The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1052: People's town

I am very grateful to my classmates, Milanoz classmates, Greenwater Furong clothing classmates, baby anniez classmates, wbrat123 classmates, Ziyan classmates, Yu Yu 645098 classmates, Xiangxi classmates, lonely fleeing classmates, susantsh0905 classmates pink ticket!


Xu Ziyan put the medicine tripod and the Fubao, which turned into his own appearance, and put it on the back of Xiaobai. He said to Huo Linger:

"Let's go to the next place and get some more fire."

Fire Linger listens to great joy. If there are several fire veins in the planet where he lives, the concentration of aura in the purple smoke space is not comparable to the outside world. So you can feel peace of mind in the purple smoke space, and that is not repaired to rise? Then he happily followed Xu Ziyan all the way to sweep away in the 100,000 mountains.

Among the 100,000 mountains, there are countless fires. Xu Ziyan only took a day to collect nine fires.

After returning to his room on the Lotus Peak, Xu Ziyan immediately arranged the formation method, and then entered the purple smoke space with Xiaobai and Huo Linger. Looking from the sky to the planet where Fire Spirit lived, I saw that nine fire veins were laid on the planet, and the flames were sprayed around, and the heat released by it could be felt from a distance. The fire spirit was playing there happily at this time.

The second day.

The people left the Xu family and embarked on a journey to open the ancient ruins.

Xiaobai unfolded his wings and covered the sky. Xu Ziyan and others sat on the back of Xiaobai and went to the town. After flying for a few days, I saw a lot of flying boats flying by. Xiaobai saw it. Then turned to Xu Ziyan said:

"Master, can we make a boat at home? Save me always carrying me many people!"

Xu Ziyan smiled and licked the long hair in his ear, and looked at the Yanshan soul sitting next to him. Yanshan soul raised his hand and laughed at the little white road underneath:

"How? How long is it, and the temper is long? Don't want to carry your owner? Or don't you want to carry me?"

Xiaobai snorted a few times. I dare not lick the mouth of Yanshan. Yanshan soul said with a funny smile:

"Okay, don't worry. This time because the time to open the ancient ruins is ahead of schedule, waiting for the next time I will make a flying boat for Xu Jia, and let you sit in the boat to enjoy the time."


Xiaobai screamed with joy. Encouraging the wings, and soon surpassed countless flying boats, so that the monks in the flying boat are all envious.

The Xujia disciples behind Xiaobai heard the Yanshan soul to give Xujia a revolving boat. They were also very happy. They thought that Xu’s family would take off, and all faces showed a proud look. Looking at the front of the Xu Ziyan, knowing that today's Xu family is caused by Xu Ziyan, the eyes are full of worship.

It took nine days. Xiaobai has already flown to the sky above the town.

Looking down from the air, the people's town is also very majestic. For thousands of miles, everything is under the law. In the town and town, there are a lot of guards and monks who saw the sky and the sky, and Peng Peng flew from far away, but in an instant, they flew to the front. At that time, dozens of monks flew from the sky. And that Peng Peng was turned into a little girl of about ten years old and fell to the gate.

Although the monks of these people have never seen Xu Ziyan, but when they saw the Peng Peng who covered the sky, they also knew that the Xie Dan Shi Xu Ziyan arrived. One of the distracted monks in the gatekeeper, the old visionary, Xu Ziyan and others walked slowly, and they stepped forward and handed over the ceremony:

"Is Xu Xianshi in front?"

Xu Ziyan was waiting to go to the front, with a smile and nodded: "It is exactly, the Taoist friend, the four great predecessors have come?"

The mid-disciplinary monk hurriedly smiled and nodded: "The four Mahayana monks have arrived, and the monks of all parties have basically arrived."

Xu Ziyan nodded. I know in my heart that the four Da Chong came early to arrange various things to enter He Boxian. Say goodbye to the monk. Stepping into the people's town.

As soon as I entered this town, the sorrows and sorrows came to me, making people feel like they could feel the spirit of this person for millions of years.

When Xu Ziyan was feeling the emotion, he heard a lot of footsteps coming from behind. Looking back. The eyes flashed and the feet went to the right. Then stand on the doorstep to the city gate.

I saw a middle-aged monk walking in the front, a dragon and a tiger, and a stalwart. It was the Li Lu, the lord of Kunlun, who was next to him and who was known by Xu Ziyan. It was Li Ling who had crossed the river.

Li Yi saw the person in front of him flashing toward the side, and he also looked at the face of Xu Ziyan and others. Those monks who originally thought that they would give way to the road must be small or small families, but when he saw that it was Xu Ziyan, his face was clearly a glimpse. At this time, Xu Ziyan had already smiled at him with a smile.

Li Yi hurriedly stepped forward and stepped forward to Xu Ziyan. "It turned out to be Xu Xianshi. How dare you let Xu Xianshi make way here, or Xu Xianshi first."

Xu Ziyan smiled and said: "Let's go together!"

The words fell to Li Ling and said: "Li brother, I haven't seen you for a long time."

