The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1050: The wisdom of the elderly

I am very grateful to p. Phoebe, lingyinsi, Long Ying, KCK, Yan Wei, the pink ticket of the soul class!


After being suspicious by the monks of the Eastern Xiu Xianjie, the fire immediately violently murdered with people, and after the breakout, fled to the oriental sect. However, after this war, more than 100 people who were raging with the fire also dispersed. The main channel of the Oriental Xiu Xian Alliance was heard, and immediately led the team personally. They hunt down and killed many people, but they did not grasp the fire. They only seized one. And the flame hooligan realized that he was going to be searched for God, and immediately detonated his soul, so that the pipeline only got a part of his memory, that is, the paragraph about him and the fire escape.

After Xu Ziyan saw this memory, he knew that the fire had already entered the sea like a dragon, and it was difficult to find his trace.

After Xu Ziyan thanked the two leaders of the pipeline and the fortune of the fortune, they made a big feast and then gave away a few medicinal herbs. The pipeline and the fortune also expressed the hope that when the ancient ruins were opened, they stood in the camp of Xu Ziyan, and Xu Ziyan also agreed. After that, both sides were satisfied with the farewell, and soon afterwards, they met in the town.

Ten days later, Yunhe Fairy and Han Dan left the Xu family and went back to prepare for the ancient ruins. After fifteen days, Yanshan soul went out and repaired as a breakthrough to the beginning of Mahayana.

A month later.

On the main peak of the Lotus Peak, the big banquet, after eating this meal, Xu Ziyan will lead the Xu family disciples to the people town to explore the ancient ruins.

The protagonists here are naturally the monks who are about to leave. Other people looked at them with envy.

Xu Ziyan sat on the top, hope, Yanshan soul, Xu Lin. Ling Yijian, Gongzi Forging, Yang Lingwei, Fan Haixin. Xiaobai, twenty small ancient vines, Xu Haoliang, Xu Haosang, Xu Haoge, Lu Guangtian, reloading Taoist, Xu Shu. Xu Xinggan, Xu Xingjiao, Xu Xingba and others gathered together, and the lowest revision of each person was also the beginning of distraction.

Looking at these people, the scenes of the past flashed into the minds of Xu Ziyan. These people have accompanied her all the way to the hurricane and fight side by side. The thorns and the thorns have now grown to such a state, and are still friends, still trust each other.

During the entire banquet, there was no tension and they talked and laughed easily. Xu Ziyan smiled and picked up a glass of wine in front of him. Today's wine is the scent of the tree-snow refining in the purple smoke space, so that everyone can drink and enjoy. When I saw Xu Ziyan talking, everyone stopped talking and looked at Xu Ziyan.

"Everyone. We will leave for the people to get to the town tomorrow. The first purpose of opening the ancient ruins this time is to restore the concentration of aura on the mainland. The second is a journey of experience. This is the third treasure hunt. So, remember. Don't be too greedy. The ancient ruins are a mystery. Put caution in the first place."

Just hoped to break into the middle of the Mahayana haha ​​laughed: "The patriarch, do not have to be so careful. Now we are almost limited to the four superpowers in the ancient ruins. And I am already in the middle of the Mahayana, Yan Xianshi is also the beginning of the Mahayana, The patriarch, your strength is also very strong, I am afraid that when our Xu family closes the ancient relics in the town, it will definitely shock the monks on the mainland."

There was a big laugh in the whole hall, and everyone’s face showed a very confident look. Xu Haoge said in a serious manner:

"Yes, I thought that when the king arrived in the Southern Wilderness, he was seriously injured. The situation in the south was even more dangerous. But I still saw the temperament of the king, followed the king closely, and finally succeeded in returning the South. In the Central Plains, my cultivation may not be high, but my vision is still very accurate. It must be correct to follow the king."

There was a serious face in him, and he said this in a serious way, and there was a sneer inside the entire hall. Xu Ziyan also said with a smile:

"Uncle Hao Ge, I know that you are like a torch!"

Xu Haoge thinks of the past and the past, can not help but look red, sneered a few times, and everyone else looked at him in good faith and smiled.

Ling Yijian on the side also felt heartfelt. If Xu Ziyan did not leave a lot of immortality to Tai Xuanzong, if Xu Ziyan told him to go to the remains of the Eastern Wan Jianzong, how could he achieve today's achievements? Today's fellow brothers Tianzhu, Jin Wufeng and others have been pulled down by themselves.

Waiting for everyone's laughter to stop slightly, Xu Lin's face revealed hesitantly said: "Ziyan, from the fire sect will also participate in the town to close the ancient ruins, then I am afraid they will recognize me."

Xu Ziyan has not spoken yet, and Ling Yijian said: "The key is what position is in your heart. Do you want to stand in the position of purple smoke, or stand in the camp from the fire? You must know the camp of Ziyan and the fire. Da Luotian is opposite."

