The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 2014: No fear of God!

"Who dare to kill the descendants of my life clan, **** it."

Accompanied by a sound of *, in the depths of the starry sky, an old man who was full of divine light stepped over in the air.

"The true **** has come."

"He's done."

"This is the true **** powerhouse of the life clan, and his strength is earth-shattering. Even if the same true **** powerhouse comes, it is not necessarily the opponent of the true **** senior, let alone him."

Seeing this old man coming, all the onlookers gloated.

Except for Qiu Yushuang, everyone who was far away from Emperor Xiao Qing breathed a sigh of relief, "Fortunately, we just stayed far away from him, otherwise, we will be exhausted by him."

As for Qiu Yushuang, his complexion also changed drastically. He was planning to come forward to communicate with Emperor Xiao Qing, but also stopped at this moment.

"Boss, the true **** is here, do you want to fight him?"

The four-legged body was reduced and jumped to the shoulders of Emperor Xiao Qing and stood, its small paws gripping Emperor Xiao Qing's clothes tensely, "If you really want to fight, I will lend you my dragon ball to use it. Power than the true god."


Emperor Xiao Qing was surprised, and grabbed the little guy and put it in his hands, "But what are you saying is true?"

This little guy is worthy of being a descendant of the royal family of the Nine Heavens Dragon Clan, with the same back hand and then the same, really can't be underestimated.

The four feet felt the power of the true **** getting closer and closer, and it was extremely nervous, "It is true, but that dragon ball was specially reserved for me by my old man. You can't use it at will unless you have to. energy."

"Boss, hurry up, let me go, I will pass the Dragon Ball to you."

It was about to open its mouth and spit out the dragon ball.

However, Emperor Xiao Qing shook his head and said, "No, this king naturally doesn't need to use your dragon ball."

Then, looking at the star ruins gradually formed by a light gate with shining stars ahead, he glanced at the true **** who was coming from the distant starry sky, and smiled softly, "I won't play with you this time, wait. Second, this king will take your heart of life again."

After that, he waved his hand directly, rolled up Qiu Yushuang, and walked directly into the light gate that had not yet been fully formed in Xingxu.


At the same time that Emperor Xiao Qing disappeared, the figure of the tree of life who became the true **** powerhouse was flowing, stepping out of the void.

"Who is it, get out of me."

With a loud roar, the void exploded directly.

"Senior, he has already entered the Star Ruins."

A human youth stood up. It was the youth who had been with Qiu Yushuang before. With a friendly smile on his face, facing the true gods, "Senior Mingjian, this matter has nothing to do with us."

"Why don't you stop him?"

The true **** thought* and said, "You rubbish, watching my descendants being killed, there is no one to rescue you, you all deserve to die."


In its furious rage, it turned around and burst out with unparalleled power.

At this moment, the starry sky revolved, and the boundless aura burst out, causing the young man to blow to pieces.

"Senior, all this has nothing to do with us."

"Senior, I am a disciple of the Holy Magic Academy. If you dare to kill us, the dean will not take a break with you."

"Senior, my ancestor is also a true **** powerhouse."

"Die all."

Each of these guys changed their faces and wanted to ask each other for forgiveness, but it was useless. The power erupted from the body of the true **** powerhouse was earth-shaking. Between the waves, the unmatched flame burned and directly smashed the hundreds of strong in the field. The person killed directly.

Fortunately, at a critical moment, a true **** powerhouse came and said, "The tree of life, do you dare to kill people indiscriminately?"

"My descendants are dead, and these can't be either." The old man* transformed by the tree of life.


Accompanied by the shouting sound, the figure of the dean of the Saint Demon Academy who had met Xiao Qing before suddenly appeared, "Your descendants are too rampant. They have offended the envoy and been beheaded. They deserved it. If you dare I don’t mind cutting you off for any evil purpose."

"You... Dean Saint Demon, very good..."

The old man transformed by the tree of life smiled furiously, and after an extremely cold glance at the strong people in the field, he directly smashed the void and left.

"The true **** of the tree of life clan, ha ha..."

The dean of the Saint Demon Academy sneered, "The deity saved you, but you don't know what is good or bad. If you really stay here and wait for the envoy, you will die by then."

After he nodded to the other true god, he also disappeared.

And the true **** who appeared first frowned, "Who is the one who killed the descendants of the tree of life? Is it a disciple of the Holy Demon Academy? Why even this old thing came out to defend the other party?"

"It's weird."

After shook his head, this true **** powerhouse said to the other immortals, "Everyone, the star market is open, take the opportunity."


All the immortals saluted respectfully, and then stepped into the Star Market Light Gate one by one.

At this moment, Emperor Xiao Qing had four feet on his shoulders, Qiu Yushuang walked beside him, with a look of anxiety on his face, "Senior, you killed the descendant of the tree of life, it seems that it is the one of life. A direct descendant of the true **** powerhouse of the tree clan, I wonder if that true **** will guard outside."

"It's okay, if you really guard it, it will be cut off later."

Xiao Qingdi's face wore a calm look.

Although the true **** and the immortal are already a huge leap in life, he is fearless.

With his current strength and the blessing of the emperor armor suit, he can greatly increase his own strength. At that time, even if he is against a true **** strong, he will not be afraid of a fight.

Ten thousand steps back, even if it is really not an opponent, the big deal is to use the little guy's Dragon Ball.

The little guy can say that the power contained in that dragon ball can definitely make him cut the true **** powerhouse.

"Senior, that's a true god."

Qiu Yushuang is about to cry, can you stop blowing?

What if you are the invincible one? Facing the true god, it will also be finished.

This is no longer a player of the same level, it is impossible to beat it.

However, Emperor Xiao Qing had an indifferent color on his face, and he took Qiu Yushuang straight forward, deep into the Star Ruins.

This so-called Star Ruins is actually a decayed galaxy. After life is extinct, it has been refined into a secret realm with various dangers and opportunities.

Emperor Xiao Qing walked in the air, looking at the starry sky that was not different from the outside, looking at Qiu Yushuang with a little surprise, "There is no difference in this so-called Star Market. What treasure do you think is there? "

"Senior, we haven't found it yet. If the treasure can be obtained so easily, it won't be called a treasure."

Qiu Yushuang gave Xiao Qing emperor a rare glance. He volleyed towards one of the planets surrounded by gray mist, and smiled casually, "Look, if you want to talk about treasures, maybe I will just let it go. It means that you can meet a treasure whose star has been refined."


The next moment, the star shook.


Qiu Yushuang was stunned.

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