I am very grateful to Yu Yu 645098, quiet ^ _ ^ book students, susantsh0905 classmates, 芊芊 精 同学 classmates, 彳 婲 婲 , , 书 书 080 080 080 080 080 080 080 080 080 080 080 080 080 080 080 080 080 080 080 080 080 080 080 080 080 080 080 080 080 080 080 080 080 080 080 080 080 080 080 080 080 080 080 080 (sosi) classmates, Zi Yan? Zhao Yilin classmates, Lin Chun classmates, cheeze classmates, Luo Yi Shuhuang classmates, shadows 丶 丶 丶 classmates, Zi Yan classmates, blue confidant ぁ classmates, Tian Hao children classmates, は girl の した classmates Pink ticket!


Xu Ziyan saw the woman in Tsing Yi, and immediately understood that the other side had a monk from Lingbao Island, so to speak. The woman in front of this Tsing Yi is also the worst of a seven-pronged spirit. There should be no problem in breaking the yellow sand.

Xu Ziyan’s heart suddenly jumped, then would she even be able to crack even if the nine-pronged spirits were closed? If Huo Linger’s seal is like a closed and then cracked by the other side, only a few thousand people in his family will not be enough to kill. Even if he can finally hit the other side, I am afraid that there will be very few people left at that time.

Is it killing the woman in Tsing Yi now?

Xu Ziyan was sure to leave immediately after killing her in an instant. However, as a result, the flame rogue no longer has to crack the big people, they have to give up the action of this attack. This is not the result that Xu Ziyan wants. Since it is an enemy, it has been remembered by the enemy. It is necessary to kill the enemy when there is an opportunity, otherwise the enemy will remain in power, and finally, if there is another monk who can break the battle. When I entered the ancient ruins, I broke into the Xu family. When did I go to cry?

Xu Ziyan disappeared silently, and returned to the lotus peak standing on the peak looking at the big array, thinking in his mind:

"If the Tsing Yi woman is just a Lingbao teacher of eight products. I will not give it to myself. I will give this opportunity to Xu Xingfan and let him exercise it once. If the Tsing Yi woman is slightly exposed, she can crack it like a closed array. The seed, I will shoot in an instant, killing it."

The space night sky is like a thick ink, and Ling Yijian’s body is standing next to Xu Ziyan’s side, looking in the direction of the big array, whispering:

"They are coming?"

Xu Ziyan gently shook his head and said: "The funeral valley is still five hundred miles away."

Ling Yijian was silent for a long time. Looking at the moonlight in the air, he said: "Ziyan, that dance world, I always think that he...much like...fire dance..."

"I am also... I feel like this..."

"Is he going to be..."

"I hope not him..."

Both of them sighed, and the sigh gently undulating in the space, not going around.

"Ziyan, after waiting for the ancient relics to open, I am going to persuade Zongmen to move to the remains of the Wanjianzong in the east. Although it is ruined, the concentration of cultivation and aura is much stronger than our northern land."


Two days later.

Xu Ziyan was concentrating the sword in the room, and he heard the sound from outside the door: "King! King!"

Xu Ziyan looked at his hand and condensed the general sword. Unfortunately, he sighed and dispersed it. From the bed, I opened the door and saw a Xu disciple standing outside the door. When I saw Xu Ziyan coming out, I immediately said indignantly:

"The king, the flames are really coming."

Xu Ziyan heard it, and his face could not help but smile. Came to the door. Looking in the direction of the Valley of the Souls, you sighed a bit:

"Fire dance, if the dance world is really you, I have killed more than 10,000 people this time. Between us... oh..."

Xu Ziyan took a step in the air and his body floated. Fly to the main hall.

Entering the hall, I saw Xu Xingfan and all the elders. Xu Ziyan sat on the main seat and looked at Xu Xingfan and asked:

"How's it going?"

Xu Xingfan wore a yellow robe, a wide waistband, a footsteps, and a pair of shining boots. It was no longer the kind of singularity that was originally in the words of Yanjiazhuang. I heard that Xu Ziyan asked, calmly said:

"According to the return of the temple, they have left the Valley of the Souls and are coming to us. The family disciples are ready for the battle."

Xu Ziyan looked at Xu Xing's full-bodied appearance, and did not feel a stone in his heart. After this war, Xu Xingfan will grow up very quickly, so he can leave with confidence.

Full moon, star is thin.

The fire flew in front of the team, and the woman in Tsingyi flew by his side. He did not know that the Tsing Yi woman was the undercover of Lingbao Island. At this time, she said very politely to the Tsing Yi woman:

"Dream, is that sure of the Wanli Huangsha?"

The night dream said faintly: "I have seen it in the past few days. It is a seven-pronged spirit, I just got it."

"Then follow the dream."

The night dream shook his head and said softly: "I am just a seven-pronged treasure master, can be cracked. I am afraid I can only stay there in the big battle, can not go in with you to kill the enemy."

