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Dong Yiyi was at the forefront at this time. It was the first-level steps that extended upwards. They had already walked into the mountainside and were flying toward the top along the steps in the mountain.

Li Yi stood at the foot of the mountain and saw the solitary smoke of Ximen and others sitting cross-legged before the tombstones. The eyes were bright. There was still a trace of suspicion. At this time, all of them were scattered, leaving only excitement and excitement. He felt that Dong Yiyi did not deceive him. It was the most sensible choice for him to go to the guardian.

Dong Yiyi said to him when he left, this mountain is full of cultivation secrets, which is really good. He no longer hesitated and immediately walked up the hill. In the heart, waiting for a while, Dong Yiyi and others will wipe out the light of others, and they will realize the secret of the world. In the future, this continent is its own. Therefore, in the eyes of everyone, the Kunlun sects of the monks step by step to the mountain.

As soon as these people entered the mountain, they walked to the stone monument without the monks, and then they sat cross-legged in front of the stone tablet, and the look focused.

Xu Ziyan and Yanshan soul looked at each other, and the eyes of both people revealed a meaning: this mountain must go up! They have no choice. If they want to break through this seal, they must go up the mountain.

Xu Ziyan and Yanshan soul no longer hesitate. Stepping towards the mountain.

Xu Ziyan stepped into the mountain, and his expression was a sigh of relief. He heard the sound of the phoenix cranes faintly, and gradually began to smash. The nose smells the flowers, there is a playful smile, and there is a sound of sitting and talking, and the scenery in front is like a fairyland. The tombstones became tall and there were many handwritings on them.

Xu Ziyan's footsteps unknowingly went up the mountain, his eyes grew bigger and bigger, his heart pounded and stood, standing in front of a tombstone, which was engraved with a detailed production process of a fairy charm, and the predecessors for a product Feelings. Unknowingly, Xu Ziyan sat in front of the tombstone and was immersed in it. Yuanshen is constantly consuming.

Xu Ziyan was unknowingly consumed by the Yuanshen, and so on, Xu Ziyan would not be able to use it for a day, and he would run out of the gods and die.

This is the power of the fairy tales. This fairy tales is a magical array. In the illusion, people seem to encounter the secrets of their own innermost desires, and then they are unknowingly immersed in them and cannot extricate themselves. Finally, I lost my **** and died.

In fact, there is really no text on the tombstones, but there is a magical array on each of the tombstones. The magical array above the tombstone is integrated with the magical array of the entire mountain, and the power is scary.

As long as your knowledge does not exceed the peak of the Mahayana period, you will not find it and will die unconsciously. Even if your knowledge of God reaches the point of half-step immortality, although you can be awake, you can't walk out of this fairy squad, and you will be trapped and killed.

Xu Ziyan's spiritual power surpassed the peak of Mahayana's later period, but her state of mind and her knowledge were only in the early days of Mahayana, in front of this magical array. Without any pause, I fell. As time goes by. Only waiting for her death.

An hour has passed, and there are still monks who continue to enter the mountain. The purple **** of Xu Ziyan was consumed sharply, and this consumption finally caused the change of the purple smoke space. This purple smoke is the heaven of the purple smoke space, as the **** of today is constantly consuming. During the time, the purple smoke space stirred up, and the originally static stars began to tremble slightly. And as time passed, the slight tremor became a shock.

As a result, it caught the attention of two small people. The two little ones were almost transparent, with a slight light blue, a reddish fire, a Martian fire, and a flame swaying. It is just the water of a palm and the fire.

These two little people are connected with Xu Ziyan's mind. After deliberate exploration, they immediately knew the reason. The two villains were anxious to circle around in the air. I didn't know what to do.

The whole mountain was silent at this time, and every monk was consuming the gods sharply. At present, all the monks who have come here are all monks above the Shenshen period. At this time, there are many monks in the Yuan Ying and Yuan Ying period who have come to the foot of the mountain. These monks who are low-ranking monks are small monks or small-powered monks. They can’t help the greed in their hearts and finally walk in. That light door.

At this time, they saw countless monks on the mountain peaks sitting in front of a piece of tombstone, and they were very focused. The heart immediately thought that the tombstone was a piece of cheats. Therefore, they are still not as good as Ziyan and others, and they simply stop observing, but rush into the mountain.

At this time, a shout was suddenly heard before a tombstone on the mountain. A figure stood up from the ground and looked up and shouted. A black robe screamed and screamed, and a flame burst into flames. It was the Yanshan soul that woke up from the loss.

The spirit of Yanshan's soul is extremely powerful. I don't know how many hundred times or even thousands of times, even thousands of times, beyond the level controlled by this fairy tales. However, the reason why Yanshan's soul is so powerful is not his own god, but the gods who are born with the body, and his own **** is actually not as purple.

