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Just as she was calculating in her heart, she heard the fire dance whispered: "The night master, it is better to go to the door than to go there, there is no chance to go out."

The fire dance was exported, and the eyes of the twenty-five monks were all over, and the eyes of each one were full of expectations. The night dream had to nod and control the fairy charm, quietly avoiding the monks searching outside, and quietly moving away from the gates of the ancient ruins.

I haven't reached the gates of the ancient ruins. I saw that the hope is still blocked, and the ten-and-a-half-step Mahayana of the Xu family is also in front of the gate, so that the night dreams will release the attacking fairy. The idea of ​​rushing out instantly fell through.

The fire dance looked at the hope of blocking the door through the fairy, and lowered the voice and said: "Would we use purple smoke to negotiate with them and change us to leave?"

The night dream said faintly: "If this is the case, why should we arrest her at the beginning? If we don't catch her, can we safely leave the ancient ruins?"

Suddenly I heard Xu Ziyan heard a sigh, and the fire dance turned and saw a flame monk licking the neck of Xu Ziyan. In fact, his cultivation is not swaying, but Xu Ziyan is immersed in the fairy, suddenly disturbed, the gods can not help but shake, this is suffocating.

The fire dance immediately said: "What are you doing?"

"Small patriarchs, all of which are caused by Xu Ziyan, it is better to kill him. Everyone will die together."

"Let her go!" The gaze of the fire dance flashed.

Although the flame monk hated the purple smoke into the bones, but the fire dance is now in the flame prestige, he does not dare to dance hard with the fire. Anyway, Xu Ziyan is now in their hands and can't run. Then he hated and glanced at Xu Ziyan, loosened his hand and sat down at the side.

Xu Ziyan took a deep breath and spit it out. The Yuanshen has been stabilized again. Fortunately, the flame monk did not have any fierce moves, but did not cause any harm to Xu Ziyan. The fire dance apologetically looking at Xu Ziyan, Xu Ziyan smiled and sighed slightly.

Xu Ziyan was also very embarrassed at this time, he lost his mana, and the water and fire spirit that can help him were also sealed in the purple smoke space. Originally, the water of the palm will not stay in the purple smoke space, and will merge with itself and turn into its own armor. But because of the break of the fairy tales. Playing Long Fengming, the water of a palm is also consumed a lot, went to the purple smoke space to cultivate. As a result, Xu Ziyan did not have the slightest way.

There are some Lingbao in the storage ring, but the opposite side has a fairy night dream, which makes Xu Ziyan dare not act rashly. Looking up at the fire dance, said with a smile:

"Fire brother. You want to change the flame from the habit of hooligans. There is a long way to go!"

The look of the fire dance also showed a bitter smile, and suddenly remembered the first time I saw the fire, the words I said to myself. In the heart of the move, whispered toward Xu Ziyan:

"Ziyan, the brothers have some confusion in their hearts, ask for advice!"

Xu Ziyan looked a glimpse. I don’t know that the fire dance was the nerve. At this time, I even asked myself to teach. A move in my heart. It may be that the fire dance wants to distract the attention of the flame monk. I chuckled and said:

"The brothers are too polite, we talk to each other."

The fire dance shook his head and said: "No, the purple smoke sister, the brother is really confused."

Then the look became serious: "Ziyan. You come from the secular world, should you understand the worldly world?"

Xu Ziyan nodded. The fire dance recalled the fire and what he said, and said:

"The secular world is now different from the past. More than a thousand years ago, the secular world was not dominated by the current family, but the nations were everywhere. The imperial power was the supreme power of the secular world. You have heard of the four words of theft. What?"

"I heard that!" Xu Ziyan's voice has a hint of confusion, do not know why the fire dance should mention the secular world.

"Which emperor did not start by plundering, plundering the resources of the world, plundering the lives of the people of the world to create his own glory in the process of his ascent to the throne? Does this mean that we did not do what the flames are doing? wrong?"

The look of Xu Ziyan was also serious, and the night dreams and the look of the twenty-five flame monks were also serious. Xu Ziyan said with a slight thought:

"It's not like this. You said it is good. It will be a smash, but not a king. Before he became famous, plunder is inevitable. But when he is on the throne, which emperor is not exhausted, thinking for the people. Like water, like a boat, water can carry a boat, but also overturn the boat.

Therefore, you are different from the emperors of the secular world. Because the flames roared for more than 80,000 years, the emperor in the secular world would be like a flame, like a grasshopper. Where did the animals and animals not stay? ”

The eyes of the fire dance are bright, that is, the night dream and the twenty-five flame monks are also slightly changed. However, the fire dance still said the original words:

"There is still a difference between the cultivation of the immortal world and the secular world. They steal the country, and we steal the sky!"

