The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1053: Heartache! The heart is cold too!

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"I have seen the Master Brother!" Xu Ziyan also politely prayed.

"I have seen Xu Xianshi in the next." Fayong is knowing what identity he is, and he also knows what identity Xu Ziyan is now. The length of the family, the peak of the distraction in the late stage, the name of the Xiandan division. If it is not because of the good relationship with Yanshan, I am afraid that I will not take care of myself. Naturally, I am very polite and modest.

After Xu Ziyan and the separated Yunhe Fairy, Han Dan respectively saw the ceremony, and looked at the right side again. After seeing the ceremony with Wang Woyun, he saw Wang Junjie standing behind Wang Woyun. Micro-handed:

"I have seen Brother Wang."

Wang Junjie’s mouth flicked a bitter smile, recalling that when he first saw Xu Ziyan, it was like a dream. At that time, Xu Ziyan repaired a lot of difference from himself, but now? Not to mention the identity of the brilliant Xiandan division, that is, repairing is beyond yourself. I am completely in a grade with the other party. For example, on this hall, I can only stand, but the other party has a seat, which is a character who can stand shoulder to shoulder with my grandfather Wang Liyun. At the moment, I politely handed back to the ceremony:

"I have seen the patriarch of Xu." Now he stood in front of Xu Ziyan, and even Xu Shimei could not be called.

After Xu Ziyan and Yunfeifeng saw the ceremony, they naturally saw the clouds standing behind Yunfeifeng. Her true identity and the clouds are not mixed, so it is only a faint hand.

Looking in the direction, I saw Ye Fei of the Central Plains. The sound of the solitary smoke in Ximen sounded in the ear of Xu Ziyan:

"Ziyan. Today Ye Fei is already the lord of the Central Plains machine. It is said that he killed his brother Ye Xuan."

Xu Ziyan’s gaze narrowed slightly, and he confessed to Ye Fei’s hand: “I have seen Ye Shixiong.”

"I have seen Xu Shimei." That Ye Fei is a free and easy way, there is no trace of hatred on his face. But there is no trace of restraint. On the contrary, it is gentle and elegant, like a spring breeze.

Xu Ziyan and the Emperor of the Emperor of Heaven and the long-browed youth standing behind him saw the ceremony, and they met with some people who did not know, and then sat down in the next head of Yan Xingyun. The Yanshan soul is sitting next to Xu Ziyan, hoping to sit consciously next to the Yanshan soul.

For Xu Ziyan and Yanshan soul, two people sit next to the Mahayana monk. No one has any opinion. It is enough to be equal to the four majors by the identity of the Xiandan and the fairy. Didn't the Mahayana monks who saw Xu's family sit in the head of Xu Ziyan and Yanshan Soul?

This just sat down, and the solitary smoke from Ximen said to Xu Ziyan: "Ziyan, I heard that more than 10,000 masters of the flames have gone to the Xu family to attack, and almost all of you have been annihilated. Is this true?"

Xu Zi flue: "There is such a thing, they probably came to more than 10,000 people. In the end, there are only a few hundred people who escaped. This flame hooligans want to become a cancer of the immortal world. If there is a chance, I really want to uproot it. ”

Wang Liyun said with a faint smile: "This flame rogue is indeed a cancer in the celestial world, but they have always been mysterious, and their revenge is very strong. I don't know how Xu Jia provoked them, even let them find the door. I want to destroy the door. The Xu chief. You have to be careful. Now you are not in the Xu family, don't be hit by the flames once again."

Xu Ziyan smiled and said: "Thank you for the care of the predecessors of the king, but if the flames dare to go to the Xu family, they are told to go back."

Xu Ziyan was very determined in her heart. She upgraded the family’s Wanli Huangsha to the Jiu Pinling array, and added many changes. It’s not just a simple Wanli Huangsha array, but an all-encompassing soil system. Array. Xu Ziyan believes that even if it is a big squad that wants to break the family, it may take half a year or more. If you are a special researcher, you may be able to shorten the time. but. Is there a fairy sect on the mainland?

Yunfeifeng looked at Xu Ziyan intentionally or unintentionally: "The Xu chief seems to be very confident about the Xu family's big guardian!"

Xu Ziyan shook his head: "The Xu family's guardian squad is just a clever score. I just laid it out according to the score. As for the extent to which it is so powerful, I don't know."

Speaking of this, Xu Ziyan looks straight at Yunfei Fengdao: "The big array is only its auxiliary role. The strength of a family is naturally not reflected in a large array. I believe that even if we don't have that big family, we can't have that big array." The strength of our family is not afraid of the flames."

Yunfeifeng's look changed slightly, and he quickly exchanged his eyes with Wang Woyun. Xu family has settled after the Lotus Peak. He has been living in a shallow place. During the period, although the disciples of the War Hall went out, they were once caught by Da Luotian, but who knows if it is the elite of Xu. Wang Woyun secretly said in his heart at this time:

"It’s time to send someone to find out how many people Xu has come this time. What is it?"

At this time, someone came to report that it was the monk of Lingbao Island overseas. Killing no traces will once again get up and leave, and go out to meet.