His gods and gods are not integrated, and they are not even integrated into one tenth. However, even so, his knowledge became the highest person on the mainland. However, his lack of complete integration of the gods can not show the drawbacks in peacetime. Under the pressure of the fairy tales, his gods are lost like the monks.

As the saying goes, the greater the pressure, the greater the rebound. The Yuanshen, whose Yanshan soul has never been fully integrated, has undergone further integration under the pressure of this fairy tales, bringing the degree of integration of his gods to two tenths. It is this degree that makes his knowledge completely beyond the suppression of this fairy squad, in the moment when he merges into two tenths. Yanshan soul woke up from the loss, screamed and shouted, and stood up from the ground.

His shouting can be described as wearing a cracked stone, but the monks on the entire mountain seem to have not heard it. Still focused on the tombstone in front of him, the Yuanshen, which was consumed in abundance, even Xu Ziyan did not respond. Instead, he hoped to have a clear indication.

The water of a palm and the fire in the purple smoke space are still circled in the air. The two men slammed into one place face to face. The bodies of the two little children each fell back a few positions. Look at each other. The flame on Huo Linger suddenly rose, excitedly said:

"With a palm of water, can you get the owner's **** into the purple smoke space?"

The eyes of a palm of water are bright: "Yes! I am fully integrated with my master, and I can wrap up the master's **** and break into the space."

"That's not too fast!" Huo Linger jumped his feet and shouted.

The shape of a palm of water disappeared with a bang. Entering the sea of ​​Xu Ziyan, the body was stretched and thinned, and the Yuanshen of Xu Ziyan was wrapped in it.

Outside, the gods of Yanshan soul searched sharply. Only in an instant he discovered Xu Ziyan. At the same time, in the knowledge of God, I can also feel that the **** of the body of Xu Ziyan is being consumed sharply. When the figure was flashing, he stood behind Xu Ziyan. He just wanted to cover his own gods with Xu Ziyan and awakened him. The look on his face suddenly disappeared, because he felt that the purple **** of Xu Ziyan suddenly disappeared.

In the body of Xu Ziyan, the water of a palm will tightly wrap the **** of Xu Ziyan. Let her lose contact with the outside world, and the sound of "嗖" will enter the purple smoke space. At this time, the body of Xu Ziyan is like a monk who has dissipated the death of the god, sitting there stiffly.

Yanshan soul stared at the body of Xu Ziyan, suddenly suddenly shocked, and immediately with his own knowledge to scan the body of Xu Ziyan over and over again, once again do not give up again, but the results made him more and more sad, In his heart, there is no doubt that Xu Ziyan is dead.

The eyes of Yanshan soul gradually turned red. The big tears rolled down. Suddenly shouted. The flame in the eyebrows is sharply twisted and jumped, and the fingers are screaming and screaming:

"The lord, the demon Lord, my Yanshan soul and you are not in the same position. One day I will let you die."

Look down and the tone becomes gentle. Raise a big hand and gently touch the hair of Xu Ziyan:

"Ziyan, you are waiting for me here, waiting for me to avenge you and smashing this fairy."

The words fell, the feet of Yanshan soul slammed, and the body shape flew away in the direction of the peak of the mountain. At the speed of Yanshan soul, I also flew for half an hour, finally standing in the foothills. Looking down, on the top of the mountain is a square in the square, in the middle of the square is a seven-story pagoda. At the top of the pagoda is a colorful bead shining, the size of the bead is full of two people's head size.

Yanshan soul looked up and looked at the bead. In his heart, he decided that the tower should be the heart of the ancient ruins of the town. If the tower was collapsed, it would break this big array. And if you want to break this tower, you must first blast the bead above the spire.

The body of Yanshan soul rises up and rises above the spire, until the tower becomes a black spot in his eyes, and the figure suddenly reverses, and the bead that is topped out of the seven-storey pagoda falls rapidly. .

As the soul of Yanshan falls faster and faster, the whole person has fallen like a meteor to the pagoda. The whole body's skill is gathered on the right fist and bombarded the past with the bead on the pagoda.


The world seems to have shaken a bit, and the body of Yanshan is like a meteor falling down the mountain.

On the first to fifth floors of the seven-story pagoda, there are five monks. On the fifth floor to the sixth floor, Dong Yiyi is walking up with the remaining monks. Suddenly, there was a roar of roaring outside, and the entire pagoda was shaken. Although Dong Yiyi’s body is also shaking, it seems to be integrated with the pagoda. It is a frequency with the pagoda’s shaking. The rest of the distracted monks are obviously somewhat unstable.

"Not good! Someone is attacking the pagoda, and the current fantasy array can't hold him." Here, Dong Yiyi turned back and shouted:



Dong Yiyi’s “launch” of the exit, I saw the pink ticket of the sky rushing toward the golden bell...


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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