The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 937: Xiandan Division

I am very grateful to Lu Fanlei, xnjyfx, 629 students, Yang Juan 321 classmates, old Zhou Laozhou classmates, Ranger GB classmates, Qianmen Street 888 classmates, bxmshd classmates pink ticket!


Xu Ziyan gently leaned his back on the back of the chair and thought about things from beginning to end. Looking back at the cold Dan Dan's gaze when he lifted the half of the grass to Han Dan. From the eyes of Han Dan, Xu Ziyan felt that this was not what he did.

Then, do you want to open a shop in Alchemy City? As long as you refine an elixir, it should not be a problem to have a shop in the city of Alchemy. Even in the next three years, Xu will face the mad revenge of Da Luotian and the flames. However, as long as the Xu disciples do not leave the alchemy city, they will not be in danger of acquiring herbs and refining medicinal herbs in the alchemy city.

And with the care of Han Dan, it will not be crowded out by peers. It is only three years of interruption with the Lotus Peak. No matter what, the people of Xujiadan Temple in the past three years have laid a foundation in the city of Alchemy, and they have broadened their horizons in the city of Alchemy. Maybe the level of alchemy of these disciples will grow faster.

After a moment of calculation, I hope that when the monks should have returned to the Lotus Peak, they will take the communication jade from the storage ring. After opening it, it immediately came to the hope of that hearty laughter:

"The patriarch, we have now returned to the Lotus Peak. This time we have smashed two branches of the flames, and the three big days of the city, robbed a lot of resources. Hahaha..."

Xu Ziyan’s face also revealed a smile: “Hope the predecessors. You let the family immediately select ten disciples from the Dan Dian and Fu Dian, and then let them bring enough Lingshi and materials. We want to be in the alchemy city and the spirit. Open a store in Baocheng. Let them come back with you as soon as possible."

"Yes! The patriarch!"

Just at this time. Outside the gate, the sound of the solitary smoke of Simon was heard: "Ziyan, are you there?"

Xu Ziyan and Yanshan heard the sound and hurriedly greeted them. I haven't waited to welcome the solitary smoke from Ximen, and I saw a monster car at the door. I jumped out of the car and saw the back of the solitary smoke in Ximen, a little glimpse, then laughed:

"Ha ha ha, Simon is also here!"

Several people turned to look at it, but they saw Yan Xingyun. Xu Ziyan and Yanshan soul rushed to see the ceremony and greeted the two Mahayana monks.

After entering the room, Xu Ziyan saw the solitary smoke and the Yan Xingyun of Ximen. You came to me to pass the eyes. I feel funny in my heart. Said to the two men:

"Two seniors came, but what happened?"

The solitary cigarettes in Ximen pretend to have a cup of tea without any problems, and just pulling the eyelids is just drinking tea. The Yan Xingyun slammed the solitary smoke of Ximen, and he laughed and said:

"Ha ha ha..., purple smoke, the old man came to thank you this time, you let the old man make a big fortune. Hahaha..."

On the other side, the solitary smoke of Ximen also revealed a smug look. Looking at the two promising appearances, Xu Ziyan was confused and asked softly:

"Yan predecessors, what is your relationship with the purple smoke?"

"Ha ha ha..., it's related! Absolutely related! Hahaha..."

Next, Yan Xingyun will say something about betting with Wang Woyun. Xu Ziyan looked at the solitary smoke in Ximen, and he couldn’t help but laugh. He didn’t think that Ximen Lonely Smoke and Yan Xingyun would join hands with Wang Woyun.

"Ziyan!" Yan Xingyun said seriously to Xu Ziyan: "Can you become a four-inner alchemy?"

"What?" Xu Ziyan looked at Yan Xingyun's serious appearance, and his heart was puzzled. Asked off.

"That..." Yan Xingyun was embarrassed to lick his beard and said: "I still want to bet with Wang Woyun!"

"噗嗤~~" Xu Ziyan heard it. I couldn't help but laugh. I did not think that Yan Xingyun, such a Mahayana monk, also had a urchin side. When I saw the blush of Yan Xingyun, I nodded and smiled. Yan Xingyun’s eyes are bright, and then he asks:

"That... five products alchemy teacher?"

Xu Ziyan nodded gently. Yan Xingyun's eyes are more and more shining, and the body is quite straight: "Where... six products alchemy teacher?"

The solitary smoke in Ximen couldn’t help it anymore. I looked at the Yan Xingyun Road disdainfully: "Yan Xingyun, are you a little bit out of your way?"

"How come I have no interest?" Yan Xingyun turned his head and stunned the solitary smoke of Ximen. "I have the ability to wait for me to lie in the king. You don't participate!"

"You are really... little family!" Simon smoked his head and sighed.

"Who do you say is a small family?" Yan Xingyun angrily opened his eyes.

"You don't have to blink, it's a big family!" After waiting for Yan Xingyun to refute, the solitary smoke of Ximen went on to say: "You see your interest, the increase of one product and one product is asking, isn't it a small family?"

"Then how do I ask? Do you want me to come up and ask Ziyan, is she a nine-inner alchemy?" Yan Xingyun said sarcastically.

The solitary smoke of Ximen snorted: "Tell you a small family, you still don't admit it! You are also this!"

