The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1047: Chasing

I am very grateful to Yu Wen Zi Yan (200), Xing Haiyun (100), Dongfang Yu (100) for the reward!


Xu Xing-fan almost sent out the disciples of the family. The fire-fighting children like a closed-up squad. In his view, it is almost no danger to kill the enemy. This is a rare opportunity to experience. The disciples of the family saw the blood. Therefore, the Xu family monks are mainly based on the big array, hidden in the big array, not sure that they will not shoot, once they will kill one.

These Xu family monks also personally saw the power of Huo Linger in this close-up. The fire dragon in the sky is not manpower to resist, let alone the flames of the attacked, that is, the Xu family is also a face of awe.

In the ear, I heard the mourning from time to time, and I saw that my own people became ashes one by one, and the eyes of the fire became red, and turned to the night and shouted:

"Hurry up!"

At night, she was bitten in her teeth, and at this time she was trapped in a large array, and she also saw that this big array was definitely not able to be cracked by one's own strength, and it also refused other ways:

"The patriarch, this big squad is beyond my ability. Now I want to quit. There is only one way to bleed and bleed."

"Ah~~" is a sorrowful sorrow.

The fire slammed his eyes and shouted: "No matter what the big battle, you will arrange it quickly."

"The patriarch, you protect me!"

The night dreams screamed, the figure flew up in the air, and the hands pulled out the blurry afterimage. Suddenly, from her hands, countless streamers shot into the eyebrows of each flame. At this time, the fire was blocking the fire dragon's slaying around her in the night dream.

Within the hall of the Xu family, Xu Ziyan saw the night's dreams through the water mirror, slightly frowned, and a thought floated in his heart. But it is still a bit fuzzy.

"According to my orders, I arranged." If the air seemed to be closed, the night dreams shouted and shouted.

From the hands of the night dream, the streamer of the flames flowing into the eyebrows is the position of the map of the **** star. At this time, every flame hooligan has lost his mind and heard the night dreams. I immediately acted in accordance with the position in my mind.

At this time, Xu Ziyan in the Xujia Hall suddenly changed his face, just wanted to open his mouth, but he had already seen the night dream in the formation of the law suddenly pointing to the direction outside the big array.


In the water mirror inside the main hall, more than 6,000 flames of the roaring head suddenly burst, brains bursting out, rushing out of the neck inside the hair, and then spilled. Like a fascinating **** demon flower.


The earth is shaking, and the stars in the sky are hanging down. The **** star-studded array that was set up by the night dreams will focus the star power on the big battle.

"What is this?" Xu Xingfan within the Xujia Hall asked.

Xu Ziyan shook his head and smiled and shook his head: "This is a **** star-studded array that can ignite the sky and the stars to penetrate the big array and open up an escape route."

"That big array and Xu disciples..." Xu Xingfan asked with some concern.

"The big array and the Xu family disciples have nothing to do, and the rest of these flames are not able to run out. The **** star can only open a channel for less than ten minutes. They can’t run out so many people. ""

"They ran out. Aunt, do we want to chase?" Xu Xinghong was anxious.

"The ones who can run out are all masters. The disciples below the Yuan Ying period should not chase them out. The disciples above the Shenshen period follow me secretly to follow them and see where their nests are."

At this time, the passage that had been opened had already begun to collapse. The entire violent flames rushed out to more than three hundred people. The remaining flames were revived and closed like a closed and Wanli Huangsha. Less than a quarter of an hour has turned into a powder. Only the remaining six thousand headless flames roared in the squad, and Huo Linger did not destroy them.


Xu Ziyan gave a light drink. Flying out of the main hall. Xu Xingfan and the elders also followed Xu Ziyan to fly outside the big array. After a large array, Xu Xingfan shouted:

"The disciples above the magical stage followed the king, and the remaining disciples cleaned the battlefield."

Xu Xingfan flew beside Xu Ziyan, watching the flames that had disappeared flowing back. But there is no worry. He knew that there was a purple smoke, and the other party could not run. Instead, the mouth praised:

"Sure enough, it is a flame. In this situation, you can escape."

Xu Ziyan shook his head and sighed: "Even if they can finally escape, this is a big blow."

"Aunt, what is that **** starburst?"

Xu Ziyan remembered the scene of the head of the more than 6,000 monks who had just made a headshot. The heart sighed secretly. The woman in Tsing Yi was really decisive. The gods have been spreading forward, locking the flames that have disappeared, and whispering to Xu Xingfan:

"Xing Fan, the **** scorpion star array is the power of the stars to draw the power of the stars. This array of methods can be broken more and more temporarily, but it must be a lot of blood, and it is called the evil array by the sect."

