The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 936: Excitement of the solitary smoke in Ximen

I am very grateful to wqiy2003 classmates (999), Sun Lele 001 classmates (100), Xinghaiyun classmates (100), ヤo Fuluo oοΟ classmates (99) for the reward!


At the last moment, it seems that Xu Ziyan’s appearance seems to be the success of Zengjidan’s refining. However, in the mind of each monk, 80% thinks it is impossible, and thinks that Xu Ziyan is pretending. Looking at Xu Ziyan's eyes with compassion, many people just waited for Xu Ziyan to be cleared out, making a sneer. Among these people, the nature of the urgency is Wang Woyun, Wutuo and Wanliyun.

The three-in-one alchemy division had only 2,286 people and the losers were 826. These alchemists were cleared. But this is not important. What is important is that Xu Ziyan has not been cleared out, which has caused everyone's chin to fall to the ground. No one can figure out what is going on here. Not to mention Wang Woyun, Wu Tuo and Wan Liyun, etc., even the faces of the alchemy circles Han Dan and Yao Dan who are sitting on the jury are full of doubts.

The eyes of the solitary smoke of Ximen are bright, and here he is the only monk who knows more about the purple alchemy of Xu Ziyan. Now, in the absence of a blind remedy, Xu Ziyan is still able to refine Shenjidan, which can not help but make Xu Ziyan's position in the solitary smoke of Ximen grow one more.

Suddenly, Simon’s solitary smoke moved in his heart, and his face showed excitement. There is only one voice left in my heart. Could it be that this purple smoke is an immortal teacher? Once this idea emerged from the bottom of my heart, I couldn’t hold it anymore. His eyes were tightly locked with Xu Ziyan, and he could not wait to go down immediately and went to the side of Xu Ziyan to ask.

If Xu Ziyan is really an immortal teacher. Then I will send it myself. With her relationship with Xu Ziyan, she could not refuse to refine her own elixir. Doesn't that mean that she is flying high? Even the vastness of the ancient aura can not be restored on the mainland!

At the same time, Yan Xingyun thought a lot easier, and Xu Ziyan was not cleared. It is proved that Xu Ziyan is already a three-product alchemy teacher. what does this mean? This means that he has won 50 billion yuan of elite stone from Wang Woyun. Therefore, Yan Xingyun is like that smile, and he smiled and said to Wang Woyun:

"Wang Xiong, when are we going to pay the bill?"

Wang Liyun’s face is ugly at this time and can’t be seen any more. Coldly slammed a channel:

"Reassure, I will not pay back. But I don't have it, give me some time. When I return to the Zongmen, I will raise it for you immediately."

"Well, we are all people with identity. I and Simon will not force you. This way, after the Dan Dao contest. It won't take long, it is the Fu Dao contest. At that time, you will bet on me again. And Ximen brother! Oh, Wang Xiong, we are enough friends, hahaha..."

Wang Liyun has a cold face. Just leave your head in the past, don't look at Yan Xingyun's proud face. Seeing the appearance of Wang Woyun, Yan Xingyun is laughing more happy. Yan Xingyun smiled more and more happy, Wang Liyun's heart was more painful, and he put a lot of resentment on Xu Ziyan's body. Looking at Xu Ziyan standing on the field, he thought in a tangled way:

"Now Xu Ziyan is already a three-in-one alchemy teacher. If I agree to become a disciple of Han Dan, then I have to cancel the agreement with her. Everything will wait until three years later?"

At this time, Xu Ziyan looked at the remaining more than a thousand three-in-one alchemy masters, and could not help but sigh. There will be no more than twenty monks who can reach the Sanpin Alchemy in the North. I think there were only two schools in the North. One is in Huayangzong, one is in Taixuan. Today, only Lin Fei night is left. Looking at this Dandao competition, it has only produced more than 1,000 three-in-one alchemy masters in the past 100 years, and a hundred years ago. The last session has become a monk of the Sanpin Alchemy. It seems that the Northland is really weak!

And at this time. Alchemy City has awarded the emblem of the three alchemists to the remaining 1,460 monks. Later, a list of monks who had refining the product to increase the base of Dan was announced, for a total of 1,384. These people were also cleared out and were not allowed to participate in the Si Pindan Competition.

So there are only seventy-seven alchemists left.

At this point the whole stadium is very quiet, this quiet is not because of the high elimination rate of the Dandao contest, but because Xu Ziyan is still standing on the field. Everyone's gaze could not help but fall on the table of Xu Ziyan again. Half of the green and green grass is still in the corner, reminding the monks that Xu Ziyan just refined it with the eight-flavored herbs.

How can this be? This completely overturns the tradition of the alchemy world on the vast continent.

Han Dan and Yao Danyun began to grasp the heart and scratch the liver. When they reached the realm of alchemy, each of the alchemy's knowledge breakthroughs, it is possible to give them a big breakthrough in the realm. Therefore, the two of them could not wait for the Dandao contest to end immediately. The two of them immediately asked Xu Ziyan what was going on.