The words fell, and I ignored the Yan Xingyun, who was blowing his beard and blinking. He waved a layer of ban, and then looked at Xu Ziyan with a look of dignity. He asked:

"Ziyan, are you an elixir?"

"What? What do you say about the solitary smoke in Ximen?"

Yan Xingyun suddenly picked up from the chair and stared at the solitary smoke in Ximen. When I saw the solitary smoke of Ximen, I looked at Xu Ziyan with a dignified look, and I also looked at Xu Ziyan. But just see Xu Ziyan gently nodded:


The Yan Xingyun was as stiff as a statue, and the solitary smoke of Ximen, which had been prepared for a long time, was also shocked, and it took a few deep breaths. After a long time, I recovered and said:

"Then you will participate in any Dandao contest! Are you not bullying the alchemists who participated in the competition?"

Xu Ziyan smiled a bit and saw that the look of the Yan Xingyun also recovered a few normal, and asked the Yan Xingyun:

"If I came to the city of Alchemy, I told Yan’s predecessors that I was Xiandan, Yan Yan, would you believe?"

Yan Xingyun shook his head and said: "Do not believe, now I am not a full letter!"

“Hear it?” Xu Ziyan spread his hand to the solitary smoke in Ximen.

Ximen’s solitary smoke and hate iron did not become a steel floor, and Yan Xingyun said: “You can’t be a bit of a break?”

Yan Xingyun still shook his head: "This does not blame me, it is amazing!"

The Yanshan soul on the side turned his head to the side, posing like I didn't know the Yan Xingyun. The solitary smoke of Ximen simply did not care for him, but asked Xu Ziyan:

"Those people don't believe, can you show them to them in person?"

Xu Ziyan continued to look at Yan Xingyun and asked: "Yan predecessors, I tell you that I am Xiandan, are you willing to refine the medicine of Xiandan to me?"

Don't answer the Yan Xingyun, the solitary smoke in Ximen also knows the result. No one will bring out precious herbs to Xu Ziyan's refining. Xu Ziyan can only prove himself by participating in the competition and gaining the status of the Supreme Alchemy, so that he can obtain the resources accumulated by the various forces on the mainland of China.

For a time, Ximen solitary smoke and Yan Xingyun looked at each other with a smile. After a while, the solitary smoke of Ximen looked at Xu Ziyan with full of eagerness, and said carefully:

"Ziyan, after I have collected the materials, can you ask me to refine an elixir?"

When the solitary smoke of Ximen faced a Xiandan division, he did not have the advantage of identity. He had already used the honorary name unconsciously. Xu Ziyan is very happy to nod:

"no problem!"

The solitary smoke in Ximen was overjoyed, and the Yan Xingyun on the side listened to it. The body that just sat down and smashed up:

"Ziyan, what about me?"

"You are not not convinced?" West Gate looked at Yan Xingyun with disdain.

"I believe! I can't believe it?"

Yan Xingyun said with a sullen face, but his heart was facing. Anyway, Xu Ziyan would continue to participate in the Dandao contest. Is it true that Xiandan’s teacher knew it when he arrived? The Yanshan soul has a bigger head this time, and I can't afford to look like that person on my face. Yan Xingyun did not dare to swear the purple smoke at this time, but it was a sigh of the Yanshan soul:

"Bad boy, what is your attitude?"

Xu Ziyan was nervous and smiled and nodded to Yan Xingyun: "Yes!"

Yan Xingyun just wanted to thank him, but he heard the sound of footsteps outside. An alchemy disciple stopped outside:

"Xu patriarch, Han Feng brother and Han Qi sister visited!"

The solitary smoke of Ximen and Yan Xingyun looked at each other. The solitary smoke of Ximen said softly: "You should greet them first. Let's sit for a while, wait for them to leave, we have something to say to you."

Xu Ziyan nodded, and Yanshan spirit got up and went out to meet the cold seal brothers and sisters. After a while, they will enter the two.

The Hanfeng brothers and sisters entered the room of Yanshan Soul with Xu Ziyan and Yanshan Soul. Xu Ziyan did not lead them into their room. Sitting there with the solitary smoke and the Yan Xingyun, it was always inconvenient. After the four people sat down, they chilled a few words. Han Feng and Han Qi each took out an invitation and handed it to Xu Ziyan and Yanshan Soul:

"Xu Daoyou, Yan Daoyou, tomorrow in the city's main government, our brothers and sisters have a party, please two two friends to participate."

To be honest, Xu Ziyan and Yanshan Soul are not very interested in this gathering. However, it is difficult to refuse because of the face of the cold seal brother and sister. I took the invitation and said that I will definitely go. During the period, Xu Ziyan also used the eyes of Yan Peng to secretly check the body of the Hanfu brothers and sisters, and found that their fire poison was not cured, but was suppressed by the meaning of water. I think that Han Dan found a monk who practiced the meaning of water to the great perfection, and suppressed the fire of the two, and did not refine the ice.

However, Xu Ziyan did not give the body of the ice to Dan. Although it is speculated that the birth of Yangcao is not done by Han Dan, it cannot be completely ruled out. Therefore, Xu Ziyan will postpone the event of Hail Dan. Han Feng and Han Qi and Xu Ziyan, Yanshan soul chatted a few words, they left.


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*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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