The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1045: Combat

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The face of Tsing Yi’s woman showed excitement, her lips squirmed a few times, but she did not say anything. The middle-aged woman smiled faintly:

"After you handed over to Master, Master went to the Xu family to see it. There was a seven-pronged spirit array and Wanli Huangsha. It seems that the Xu family is really capable, and it is hidden. There is a seven-pronged treasure master. However, you are also a seven-pronged spirit teacher, and you have a broken cone that Master has given you. Don’t be afraid. Just follow it and see it. He has not Come on?"

"Master, the fire just told me what he thought, and then let me rush here to wait for him. After he gathered here the flame army, they act together. And I also told him in the jade. However, when I did not see with my own eyes that the guardian squad was a few good spirits, I was not sure that I could break it."

Said here, the eyes of the woman in Tsing Yi revealed a taunt: "He looked at me high and thought that I would be able to crack the array of the family, just told me to come here to wait. Master, since there is only a seven product Lingzhen, your old man has gone in."

The middle-aged woman shook her head and said: "No, the teacher did not go in because he was not sure not to be discovered by the purple smoke."

The look of the woman in Tsing Yi was a shock. When she was half-sounding, she said with amazement: "Master, isn’t the purple smoke only the repair of the peak of the distraction? And you are the realm of the early days of Mahayana."

The middle-aged woman repaired her dreams and said: "Do you think that the peak of the distraction will not be able to find the Mahayana period? The peak of the late stage of the distraction and the peak of the distraction are not the same. The same stage of the late stage of the distraction was the monk of the early Mahayana. I slap a slap, but you listen to Xu Ziyan’s past deeds. Don’t say that the Mahayana seems to have no way for her. The guardian seems to have no advantage in front of her. Such a person can’t take her. As a distracted monk came to see.

Dreaming. The purpose of our Lingbao Island is to provoke the forces of the various forces on the mainland, and the chaos caused by the chaos is so good, so that we have the possibility to establish ourselves on the mainland. Whenever there is an opportunity, we will take anything big. This is an opportunity. Let Xu Jia and the flame rogue become a complete enemy. ”

"Master... What do you mean... this time the flame can't be attacked down to the family?"

The middle-aged woman snorted and said: "Where is the family's place so easy to fight down, even if there is no such seven spirits, as long as there is a purple smoke there, it is not a place where the flames can arrogant. So, dream, when you After introducing the flames into the land of the Xu family, don't follow them. Tell the fire that you want to maintain the import and export of the big array. When the time is not good, take a decisive escape."

The middle-aged woman’s look suddenly changed slightly, and she said softly to the Tsing Yi woman: “Dream, the fire is coming back. Going for the teacher, you should be careful.”

When the words fall, the body shape suddenly disappears from the room, as if it has never appeared. The Tsing Yi woman turned and came to the table and took out a piece of monster skin again. Start making charms.

A footstep came and the door opened and the fiery figure appeared in the room. When I saw the Tsing Yi woman making the charm, she stood still and stood still, waiting quietly. After two hours passed, the Tsing Yi woman put down the pen and turned her head and said:

"When did the patriarch come back?"

I laughed fiercely. "I just came back soon. I saw the fairy in the system, and I was inconvenienced, so I waited."

The Tsing Yi woman’s gaze looked out again: “Is the patriarch not talking about dancing with fire? Why didn’t he come back with the patriarch?”

He said with a sigh of relief: "The kid is a donkey. I cheated him. Let him do something else."

"So, the patriarch really decided to attack the family of the family?" Qingyi woman asked softly.

"Of course." In the fierce eyes, he revealed that he was greedy and greedy: "So a treasure, is it a small family that they can occupy? A family without strength has occupied such a holy place, this is their home." A disaster."

The woman in Tsing Yi frowned slightly: "The patriarch. Is the strength of Xu family really low?"

Sitting fiercely in the chair, he said: "I went to the Xu family to observe it in detail. Xu family has no strength at all. It is because of Xu Ziyan and hope that these two talents are Xu Jiaxuan. Under the great reputation, if they remove Xu Ziyan and hope, they will not even be a third-rate.

However, today's hopes are not in the family. I listened to the Xu family and said that I hope to go to the Yaozu territory and will come back when the ancient ruins are opened. So the biggest threat to our family is no longer there. We just need to kill the Xu disciples. Then there, waiting for the hope to come back, at that time you have already controlled the seven-pronged spirit array, and use the seven-pronged spirit array to kill hope. So, the cultivation of the Holy Land is our fire home. ”

The woman in Tsing Yi still frowned. "If we kill Xu Ziyan, will it cause the anger of the four Dacheng, because Xu Ziyan is the key to opening the town to the ancient remains."

