The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1048: Anxious fire dance

I am very grateful to a lot of 1115 classmates, who lost his heart. ゙ classmates, t366 classmates, Ж绫罗Ж classmates, I love sleeping classmates, ※ Maple Leaf classmates, book friends 121125180033556 classmates, Eason classmates, boney7008 classmates, festivals? , susantsh0905 classmates, book friends 121125180033556 classmates pink ticket!


The shackles of the male forge are sometimes gray and sometimes black and white. In the moment of waking, the son of the forge said:

"Ziyan, don't waste time on me. You kill me, then go to catch up with the flames, or they will run away."

Xu Ziyan looked at each other and pretended to be angry: "Forging brother, don't you take me as a friend?"

The son of the forging smiled silently and silently.

Xu Ziyan blinked his eyes slightly, and the flaming figure in the gods was rapidly leaving. Gently sighed a channel:

"Forging brother, I believe that you regard the younger sister as a friend. I understand the mood at this time. If I didn't guess wrong, the dance days that came to our Xu family with the fire a few days ago are my big in Xuanzong. Brothers and fire dance, I also know the feelings of Tai Xuanzong. Now my brother is standing on the opposite side of me. My heart is also very embarrassed. I don't know how to face it. In this case, why did the forging brother teach me?

You are you, but inevitably stand on your parents' point of view to think about the problem.

The fire dance is also a fire dance, but it is also inevitable to think about the problem from the perspective of the flame, although I don't know why he joined the flame.

I am also me. But it is inevitable to think about the problem from the perspective of Xu.

I am afraid that all three of us are thinking now, if we only have to do it ourselves, how good! But is that possible? So, forge brother. No matter how you treat me in the future, I won't blame you. Of course, maybe in the future, our mood will be different. What is currently plaguing us has become insignificant. ”

The look of the male forging has become more confused, but it is just lost. The gray in the eyes is gradually disappearing. Muttered to himself:

"Do it yourself! Be yourself..."

Suddenly, his eyes became clear and he looked at Xu Ziyan and asked softly: "If the fire dance stands in front of you and fights to save the fire, what will you do?"

Xu Ziyan’s face was also confused, and hesitated and said: “I don’t know.”

Her phrase "I don't know" made the son's eyes shine, and whispered to himself: "You don't know why. Then why should I understand?"

Xu Ziyan was happy in the heart, knowing that Gongzi Forging temporarily put down the knot. Of course, she also knows that this is only the case of Gongzi Forging. I don’t know when and where, what happens, and there will be a state of ignorance.

The spirit was loose, and the hand that was holding the male forged was loosened, and the brow frowned slightly. In her knowledge, the flames have completely disappeared.

The son of the forging felt the change of the face on Xu Ziyan's face, and the heart tightened: "Ziyan, but the flame ran away?"

Xu Ziyan nodded some regrets and said: "Yes, but we still chase it in this direction."

Everyone set off again, and the speed of this flight was much faster than before.

Xu Lin followed closely behind Xu Ziyan, looking at the back of Xu Ziyan, thinking about what Xu Ziyan had said. I think that he can't bear to the male forging and the fire dance, and the thoughts in the mind are as though they are at the same time, deeply buried in the bottom of the heart. At this moment, I hit my heart.

In the middle. The martial arts girl’s eyes revealed a complex look and said:

"The anode ball..."

In the middle of the battle, Xu Lin saw his body shape suddenly rushed to the front of the martial arts girl, one hand pressed on the top of the martial arts girl's head, the real element frantically poured in from the top of the martial arts girl's head. Broke the vitality of the martial arts girl and ruin the **** of the martial arts sister. The eyes of the martial arts girl suddenly became shocked. Regret, resentment...

Just the mouth still said the rest of the words: "...I got it... I lost..."

Then, the body trembled, and the blood was sprayed inside the seven scorpions, and the body was soft...

The wind is blowing, the leaves are flying, the flowers are swaying, and the body of the martial arts girl slowly falls down, and there is no sound.

A sad mood emerged from Xu Lin’s heart. Xu Lin’s face is struggling. Is he doing something wrong? You are guilty of blood and sea, and all the stumbling blocks on your way to revenge should be removed. Even if that person treats himself sincerely, as long as it poses a threat to himself, even if it is only a threat, it should be immediately removed.

But is Xu Ziyan wrong?

Is a person who is affectionate and righteous wrong? If purple smoke is a ruthless person, will I fall in love with her?

Xu Lin remembered the experience of the secular world and the underwater world together with the purple smoke. All of them reflected the friendship of purple smoke. Isn't that kind of personality charm conquered him? Who is willing to be with a ruthless person?

