The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1068: Make things happen

I am very grateful to the students who are chasing the sky, the lingyinsi classmates, the pine tickets of the pines and pony students!


A glimpse of the fire dance, decisively said: "Nonsense, so that we are really alive for a lifetime, is it true that our flames can only live a life of hooliganism?"

Another flaming monk said: "Small patriarchs, why should we manage so much? This life is so happy today, as long as we kill Xu Ziyan, we are waiting for the night master to break through in the future, and then go to win the family. At that time, we flame Strong, who dares to say what we are?"

Suddenly, the flame monk seemed to think of something, turned to look at the night and said:

"Night Master, where is the fairy in your hand? Are you not just a Lingbao?"

The night dreams faintly said: "This is what I found in a cave house."

"Oh!" The flame monk no longer pays attention to the night dream, but looks at the fire dance: "The patriarch, we will kill her, and avenge the people who died in the fire house."

The fire dance took a deep breath: "This thing will be released first!"

Although the rest of the flames are not reconciled, they are not good to say anything. Only everyone's eyes are flashing, and from time to time, the eyes full of killing look toward Xu Ziyan.

Among the ancient ruins, about a thousand monks flew around and searched for traces of Xu Ziyan. Everyone's look is anxious, and the air is full of heavy atmosphere. I hope that the small ancient vines in the ten-and-a-half-step Mahayana will also be held at the gate.

Everyone opened the ancient ruins, and the joy of cultivation was diluted a lot. Everyone knows that there is less land in the town where Xu Ziyan is opened. This vast continent may not be able to reach the concentration that makes the monks lift. In this way, they still have to live a life of dying in life.

The atmosphere of such a heavy stagnation is in everyone's heart, and their hearts become violent. At the same time, some people do not understand in the heart. Both the fire dance and the Xu Ziyan are from the Tai Xuanzong of the Northern Territory, and the two are a master's brother and sister. It is said that the feelings of the two people have been very good. What is the fire dance for, but will you arrest Xu Ziyan?

Just in such a heavy atmosphere. The time of day has passed. At this time, the monks gathered at the gates of the ancient ruins, and looked at each other. They all shook their heads and said that they did not find traces of Xu Ziyan.

"How to do?"

The flame of Yanshan's soul is still beating, and the eyes are full of killing. The power of the late Mahayana could not be controlled and was released from the body.

Ximen Lonely Smoke and Yan Xingyun looked at each other and shook their heads helplessly. Yanshan soul hates a slap in the face, and his body shape rises to the sky. It disappeared in an instant, and went to find Xu Ziyan.

The departure of Yanshan soul, the pressure around it is loose. Bai Xiyan saw that everyone looked dignified and asked some questions:

"Ximen brother, Xu Ziyan is missing. Why are everyone's looks so dignified? Is there any place for Xu Ziyan to be so important to you?"

The solitary smoke of Ximen looked at Bai Xiyan and sighed and said: "Bai Shimei. Xu Ziyan is an immortal teacher. It is important to open the ancient ruins under the town gate. How can I do without Xu Ziyan?"

Bai Xiyan’s look was awkward, and then he hurriedly asked: “Isn’t the purple smoke been refining two of the ones in the alchemy city?”

Ximen’s solitary smoke smiled and said: “Only two elixirs may not be able to open the ancient ruins of the town. Therefore, we handed over many alchemy materials to Xu Ziyan, and let her refine some of the elixir. Those newly refining elixir, They are all placed in Xu Ziyan. You said, in this case, how can we not worry?"

Bai Xiyan listened. I was sluggish there. Not a while. The body was shocked and woke up from the sluggishness. Immediately began to explore the gods and began to search, but in an instant she caught the fairy. The fairy symbol was made by her, and she left a mark on the fairy. How can I not find it?

And the night dreams have always stayed near the gate. When Bai Xiyan found the fairy charm, Bai Xiyan immediately passed his imprint into the immortality through the imprint. Seeing that Xu Ziyan is still alive, I can't help but let go of my heart. Immediately said to the night dreams:

"Dream, I immediately tried to save the life of Xu Ziyan and released her. You just heard the solitary smoke in Ximen. So, no matter what method you use, you must do it."

In the night, I heard a glimpse of my heart and immediately said to Bai Xiyan: "Master, now the fire masters have already killed Xu Ziyan. It is the fire dance that dare not expressly release Xu Ziyan. How to do it, please ask Master."

The voice of Bai Xiyan immediately came: "If the people of the fire family dare to stop, they will kill the people of the fire family. Didn't Master give you an attacking fairy?"

The night dream was shocked and said: "Master, if you do that, it will surely alarm everyone. When will the disciples keep their lives?"

