The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1054: Entering the ancient ruins

Thanks to the madness of the classmates, the blue-eyed classmates, Linye71 classmates, the final pink ticket of T's ridiculous classmates!


Xu Ziyan’s gaze has no destination to look around. When he returns to the front of Xu’s residence, he hangs his eyes and no longer speaks. In my mind, I am thinking about how to face the fire dance if I fight with the flames in the ancient ruins.

I wanted to be in Lingbao City. She heard the fire and the fire called Grandpa. She knew at this time that the fire was probably the real name, and it was probably the grandfather of the fire dance. Not only did he injure his grandfather, but he also killed the nearly 10,000 firefight disciples who had committed the Xu family. Looking at the fire dance today, it seems that he has achieved a high status in the flame. I don't know how he will treat Xu.

Everyone started to act. As the team moved, the number of people increased. There were many small ancestral gates, small families, and many scattered repairs, all of which wanted to enter the ancient ruins. Therefore, they all followed the team.

The solitary smokers in Ximen did not stop, because at this time they did not know whether there were any restrictions on the ancient ruins. If there were no restrictions, the solitary smokers in Ximen would not bother to pay attention to them. Because those people are not in the eyes of the solitary smoke in Ximen, if they can get in, the solitary smokers in Ximen do not mind letting them make cannon fodder.

On the left side of the town's town, there is a ruin of a solitary palace. The palace was built later, because it is much newer than the town. Xu Ziyan now understands that there was no such palace here. Here is a military camp.

It was the time when the demon squad attacked the town and the human monk fought here. The ground was blasted into a very deep crater, and the ancient ruins there were discovered. From that time, Renzhenguan established a palace on this, and sent a monk to receive it. The other two cities. Alchemy City and Lingbao City are also the same.

At this time, the monks have stood before the gate of the palace. Suddenly in the air, a figure appeared in the air and fell to the side of the team. Standing there alone, without saying a word. The eyes of Xu Ziyan and others are all changed. They all recognize that this person is the Witch God. Fan Haixin, standing behind Xu Ziyan, was even more excited and stared at the Witch God, but he also knew that it was not the time of the attack and endured his own temper.

In the air, a figure flies over, and the demon emperor flies over the sky with fifty distracted demon people. Looking at the crowd, I saw hope. As soon as he jumped, he landed in the direction of Xu Ziyan.

The demon emperor fell to the front of the Xu Ziyan team, the West Gate solitary smoke, Yan Xingyun, Wang Woyun and Yunfeifeng flew over. The demon emperor immediately revealed the color of vigilance. Xu Ziyan hurriedly smiled:

"The demon, the alliance between us, I have talked with the four Mahayana monks. They all agree."

The demon king naturally knows Xu Ziyan. After listening to her words, she looks at the four Mahayana. The four greats nodded immediately, and the five great monks immediately discussed the issue of alliance quickly. In fact, it is a very simple matter, that is, uniting against the ghost emperor. Before the ghost emperor is driven back to the underground world, the human monk can not invade the demon territory, and the demon can not invade the human territory. However, the two sides can carry out various kinds of cooperation, and after rushing back to the underground world, they will compete with each other.

After the five people have negotiated. Immediately vowed. after that. They looked at the hope, but the hope was that they did not care about them at all, but they looked at Xu Ziyan. His meaning is very clear, that is, it is useless for me to swear by you. It’s not my hope, but Xu Ziyan, who speaks in Xu’s family.

Xu Ziyan licked the long hair on his ear. With a wry smile, he stepped forward and reached out with a small white palm and a big palm of the demon.

At this time, everyone deliberately forgot the Bai Xiyan, the owner of Lingbao Island. And Bai Xiyan also deliberately pretended not to know what happened here, did not come over. The Witch God is still standing there without saying a word.

In this way, everything is ready, just waiting to open the ancient ruins. Killing without a trace, he walked to the gate of the palace, reached out and pushed the door to rumbling and walked toward the hall.

The monks outside were also walking towards the hall with the footsteps of killing. Extending the distance, there are hundreds of thousands of monks. These monks did not come to the ancient ruins. Many monks knew that their cultivation was low. They just wanted to see the excitement. Of course, if they have the opportunity to get in, or if they are cheap, they will be happy.

The palace is large, but there is only one very large hall inside. Within the main hall, there is only one passage that enters below, and the first-level steps extend downwards, and the depth is unknown.

