The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1055: Ulsan

I am very grateful to the bookmates 121125180033556 (200), Duo Lanyi (200), Yi Fenglan (100), Yuwen Ziyi (100) for the reward!


After the Tianmen City of the solitary smoke in Ximen, it was followed by Xiao Luotian led by Yan Xingyun, followed by Da Luotian led by Wang Woyun, and then led by Yunfeifeng. After these figures disappeared, there were only the homes of the Mahayana, the Yaozu and Lingbao Island.

Suddenly the figure shook, and the figure of the Witch God swept away in the air and disappeared into the light door. Such a demon's eyes, no longer hesitate, led the Yaozu into the Guangmen. Xu Ziyan’s gaze looked at Lingbao Island and made a gesture of asking. Bai Xiyan slightly indulged, thanked Xu Ziyan for his hand, and led the monks of Lingbao Island into the Guangmen. Under the eyes of everyone, Xu Ziyan finally led Xu to walk toward Guangmen.

Everyone has no way to fight for the order of entering this light door. Because everyone knows that maybe the first one can get a lot of benefits, but it is also likely to get death.

Xu Ziyan entered the light door and fell into shock. This underground seal array was actually laid out as a space. In her vision is a vast plain, a huge mountain in the center of the plain is looming in an extremely rich aura, vaguely unclear.

The aura here is extremely rich, and the peaks in the center of the plain are almost invisible. It is only in the occasional flow of Reiki that you can blur the shadow of a mountain. This aura is more intense than the purple smoke space, and it is completely cloud-like.

Reaching out a handful of clouds. The Lingyun spread on the palm of his hand and fluttered. Xu Ziyan couldn’t help but sigh. I don’t know how many millions of years have been sealed before I can form such a strong aura. Looking towards the distant mountain. The closer to the direction of the mountain, the more intense the aura.

Xu Ziyan looked very far, and the monks who first entered the Guangmen had disappeared, and they must have gone to the mountain. The heart of the ancient ruins of the people's towns must also be above the mountain. Xu Ziyan no longer hesitated. While slowly moving towards the mountain, I spread my knowledge quickly.

The consciousness of Xu Ziyan spread rapidly, but it was extended to the extreme in an instant, like a big net, covering a hundred miles. There are many figures in her gods, those who first entered here, and at this time, they also released their own knowledge. On the one hand, there is no danger. On the one hand, it scans on the ground and sees if there are any precious herbs.

Is there any?

Not there! But very much!

The entire plain is covered with precious herbs, and the monks are picking them one by one. Xu Ziyan immediately informed himself that this side began to pick herbs and went to the mountain peaks.

Whether it is the monk in front or the monks of Xu family, the speed of picking is too slow compared with Xu Ziyan. Because every monk picks herbs, the herbs must be pulled out. Received again in the storage ring. But Xu Ziyan is different. She didn't even use the tree demon, but her body shape flashed and she was far away from everyone. The shape of the body and the water of a palm merge, sinking into the ground, and then extending immediately. This extension is a dozen miles, and then the whole land is lifted up, and the heart whispers:


Within a dozen miles, whether it is precious herbs or weeds. It was suddenly received by Xu Ziyan in the purple smoke space.

Whether it is an advanced monk or a late monk. Because the aura here is extremely rich, I can't see the surrounding situation, I don't know if it is dangerous. Therefore, they all went straight in the direction of the mountain in the distance. And because the herbs here are too much. The former monks were not able to pick light, and they thought that there were more precious herbs in front. Instead, it leaves a lot of herbs behind.

All the monks thought very well in their hearts. Anyway, these herbs could not run. After waiting for this array to be completely broken, everyone would grab it with their own skills.

However, Xu Ziyan is different. After discovering the pattern of Xu Ziyan, she soon found that there was no danger at all around, so she simply deviated from the direction, away from everyone, and swept away from other places. And the method she used is really scraping! It is the whole piece of the film to scrape!

After a day, she estimated that the speed at which the Xu family was walking forward is almost reaching the mountain. After the fusion of Xu Ziyan and the water of a palm, he flew in the air like a cloud of clouds to the crowd, and at the same time spread the knowledge of God to find Xu disciples.

Soon, Xu Ziyan found a disciple of Xu, and quietly revealed his figure in front of Xu’s disciple. In this day's time, it was not that no disciples had called Xu Ziyan, but when they saw Xu Ziyan's lack of response, they thought that Xu Ziyan had gone to the front. Their hearts have a blind trust in Xu Ziyan, and they will not think about the accident. Therefore, they are still picking herbs at the original speed.