Bai Xiyan’s eyes are cold, but his tone is very soft: “Master will keep you okay, then I will tell them that you are the undercover in the flames, I want to contribute to the justice on the mainland. ""

The night dreams secretly played a cold war and did not dare to speak again. Although Master's tone is soft, but the night dreams are not believed. She can feel that if she really starts the fairy charm here, she will kill the fire dance and the monks of the fire, and expose it. Master will be the first to shoot her, and will never protect her. Master will never expose the things that Lingbao Island sneaked into the mainland many years ago.

The night dream looked at the situation outside the fairy, and looked at Master's face. The eyes were retracted and swept through the faces of Xu Ziyan, the fire dance and the twenty-five flame monks. There was no idea at the moment.

The ancient ruins that opened the town’s towns needed Xiandan, and Xiandan was on Xu Ziyan’s body. If you grab the celestial scent of Xu Ziyan, will you solve all the dangerous situations in front of you?

When the night dreams, I will do it. I will take off the storage ring on Xu Ziyan’s finger and look at Xu Ziyan coldly and coldly:

"Erase your knowledge!"

Xu Ziyan smiled lightly, and instantly erased the knowledge of the storage ring. The elixir is not in the storage ring of Xu Ziyan's hand, but is stored in the purple smoke space. Xu Ziyan divided his treasure into three grades. The first grade was placed in the purple smoke space, the second grade was placed in the storage bracelet, and the third grade was placed in the hand with the storage ring. in.

However, even the third grade is rich for the night dream. She looked at the contents of the storage ring and was shocked and lost her focus. I swallowed a sip of water, woke up from the shock, and hurriedly searched for the elixir in the storage ring. However, she looked back and forth several times, but still did not find the trace of the elixir.

She couldn't help but look up and look up and down on Xu Ziyan's body, and finally her eyes stayed on the storage bracelet on Xu Ziyan's wrist. But after looking at the two eyes, I will not pay attention. In her eyes, the storage bracelet is an ornament of the secular world. Keeping a close eye on Xu Ziyan, the night dreams are asked:

"Xu Ziyan, where is your refining Xiandan?"

Xu Ziyan looked a glimpse and immediately responded. The other party heard the words of the solitary smoke outside Ximen. This Xiandan himself was determined not to hand over. If you don't hand it out, you still have a life-saving chip. If you hand it out, your death will be true. These thoughts were only a moment in the mind of Xu Ziyan, and they said with a faint voice:

"Do you think that I will put the elixir on my own body into this dangerously unknown ancient ruins? I know that before I entered the ancient ruins, I was only rehabilitating the peaks of the late stage."

"Where are you placed?"

"Nature is placed on the hopes of the monks in the Mahayana period." Xu Ziyan said faintly.

The night dreams look a little, and when I think about it, I feel that Xu Ziyan is telling the truth. Important things like Essence will definitely be placed on the highest person. I wanted to understand this and immediately voiced to Master and informed the Master of the news.

Bai Xiyan listened to the sound, but also a spirit. But then he even shook his head. Looking at the situation that I hope to block the door now, I am afraid that he will not admit that Xiandan is on him. He does not admit that the monks here cannot confirm this.

Because he is an overseas monk after all, his own words are not much weight among the monks on these vast continents. If they ask the news of where they got it, it is not beautiful. So, she immediately gave an order to the night dream, not to worry about who Xiandan is on, it is necessary to release Xu Ziyan.

At night, the night dreams were depressed and I wanted to vomit blood. I only tried to persuade them. If they could release Xu Ziyan, if they didn’t let it go, they would have to kill them.

In addition to the fairy, a thousand or so monks gathered together and searched for more than a day, so that these monks also lost patience. And some of these monks have a holiday and hatred with Xu Ziyan. Some discordant voices popped out from time to time. The face of hope is getting more and more ugly, and the original green face is even greener.

Several Mahayana monks did not speak, and those distracted monks saw the face of the Mahayana monks, and they gradually quieted down.

A big face of hope almost blocked the gates of the entire ancient ruins and looked at the people in front of them. The faces of the solitary smoke and the Yan Xingyun of Ximen are like bitter melons, frowning and standing there, thinking hard. Yunfeifeng stood there with his hand in his hand and looked up to the sky as if he was enjoying the clouds in the air. Wang Liyun squinted and couldn't see anything. But in his eyes, there was a gloating event.

Looking at the Handan and Yunhe Fairy who have been in the half-time period, the two people are obviously very anxious, and the half-step Mahayana period is repaired. At this time, the face is full of sweat.


Khan! The bell is also sweaty! My pink ticket!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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