The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1069: Depressed night dream

Congratulations to the new no-winning students, Wen Xiaowen, wqiy2003 students become the best!


I hope to cough and open my mouth and say: "You, now you can't find the traces of the patriarchs everywhere. Is there any way for everyone?"

Simon said in a solitary voice: "I hope brother, can you guarantee that the fire dance and other people have not left the ancient ruins?"

I hope to say a big head: "Of course. Their repairs are a lot worse than me, but they are relying on some treasures. I blocked the door when they disappeared, they will never leave here before me. ""

The solitary smoke of Ximen condensed: "Then we will search carefully, I will not believe that they can not be found!"

"If you can't find it in a year?" Wang Woyun said faintly: "Are we going to search here for a year? We must know that the ghost emperor has gone out from here, we are not outside at this time, who knows the ghost emperor Will not attack our mountain gates."

I hope that I can hear it, and my face will not be shaken. I will quietly increase the seal that I have released more densely, so that the person outside the door can’t pass the screaming of the monk.

The demon emperor suddenly said: "No, I want to go out, can't let the ghost emperor kill my demon!"

The look of hope is a stale. At this time, Yunfeifeng also said: "It is better for us to leave some people to help the hopeful brother to find Xu Ziyan, and the rest of the people return to the ground, so as not to lie on us, the ghosts are making waves."

"No!" I hope to categorically reject it: "The fire dance has a treasure that can be hidden. Who knows if it will mix with you? If you don't find the patriarch, I will never leave someone alone."

Hope is down. The Xu family's monks, including Ling Yijian and Gong Sunlin, stood in front of the hope, and looked at Wang Woyun and Yunfeifeng with a cold-eyed look, revealing a desperate look.

Wang Woyun and Yunfeifeng. There is also the demon's gaze can not help but look at the West Gate solitary smoke and Yan Xingyun. Nowadays, the strength of the Xu family is not to be underestimated. I hope that it will be the cultivation of the later Mahayana. The Yanshan soul is the cultivation of the late Mahayana. It is these two people. It is also enough for Wang Liyun, Yunfeifeng and the demon emperor to work together. If the solitary smoke and the Yan Xingyun are more inclined to Xu, they will not have any chance of winning.

Moreover, they did not want to fight with the Xu family at this time, just worried that the departure of the ghost emperor would cause havoc to their own sect. Opening the next ancient vestige depends on Xu Ziyan, and they don't want to let Ziyan die now. If the ancient ruins have already been opened, they will not hesitate to fight with Xu.

The solitary smoke of Ximen sighed, and his eyes swept over the monks. He said sincerely: "Everyone. I hope that my brother is very good. There is a magic weapon in the fire dance. If you want to open the door and let us go out, then the fire dance is very likely." We will be sneaking away. We are still searching carefully. Maybe we haven’t searched carefully enough. This time we have a good allocation, it is bound to make the entire ancient ruins have no dead ends under our knowledge. The fire dance is forced out."

"If you can't find it yet?" Wang Woyun asked with a slight frown.

"Then think again! We have so many Mahayana monks, if you can't find a distracted monk, you can't afford that person!"

Wang Liyun, Yunfeifeng and the demon's look are not a stiff. They only thought about their own mountain gates, and the gloating fun of Xu Ziyan. I forgot my face during the Mahayana period!

Not bad!

If the fire dance ran from the eyelids of these Mahayana monks, the reputation of the fire dance will surely resound throughout the vast continent, and their faces will be thrown into every corner of the mainland.

This face is really impossible to lose!

These monks discussed it in detail, carefully arranged, and began to search again in the ancient ruins. But among these people. If you pass the gods over the fairy. I am afraid that only the Yanshan soul and hope can be felt. Because only the knowledge of these two people has reached the fairy, especially the Yanshan soul, the fairy does not know to what extent.

However, today's hope is blocking the door. The Yanshan soul is only responsible for one direction, but the night dreams and other people are not in that direction. and so. Although the fairy is near the gate, there are still no monks to discover.

Within the fairy charm, the night dreams were inconspicuous, and eventually she decided to break through from the fire dance. Because she knows that the fire dance does not want to kill Xu Ziyan, if she can win the support of the fire dance, the other is to persuade the twenty-five flame monks to be able to grasp it.

The night dreams controlled the fairy to start away from the gates of the ancient ruins, away from the monks, and came to a place that had been searched by the monks. Night dreams raised my eyes and looked at the fire dance and asked softly:

"Little patriarch, how are you going to dispose of Xu Ziyan?"

