The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 2013: Kill those who refuse


When Emperor Xiao Qing rushed out of the void, he saw that the tree of life that was as high as one million feet burst out an unmatched attack, slamming on his four feet frantically.

The long Nine-Colored Dragon was beaten a little stunned, and it kept rolling around, even without the strength to fight back.

Fortunately, the four-legged body was extremely powerful, even if the branches of the tree of life hit it, it did not destroy its dragon scales, just sparks.

"The little guy is poisoned?"

At a glance, Emperor Xiao Qing could see that there was something wrong with his four legs.

According to reason, although this little guy is not too strong, it is impossible to be crushed by this tree of life.

But it couldn't even move, obviously it was poisoned.

The poison that can make the Nine Heavens Dragon immobile is really terrifying.


Emperor Xiao Qing stepped out of his figure and appeared next to the little guy in an instant. Then, with a grab with his right hand, he directly grabbed several of the branches, and pulled them hard, and the branches broke apart.

However, at the moment when the branches fell apart, a strange mist burst out and was about to penetrate into his flesh.

"That's it."

Emperor Xiao Qing's eyes were cold, and the nine-color energy in his palm turned into a furnace, and he directly inhaled all the mist into it for refining.

Then, his right foot shook in the void, and endless sword aura appeared from all directions, just like that, cutting down towards this tree of life.

"Simply Jianqi, want to cut my branches?"

The eyes of this tree of life showed disdain.

The tree of life is the raw material for the supreme magic weapon of refining tools, which means that the material itself is hard enough, and it will never be easily cut. The reason why it was pulled off by Emperor Xiao Qing before was just for the Emperor Xiao Qing.

However, Emperor Xiao Qing condensed all those poisonous mists and refined them. Since there was no way to reach Emperor Xiao Qing, how could it let Emperor Xiao Qing cut through its branches?

"Humble human ants, you will never know what kind of existence you are facing."

A human face appeared on the trunk of this tree of life, ridiculing Emperor Xiao Qing, "Even if I stand here and let you chop, you can't cut me anything."

"The deity is the tree of life high above. Unless the true god, no one can hurt me, hahaha."


Its voice hadn't fallen yet, these sword auras chopped down together, each sword aura chopped to a branch, very precise, cut all the branches of the entire tree except the main trunk.

Click, click...

There was a clear sound of cutting trees everywhere.

At the same time, all the trees on this tree of life were neatly chopped down by Emperor Xiao Qing's sword energy.

In the blink of an eye, this guy became bare and only the main branch.


At this moment, the juice was flying.

The tree of life was stunned.

The face on its main branch was also dull and sluggish, and then screamed, "No, how could it, I don't believe it...ahhhh..."

"Don't waste it."

Its loud cry, on the contrary, awakened the paralyzed four feet. The little guy was very excited and turned into a nine-color light rushing over, putting away all the branches, and then putting away the sap being sprayed. He said with joy, "This is the water of life, not bad."

"Big guy, come more."

The four feet happily collected the water of life from the tree of life, and the big tree finally reacted and screamed and ran away.

"I just thought about running away now, it's too late."

Emperor Xiao Qing's expression was cold, his figure stepped out, and he instantly appeared above the tree of life that was furiously fleeing, his figure volleyed into the sky, and the sword was directly slashed towards the opponent.


With a sword, he cut this guy neatly into two directly.

"No, spare, spare."

Inside the trunk that was cut into two halves, a small green sapling jumped out, with hands and feet, exuding a strong vitality, screaming for mercy constantly.

"It's the heart of life."

All the powerful people onlookers changed their expressions, and there were even a few who thought they were powerful, directly turning into rays of light and rushing over.

"Dare to intercept King Hu?"

Emperor Xiao Qing sneered, waved his hand at the heart of life who was begging for mercy, and immediately put it away, and then, the sword light flashed, splitting the tree of life into several segments, and then income it to Yuan Within God's heaven and earth.

"Hand over the heart of life."

"The tree of life is my friend. You dare to kill it. I'm never finished with you."

"Hand it over and let me **** it back to the Tree of Life, so you can spare your life."

Several guys, there are all kinds of creatures, and they just found an excuse. The power that burst out of themselves is so powerful that they are only a little bit close to becoming the true God of the universe.

"When does the tree of life have so many friends?"

Emperor Xiao Qing smiled indifferently and blasted out with his backhand punch.

In an instant, the guy who rushed to the front was a huge guy who was directly smashed into pieces by Emperor Xiao Qing.

At the moment it was bombarded and killed by Emperor Xiao Qing, there was an inner world looming, about to disappear in this universe.

"Want to run?"

The cold light flashed in the eyes of Emperor Xiao Qing, and he grabbed the space with his right hand, and the rich rules of heaven and earth changed. He directly grasped the inner heaven and earth in his hand, and then the infinite runes merged into it, making the inner heaven and earth that was about to collapse and be sealed on the spot. live.

After putting Inner Heaven and Earth away, the attacks of several other powerful men also arrived. However, he did not rush, his body shook, and the dense sword energy was fan-shaped, like millions of fans, blooming in all directions. Away.

At this moment, the Nine Colors of Light was so brilliant that all those onlookers were dumbfounded.

All the people who rushed to find the trouble with Emperor Xiao Qing changed their expressions, and they were about to retreat madly.

"Since you are here, you don't have to go."

However, at this moment, Emperor Xiao Qing opened his mouth with a cold expression. With a flick of his finger, drops of blood flew out from between his fingers, turning into vivid avatars, each holding a sword made of sword aura in each hand. Just kill the strong ones.

And his body is volleying, like walking in a leisurely courtyard, appearing in front of one of the strong men, grabbing the space in his hand, the world is regularized into a bunch of sword energy, and it directly splits the opponent in half.

In the blink of an eye, another inner world was collected.

Then, he moved slowly towards several other strong men. At this moment, these strong men not only had to withstand the beheading of Emperor Xiao Qing’s fan-shaped sword aura, but also the **** incarnation of Emperor Xiao Qing was haunting them, making them There is no way to escape.

I could only watch Emperor Xiao Qing slowly coming over, killing them all on the spot with one sword.

It didn't take long before a dozen inner worlds were collected by Emperor Xiao Qing.

He was a little joyful in his heart. He didn’t expect that he could collect so many inner worlds when he first came to the Holy Demon Universe. If he stayed for a while, I’m afraid he could build hundreds or thousands of inner worlds. Then, let Dragon King Island or three After the people of the Palace of Kings have been integrated, they might be able to create a team composed entirely of strong men in the fourth stage of longevity.

"It's really a geomantic treasure."

He couldn't help sighing, looking at other people watching the excitement.

After being looked at by his gaze, all the people who watched the excitement changed their complexion, and carefully stepped back toward the rear, but they didn't even dare to look directly at Emperor Xiao Qing.

Emperor Xiao Qing smiled casually and looked at the entrance of the Star Ruins. When he was about to enter it first to take a look, a terrifying divine might impacted like a tide in the distant starry sky.

"Who dare to kill the descendants of my life clan, **** it."

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