"Where can you use the master's shot, even if you live in that big squad, the murder will let us do it. Hehe... I used to see their disciples at Xu family, there is no master at all, as long as The three peaks of our distraction will kill Xu Ziyan, this cultivation holy place is our flame. Hehehe..."

The night dream was indulged, and whispered: "The patriarch is relieved, and the big squad is handed over to me. But you are not afraid... Xu Ziyan's good friend Ximen solitary smoke and Yan Xingyun come to look for flame revenge?"

Indifferently, he smiled indifferently: "When a person is alive, he is a good friend. When the purple smoke is dead, he loses the value of his use. Who will give her revenge?"

"But... there is also a Mahayana monk hope..."

"That one vine demon! It is a demon! As long as the Xu family is dead, he is the dog of the family in the human world. Where can I dare to take revenge?"

The fiery cloak behind the fire is in the wind. His face was full of murderousness, and he turned back and said:

"I have listened to me. I will enter Xu family in a while, and kill people when I see people. The whole family of Xu family can't let go. One of the masters of clean dreams, after waiting for our success, you will completely master the seven spirits and then close them. stand up."


"let's go!"

More than 10,000 monks are under the moonlight. The clothes are screaming, covering the moonlight, covering the stars, and the various blades of the hands are glowing with cold light, flying to the quiet and silent Xu family. The night wind blows through the air, a whimper...

There was a white fog in front of it, and that was the large-scale volcanic sandstorm outside the Xu family.

From the front of the flames flowing, the shape of the night dreams rushed out. The hands continually twitched the handcuffs, and gradually a light appeared between her hands. A broken cone appeared between the hands.

The night dream silently pointed out a finger to the Wanli Huangsha, and the white light in the hand seemed to flash like a rush to the Wanli Huangsha. The white fog in the array silently separated a passage from both sides.

The night dreams are the first to rush toward the passage, while fluttering and handcuffing, constantly extending the passage toward the front. Behind her is followed by more than 10,000 flame monks, red robes, and the sharp edges of the hands. All of this is in silence, but it is murderous.

I don't know how long it took, the fog in front of it suddenly revealed a bright light, and the night dreams took the lead out of the Wanli Huangsha. Seeing the vastness of the Xu family, I smelled the richness of Xu Jia's aura, even if she couldn't help but feel at this moment, her heart was strong and possessive. Gently spit out a sigh of relief and turned back to whisper:

"The patriarch, we are coming in."

The greedy light flashed in the fierce eyes and took a deep breath. Smoothed his emotions. Pressing down the voice and saying:

"Don't start, let all the people come in and start together."

As soon as the words fell, the fire and the night dreams flashed to one side, and the flame monks continually flew out from behind them. After coming out. Then flew aside and stood there quietly. In the night wind. Did not bring out the slightest sound.

It took a full half of the time, and more than 10,000 flame monks came out of the passage. He turned his head and whispered to the night dreams around him:

"Master of Dreams, trouble you stay here to maintain the passage in this formation, just in case."

"it is good!"

The sound of the "good" word of the night dream has not yet fallen, and the space suddenly turns into a sea of ​​fire, and all the flames are covered in it, even their retreat, the night dream opened. The array channel is also blocked.

This time, the entire flame rogue will be a little flustered. However, the violent life experienced a dangerous scene, so he is still very calm, and immediately shouted:

"Don't mess!" Then turned to the night and said: "What is going on?"

At this time, from time to time, I remembered the sound of screams, which is clearly the mourning before death. Night dreams are also anxiously:

"The patriarch, this is another big squad. I didn't expect that the family would be a big squad within the Wansha Huangsha Array, and the rank of this big squad would be higher than that."

Looking at the fire with amazement, there was a sea of ​​fire around it, and the sky in the field of vision was dark red, like blood. In the distance, countless fire dragons are flashing and generating, and they are swimming towards them. In the entire space, an occasional flame-flowing body shield is broken, and a screaming call is made, silent. However, it is the invisible pressure and murder of this silence that is thrilling.

There was some uneasiness in the heart of the fire. At this time, I heard a flame screaming and shouting: "The patriarch, somebody."

He slammed his feet in anger and turned his head to the night and said: "Master of the Dream, can you think of a way, let us go back first."

The four fire dragons have already rushed over, and at the same time, the disciples of Xu family are looming around the flames. Suddenly, the screaming of the flames is rising rapidly. That is the innumerable fire dragons that slammed into the crowd. The huge body is not the flame rogue that can withstand it. Moreover, there are still many Xu family monks hidden in the formation from time to time to attack, just fierce and There are more than two thousand flames of death in the night's dreams. The flames roared suddenly. The spirit of the nine products is too powerful, and the disciples of the Xu family are only attacking the flames that have been injured, and they are not rushing to face the flames.


Oh, it’s falling behind, ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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