These days, Xu Lin and Xu Haoran recognized each other and felt Xu Haoran's excitement and ecstasy. He felt that Xu Haoran had put his father's love lost from Xu Wei on him, and his mood changed. Now that I have seen what Xu Ziyan has done, Xu Lin’s state of mind has changed again.



Is it ruthless to go?

Is purple smoke going to be affectionate?

Xu Ziyan stunned his body in the air, and his knowledge spread to the top. In the end, I received the knowledge of God and revealed regret on my face. I whispered:

"Let's go back!"

Everyone's face is a change, and the heart knows that the flames are ransacking, and the face of the son is forged. Opened his mouth, but eventually did not say anything.

Xu Ziyan naturally saw the look of the male forging, and said with a smile: "The flames flow for tens of thousands of years, not that our family can kill. However, even if they ran away this time, it must have hurt a lot. After all, it is a good thing for us, and there is no regret."

Everyone listened, and the mood was better. I think that this time the opportunity to smash the flames of the murder, one by one, the face is even more dancing.

In the dark. A figure stood outside the Xujia Wanli Huangsha big array, and listened to the movement around him. But he listened for two quarters of time, but did not find the slightest trace.

Suddenly, he felt the volatility of the big array. The shadow disappeared in the air and disappeared.

A team of Xu family disciples came out of the big array, and everyone had a body in their hands. These monks are busy busy. In addition to the large family of the Xu family, thousands of wooden poles were erected, and then one body was hung on it. There are no heads in these bodies. Finally, a Xu family took a wooden pole into the ground, then flattened one side of the wooden pillar and engraved a line on it. Xu’s disciples returned to the Xu family.

The night wind gradually increased, and the body on the wooden pole was swaying. The shadow that had just been outside the big array appeared in the air again. Looking at the swaying body below, the pain was revealed in the eyes. The figure was flashing. Before standing on the wooden pillar with a line of words, I stared at it. I saw that it was:

"The flames are buried in the land."

He left a sigh in the air. The shadow disappeared again.

In the dark night, the figure plunged into a manor. Two figures were quickly rushed out of the darkness to stop him. The black shadow that plunged into the manor was shaped and a jade card appeared in his hand. When the two monks on the opposite side saw it, they immediately prayed in the air:

"See the patriarchs!"

Fire dance nodded and asked in a hurry: "Is the patriarch here?"

The two monks looked at each other and then shook their heads. The fire dance frowned slightly: "Can there be a message from the patriarch?"

"No!" One of the monks said.

The fire dance shook helplessly, and the figure once again swept into the night sky. Only two flames flowed in the air to look at each other, and then looked at the night sky where the fire dance disappeared, and his face was confused.

Above the main hall of the Xu family. Everyone was sitting there excitedly. Xu Lin looked at Xu Ziyan sitting on the top. Suddenly in my heart, said:

"Ziyan, if that dance is really a fire dance, I don't know what his identity is in the flame. If his position is very important. I don't know if we killed nearly 10,000 people in flames this time. Look at this? Will you completely turn your face?"

Xu Ziyan can't help but frown. This incident also made her a headache. I have to say that if the fire dance really came to the opposite side, this is a huge regret. Shaking his head, no longer thinking about this, but looking at Xu Lin whispered:

"Lin brother, why didn't you pick up your uncle?"

Xu Lin shook his head gently: "The ancient relics are about to open. My father's identity is now unknown. He should be safe in the city. When the ancient relics are opened, I will take over my father. ”

Ling Yijian, who saw a side, wanted to speak. Xu Ziyan knew that he was worried about the fire dance, and he waved his hand:

"If it's really a fire dance, it's only useless to talk in person. We don't think anything is useful now."

Ling Yijian heard the initial glimpse, and then he was helpless.

When the fire dance came out of the village, he went straight to the Xu family. He hoped that he could stop the fire. However, when he discovered that the flame had almost disappeared from the army, there was still a trace of luck in his heart, that is, the fire could escape. Therefore, he went all the way to the secret place of the flame.

He ran out thousands of miles and went to the secret station of six flames, but still did not find a trace of fire. I want to use the communication jade to contact the fire, but I can't contact it. This can not help but make the heart of the fire dance more anxious.

At this time, the fire dance sat under the Luofu Mountain, and the flames flowed over the main hall inside the manor. A few people with a gloomy face looking at themselves stood in front of themselves and asked:

"Several of you said that since the patriarch left here, he never returned. Didn't the message come back?"

One of several people is white and fat, like a rich monk who respectfully said:

"Returning to the patriarch, after the patriarch left here, he never returned, and no message came back."


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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