglong sat aside cleverly.

And Emperor Xiao Qing, while boiling water to make tea, just like ordinary people reminisce about the past, while chatting with Okura Long.

Da Canglong saw potential from Emperor Xiao Qing. As a businessman, he knew very well that at this time, a small investment and telling Emperor Xiao Qing something useful was enough to exchange for the friendship of Emperor Xiao Qing.

Even if Emperor Xiao Qing won't help the Okura family much in the future, at least he won't deal with the Okura family, everything is enough.

He talked about it and told Emperor Xiao Qing of his infinite years of experience, which made Emperor Xiao Qing also listened with gusto.

But Okura Linglong was cleverly on the side, adding from time to time, looking at Emperor Xiao Qing with shining eyes.

Later, Emperor Xiao Qing also carefully consulted, and even consulted on the cultivation of the longevity realm.

Many things are common sense for those practitioners who have longevity as their teachers, but for Emperor Xiao Qing, they need to explore on their own. Ocang Long's generous teachings made him understand too much.

So, one sitting is three days.

During the period, Okura Linglong was really boring, and she ran to the island to mix up with everyone. Although she was just a newcomer, her sweet looks quickly became familiar with everyone.

And at this moment, after Jiang Zhan returned to the outer starry sky, the big world controlled by the Jiang Clan, he didn't immediately return to the Jiang Clan's sacred place for cultivation.

After several days passed, the people of the Jiang nationality were rewarded and realized that something was wrong. The contemporary patriarch, that is, Jiang Zhan's biological father, personally led someone to take him back.

"Niezi, say, what happened?"

The patriarch of the Jiang clan is also a powerful and unparalleled existence. He has entered the second stage of the longevity realm with his cultivation base, and is the top three powerhouse in the Jiang clan.

Originally, he had always been proud of his son, and felt that his son would definitely be able to surpass himself, even if he could not become the fourth stage emperor, at least he could become the invincible existence at the peak of the third stage.

This time, Jiang Zhan was so drunk that he was completely angry.


With a slap, Jiang Zhan was slapped hard, and Jiang Zhan was dizzy, but he did not wake up. The patriarch was furious and directly dragged Jiang Zhan to a stinking ditch and threw him into among them.


The stinking ditch finally caused Jiang Zhan to wake up.

At this moment, his whole body quickly rose to the sky, and then rushed into the sea, washed himself back and forth, cast spells, summoned the spiritual energy of the heaven and the earth to converge into a spiritual spring, and washed himself again, and then he recovered. .

"Wake up?" the patriarch of the Jiang clan asked.

"Wake up." Jiang Zhan nodded.

The patriarch of the Jiang clan brought Jiang Zhan back to the sacred place of cultivation in the clan, and the father and son stood face to face, "Let’s say, who can hit you like this? Is that the emperor? Or the Xuanyuan clan?"


Although he was already sober, Jiang Zhan gritted his teeth at the thought of the humiliation he received in the hands of Emperor Xiao Qing, his face flushed, and his breathing was unstable. "He is an unknown fellow among the mother stars."

"who is it?"

The face of the patriarch of the Jiang clan changed, "The mother star has long been deserted, and even Jiuzhongtian rarely appears. How can it be compared with you?"

Not to mention that Jiang Zhan's talent is definitely an unparalleled existence in the world. In the entire human race's eight hundred realms, there are a hundred people who can surpass Jiang Zhan.

Only the top group of people can beat Jiang Zhan into this.

"Dragon King, Emperor Xiao Qing." Jiang Zhan's voice was low, with an endless roar, and immediately, the unmatched power of Emperor Xiao Qing rang out. After he sighed heavily, he just fell into action. Too strong, I am not an opponent."

"He is an immortal?" the Jiang clan chief asked.


Jiang Zhan shook his head.

"It's not a long-lived person, someone who can surpass you in a half-step long-life realm is indeed extraordinary. No wonder you will be hit like this."

The patriarch of the Jiang clan sighed, "However, don't be so sad, everyone dare not say that he is an unparalleled existence in the world, no matter how strong you are, there are still stronger than you."

"Even the barbaric emperor, who was invincible in the past, will eventually disappear without a trace, leaving only the nine inheritances?"

His comfort was not better than Jiang Zhan's. Jiang Zhan even said bitterly, "The other party is not a half-step immortal, but just nine heavens."


The patriarch of the Jiang clan was stunned, "How is it possible? You are only a little bit close to reaching the longevity realm, how can your Nine Heaven Realm be no match for the original spirit realm?"

"I even used the hole cards left to me by my ancestors, and in the end it was not his opponent."

Jiang Zhan smiled bitterly, "Father, he is really too strong. I don't have any power to resist. Facing him, I am like a person who has no power to bind a chicken."

"Moreover, he still has the emperor seed on him, and even he doesn't even care about the emperor seed, and even threatened that if I want it, I can buy it from him."

"How can there be such a terrible person in this world? I really am not an opponent."

Jiang Zhan cried, tears across his face, his head was buried in his hands, and he lowered his head and cried.

The strength of Emperor Xiao Qing made him feel desperate.

He knew, let alone that he did not break through to the longevity stage, even if he broke through to the longevity stage, he would definitely not be Xiao Qing's opponent.

"He has an emperor?"

The patriarch of the Jiang clan did not pay attention to Jiang Zhan who was sobbing, but a light flashed in his eyes, took out the communication stone, "Prepare a thousand spiritual veins to send me."

Then, he yelled to Jiang Zhan who was crying out loud, "Cry or cry, wherever you fall, just stand up from there, how strong is his strength, you don't stop here and can't move forward, you will cultivate well in the future. Just surpass him."

"Go, take you to find him for the father."

With that, Jiang Zhan was about to leave.

"No, I'm not going to see him, I don't want to see him in my whole life." Jiang Zhan's face showed excitement, and the whole person kept shaking his head as if crazy.

At the beginning of the battle with Emperor Xiao Qing, Jiang Zhan did not show much. However, as he returned to the big world of Jiang Clan, it was like a bullied child returning home, the whole person collapsed instantly. .

He never wanted to see Emperor Xiao Qing again, never dared to see Emperor Xiao Qing again.

"Without seeing him, how can you get out of the shadows, how can you be invincible?"

The patriarch of the Jiang clan forcibly imprisoned Jiang Zhan, waved his hand, directly shattered the void and left.

The purpose is the mother star.

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