The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1058: Wanliuguizong

I am very grateful to Kang Wei, Dong Yu, classmate, sunset, classmate, SOi classmate's pink ticket!


What makes Xu Ziyan on the rise is that it has only been able to withstand the attack of Xianzheng, and she also found that because she spread the dragon and the whole force, it was only weakened, and she could not wake up one person.

Xu Ziyan could not, but the scope of the dragon and phoenix shrouded was constantly reduced, and finally the Xu disciples around him were shrouded in it. So shrinking the scope, her dragon and phoenix can finally resist the attack of the fairy tales, and wake up the Xu family. What surprised Xu Ziyan was that he had just narrowed the scope of Long Fengming’s shroud and hoped to wake up.

However, Xu Ziyan did not have time to take care of hope at this time, and knew that he was doing his best now, and he raised his cultivation to the peak at the beginning. As a result, his spiritual strength and mana were consumed very badly. It is impossible to wake up all people. In this way, Xu Ziyan had to give up the monks below the distraction period, but was prepared to wake up those monks who had been distracted. After all, she still has to leave strength to crack the lineup of this fairy tales.

Xu Ziyan played Longfengming while walking, and rescued those distracted monks in a circle. First, the West Gate solitary smoke, Yan Xingyun, Wang Woyun, Yunfeifeng, Bai Xiyan, Han Dan and Yunhe Fairy were awakened. And those awakened monks also closely followed Xu Ziyan, because only then, they can continue to stay awake. When she awakened the seventh group of distracted monks and walked toward the eighth group of monks, Long Fengming enveloped twenty-eight monks who were lost in the Yuanshen.

That Long Fengming has just shrouded. Then there was a black robe monk suddenly smoky out of his body, eyes closed, and woke up. But in his mouth, he made a screaming shout. This shouting sounded, and the face of the solitary smoke in Ximen suddenly. The figure flashed between Xu Ziyan and the monk who had black smoke on his body, while screaming in his mouth:

"He is a ghost emperor!"

Only in an instant, the ghost of the ghost emperor has not yet spread far, just behind the solitary smoke in Ximen. Hope, Yan Xingyun, Wang Woyun, Yunfeifeng, Bai Xiyan are standing in front of Xu Ziyan, and Xu Ziyan is behind him. God knows that the ghost emperor is tightly locked. At this time, no one dares to have a half-point negligence. Once the ghost emperor will kill Xu Ziyan, everyone will die here.

The body of the ghostly emperor is black and white. Gradually dissipated in space. The eyes of the solitary smoke in Ximen are all bright. They are all monks of the Mahayana period. The eyes are naturally different. It is immediately seen that Xu Fengming of Xu Ziyan has a harmful effect on the ghost emperor.

The ghost emperor frowned slightly, resisting the flute of Xu Ziyan, looking out of the cover of the flute. In his vision, many monks are becoming rigid one by one. The gods are exhausted and die. Sighed and said to the solitary smoke in Ximen:

"Ximen brother, you and I have both handed over, my repair is also known to you, is a half-step ghost. To say the magical effect of this fairy, I can also resist the moment, just when I entered this fairy, I Although the defense is very full, I didn't think that this fairy squad is aimed at the gods, so I didn't care about it. I think you should also believe that as long as I have this instant, I can blew myself. I don't know. Under my own blast, how many of you will die?"

Everyone's face was changed, and the look of the ghost emperor became very vigilant. However, this vigilance was only a moment, and it became helpless and frustrating. Because they found out. If the ghost emperor wants to blew himself, I am afraid that almost none of them can live. Because everyone's distance is too close. And he and others are afraid to escape. Because there is nowhere to escape.

In order to avoid the self-destruction of the ghost emperor, they must look far and wide, and leave the range of the dragon and the phoenix that Xu Ziyan played. In this way, even if it escapes the scope of the ghost emperor's self-destruction, the gods will eventually run out and die. With Xu Ziyan repairing, how can I escape the blast of a half-step ghost? When Xu Ziyan died, these people could not live at all.

The solitary smoke from Ximen took a deep breath and his eyes flashed and gradually calmed down. Because he has already reflected this time, the ghost emperor will never blew himself up. The reason why he said so is probably what conditions to propose. I want to understand everything, and the heart of the solitary smoke in Ximen is also very depressed. A good chance! So many Mahayana monks gathered together to face the ghost emperor. If you go together, 80% of the master will kill the ghost. But now, all this is just a mirror in the moon. Looking at the ghost emperor, the solitary smoke in Ximen said faintly:

"Let's say! What conditions do you want to mention?"

The ghost emperor smiled faintly: "I hope to follow you, we will work together to break this battle, the grievances between us, waiting to go out and say."

The solitary smoke of Ximen looked at the ghost emperor and looked slightly behind it. "Ghost Emperor, since you can have a moment of waking in this fairy squad, why not leave, but follow us?"