Although Li Ling is also a master of distraction, he knows that Xu Ziyan has now reached the peak of the peak of distraction, and is the only one in the mainland. When I remembered the first time together with the Bohe County, Xu Ziyan’s cultivation was similar to himself. Pushing forward, when she first saw Xu Ziyan, her cultivation was far worse than herself. Unexpectedly, in just a few decades, Xu Ziyan has already left himself far away. So, where dare to be half-proud, hurriedly ritual:

"Xu Xianshi, who hasn't seen it for more than a decade, Xu Xiangshi has already left behind his fellowly in Heberfest, and he is very happy."

Xu Ziyan smiled lightly: "Li brother should not say this, although my cultivation is higher than you, but if you really fight with you, it may not be your opponent. I know that you Kunlun Zong has always been known as Duobao. ""

Xu Ziyan said that he looked at the people behind Li Yi. When he saw Kunlun Zong, there were quite a few people coming here, and there were nearly a hundred people. Xu Ziyan’s eyes swept over one person. The eyes were slightly glimpsed, and it was intuitive that a young woman behind the team was very familiar, but she could not remember who she was.

The opposite Li Ling said with a bitter smile: "It is not necessarily useful to win and multi-treasure. I am very envious of the mountain river spectrum of the Central Plains."

Xu Ziyan listened to Li Ling’s words. I was thinking about who the young woman was. Suddenly, a female figure appeared in my mind, and my heart was shocked.

"Is this woman not the mysterious Dong Yiyi who was called Xia Yu outside the North Xuanzong? It turned out that she was a Kunlun sect. But at that time, her cultivation was not high, and she did not expect that it was already in the early days of distraction. Yeah? No!"

Xu Ziyan’s heart was a glimpse. She felt the temperament of a high-level Lingbao similar to that of a white towel on the Dong Yiyi, and this kind of breath seemed to be higher than that of the white towel. Xu Ziyan raised his eyes slightly and quickly glanced at Dong Yiyi and found that he still couldn't see what she was hiding.

At this time, an old man standing beside Dong Yiyi said to Dong Yiyi:

"Miss, that Xu Ziyan will not recognize the identity of our guardian?"

"Dong Shu!" Dong Yiyi said: "No, I used to face me when I was working with her in Lingbao City. I won't recognize me."

Xu Ziyan could not see the identity of Dong Yiyi. He only frowned slightly and pressed the matter down, but he was careful in his heart. No matter what, Kunlun is not an ally of all, and everything is done with care.

After the two sides were polite, they went side by side. Going to the mansion of the people's town. The identity like them is naturally not going to live in any inn. It will be received by the owner of the refining city. Today, the refining city master Shen Qianji is still in the Xu family. When Xu Ziyan left the ethnic land, Shen Qianji has told her that everything here will make it impossible to host.

Xu Jia and Kunlun Zong came to the residence of the people in Guanzhen, and their own people informed the identity of themselves and others. The monks who kept the gate immediately reported it. In a very short time, they killed the traces and greeted them from the inside. The people took Xu Ziyan and Li Yi to take a rest in the place of residence, and then asked Xu Ziyan and Li Yi to go to the hall to meet.

Li Yi took her son Li Ling. Xu Ziyan is and hope. Three people of Yanshan soul together, five people walked toward the hall with no trace. When I walked into the hall, Xu Ziyan swept away. I haven't seen anyone in the house yet, and I heard a burst of laughter:

"Ziyan. Mountain spirit, hope brother. You are here!"

Xu Ziyan looked for the sound, but the tall, lonely Simon smoke stood up from the chair and was laughing at himself. Xu Ziyan quickly circumvented:

"Western predecessors, purple smoke is late, but also for redemption."

At the same time, they also bowed to other people in the hall, and these people also knew each other. Because there is a threat from the guardian and the ghost emperor, even Wang Woyun, who has hatred with Xu Ziyan, is like saying hello to Xu Ziyan as a friend.

Killing no trace as the master here, naturally sitting in the main position, sitting on the left is the two Mahayana monks, the solitary smoke and the Yan Xingyun. In the back of the solitary smoke in Ximen, a young man is standing, but it is Ximen jade. Seeing Xu Ziyan looking over, hurriedly bowed to Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan’s eyes are bright, and Ximeng’s cultivation has reached the middle of distraction. It seems that Ximen’s solitary smoke has also spent a lot of effort on this only optimistic son. Smiling at Ximen Yudao:

"Xiaoyu, you are here too."

"Yes, Ziyan sister, the younger brother followed his father to meet the world."

Xu Ziyan nodded slightly, and when he turned his eyes, he saw a young monk standing behind Yan Xingyun. At this time, Yanshan soul had already gone up two steps. After meeting the Yan Xingyun, he stood behind Yan Xingyun. The young monk is handing the ritual:

"I have seen the master brother!"

Fayong was in the first two steps, and took a photo of Yanshan's soul intimately: "Little brother, don't be polite. This time, you come to open the ancient ruins of the people's town, and grow up for us."


Yanshan soul has a long face! The comrades also cast some pink tickets to ring the long face!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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