The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1049: Fire fighting alliance

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The white fat monk said here, indulged, and continued: "However, the young patriarchs don't have to worry too much. Although the Xu family has killed a lot of people who attacked our flames, the patriarchs should have nothing. We The flame has existed for more than 80,000 years. During the period of experience, I don’t know how many times the monk’s encirclement of the world has existed. Is it not the same? I think that the patriarch’s old man’s wise and martial arts will surely be ruined.”

The fire dance has been searching for three days, and in the three days, the disciples of the Xu family have already blashed more than 10,000 people for attacking the Xu family, and the things that want to kill Xu Ziyan have been promoted. At the same time, he also made efforts to render the message of Xu Jiaquan's enemies.

This incident immediately caused an uproar on the mainland.

Who is Xu Ziyan?

It is an elixir teacher! It is an elixir who can open the ancient ruins and restore the aura concentration on the vast continent! This practice of the flame immediately caused the anger of all the monks on the mainland. In almost three days, all kinds of alliances that annihilated the flames came into being, greatly limiting the action of the flames, and forcing the flames everywhere to be hidden.

The manor under the Luofu Mountain is a medium-sized Xiuxian family in the eyes of outsiders. Moreover, they also joined a nearby alliance that annihilated the flames, and also expressed great anger against the flames. Even examples are given to who in their family had died in the hands of the flames.

The fire dance is sitting here in the town. Converging the feedback from all parties. But the anger was as if it had disappeared on the mainland, and there was no message. However, the Xu family did not hear the news that it would be violently killed.

This is another five days, and the mood of the fire dance has become somewhat anxious. Although his heart is extremely dissatisfied with Grandpa and Xu Jia, but it is his grandfather. It is a man of the fire family, and the blood of the fire family is flowing inside the body. How can he not care about the fire and death?

Under an old tree, the fire dance looked up at the white clouds in the air. The fiery sun hid in the clouds.

The fat white-faced monk was the owner of the manor. At this time, he was walking from a distance, waiting to come to the front of the fire dance, and leaned over and shouted:

"The patriarchs, the situation today is very bad for us. There are already seven secret locations discovered these days, and the people there have been killed."

The face of the fire dance is more gloomy, and the sun reveals the face from the clouds. The sun shone on the fire dance, but the fire dance did not have the slightest warmth. Take a deep breath and say with dignity:

"Notify the tribe, continue to hide in place, and don't think about revenge for the time being. Now our fire family has been pushed to the limelight because the patriarch attacked the Xu family, and everything is cautious."

The fat master of the fat master shows a bitter color: "When can we not hide in the flames? We can live in the vast continents!"

The fire dance also sighed: "After this incident, I must talk to my grandfather. We can't do it any more. Fortunately, the identity of our flames is secret, as long as we change the title, no longer call the flame. If you make a face-lift, you may not be able to live brightly on the mainland."

The eyes of the fire dance revealed the yearning, and the fat owner who stood by the side also showed up. Which monk is willing to live a rogue life, and who is willing to live a life that is unspeakable? The fat owner also knows that the current fire dancer has already bid farewell to the rogue career, and now I hear the fire dance say so. A heart is excited.

The eyes of the fire dance revealed confidence: "We have to stand on the mainland of the sky in the fire. We must be able to take back the fire from the Yun family. The people of the ancestors?"

The fire dance snorted, and the face disdained: "They have lost their fighting spirit, and the things that reproduce the glory of the fire are still on our shoulders."

The fat Zhuang master looked at the fire dance standing in front of him, and gave birth to fighting spirit in his heart. I gave a deep ritual and left with full enthusiasm.

The fire dance is still standing under the old tree. Thinking about things. The sun is moving, the fire dance is standing there, and the new moon has jumped on the branch. The fat owner returned, and the fire dance heard the footsteps, and the exhibition looked and saw a flower girl behind the fat owner.

The fire dance looked at the woman in a flower dress that was getting closer and closer. She slightly picked up her eyes and looked up and felt a touch of familiarity. Gradually in the flower path, the slender waist, the rich round hip, every step of the curve is exposed, taking a seductive style. When I was close, I saw the skin as jade and beautiful. The fire dance instantly widened his eyes, and his eyes were unbelievable. This flower-dressed woman turned out to be a cold night in his heart.

"You... is the night master! Is my grandfather good?"

The face of the night dreams showed a cold color, and said faintly: "The patriarch, when I ran out of the patriarch for thousands of miles, I always felt that there was a sense of God that locked us. So I and the patriarchs split. And OK, so I don’t know where the patriarch is now."