No, a middle-aged woman looks like a white towel behind her, and comes in with no trace. The middle-aged female repairer is the owner of Lingbao Island, and the name is Bai Xiyan, which is really a cultivation of the early Mahayana. Xu Ziyan secretly remembered her appearance, thinking about going back to ask Ling Yijian and Xu Lin to see if this person is the one who injured both of them.

So many people have arrived, everyone's eyes are looking at the Yanshan soul. Yan Xingyun said to the soul of Yanshan:

"The mountain spirit, the fairy that opened the ancient ruins, but the refining success?"

Yanshan soul nodded, everyone's face is a hi. Every monk thinks that the concentration of aura on the vast continent will soon be restored, and it will not help but be full of tides.

Killing no traces and saying with pleasure: "I have sent people to the entrance of the ancient ruins, and I am waiting for Yan Xianshi to open."

Ximen’s solitary smoke laughed and said: “Good! It’s not too long to be dragged at this time. We will open the ancient ruins tomorrow.”

Xu Ziyan coughed a little and attracted everyone's attention. Then he gently opened his mouth and said the agreement he hoped to reach with the demon king. After that, he stopped talking and waited for everyone to discuss.

The crowd was quiet first, and then they discussed it fiercely. In the end, everyone agreed that it was a good thing for both sides to deal with the ghosts and the demon. It was decided that if the Yaozu arrived tomorrow, an alliance would be reached. If the Yaozu does not come tomorrow, they will not wait for them.

At this time, everyone was very excited, and the item-by-item items that entered the ancient ruins were carefully studied again, and they were scattered. After Xu Ziyan and Yanshan souls went back, they took a good rest and adjusted the state to the best. They will enter the ancient ruins tomorrow.

the next day.

Before the gathering of the people, they looked at each other's strengths. Wang Woyun and Yunfeifeng looked at the direction of Xu Ziyan at the first time, and their eyes flashed slightly. The two men looked at each other and did not think that there would be more than 50 monks in the Xu family. . The face can not help but appear slightly dignified.

Xu Ziyan's combat power need not be said. At this time, Xu Ziyan can't be as if it is outside the alchemy city, and it is not necessary to use it. As a result, her combat power is basically equivalent to an early Mahayana. And Xu has a real Mahayana monk hope. Thinking of hope, the two people are in a tight heart, because yesterday they both found that they have some unsatisfactory repairs. What does this mean? This shows that the cultivation of hope has already exceeded both of them, and the worst is also the realm of a mid-May.

Xu Ziyan’s gaze at this time was also looking around, and when he saw Bai Xiyan, he gave a look to Ling Yijian and Gong Sunlin. Ling Yijian and Gong Sunlin looked at Xu Ziyan's gaze and saw Bai Xiyan. The two men nodded slightly toward Xu Ziyan at the same time.

Xu Ziyan’s gaze suddenly changed. She saw an acquaintance, but this acquaintance made the Xu Ziyan at this time very complicated. Because he is not someone else, it is a fire dance.

Xu Ziyan did not know whether this fire dance in front of him was the young monk in the Jiu’an shop in Lingbao City, but how to look at him. Looking into the back of the fire dance, I saw fifty monks who were above the stage of distraction behind him. However, whether it is fire dance or the monks behind him, this time is a black robe, not the red robe of the flames. Xu Ziyan was suspicious for a moment, and eventually went to the fire dance, smiling and calling:

"Fire brother!"

The face of the fire dance revealed a sunny smile: "Ziyan Shimei."

Xu Ziyan also smiled and walked to the front of the fire dance. In front of her, followed by Ling Yijian, Gong Sunlin, and Yang Linglong, all greeted enthusiastically with the fire dance. Everyone and Fire Dance may have not seen each other for a long time, and their hearts are very excited. Xu Ziyan looked at the monks behind the fire and danced. The fire dance whispered:

"Ziyan, these people are monks in my family."

Xu Ziyan’s look is a glimpse. He naturally knows that the fire dance is the descendant of the fire, and he can’t help but think about it. Are these people from the fire family? Or... or..., Xu Ziyan’s heart is shaking. Is it that the flames are the monks who were eliminated by the sects of the fire house? Like a fire dance?

If it is better than the fire house of the fire, but if it is a flame rogue..., Xu Ziyan can not help but raise his vigilance in his heart. However, on the surface, I still chatted passionately with the fire. However, there was no invitation to the fire dance and the Xu family to act together, and the fire dance did not require action with the Xu family.

Her eyes became more complicated as she waited for the purple smoke to turn away. At this time, it has been basically confirmed in her heart that the monks behind the fire dance are flowing, and the fire dance is indeed the young monk in the Jiu'an shop in Lingbao City. Otherwise, with the character of fire dancing, even if he does not invite him to act with himself, he will ask for it. And now? Both sides seem to be deliberately avoiding this matter, which can not help but let Xu Ziyan's heart hurt a bit, some cold...


Thank you comrades for caring about my body, your warmth I feel! Thank you! Thank you!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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