Xu Ziyan also pretending to pick herbs, and put these herbs in the storage ring, not in the purple smoke space. At this time, the tree demon on the purple smoke star in the purple smoke space was busy, they were building a new medicine garden, and the herbs that Xu Ziyan collected were planted. Xu Ziyan didn't have a small amount of scrape this time. On this day, she was able to scrape the herbs here by one-fifth.

After another hour, Xu Ziyan and others have stood under the mountain. I saw that this mountain was shrouded in layers of clouds, revealing a mysterious, but extremely eye-catching, it seems that only one-third of the mountain can be seen, and the upper two-thirds are covered in layers. In the clouds.

Not only Xu Ziyan, all the monks standing at the foot of the mountain squinted at the moment, his face was shocked. Because it has been spreading upwards from the foot of the mountain, it is a piece of tombstone, as if the mountain is composed of countless tombs.

At this time, Xu Ziyan also saw the solitary smoke of Ximen and so on. What makes Xu Ziyan puzzled is that the solitary smoke of Ximen and so on are scattered at this time. Everyone sits cross-legged in front of a tombstone and completely ignores it. The situation around.

Some of the monks under the foot of the mountain began to shout to the top, but the solitary smoke of Ximen and so on did not seem to hear it at all. It was still sitting in front of a tombstone with a slap in the face, as if it had been isolated from the outside world.

Xu Ziyan spread the knowledge of the gods to the mountains, but did not feel the existence of the law. Under curiosity, Xu Ziyan shrouded a tombstone, but there was nothing on the tombstone. It was a light stone monument. Since it is a light stone monument, what do these people stare at them so carefully?

No one can understand, Xu Ziyan glanced at the Yanshan soul beside him, and when he saw the soul of Yanshan, he asked softly:

"Mountain Spirit, what do you feel?"

Yanshan soul dignified and nodded: "This should be the center of the seal, and this mountain should be enveloped in a fairy."

Speaking of it, his eyes looked around and sighed: "There is only the concentration of aura here to maintain the operation of a fairy. The aura here has a qualitative change, including a trace of fairy power. If you practice here, I believe I will break through again soon."

Xu Ziyan did not listen to the words behind him, but paid great attention to the sentence in front of him. Accepting the experience and spiritual strength of the **** of the Yuan Dynasty with the spirit of Yanshan, he said that he can feel that there is a fairy tales here, and there should be. But she still has some questions:

"Since there are fairy tales, why can we let our gods shine in?"

Yanshan soul shook his head and said: "I can only feel it, let me go further, I can't say it. And your gods are transmitted in, and the things you see are not necessarily true!"

Xu Ziyan heard the words and slid down his head. In my heart, I suddenly remembered Bai Xiyan, the master of the immortality of Lingbao Island. Bai Xiyan is a fairy charm teacher. Should she feel this fairy tales?

Xu Ziyan first looked at the foot of the mountain. Without seeing Bai Xiyan, he spread the knowledge of the gods toward the mountain. Soon, she saw Bai Xiyan in her knowledge. She also sat down in front of a tombstone and looked at it.

At this time, Yanshan soul thought and Xu Ziyan in general, but also found Bai Xiyan. At the same time, the two men took back the knowledge of the gods, and the soul of Yanshan whispered:

"It seems that this Bai Xiyan has just entered the realm of Xian Fu Shi, and the level is still shallow. She did not find the fairy tales here."

"How many items can this fairy squad have?" Xu Ziyan also whispered.

“It’s just a product!” Yanshan’s soul said faintly: “The aura here can only maintain the operation of a single product.”

There were monks coming behind them and they all hesitated to stand under the foot of the mountain. Xu Ziyan blinked and she saw Li Yi. When the heart moves, the knowledge of God spreads over the past. The eyes are always shrinking, and there is a slight uneasiness in the heart, and this uneasiness is constantly magnifying. Because she did not see Dong Yiyi in the Kunlun Zong team, and she also found that Kunlun Zong people seem to be a lot less.

How could Dong Yiyi disappear? And Kunlun Zong will disappear so many monks, what happened?

At this time, Dong Yiyi led thirty-six distracted monks to the back of the mountain. She stood in front of a huge old tree and took a necklace from the neck. The pendant of the necklace was a plum. Look like it. There is also a plum blossom mark on the huge old tree.

Dong Yiyi pressed the plum pendant to the plum blossom mark on the old tree. He saw a flash of light, and a portal appeared on the thick trunk. Dong Yiyi flew into the portal, she Behind the Dong Shu, the distracted monk walked into the portal, and the monk who entered the door reached out and took out the plum pendant necklace on the ancient tree mark, and the portal slowly disappeared.


After the portal disappeared, it became a huge pink ticket!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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