"Ha ha ha..." screamed with anger: "There is no need to worry about this. The monks on the entire vast continent know that Xu Ziyan has refined two elixirs that opened the town and closed the ancient remains. They were placed in a box by the four. They each left a seal and placed it on Han Dan. Therefore, with or without the purple smoke, the ancient ruins can be opened."


In the back of the Lotus Peak, surrounded by green trees, covered with three bamboo buildings. Here is the place where Xu Ziyan’s parents live. These days, Xu Ziyan moved here to live with his parents, drifting around all day long, and the future of the ancient ruins was full of danger. Xu Ziyan decided to spend more time with his parents in the rest of these days.

Xu Haoguang had nothing to do, and he opened a medicinal garden in front of the door, and he was able to help the medicinal herbs there. During the day, Xu Ziyan would accompany his father to organize the medicine garden, or he would sit in front of the door and chat with his mother. In the evening, Xu Ziyan condensed the sword with one handle and one handle.

On this day, Xu Xingfan ran over. First, after greeting the Xu Haoguang couple, Xu Ziyan entered the bamboo building and said softly:

"Aunt, the disciple of the priest has already found out that there are many monks who secretly gather in the burial soul valley of the 100,000 mountains. Those monks are indeed blazing, and the leader is the fire that has been here."

"Is there a dance in the end of the world?" Xu Ziyan's look was a little dignified.

"No!" Xu Xingfan shook his head.

Xu Ziyan gently breathed a sigh of relief: "In your opinion, when will they start?"

"I think they will be here for a few days, because there are almost 10,000 monks gathered in the Valley of the Souls." Xu Xingfan said with a slight frown.

Xu Ziyan’s eyebrows screamed: “Well, let’s wait a few days for them and give them a head.”

Xu Xingfan’s two screams, Li Mang, said: "I want them to come."

Xu Ziyan called Huo Linger again and told her that she must start her spirits and listen to Xu Xingfan’s command completely. Also Xu Xingfan must be careful, mainly relying on Huo Linger, Xu disciples only play a supporting role. After all, there are too few disciples in Xu family today, and they can't afford it. The number of people who blew the flames is numerous, and the repairs must not be low.

Xu Xingfan listened earnestly and took a serious look. But the eyes showed excitement, this is the first time he commanded such a big battle. There is no fear in the heart, and some are just excited.

Looking at the back of Xu Xing's departure, Xu Ziyan shook his head with a funny smile, and his heart was still not at ease. After dinner in the evening, Xu Ziyan helped her mother clean up the table and said softly:

"Hey, mother, there are some things in the family. I will not be here with you for a few days."

The mother heard the heartache in the eyes, but the father waved: "Go, the big things in the family are heavy, I live with your mother very well, you don't have to worry about us."

Xu Ziyan personally brewed tea for the second old, and then he left.

Returning to his place of residence, standing in front of the door and looking into the distance. The eyes flashed and the figure disappeared abruptly. When her figure appeared again, she was already standing on a lush tree above the cliffs of the Valley of the Souls, and the gods spread over the sky.

At the corner of the mouth, there was a sneer. At this time, there were more than 10,000 monks gathered in the Valley of the Souls. The fire was the peak of the late part of the gods. There were two people in his realm. Xu Ziyan was tempted to deal with himself. of. There are also five late distractions, nine distractions and four distractions. There are also twenty-eight monks in the sacred period. The remaining ones have more than one thousand infants, and some are high-ranking monks.

Xu Ziyan’s eyes became cold, and this flame rogue was really the cost! In order for Xu Jia to actually gather such power. Hey, you have killed Xu’s nearly 20,000 monks, and today’s 10,000 flame monks are even debts!

Xu Ziyan’s knowledge is concentrated on the fierce body. In his heart, he said: “Is this person the leader of the flames?”

When the eyebrows were picked, Xu Ziyan’s gods caught a person, and she felt a kind of breath from her body. Xu Ziyan quickly gathered her mental strength on her body. That person is the woman in Tsing Yi. Xu Ziyan has been observing her for a long time in her knowledge. Her heart finally seems to think of something, and her brow wrinkles slightly.

The smell of this Tsing Yi woman was very strange. Xu Ziyan finally thought about it. The breath on her body was exactly the same as that released by the white towel and the solitary. Is she from Lingbao Island?

Originally, Xu Ziyan still didn't understand what the flames swayed to attack the Xu family. He knew that the fire was coming to Xu's house. Xu Ziyan did not believe that he did not see the greatness of the Wansha Huangsha. She also does not believe that there will be monks on the mainland that can crack the seven spirits.


Sleeping, good nights!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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