Everyone is speechless, there is only dull footsteps in the space, walking down the first level steps toward the ground. The killing did not trace the front, and went down to the ground, while the fingers flicked, a line of Mars shot, igniting the torch on the walls on both sides of the passage, the entire passage was red and bright.

I walked for two hours, and I don’t know how much I have gone underground. In the presence of the monks, a wide small square finally appeared, and at the end of the square was a gate. The door is flat and bright, but there is a keyhole in the center.

When I got here, I killed a trace and then retreated to the side. The eyes of the monks gathered at the soul of Yanshan at this time. Yanshan soul faintly step forward, but the heart is excited. Although he was reincarnation, and he got a complete metaphysical body and body, this vast continent is undoubtedly a cage for him. Now he can finally break this cage.

The eyes of everyone are closely following the back of Yanshan soul, and the eyes are full of excitement and excitement.

Yanshan soul stood in front of the gate and took a deep breath. I took out a key when I turned my hand, but it was a refining instrument. He had to be careful to start from a class of spirits. He was afraid that once there was a mechanism in the door, he opened the door with a key higher than the level of the institution, but destroyed the institution and completely blocked the door.

At that time, the demon was the first to agree with the hope, so that with fifty demon people to follow the Xu family, he looked at the door, suddenly turned to look forward to hope:

"Hope, you said that this ancient ruins are the auras of the ancient times that were laid out to seal the mainland. What do they still have to do with a door?"

I hope to look at it, and then glance at him with angrily, without words, my heart: "You are a demon, I am also a demon. They do not understand these demon, you still ask me what? You want to throw ugly me!"

However, he does not take care of the demon, but his heart is also curious. I looked at Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan was hesitant in her heart. She didn't want to reveal the secret of her mastery of the battle. She was hesitant to tell the hope and the demon. Standing on the side of Yunhe Fairy immediately grasped her meaning, she took the initiative to say:

"This big array is to seal the aura on the vast continent, so it must have an aura entrance. And this gate is the main array of the entrance of the aura. Without this gate, it is impossible to absorb and seal the aura of the mainland." ""

Hope and the demon emperor suddenly realized. At this time, Yanshan Soul has tried five keys, but still did not open the door. However, everyone is not anxious, waiting silently for Yanshan soul.

After a while, the hands of Yanshan Soul finally took out the fairy, slowly inserted into the keyhole. With a little effort, the ear heard a bang, and everyone’s body was shocked. The movement of Yanshan soul was also a meal, and then slowly reached out and pushed both hands toward the front.


A soothing sound, the door opened to both sides, and everyone's eyes slammed into the door. Then there was a look at it. I saw a brilliance pouring out of the gate, and the figure of Yanshan soul standing in front of the gate became illusory.

That is a light door!

A huge light door!

What is inside the light door, no one can see it.

Xu Ziyan immediately opened the eyes of Kun Peng, and the blue strobe in the double eyes, but still could not see the huge light door.

No one is moving!

Everyone's feet seemed to be nailed to the ground, and the gaze of the light door was a little overwhelmed. For the unknown world inside the gate, everyone has a dangerous feeling in their hearts.

Suddenly, everyone’s expressions could not help but move. In the vision of the monks, Yanshan soul slowly raised his hand and stretched out into the light door.

There is a quiet inside the square, because all the people can't help but hold their breath.

Yanshan soul slowly put his hand into the light door, and then it was a meal, stopped there. The hearts of the monks are neatly drawn, and their eyes are fixed on the changes of the soul of Yanshan.

Yanshan soul stopped the arm and slowly took it back, raised his hand and looked at it, without any change. Behind him, he remembered neatly a breath of exhalation. However, the sound of the exhalation was not completely exhausted, and there was a louder inhalation.

It turned out that at this moment, the Yanshan soul actually took one step, and the figure was in the eyes of the monks, and they wore the light door.

Everyone looked at each other and looked at each other and exchanged. The super forces that stood at the forefront did not move, and the forces behind them did not dare to move. They all looked at the superpowers.

In the end, Ximen’s solitary smoke walked toward Guangmen. He moved, and the monks of the heavens behind him followed closely. The solitary smokers of Ximen entered the light door silently, and the light door swayed over it, and it still recovered its original appearance.


Selling tickets! Selling tickets! A pink ticket allows one person to enter the ancient ruins!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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