The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 2075: True and false

"Hahaha, thanks a lot, little guy."

When Sidou gave its blood to Sidon, Sidon laughed loudly, his voice was magnificent, and it was no longer as small and small as before, like a newborn.

The four differences at this moment, the sound is so magnificent, it seems to be restored to the previous appearance.

All four were stunned.

It had just reluctantly separated a bit of its own blood to this guy, thinking that this guy was really hurt by himself, but unexpectedly, it was actually pitted by the big man.

"No, it's impossible. The dragon king is wise, wise, and no one can match. How could he be deceived by this guy? It was the dragon king who looked at this poor guy and wanted to help him."

He would rather die than admit that he was cheated.

While muttering, the little guy looked at the weird thing that was constantly burning and turned into wisps of blue smoke. Suddenly, he felt that something was wrong, "These guys, it seems that the impurities have been burned, and there is only The final essence is still there? No, is this dragon king deceived again?"

Its mind was shaking, and there was a solemn color in its eyes.

At this moment, a gray figure flashed in the void, it was the gray mist incarnation of Emperor Xiao Qing.

The emperor Xiao Qing's gray mist avatar grabbed directly into the air, and the gray figures that had been refined by four feet were gathered and integrated into this avatar.

Four feet, "......"

"the host."

The mini version of Si is not like paying a salute to Emperor Xiao Qing cautiously.

"so small?"

Emperor Xiao Qing looked at the four in amazement, "How is the strength now?"

"The strength hasn't changed much, but the physical body has become smaller." Si Dixiang said.

"It seems that these weird things are attached to you, and they have become you." The incarnation of Emperor Xiao Qing looked at the four differently, and suddenly noticed that this guy had changed.

In the past, the strength of the four different bodies was all in the flesh, and they were inconvenient to move. Now that they have become smaller, they have become more transparent and closer to becoming a god.

"It's all up to the master." Siunxiang said respectfully.

"Very good, you did a good job." The incarnation of Emperor Xiao Qing praised.

The four legs on one side were dissatisfied, "Boss, what do you mean? You mean, I can’t do what I do? It’s up to me to do this, if it’s not for me to roast his body If you give it the blood of the dragon king, can it become more powerful?"

"Yes, you are the best."

Emperor Xiao Qing said casually, sensing that this gray mist incarnation became stronger, his eyes showed a solemn color, "This Origin Star has also been invaded by weirdness, but it doesn't matter."

If it was before, he might not be able to do anything with those weird things, but now it is different.

This incarnation of him is enough to sweep the world, swallowing all the strangeness and refining directly, thus strengthening this incarnation of himself.

"bring it on."

His figure burst out with a terrible suction force. In an instant, in the entire Origin Star, the secular world, the Liangjieshan, the wild and even the holy land of the human race, except for the Dragon King Island because of the energy protection arranged by Xiao Qing After being invaded by weirdness, grotesquely grinning gray figures rose up everywhere else.

These guys have always been covering the spirits of one of them and devouring each other in the crowd, and they have not caused them to cause riots. Everything seems calm, but in fact countless creatures are controlled by them.

However, before the black hands controlling these weird scenes erupt, all these weirdness were swallowed by Emperor Xiao Qing.

The infinite and strange figure flew over and blended into Emperor Xiao Qing's body in this way, making this incarnation of Emperor Xiao Qing even stronger.

Even the four feet and four different images in the distance looked at the incarnation of Emperor Xiao Qing, and there was a sense of fear in his heart.

"The boss will not be assimilated by this weird thing?"

The four legs whispered, the body shrank to an inch long, standing on the four-not-like head, patted the four-not-like newborn and pink head and asked, "Big man, no, small man, you think the old man will not be weird. Assimilation?"

"how is this possible."

Sishen said firmly, "The master is the strongest in the world, even this weird thing cannot have any influence on the master."

"Cut, you have never seen anything in the world, how do you know how powerful the strongest is."

Four feet disdain.

Si is not like not saying much, but a whirlpool burst out of his body, directly devouring spiritual energy cultivation from the void space.

On the other side, Sibuxiang's huge body was finally completely burned by the fire of the four-legged dragon, leaving only a ray of light flowing, all of which fell into Sibuxiang's body.

Sidon’s flesh began to grow scales, and dragon horns formed on his head, and his eyes were full of curiosity, "You actually have dragon horns, but these are just ordinary dragon horns, but what about your scales? It looks like the scales of a unicorn, and your back has become a basalt shell."

"Is there Phoenix Fire?"

While the four feet asked, a small pinch of phoenix feathers on the tail of Sibuxiang ignited a fierce flame, which was the fire of the phoenix.


There was envy in the eyes of the four feet, "In this way, you really have the abilities of several kinds of mythical beasts, which seem to be really powerful."

"Of course, when I fully grow up and get the blood of the four great beasts, I will be the true king of the beasts." Sibuxiang said proudly.


As soon as its voice fell, it was slapped on its head with four feet and a palm, and almost snapped its dragon horns off, "The dragon king is here, do you want to rule the roost? Just be honest, or kill you first. "

"You...little guy, you become arrogant when you become stronger." Sidonian looks angry.

"Yeah, I can become stronger and arrogant, can you?"

Four feet proudly spoke.

Si is not like being incomparably sad and indignant, but there is nothing to do with the four legs, so he can only make up his mind, and when he becomes a god, he must teach this little guy a good lesson.

"Stop it."

At this moment, the gray mist incarnation of Emperor Xiao Qing had swallowed all the weirdness of Origin Star, and the aura erupting from his body was strange and evil.

He came to the outside of Dragon King Island and said to his four feet, "Open Dragon King Island."

"Open it yourself." Four feet rolled his eyes, "I suspect you are not the real boss at all, otherwise it would be impossible to open the formation seal of Dragon King Island."

As soon as this statement came out, Sijiao himself hadn't realized what was wrong, and Sibuxiang's eyes had changed.

And Sheng Yun also showed a look of horror, and his figure retreated far away.

Emperor Xiao Qing turned his head, looking at his feet with a weird smile on his face, gloomy, but terrifying and evil.

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