The elders on the high platform took out a jade bottle from the seventy-six jade bottles and lifted their eyes. The eyes swept through the audience and shouted:

"The winner of this Sanpindan contest is the Xu Ziyan of the Central Plains Xu family..."

The whole stadium was silent. This was the result that everyone did not expect. The eyes of hundreds of thousands of monks involuntarily fell on the half of the grass, and they slammed into the body of Xu Ziyan. When the confused eyes gradually recovered, the ear heard the voice of the elder:

"She refines what is the best product!"

Not to mention those audiences, that is, the heart of Han Dan and Yao Danyun are trembled. In the absence of a single herb, they can refine the best to increase the base! Is it possible for Xu Ziyan to improve Dan Fang? This is also... too bad, right?

At this time, the elder on the high platform has begun to announce the reward for Xu Ziyan. The reward for the Sanpindan Champion is that Xu Ziyan can go to the library of the Alchemy Hall to watch the collection of books for a day. This reward Xu Ziyan is happy to take it. Can broaden the horizon of his own alchemy, Xu Ziyan can not ask for it.

The next four-day break is because it will be more difficult and costly for the alchemists when it comes to the Sipindan contest. Therefore, the contest gave the participating alchemists a full rest time.

When leaving the arena, Han Dan’s gaze fell on the half of the grass on the Xu Ziyan table. His lips moved a few times, and his two confidant elders nodded.

Alchemy City is boiling, and it is undoubtedly Xu Ziyan who is the most famous in the city of Alchemy. Three consecutive championships, and three medicinal herbs are the best Dan, this is something that has never happened since the ruin.

However, at this time, as a party, Xu Ziyan was sitting comfortably in his room, and Yanshan soul held a big peach in his hand without any image.

However, not all people are as comfortable as Xu Ziyan, and the most uncomfortable is Wanliyun. The same heart is full of confusion and uneasiness is Han Dan.

Han Dan was not able to figure out the problem of the Shengyangcao. I was embarrassed to ask Xu Ziyan to use eight herbs to practice Zengjidan. The drug Dan Yun was waiting for the Shipindan contest to accept the purple smoke after the apprentice. . Otherwise, if you haven’t accepted someone else, you will go to ask questions and lose your identity.

At this time, Han Dan still wore the clothes that attended the contest, and they did not change their minds. The face was sitting a little dignified, and the light of the night jewel inlaid on the roof of the house seemed to be dim in the dignified look of Han Dan.

After an hour, the door closed on the closed threshold and gently knocked on the door. Han Dan slammed his eyes and said:

"Come in!"

When the door opened, two old men came in, but it was the two elders that Han Dan gave to him when he left the game. After entering the door and giving a gift to Han Dan, one of the elders said with a bit of awkward voice:

"The city owner, after everyone left the stadium, except for the organizers of the competitions to enter the arena to clean up the stadium, only the disciples of the city's disciples entered. On the bright surface, Wanliyun went in and urged the staff of the contest, but actually he was interested. When I accidentally passed the table of Xu Ziyan, I took the half of the grass and took it away."

Han Dan sighed with a sigh of relief and stood up in sorrow. He took two steps back and forth, and his heart was a bit stunned. It seems that the explosion of the Xu Ziyan game was indeed due to the problem of the herbs provided by the contest. The reason why it is a problem is the means by which his own disciple Wan Liyun has made it. However, since there is a problem with the raw grass, Xu Ziyan will not use it. In the absence of a single herb, how did she refine her diet?

Originally thought of calling Xu Ziyan to solve the confusion. However, since it is now known that Shengyangcao has been handcuffed by his own disciples, how does he face Xu Ziyan? How do you ask each other with a thick face? As soon as I thought of it, my heart was filled with anger against Wanliyun. And at this time, I heard the elder whispered in my ear:

"The city owner, we went to investigate the service staff of the contest. Liu Shengyang, who is responsible for distributing herbs in the contest, is missing."

Han Dan’s eyes flashed a stern color. Stopping, his heart has no doubt that he has understood that Liu Shengyang is a man of Wanliyun, and has been killed by Wanliyun. Looking at the two elders, they said:

"Continue to monitor me for miles, I want to know his every move!"

"Yes!" The two elders stepped out.

Seeing that the two elders had retired, Han Dan looked down on the direction in which Xu Ziyan lived. When he thought of Xu Ziyan in the absence of a single herb, he even refining it to increase the base of Dan, and his heart tickles. But after this happened, you can't be cheeky and ask Xu Ziyan. He turned back and forth a few laps on the ground, and the voice shouted to the outside:

"Go and call Qier and Qier!"

In the room of Xu Ziyan, after finishing the big peach, Xu Ziyan cleaned the net hand, and saw the Yanshan soul and reached out to himself. Then he took out a big peach and handed it to the Yanshan soul. Then he watched the Yanshan soul and the big peach. laugh. Yanshan soul is not ignoring the purple smoke, but just a hard time.


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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