The face of the fire dance said: "So, my grandfather has nothing to do? He is not trapped in the Xu family?"

The night dream shook his head faintly: "The patriarch was not trapped in the Xu family, but he was also injured. And after we separated, I didn't know if the patriarch was caught up by Xu Ziyan, so the patriarch had nothing to do. I do not know either."

Having said that, the night dreams frowned slightly: "The patriarch has never heard from the audio?"

Fire Dance did not answer the question of night dreams, but asked anxiously: "What do you mean... Grandpa may be caught up?"

The night dream looked hesitant and said: "I don't know. However, when I separated from the patriarch, the gods that soon locked on me disappeared. Perhaps Xu Ziyan went after the patriarch.

However, although the patriarch is injured, it is not fatal. With the experience and experience of the patriarch, there must be no problem, and the patriarchs should not worry. ”

The fire danced the sleeves of the robes, and the thicker the focus on the face. Turning to the head of the fat Zhuang said: "Arrange the night master to live down, the night master has also worked hard."

The two left after giving a fire to the fire dance. The fire dance looked at the back of the night dream, and the murderousness gradually appeared in the eyes, whispering:

"Ziyan, if Grandpa has three long and two short, how do you let me face you? Do you really want me to fight against you?"

Over time, more and more clues to the flames are exposed. Everyone is showing a position that it is necessary to clear the flames when the ancient ruins are opened. In order to prevent the many masters from entering the ancient ruins, the flames robbery around.

However, the flames flowed under the command of the fire dance, and they were very tolerant. As if before a night, the flames of the rogue disappeared completely. It is also this kind of patience that makes the loss of the flame flow very small. However, because of their incompetence, various rumors have been heard. The most prosperous in the limelight is the legendary family that was the leader of the flames who had personally led the attack. The leader has been smashed into powder by the large array of Xu family.

This rumor spreads more and more, and invisibly raises the status of Xu. The monks on the entire vast continent were awed by the great family of Xu. It is also the spread of Xu Ziyan’s deeds that have been widely exaggerated, and the fact that Xu’s family has been in the Mahayana period has also spread throughout the mainland. For a time, the Xu family has been considered by many forces on the mainland to reach the fifth superpower that rivals the four superpowers.

I hope that Xiaobai will come back with twenty small ancient vines. The hope of repairing has already broken through to the middle of the Mahayana. Xiaobai also successfully entered the early stage of the 9th-order Wicked Beast. The progress of the twenty small ancient vines will be slower. Ten small ancient vines approached the peak of the distraction, while the other ten small vines reached the peak of distraction, and only one line entered the middle of distraction.

Xu Ziyan also gave each of the two small ancient vines two pieces of weapons, one defense and one attack, and also gave them two pieces of Lingbao, the same as a defense-attack. In the end, I hope that I will be called to the room separately, and I will give you a hope that it will be a long line.

On this day, two monks came outside the Wanli Yellow Sands. Xu Ziyan sent people to welcome them in. It turned out that the two lords of the Oriental Xiu Xianjie Alliance came personally. After the introduction, one of the two monks was the main channel of the main alliance, and the other was the vice president of the fortune. After Xu Ziyan expressed his warm welcome, he showed the color of the inquiry. These two people were also very refreshed, and immediately took out a storage soul bead.

This storage soul bead is a way to store the memories of the monks after the monks search for the gods. Xu Ziyan saw a whole storage soul bead in the pipeline, and his eyes were slightly surprised. However, when the pipeline will store the soul beads in the air and reveal the memory of storage, the look of Xu Ziyan will be serious.

It turns out that this memory soul is recorded in the memory of a mid-disciplinary monk by the fire. In the memory, Xu Ziyan knew that the fire was really the leader of the flames. When he was injured in the big battle, he was not injured or lightly injured. After he escaped from the night, he fled. East.

In his heart, the North is now occupied by ghosts. So only the strength of the Oriental Xiu Xianjie is the weakest. At this time, he did not dare to own his own nest. Only fleeing to the east.

At the beginning, everything went well, and after taking the drug, the injury has recovered 60%. What they didn't think of was that in the days that followed, there was a rush to find and chase the flames of the entire continent. This made the fierce heart suddenly nervous, and also deeply regretted the action of urging Xu Ziyan. One day, when they walked to the junction of the Central Plains and the East, they were found suspicious by the monks who searched for the flames.


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*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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