The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1057: Long Fengming

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Dong Yiyi swiftly swept upwards. Every six disciples in the first to fifth layers were connected into a string, and their hands were pressed on the back of the monk in front, and the mana of six people was added to the first monk in front. The monk quickly shot a handcuff and pressed it over a bead in the tower.

The beads above the spire are in seven colors, red orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple. I saw the red color suddenly skyrocketing, followed by orange, yellow, green, cyan, blue, and at this time, in the seventh layer, only Dong Yiyi alone, her palm is pressing a bead in front of her On, the last color, the purple light also suddenly skyrocketed.

So in this seven-story pagoda, from the first floor to the sixth floor, there are six distracted monks in each layer, and in the last layer, only the Dongyiyi of the Mahayana peak, each layer It is a circle of law, and the seven arrays are activated by Dong Yiyi and others.

Seen from the outside of the pagoda, I saw only seven colors intermingling, suddenly smashing one by one, and the seven colors merged, bursting out dazzling white. The white spread from the top of the pagoda, spread like a light curtain from the top of the pagoda, spread over the seventh floor, spread over the sixth, fifth, fourth, third The second layer, the first layer, then spreads beneath the mountain. The whole world seems to have lost all colors, leaving only the dazzling white.

Yanshan soul stood on the side of the mountain and looked up at the dazzling white that spread. In the eyes, Li Mang flashes, and the flame in the eyebrows seems to be jumping from the body. The right foot squatted on the mountain, and the mountain underneath was cracked. Spread to the bottom. The body of Yanshan Soul is rising from the sky, rushing toward the white light curtain that has spread from the top of the mountain. From his body, he rushed out of the sky, and a black head broke out and looked good. Like a small mountain, it broke through the white light curtain and slammed upwards.

At this time, within the purple smoke space inside Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan slowly woke up. Above her head, two little people are floating, one almost transparent with light blue, one red and red.

Xu Zi took a sigh of relief from the ground and looked at the next four sweeps.

"How did my **** come here? What happened? What happened outside?"

The palm of the hand said, "The master, you got stuck in the big battle and lost the god. I wrapped your god. I came in."

Speaking of this, the water of the palm of the hand raised the small hand and patted the small chest, and the water ripples on the body swayed, and the little head almost went up to the sky, full of pride.

Xu Ziyan’s heart-shaped giant earthquake, without paying attention to the pride of the water of a palm, but anxiously asked:

"What is the situation outside?"

A palm of water slammed his head. Some depressed said: "The monks in the Yuan Ying period began to run out of the gods and died, and the monks in the sacred period began to be in jeopardy. The monks above the distracted period can still hold on for a while, but the Yanshan soul..."

"Mountain Spirit? What happened to him?" Xu Ziyan stood up from the ground.

"Anla!" The water of the palm of the hand slammed into the shoulder of Xu Ziyan, sitting on it, and stretched out a small hand and patted the shoulder of Xu Ziyan. The milk said with a milky voice:

"He has nothing to do, but he has a lot of fighting spirit. He thought you were dead, so he was struggling with this big battle."


When I heard that there was nothing in the spirit of Yanshan, Xu Ziyan put it down. I just wanted to ask about the situation of Xu, and I thought about it. The monks above the distraction period have no problems for the time being. Then I sighed again. However, she frowned deeply, because she could not always hide the **** in the purple smoke space? She always got it! Although there is no such thing as a family monk, there will be problems with the passage of time.

Looking up at the water of a palm and the fire. When I was in the heart, I couldn’t help but ask: "Small water. Fire spirit, is there any way to break this big array?"

Xiaoshui and Huo Linger also bite a finger in their mouth and shouted at the same time: "With!"

Afterwards, they looked at each other with disobedience and said in unison: "As long as the master uses the dragon and the phoenix, they will evoke these monks, and then let these monks go together with Yanshan soul to break this big battle."

Xu Ziyan lowered his eyes and thought about it. Those monks who joined forces might not be able to destroy this big array. You must know that this big array is a fairy tales. How easy is it to destroy it? However, presumably, Long Fengming will awaken these monks, and it is better to die here than to die. Maybe it will really come up with a way to crack this big array.

But how do you go out and play this dragon and phoenix?

If you go out alone, I am afraid that the gods will be lost immediately. How does this go to play Long Fengming?

Huo Linger looked at Xu Ziyan and frowned deeply. Then he floated to the front of Xu Ziyan and asked: "Master, what problem do you have?"

Xu Ziyan hurriedly said his worries, and then looked forward to the fire. The flame on the head of the fire spirit swayed and immediately said:

"Master, this is not difficult."

"Well? Do you have a way?"

