The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 2076: How to unlock?

Outside the Dragon King Island, the incarnation of Emperor Xiao Qing turned his head to look at his four feet. The gloomy color in his eyes changed the expressions of the four feet and four feet, and the holy cloud looked like a frightened monkey. Jump into the distance.

"It's over, the boss didn't refine the thing into an external incarnation, but the thing refined the boss."

The four legs trembled, and there was a look of horror in his eyes, "We are dead, absolutely dead. After that guy has all the inheritance of the boss, he will never have the slightest weakness."

"Boss, if your main body is nearby, you can run as far as you can. Oh, forget it, it's useless, you should come out and block this guy for a while and let me run away."

"My inheritance hasn't been obtained yet. As long as I can run away, after I reach the realm of the Nine Heavens Dragon King, I can conversely smash it, and maybe I can save your boss by then."

The little guy kept talking about it, making the incarnation of Xiao Qingdi, who had a sinister and evil color in his eyes, dumbfounded. "Little guy, you still think about yourself at this time, why don't you think you should save me?"

"Ah...Boss?" His four feet were startled.

The little guy carefully looked at the incarnation of Emperor Xiao Qing, "Are you real or fake?"

"Nonsense, how could it be fake."

The avatar of Emperor Xiao Qing sighed helplessly, "It's just that the power of this avatar is just that kind of weird and unknown power. If I use it, not only will I not be able to open the seal of Dragon King Island, but it will even cause backlash."

"real or fake?"

Four feet didn't believe it, "Boss, it's useless no matter how you make up, I just don't believe you."

The little guy was not very scared at this time, but in any case did not feel that the gray Emperor Xiao Qing in front of him was real.

"Unless your body comes, don't want me to open the Dragon King Island." With a snorted four feet, standing on the head of the four-not-like image, it was very tough on the surface, but in fact, all the limbs were trembling.

"Little guy, don't pee on top of my head." Si Weixiang's words were full of worry.

It clearly felt all four of its four feet trembling.

"Don't talk nonsense, run away later, the boss must be fake. From my experience, this boss is definitely turned back and refined by the gray and weird things."

Standing on top of Sibuxiang's head with trembling feet and small paws, his small eyes were extremely solemn.

"Really?" Si was not as firm as he thought that the person in front of him was Emperor Xiao Qing's, but when Sijia said that, it hesitated a bit.

"Could it be that the master is really finished?"

Si Dixiang also started to panic.

"Wait a minute, we don't want to go to Dragon King Island, don't take this guy to Dragon King Island, but enter Tianhe and go directly to the God Realm. There are more powerhouses in the God Realm and should be able to stop him."

The voice of four feet trembled.

"Yes, but I only have a part of my body that is not afraid of the water of Tianhe." The voice of Sidonian was also a little trembling.

"Don't worry, the Dragon King will help you." Four feet said, but incomparably, "It's just that we don't know if our speed will be faster than him."

"For example, if it is slower than him, what should we do?" Sidonian asked in a trembling voice.

"Then it's dead, so you must use your fastest speed to take me to escape." Four feet said.


Seeing, the two strongest mythical beasts were trembling with a very similar frequency. The more they chatted, the more scared they became weak, let alone running away, it would be a little difficult to even move them.

Emperor Xiao Qing smiled helplessly, "Fine, I won't play with you anymore, Origin Star is fine for the time being, watch carefully, if you really encounter strange things, you can be fearless."

He walked in the air and disappeared instantly.

"Finally ran away."

Sijiao and Sihuan breathed a sigh of relief at the same time, and then they thought of something. At the same time, they held their heads high and said frankly, "Ahaha, the boss was invaded by weirdness, but I was saved."

"That weird thing was scared away by me. Sidonian is worthy of being the number one beast under the nine heavens."

Seeing these two guys look triumphant over there again, Sheng Yun on one side was disdainful, "These two guys are also mythical beasts, they almost scared to pee, or the little master is more powerful, and he didn't move at all. "

"But, is he really invaded by weirdness?"

I am afraid that only Emperor Xiao Qing knew about this problem.

At this moment, this grey and strange incarnation of Emperor Xiao Qing was walking in the universe, wherever he went, whenever he encountered something strange, he would refine it and absorb it into his own physical body.

As a result, this avatar became more powerful.

And his body was in the Three Kings Palace, sitting face to face with Sister Susu, with a solemn expression on his face, and asked in a low voice, "Where is Yan'er?"

"Yaner is practicing in retreat."

Susu smiled softly. At this moment, the aura on her body became a little different from usual. She flickered and sat directly beside Emperor Xiao Qing, stretching out a hand, holding Emperor Xiao Qing's arm. , The whole person almost has to be attached to his body.

The words were not the same charming as usual, "Little brother, sister, do you look good?"

"good looking."

Emperor Xiao Qing nodded, Sister Su Su's face was beautiful, coupled with her peerless cultivation, and after she became a true god, she possessed an incomparably sacred aura, a true nine-day goddess.

However, Susu at this moment is clearly different from usual, a bit less sacred, a bit more coquettish, but it makes Emperor Xiao Qing feel very uncomfortable.

However, Sister Susu was holding Xiao Qingdi's arm like this, her eyes flowed, and she said softly, "Brother, do you really hate sister?"

"How can I hate my sister? What I hate is the **** who changed my sister."

Emperor Xiao Qing sighed, the cold light in his eyes flickered, and a nine-colored light burst out instantly from his body.


In an instant, a vast and boundless force instantly enveloped Susu's whole body.

Emperor Xiao Qing's figure remained motionless, but one hand held onto Sister Susu tightly, with a look of pity in his eyes, and said in a low voice, "Sister, brother, this will help you relieve your pain."

"you dare?"

The next moment, Su Su's eyes became sharp, "I have no pain, how can you treat me?"

"Drive me."

She screamed, and a vast expanse of divine power burst out, within her own divine power, there were strands of gray mist interspersed in it.

"Brother, don't make elder sister embarrassed, you let me go, otherwise, don't blame elder sister for hurting you." Su Su said angrily.

"Sister, it's okay, it will be all right soon."

Emperor Xiao Qing said in a warm voice, the breath of the whole body was terrifying, surpassing Susu's power burst, and instantly all of Susu's power was shaken down, and then his power surged into Susu's body, rushing her into her body. Practice it all again.

Soon, with the weird gray energy rising from the top of Sister Susu's head, all of her divine power was crystal clear at this moment.

However, Emperor Xiao Qing's eyes wrinkled, "The only thing is the Sea of ​​Consciousness. You must enter it with the True Spirit. However, if my True Spirit enters the Sea of ​​Sister Susu's consciousness, I am afraid there will be trouble."

Thinking of Shangyu Ziyu's affairs, Emperor Xiao Qing hesitated a bit.

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