"Stealing the sky?" Xu Ziyan's heart has undulated.

"Good! Stealing the sky!" The eyes of the fire dance became dignified: "Under the heavens, there are certain numbers. The life expectancy of a person is only about a hundred years old, but why can we cultivate a fairy with such a long life? This is because they Stealing the heavens, even if you don’t plunder other monks’ lives and plunder the resources of other monks, you still plunder the aura of this world, which is not yours, but belongs to heaven. The higher your achievements, the more you plunder The more it is.

Purple smoke! Have you heard that we are cultivating the immortals in the sky? ”


"Counter! It’s such a big rebellion, we have all done it, and the flames are just plundering life and resources. What can't it be?"

"Ziyan, what is the purpose of your cultivation?" asked the fire dance.

"It is to become stronger!" Xu Ziyan looked a little shocked.

"What is the purpose of your strength?" The eyes of the fire dance stared at Xu Ziyan, and the remaining flame monks also looked at Xu Ziyan.

"Flying in the fairyland, to see the scenery of the fairy world." Xu Ziyan's face showed an exciting color.

"After that flight?" The fire dance said the words of the fierce words.

"After the ascent..." Xu Ziyan's gaze once again became contemplative: "Yes... in order to compare with Heaven. With ... the same life, breaking ... the cage of this world!"

"Ha ha ha..." The fire dance burst into laughter, and there was helplessness in the laughter. Because Xu Ziyan’s answer is almost the same as her, when the laughter is finished, the fire dance says:

"Ziyan, do you still say that this is not plundering? The cultivator is to plunder this heavenly way. Compared with Heaven, killing the heavens, we become heavenly. So plundering, it is not more devastating than our flames." You must know that the monks in the world, including you and me, are born in heaven, and we want to take the heavens and replace them. Now you dare to blame us for the flames?"

“Not like this!” Xu Ziyan said categorically: “You said it is good. We are all born in heaven. We are all children of heaven. The spiritual resources we use for cultivation are like a mother who is giving birth to a child. Big, he will feed back his parents.

This is also true of the day, we are like the fetus, if we have the right fruit, we can break the heavens. It is like a baby born. As we grow up, we may become another heaven. At that time, perhaps the day that will give birth to us will need us, that is, the moment we are back. Therefore, we are not plundering. ”

Fire dancing, night dreams and twenty-five fire monks were immersed in contemplation. Half-sounding, the fire dance said:

"Tiandao... What else do we need to do?"

"Maybe..." Xu Ziyan thought and said: "There are more than one Heaven, there are many heavens at that level, and there will be battles between Heaven and Earth."

"That... if we can't grow into the realm of heaven, what will happen? We have never heard of anyone who can become a heavenly road." The night dreams on the side were also asked involuntarily.

Xu Ziyan thinks again and again. The look was a bit stunned: "That... maybe after death, the true elements of cultivation will be scattered between the heavens and the earth, converted into heaven and earth aura, and become the cultivation resources of others."

The look of everyone has also become awkward. suddenly. The night dreams sneered aloud: "As you said, since you want to live. If you want to be another heaven, then you will have enough resources to cultivate. What better than plundering?"

Xu Ziyan shook his head and said: "In my opinion, if you want to be a heaven, you want to be that level. Later, it will become less important."

"What is important?" said the night dream.

Xu Ziyan did not care, said faintly: "Mood! I think that the mood will become the most important. Like the flame, this kind of plunder for no reason, will not be perfect in the state of mind, so how to become a heaven."

Speaking of this, Xu Ziyan said with a thought: "So, let alone become a heavenly way, that is, if you want to make a breakthrough after entering the fairy world in the future, I am afraid it will be very difficult."

Xu Ziyan also smiled and said: "Of course, these are my speculations, and it may not be the case. After all, our cultivation is still shallow, and it is far from that level."

The look of everyone is a little confused, Xu Ziyan looked at the monks including the fire dance, the confused look on his face, and could not help but smile. After all, Xu Ziyan is now the realm of the Mahayana period. The mood and the fire dance are naturally different. The things she can comprehend, such as the fire dance, may not be able to comprehend. What's more, those flame monks have been living a rogue career, and it is too difficult for them to understand these truths at once.

Sure enough, the twenty-five fire monks not only did not comprehend, but also looked a bit violent. One of the flame monks showed a fierce light:

"Last patriarchs, it is better for us to negotiate with them, and we will release Xu Ziyan after we let us go. But, when we leave the ancient ruins, we will kill her immediately. As long as we can get out of the town, it is the open sky. There is a fairy charm of the night master, that is, the Mahayana monks also want to catch us."


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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