Xu Ziyan was overjoyed. The water in the palm of his hand sat on the shoulder of Xu Ziyan, but he was not convinced to scream at the fire, waiting for Huo Linger to tell her.

Fire Linger stretched out a finger toward the water of a palm and said: "If you are good at water, the master will pass Longfeng to Xiaoshui, then let Xiaoshui play Longfeng in your sea, so you won't Lost in this big array. After that, you play Long Fengming to wake everyone up."

Xu Ziyan’s Yuanshen turned his head and transmitted a brilliance in the eyebrows, which was shot into the eyebrows of the palm of the hand. The water of the palm immediately sat on the shoulders of Xu Ziyan, and the water lines on his body fluctuated rapidly. The initial stage was still very messy, but gradually there was a regularity, along with the ripples in the purple smoke space. There was a sound of music inside, but it was the dragon and the phoenix. There was some oysters at the beginning, but gradually began to approach perfection. Xu Ziyan could not help but sigh in the heart, this water is not normal, give it a cup, it is the shape of the cup, give it a jug, it is the shape of the jug. I am afraid that between the heavens and the earth, the water with the strongest ability to accept is the water.

Just a short quarter of an hour, the water of a palm opened his eyes and looked at Xu Ziyan’s delight and said:

"It is!"

Xu Ziyan was overjoyed and immediately said: "Small water, you will go to my knowledge of the sea immediately, play Longfengming there, then I will go out again."

"it is good!"

The water of one palm is also excited, and some can't wait.

"嗖", a palm of water disappeared from the purple smoke space, and instantly entered the sea of ​​Xu Ziyan, sitting in the sea, sitting on the sea, the water ripples began to fluctuate regularly, a clear voice Turn into a circle and sway around the sea with a palm of water.

When Xu Ziyan’s Yuanshen returned to his own knowledge of the sea, he heard the dragon and the phoenix. He only felt that the gods were refreshing, that is, the cultivation of the body felt a growth, and it was still growing, toward the Mahayana. The period is approaching.


The whole mountain was shaken. Xu Ziyan just opened his eyes and felt the earth shake. In her vision, a black meteor fell toward the mountain.


Not far behind her, the black meteor gave the mountain a deep pit. The smoke was so dry that five monks were killed.

Xu Zi looked at the big pit with a smog.


A burst of sound rang out in the deep pit, and a black figure rushed out. Holding a huge head in his hand, he was surrounded by black air, but it was the soul of Yanshan.


Xu Ziyan’s mouth closed, and when he saw that Yanshan’s soul was about to rush again, he hurriedly called:

"Mountain Spirit!"

Yanshan soul rushed to the shape of a meal, his eyes immediately looked at Xu Ziyan's body. He saw Xu Ziyan squinting his eyes and reaching out to greet him.


The body shape of Yanshan soul swept away, and stood by Xu Ziyan’s side, shaking the shoulder of Xu Ziyan and shouting:

"Ziyan, are you not dead?"

As he said, the tears in his eyes flowed down. Xu Ziyan's eyes are also red, reaching out and gently licking the tears on the face of Yanshan soul, softly said:

"Soul of the mountain, I am fine! What are you doing on the top of the mountain? How could it be slammed down? Is there any master on it?"

Yanshan soul sucked his nose, rubbed his hand and rubbed his eyes, and smiled embarrassedly: "There is a seven-story pagoda with a bead on the spire, and that bead is the seal of the big array. I I have been bombarding the bead, but I didn’t think that the bombardment would shake the seven-story pagoda for the first time, but when I bombarded the second, it didn’t move.

And it turned out to be a colorful light, but now it has turned into a white light. The whole pagoda and the beads became unbreakable, and the rebound was strong. The most important thing was that after the beads turned white, the power of the whole array increased. Those monks lost in the big array, Yuan The speed of God's passing is even faster. Nowadays, the monks have died. ”

"Soul of the mountain, wait for me to wake up all the monks, then you will tell them about things, go up to the top of the mountain together, try to join forces to break the heart."

"Can you wake up everyone?" Yanshan soul looked at Xu Ziyan with a stunned look.

"Try it!"

When Xu Ziyan fell, he took out the jade flute across the lips and transported the body's repairs to the peak. After running the pseudo-five-line conversion method, Long Fengming echoed the space within the entire fairy tales.

Xu Ziyan’s sound power was originally overbearing, and he could overcome the challenges and win the battle. I thought that when I was in the early stage of the knot, I was killed by the sound of the soul and killed the monk. Now she is already the peak of distraction, and this song and dragon phoenix will be able to reflect the realm of the peak of Mahayana. And because she used the pseudo-five-line conversion method, it directly raised the power of this dragon and phoenix to the realm of the late Mahayana.


Ask for a pink ticket to punch the top ten!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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