The ghost emperor smiled bitterly: "Do you think I don't want to leave? I am sure that there is a moment of waking in this fairy squad, but who knows if this fairy squad can go out?"

Everyone’s heart is amazed, right! This is the fairy tales! We can come in, but we may not be able to go out!

The solitary smoke of Ximen also reacted at this time, but still did not agree, but asked: "Ghost Emperor, I see your situation, even in the purple smoke of Longfeng Ming can not lose the god, but the sound of purple smoke Gong obviously hurts you. You may not be blessed when you follow us!"

The ghost emperor has no choice but to smile: "That is better than death! With my cultivation, I can completely leave the scope of this dragon and phoenix. As long as I introduce a flute into my ear, it will not Lost the gods, but also can minimize the damage."

Having said that, the face of the ghost emperor has become very serious. "You can rest assured that you are in this situation. I am sincerely willing to cooperate with you. And you do not need to doubt my sincerity. Because I must also, I can only cooperate with you sincerely, and you must also cooperate with me. After all, with my participation, I will have more confidence in cracking this fairy tales."

Simon’s solitary cigarette nodded cautiously and looked around to others. Everyone else is nodding, this is a helpless choice. When the ghost emperor saw the people nod, the body shape flashed and the range of the dragon and the phoenix was shrouded, and the dragon and the phoenix shrouded, leading a flute in the ear, followed by Xu Ziyan and others.

Xu Ziyan's body shape began to accelerate. This time, fifty monks were circled. After half an hour, the thousand or so monks in the fairy tales were awakened. With the example of the ghost emperor, Xu Ziyan did not hesitate to wake up the witch god. After the Witch God woke up, he did not hesitate to choose sincere cooperation.

Afterwards, these monks surrounded Xu Ziyan in the middle and wrapped around Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan spread the flute and put a thousand or so monks in it. Everyone took a step and walked neatly toward the mountain.

At this time, the monks were already awake, and they kept their own gods, and they were prepared to concentrate their minds on the flute. Therefore, although the scope of the dragon and the phoenix has increased, but no monk has fallen into the lost.

These people are monks above the stage of distraction, and their control ability is extremely strong. Keeping a speed, like a whole, flies quickly toward the mountain. It was like a huge cloud. It was only a quarter of an hour. Everyone flew up the mountain, and stood in the air, looking at the seven-story pagoda opposite.

"What to do?" asked the solitary smoke from Ximen.

The ghost emperor said at the outermost: "We bombard the pagoda together."

"No!" Yanshan soul suddenly said. Everyone's eyes were focused on him. Yanshan soul said solemnly: "I tried to attack the beads on the pagoda. Its rebounding power is very large and it can bounce me down to the mountain. If we attack it together, I am afraid. It will be shocked by it, and as such, it will once again fall into the lost of the gods."

Everyone was shocked to see the soul of Yanshan, half-sounding, and the highest-level ghost emperor asked with amazement: "Your **** can not be lost in this fairy tales?"

The ghost emperor asked all the people's questions, and all of them looked at the Yanshan soul with twinkling eyes. Yanshan soul said faintly:

"What's so strange, isn't the purple smoke not lost to the gods?"

Everyone thinks that they are all awakened by Xu Ziyan, and to wake them up, the first thing to do is that she is not lost. In this way, is the **** of Yanshan and Xu Ziyan already powerful enough to surpass the immortal?

Others were shocked, and the eyes of Wang Liyun and the ghost emperor looking at Xu Ziyan and Yanshan soul became gloomy.

"Mountain Spirit, then how do you say that is good?"

Yan Xingyun looked at the soul of Yanshan, eagerly looking at the soul of Yanshan. Today, the soul of Yanshan is already the cultivation of the early days of Mahayana, and now he knows that the spirit of Yanshan soul is powerful and outrageous. Unconsciously, the identity of his ancestors was put down.

Yanshan soul said slightly: "Now we can only lay down the tens of thousands of streams, and the purple smoke is standing in the middle. So we form a big array, that is, we are flying together, flying with purple smoke. We will not be lost. Besides, the use of the tens of thousands of people to bring together the powers of the people will be more powerful."

"it is good!"


Everyone heard the news. This tens of thousands of people return to the sect, it is a large array in the cultivation of immortals, used for the union of monks. These people are monks above the stage of distraction, how can they not?

Soon, these people laid out a large stream of sects around Xu Ziyan. Thousands of monks above the distracted period concentrated their mana together and slammed the past against the beads above the seven-story pagoda.

A loud explosion, the entire fairy plaque appeared a slight crack. The time of the rich Lingyun was shattered, and the cloud of clouds above the entire peak was empty, and the glory of the dynasty rushed back, and flew away to count. The seven-story pagoda also shook slightly.


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*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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