Behind Xu Ziyan, the son forged to hear Xu Ziyan's commentary, staring at Xu Ziyan's eyes flashing from time to time. From time to time, his mind replayed the scene of the more than 6,000 monks who had been headshot at the same time. A huge sadness and pity hit the heart. The roots of all these traced back to Xu Ziyan’s body in the subconscious. The ground turned pale gray, looking at the back of Xu Ziyan, his eyes became fierce and hateful.

Xu Ziyan immediately felt the gaze of the male son, and the gods would cover the son. I can't help but sigh, she knows that Gongzi Forging has always been very complicated about his feelings. On the one hand, he is the only friend he admits in his heart. This kind of feeling is not about men and women, but the purest friend. On the other hand, he is the source of his sorrow. Xu Ziyan really does not know when he will go into flames. Start a crazy attack on yourself.

His experience is simple and simple. I am afraid that before I met Xu Ziyan, I did not leave the refining city and took care of his mother all day. It is really complicated to say that complexity is complicated. There are several people in this world who have finally met a friend who has recognized in the heart in his life. He became an enemy before the moment.

But is he his enemy?

Xu Ziyan felt that she was a little embarrassed. But can Xu Ziyan win the heart and kill the son?

Xu Ziyan shook his head and his heart was very tangled.

Ling Yijian, who has been flying on the other side of Xu Ziyan, saw Xu Ziyan’s face change slightly and whispered:

"Ziyan. We suspect that the monk who danced in the fire did not come, would you wait for the robe in front of the flame to meet the rogue?"

Xu Ziyan shook his head and said: "I don't know, and whether that person is a fire dancer brother, we can't be sure. Anyway, I hope he is not in front. If he is really a fire dance brother, I... really not Know how to face him."


A small mountain village, a thatched cottage. The fire dance hand held the window.

The clothes fluttered and a figure fell in the courtyard. The window in front of the fire dance opened without wind, and looked at a black man who fell in the courtyard and asked softly:

"how about it?"

The black man said to him: "The patriarchs, the patriarchs led the disciples of more than 10,000 ethnic groups to leave the Valley of the Souls and go to the family."

The figure of the fire dance floated out of the window, and his face was very gloomy: "Grandpa finally decided to attack the Xu family. When he said that there were other things separated from me, I felt wrong. Sure enough. ""

The black man hesitated and whispered: "The young patriarchs, if they can win the family, as our ethnic land, are also very good for the development of our fire home."

There was an angry anger on the face of the fire dance: "I and Ziyan are real brothers and sisters. How can I go to win the sister's family? What's more, do you think that my sister is so good? My sister's experience Haven't you heard of it? I am afraid that the 10,000 disciples of our fire home will be murdered there."

The black man’s face showed an angry color: "They dare, if Xu Jia dares to kill my fire disciples, the fire family must not end with them."

"Stop! The fire family has not killed more than 20,000 people in Xu family? Is this the Xu family taking the initiative to provoke our fire home?"

The face of the fire dance showed a deep exhaustion and confusion, just an instant. The eyes have returned to clarity. Said faintly:

"Notify the family, don't act rashly, I will go to Grandpa."

The words of the fire, the shape of the fire dance skyrocketing. It disappeared instantly into the night.

The night is deep, and the air is only swaying.

And in the Xu family. The family disciples who have stayed have already cleaned up the battlefield, and they all stood in the wild, waiting for Xu Ziyan and others to return.

Everyone's face is excited, excited, proud and confident. Through such a big battle, the seeds of the rise of the Xu family were planted in the hearts of each of them.

Xu Ziyan, who has been flying fast, has jumped a bit at the eyebrows. She feels that the killing behind her is getting stronger. The figure was suddenly slammed, and the back of the male was swept past her. Xu Ziyan grabbed his wrist and conveyed the pure life.

The son of the gray forging the gray eyes looked at Xu Ziyan, the fierceness and hatred in his eyes flashed. However, it is also mixed with purity and affection. The muscles on the face are twisted fiercely, and a few words are squeezed out of his teeth:

"Ziyan, I am so painful!"

Xu Ziyan said softly: "Forging the brother, let go of your mind. Think about your mother, she really wants to see you like this now? Think about your father, his last remorse. All this was originally a mistake. It should not happen, you should not continue this mistake."

Xu Ziyan stopped, and everyone stopped. The consciousness of Xu Ziyan was rapidly expanding, and it was tightly locked into the fire. Looking at the son of the male forging for a while gray, black and white for a while, Xu Ziyan's heart showed anxiety. If you wait for someone to stop here, I am afraid that the fire will reveal the scope of your own knowledge.


Today I saw the rumor of a character in the "The Best Female Immortal" written by Tianyou's comrades in the book review area. It is really good to write. The bell will take a moment to send this essay to the relevant works for the readers to taste.

As long as the comrades who have booked the book can publish a rumor in the book review area, the ring will select an excellent rumor and publish it on the work.


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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