The fire and dance face is a glimpse, my heart has just been silent in the night, is not always insisting on killing purple smoke? How come this time to ask for your own opinions? However, the fire dance did not want to give up this opportunity, whispered:

"The goal of our fire home is to leave the fire. Before this, we should not have too many enemies. I have reached an agreement with Ziyan, so I think we should release purple smoke."

The twenty-five flame monks heard the night dreams, and they all looked awkwardly, and looked at the night with a strange dream, not knowing what she was doing. The night dreams naturally also saw the strange eyes of the twenty-five monks. There was only a bitter smile in my heart. It was really hard to say.

A flame monk looked at the night and said: "What does the night master mean? Didn't you agree to kill Xu Ziyan?"

Another flame monk said with excitement and excitement: "Yes, as long as we kill Xu Ziyan, Xu family is the leader of the group. So we can easily rob the family of the family, as the family of our fire family."

The fire dance listened to his face and said: "Nonsense, even if the purple smoke is dead, then the Xu family is so easy to be beaten down? Don't forget that now Xu family has a hope of a monk in the late Mahayana, and there are ten and a half steps. The monk of the Mahayana period. The most important thing is the soul of Yanshan, the relationship between Yanshan soul and Xu Ziyan does not need me to say. And Yanshan soul only needs to help Xu, Xiao Luotian will not care about Xu family? Family, that is simply a delusion."

The flame monk did not care to say: "Less patriarchs, even if we don't occupy the Xu family. But as long as we kill Xu Ziyan, the situation of Xu Jiaqun's headlessness is certain. So, the big Luotian will let Xu home Da Luotian does not let Xu family, and the robbery of the robbery of Da Luotian will certainly be shot. So the demise of Xu family is certain, in short, it is to avenge the monks who died in the hands of Xu. Furthermore, once the fire was launched to Xu, wouldn’t it also give us a chance to recover from the fire? Why are we not?”

The night dreams are cool, the fire dance is also a cold heart, and the eyes can't help but look at Xu Ziyan, and convey to Xu Ziyan:

"Ziyan, what do you do?"

Xu Ziyan shook his head slightly, and his mouth flicked a bitter smile.

The flame monk stood up and screamed and said: "There is nothing to say, we will kill her immediately. After that, we will hide in this fairy, not a year, we will hide here two. In the year, I don’t believe that they will block the door for a lifetime."

When the night dreams, I immediately stopped the flame monk and said, "No! My fairy can only last for five days. After five days, it will be invalid. At that time, we will be exposed to the monks of the Mahayana. before."

The monk looked awkward and stood there with his head down. Don't say that he doesn't want to die, even if he is not afraid of death, dragging the young patriarch to death here, then he is the sinner of the fire house.

The fire dance looked at the night dream. He saw from the words and looks of the night dream that the night dream seemed to change his mind. He did not seem to want to kill Xu Ziyan. Although he does not know what happened, it is an opportunity. So, hurriedly said:

"We still put the purple smoke, I am a minority patriarch, this is the case."

The flame monk's eyeball turned in the eyelids: "The patriarch, even if we release Xu Ziyan now, the outside monks will not let us go. It is better for us to talk to them about the conditions and tell them that we want to release Xu Ziyan. Yes, but we need to be released before we can leave."

The fire dance looked at the flame monk, and he suspected that he was thinking of leaving the town, and he would kill Xu Ziyan. But, anyway, this is an opportunity. So, nod and agree. The night dreams also nodded immediately.

Xu Ziyan heard this, and he also doubted the mind of the monk. And Xu Ziyan has been observing his color, and he has already identified nine points in his heart, and the other party will not let go of himself.

It is better to rely on yourself than on others.

Xu Ziyan immediately sanked his nine-point **** into the fairy charm to understand the fairy charm. Only one cent of God keeps himself awake.

Night dreams can't help but smile in my heart. It’s really unpredictable in the world, and I’m still trying to kill Xu Ziyan. Now I have to try my best to keep the purple smoke.

The night dreams waved away from the fairy charm, revealing the figure. The night dream put the long sword in the hand on the neck of Xu Ziyan, and took everyone to the gate of the ancient ruins.

Soon, they were found by the monks who searched for them, whistling to chase them over them, and at the same time making a whistling sound, the monks from all over the world flew in all directions, surrounded by fire dancing and others. The solitary smoke from Ximen was crowded out and shouted:

"Don't hurry to release the purple smoke!"

The night dreams snorted coldly: "Don't try to attack us. Don't think about all kinds of attacks. Even if I feel a little wrong, I will immediately cut down the head of Xu Ziyan. ""


Need a pink ticket to keep the head of purple smoke!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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