Next to the son of the forging elbow hit Ling Yijian, Ling Yijian turned his head and looked at him, but still said:

"This thing is still a good decision first. Otherwise, if the two sides fight in the ancient ruins, how does the grandson and brother act? How do we treat the grandson?"

Since Xu Lin revealed his identity and revisited Xu Haoran, his identity has been known to everyone. The face of Gong Sunlin (referred to as Xu Lin as Gongsun Lin in the following text) rose into a pig liver color, and some looked uneasy and looked at everyone, and his look was extremely embarrassing.

However, Gong Sunlin also knows that he must make a statement on this matter, otherwise it will leave a gap between himself and everyone. Once this gap is left in the crisis, I am afraid I will go to my own life. Just a little sinking, the eyes are now a firm color:

"Ziyan, you, although I am surnamed Gongsun, I can't deny that I am a Xujia person. However, I am also a disciple from Huo Zong. I am not sorry for me from the fire, I can't judge it. So, As long as it is not on the fire, I naturally kill the enemy with you. However, if it is against the fire, I can only help each other. Please purple smoke and the atonement."

Xu Ziyan lightly coughed two channels: "The people of my generation have indeed been unable to make such a thing of no reason to betray the teacher, otherwise it will affect the heart. Lin brother decided so well."

Everyone saw Xu Ziyan hammering the sound, and also knew that Gong Sunlin could do this. It was indeed the ultimate, and they nodded. That Gong Sunlin even gratefully looked at Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan raised his toast, and everyone took the wine glasses in front of them and drank them. Xu Ziyan put down his glass and his eyes flashed. He remembered Ling Xiao and Xu Tianwo, who still fell in the northern land of the immortal world. They couldn’t help but sigh. It seems that they lost the opportunity to go to the ancient ruins this time.

Seeing Xu Ziyan no longer speak, but to indicate that everyone is free, the monks began to toast each other, but also communicated with each other, the initial voice is still small, and then gradually louder.

Sitting on the side of Lu Guangtian, he whispered by the opportunity to toast with Xu Ziyan: "The patriarch, I heard that the Oriental Alliance of Immortals wants to stand in our camp when opening the ancient ruins?"

Xu Ziyan smiled and said: "Yes, they came here a few days ago, and you also saw them. The two of them talked to me and want to join our camp. Yes, it seems that the tentacles of our hall are still stretched out. Not far enough! People have found traces of fire and others, but we have not found it."

The prince of the temple at the side immediately stood up and said: "The patriarch, this is mainly because our family disciples are too few. I will try my best to collect some extra-ethnic disciples and arrange the halls farther and finer."

Xu Ziyan smiled at Xu Hao and said: "I also know the difficulties of Uncle Haohe, and I have trouble bothering Uncle Haohe."

"Don't dare!" Xu Hao hurriedly gave a gift, and re-settled under Xu Ziyan's gesture. Then he smiled and said: "The patriarch, we have also got some news in the temple. The oriental cultivation of the fairyland is chasing the flames, but it is Out of all strength, in order to chase the more than 100 monks of the fire, they actually damaged about 500 people."

When Xu Ziyan heard it, she frowned slightly. She didn’t know why the Oriental Xiu Xianjie was so **** this matter. In the heart of the move, remembering that this statement was raised by Lu Guangtian, he looked at Lu Guangtian.

Lu Guangtian smiled faintly: "There is a demand for such a life. It is reasonable to say that the patriarch and the oriental cultivating world are not harmonious. The Eastern Green Fire and the Eastern God Machine are indirectly destroyed in the hands of the patriarch. Although they are against the patriarch There is no hostility, but there is no goodwill. Now it takes so much time, energy and life, of course, with ulterior motives."

Xu Ziyan said, playing with the small glass in his hand, said: "Don't all they do to find the protection of our home when opening the ancient ruins?"

Lu Guangtian chuckled: "I don't think it's that simple."

Xu Ziyan also smiled and said: "Older brother, you don't want to sell off. I know that in today's Xu family, you and the reloading Taoist are most experienced. If you have anything, you can say it."

"The patriarch, after they left, the old brother had been thinking for a long time. After the news came back from the hall, I finally figured it out.

Patriarch, do you know? After the original Qing Huo Zong was destroyed, it was occupied by a medium-sized sect of the East, called Qing Yumen. However, in the past few days, it was sent out by the four super-powers, and the Qing Huozong was sealed. The square has also been passed out, saying that it is the place to be sent to Lingbao Island overseas. ”

Having said that, Lu Guangtian looked at Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan nodded and said:

"This is a true matter. Lingbao Island has a fairy charmer who can open the ancient ruins of Tianzhenguan. The conditions they proposed were to give them a foothold on the mainland of the Cangwu. The Eastern Qing Huozong. However, at that time, I only promised to give that place to them. As for whether they can finally stand there, they must look at their own strength."

Xu Haoge remembered his experience in the Southern Wilderness and could not help but shook his head: "Overseas forces want to stand on the mainland, difficult! Difficult! Hard!"


Tired of pink, go to the second chapter!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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