The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 1747: Prince Jing

"Friends, although you don't want the map of the battlefield of the gods and demons, the old man thinks that I still have to give you a reference. This is a gift between friends, please accept it."

Two days later, Da Canglong stuffed a jade slip to Emperor Xiao Qing with a polite expression.

"Well, thank you so much."

Although Emperor Xiao Qing didn't want it, he couldn't help the old guy's enthusiasm and had to put it away.

"Linglong girl, please, if you have any trouble, please ask fellow daoists for help. My Okang clan will become the most loyal friend of fellow daoists."


Then, Okura Long bowed very politely, and then turned around and left the void.

After two days of exchanges, at first they talked about the world and talked about some of the most common common sense. Later, the two talked about it. What shocked Okura Long was that some theories of Emperor Xiao Qing were not worse than him.

Even later, Okura Long also benefited a lot from their discussion.

If it wasn't for something in the clan, he even thought about staying and communicating with Emperor Xiao Qing.

But it was Okura Linglong. After getting acquainted with Dragon King Island, she looked like a host and didn’t treat herself as an outsider at all. She watched her family ancestor leave and waved her hand, “Old man walk slowly, I will be free in the future. Come and play."

"Ahahaha, the old guy has finally left. Now, no one can care about what this girl does."

When Okura Long disappeared completely, she laughed loudly, with a smug look on her face, she was like a little devil who had left her parents. Where could she look like a good girl?

"Battlefield of Gods and Demons..."

At this moment, Emperor Xiao Qing stood in mid-air with his hands on his back, a ray of light in his eyes.

During the conversation with Long Long, he knew the battlefield of gods and demons the most. There were countless battlefields outside the territory, just like the battlefield where Xiao Zhengjing blocked the passage, it could only be regarded as relatively ordinary.

And the strongest is naturally the battlefield of ancient gods and demons.

According to legend, in ancient times, the gods and demons fought a battle, the blood of the gods and demons soaked the world, and the bodies of the gods and demons were piled up in the starry sky. Later, the supreme power shot them and brought them together on the battlefield.

So far, the battlefield of gods and demons has blood, corpses, and even treasures of all kinds of gods and demons.

In the endless years, the battlefield of gods and demons has become a Jedi full of opportunities and dangers.

"It is imperative to bathe in the blood of the gods and demons and rise under the pressure of the gods and demons."

Emperor Xiao Qing whispered to himself, his figure stepped out in one step, and he came to the passage of the outer battlefield.

Since the passage was sealed that day, it was no longer guarded, and Xiao Zhengjing stayed in it, swallowing all the murderous and demonic energy, making this passage no problem.

When he appeared, he saw Xiao Zhengjing's figure in the passage completely disappeared, and only a whirlpool was left rotating, devouring the murderous and devilish energy from the passage.

Moreover, it seemed that the murderous aura and demon aura from the other side of the passage were not enough for him to swallow it, and the whirlpool he transformed into actively exploded with infinite suction, drawing the murderous aura and demon aura from the other side.


Emperor Xiao Qing opened his mouth, causing the passage to shock, revealing Xiao Zhengjing's figure.

At this moment, Xiao Zhengjing's breath was majestic, his devilish energy was rolling, and his whole person was no longer as gentle and elegant as before, and there were even endless magic lines flowing on his face.

"Why are you here?" Xiao Zhengjing looked at Emperor Xiao Qing in surprise.

"Let's see how the uncle's cultivation is effective." Xiao Qingdi smiled softly.

"I want to see if I'm still alive?" Xiao Zhengjing raised his eyebrows and said with a smile, "Don't worry, your uncle, I'm not that imaginary. Since I'm sure I can swallow these murderous and demonic energy to grow, naturally I won't take myself down. To die."

"I know."

Emperor Xiao Qing nodded, "With your current strength, I am afraid Jiuzhongtian is no longer your opponent."

As soon as this remark came out, Xiao Zhengjing laughed, carrying his hands proudly, and said proudly, "The nine heavens are not my goal. Only above the nine heavens can I barely make me look at each other."

"It's quite confident." Emperor Xiao Qing smiled and stroked his nose.

"That's natural."

Xiao Zhengjing laughed, a finger on the top of his head, and suddenly, accompanied by a roar, on the top of his head, the primordial spirit world with nine layers of devil qi whistling appeared, and there was a longevity bridge across it.

"So fast."

Emperor Xiao Qing couldn't help showing a look of surprise.

How long has passed since then, Xiao Zhengjing not only cultivated to the Nine Heavens Realm, but even the Changsheng Bridge successfully condensed.

"Haha, the magic way I practiced is quite special, and the inheritance I got is very high, which is equivalent to re-cultivation. It only needs enough energy to make me break through to the longevity state."

Xiao Zhengjing laughed loudly, looked at Emperor Xiao Qing, and said comfortingly, "However, you are not bad, my nephew, you don’t have the opportunity like me, but you can practice so fast, you are a super Tianjiao."

He smiled and looked at Emperor Xiao Qing, "In the future, if a long-lived person dares to trouble you, the uncle will help you beat him."


Emperor Xiao Qing touched his nose and revealed an embarrassed smile, "Uncle, this, the longevity may not need your help. Of course, if you have to be my backer and help me, I may be in the fourth stage of longevity. Not yet an opponent, you can help me deal with the opponent."


Xiao Zhengjing was stunned when he heard the words, "You mean that you are not afraid of the strong in the longevity realm? Even the existence of the fourth realm can make you feel jealous?"

"Almost." Emperor Xiao Qing nodded, "Although he has not yet confronted the third realm of Longevity, if it explodes with all its strength, it should be able to stop the strong of the third realm of immortality."


As soon as these words came out, Xiao Zhengjing was stunned, "You, how could it be possible, the breath in you..."

Before the words fell, I heard a roar and remembered that a vast primordial spirit world appeared above Xiao Qingdi's head, not only transcending the passage, but even blending into the void.

"Are you Jiujiu returned to one?" Xiao Zhengjing's face changed drastically, "It's a bad thing, why didn't you tell me first before Jiujiu returned to one? You only have one soul world, no matter how powerful you are, you can't follow Changsheng Compared to those."


The second Yuanshen heaven and earth in the range of 10,000 miles emerged.

Xiao Zhengjing, "..."

"First, the second primordial spirit world, and it's all ten thousand miles wide?" Xiao Zhengjing felt that his head was a little insufficient, and the inheritance of the ancient demon he had obtained was not enough to see.

My nephew seems to have overturned common sense.

"You don't have a soul world like Jiuzhong?" He stared at Emperor Xiao Qing blankly.

"Not really." Emperor Xiao Qing shook his head after putting away the primordial spirit heaven and earth, "the energy is insufficient, and the physical strength cannot withstand too strong power, I came to you, just to tell you, I'm looking for At this time, go to the battlefield of the gods and demons outside the territory to practice physical body.

"Wait for three months."

Xiao Zhengjing said directly, "After three months, I will be successful and will not be afraid of the immortal."

"Can I enter the longevity realm in three months?" Emperor Xiao Qing couldn't help taking a breath, his uncle's cultivation speed seemed to be much faster than he thought.

"Naturally." Xiao Zhengjing said indifferently with his hands on his back, "It's just a mere immortal realm. I can break through at any time if I want."

"After three months, I will take care of everything in the family. You can go anywhere."

"Well, so, I will wait for you for three months."

There was a gleam in Xiao Qingdi's eyes, Xiao Zhengjing's cultivation speed was indeed beyond his imagination, but that was good, he didn't have to worry about being left unattended on Dragon King Island after he left.


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