The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1070: catastrophe

I am very grateful to Want Qiuqiu, Quartet Dream Flying Classmates, 呐丶1眸笑同学, eryanu classmates, remarklin classmates, plain clothes floating classmates, I love sleeping classmates, wqiy2003 classmates, Tang Tang 8719 classmates pink ticket!


The look of the solitary smoke in Ximen was stagnation, and the look of anger was on his face. Now he has entered the realm of the late Mahayana, but he did not think of a small distracted monk who dared to scream in front of him. However, seeing the appearance of Xu Ziyan being made by others, he had to bear this breath and sighed coldly:

"what do you want?"

"I don't want to do anything." The night dream said faintly: "As long as you let the door open to the ancient ruins, let us leave the town, we will release Xu Ziyan."

The face of the solitary smoke of Ximen became gloomy: "If you are out of town, you will kill Xu Ziyan. Isn't it that so many of our Mahayana monks have been made by you?"

The night was silent, then raised his head and said hard: "You have no choice, or I will kill Xu Ziyan now, then you kill us. Or you believe me, let us leave, and then in the town The foreigner will release the purple smoke. However, I am here, I can swear with my god. As long as we leave the town, we will release Xu Ziyan."

The solitary smoke of Ximen indulged, and frowned slightly and said: "I can't do this thing. Let's go to Xujia, let's discuss it with Xu family!"

"Good!" Nodded in the night.

The monks surrounded the night dreams and others and flew toward the gates of the ancient ruins. Soon after, I came to the front door, and the solitary smoke from Ximen quickly said things. A big face of hope wrinkled and lost his mind. The Yanshan soul on the side is also frowning and thinking about it. The things in front of me are clearly frozen, and the idea of ​​Yanshan Soul is to let these people leave. Maybe Xu Ziyan will be killed. However, if you do not let them, the purple smoke will be killed immediately.

"Hey!" The **** of Yanshan's soul quietly separated twenty-eight, and locked the monk including Xu Ziyan. With his superb knowledge. No one found it at all.

After these times, Yanshan soul looked at the night dream, and saw that she was only the realm of the peak of distraction. The sword in his hand is nothing more than a sword, and the corner of his mouth will pass a sneer. Others don't understand Xu Ziyan, Yanshan soul will not understand? Even if Xu Ziyan's mana is sealed now, it is because of her body that it will be powerful and not a single aura can hurt.

Thinking of this, the heart of Yanshan soul can not help but hesitate, is there any great secret hand of the other side? Otherwise, the purple smoke will be earned as long as it is hard. It can create opportunities for saving her.

In fact, this is why Xu Ziyan did not dare to escape immediately. Since the other party can come up with two immortals, a seal mana, a hidden line, who can guarantee that the other party will have no offensive charm. Xu Ziyan is now losing his mana. It is really unsure that he can escape under the fairy charm, so he has to forbear.

"Yan Xianshi. How do you see it?"

I hope to see the Yanshan soul there, frowning and not talking, and he is uncomfortable, and he has to ask.

Yanshan soul turned to electricity, secretly speaking to Xu Ziyan: "Ziyan, what should I do?"

Xu Ziyan immediately said to Yanshan soul: "You locked them?"

Yanshan soul replied: "Yes! Even you are locked!"

Xu Ziyan replied: "They promised their conditions. I guess there will be an offensive fairy in the hands of the night dream. She should be the person of Lingbao Island. If she leaves the town, she will release it to me. Let them go. If they want to kill me, you and me will immediately take the shot. Don't take care of me. My body is able to stand up."

"It's better for us to shoot now!" Yanshan soul's eyes flashed with fierceness.

"The opportunity is not good now! Night dreams are now focused on me. A little bit of change, I am afraid she will immediately shoot. And the fire dance does not want to kill me, has been trying to save me. Go outside, The fire dance will definitely release me. By then, on the one hand they will be out of trouble, they will relax some vigilance. On the other hand, they will have internal disputes, and that moment is the best time to start."

"Good!" Yanshan soul ended the sound, looked up and looked at the night and said: "You swear, let us leave you."

The night dreams immediately swear by the gods, and then they look at the hope of blocking the gate. I hope to look at the soul of Yanshan, Yanshan soul nodded. I hope that I will look at Xu Ziyan again, and Xu Ziyan nodded lightly. In this way, I hope that the body will shrink and turn into a green robe old man, and the door will be opened. When he flashed away, he immediately passed a screaming voice from outside:

"Every senior hastened to come out! The ghost emperor has swept the vast continent!"


All the people looked a glimpse. The solitary smoke from Ximen stepped out, stood in front of the monk, and picked up the monk from the ground and shouted:


These five words violently rushed out of the mouth of the solitary smoke of Ximen, and the hair of the monk was blown back quickly. The monk recognized that he was holding a solitary cigarette in Ximen, and immediately added tears:

"The predecessors of Ximen, the ghost emperor now leads the army of ghosts to sweep across the mainland, and there are countless deaths and injuries of human monks, havoc! Holocaust!"

People are off town.

At this time, it has been opened to protect the city.

On the wall of the town, a thousand or so monks from the ancient ruins looked out through the mask. I saw the overwhelming ghosts of Rakshasa rushing around, and a spell attacked the mask of the city.

Today's killing has also entered a half-step Mahayana, turning to the people of the new town of Guanzhong Shenye said: "What is the situation now?"

Shenye stepped forward: "Now the small sects on the mainland, the family, and even some of the medium-sized sects and families have been led by the ghosts and the sects of the world." According to the news collected from all over the place, the ghost After the emperor broke through the squadrons of various sects, he went to another sect or the family. Behind him was the countless ghosts of Rakshasa, madly looting and being smashed by the ghosts. Zongmen and family.

Not to mention those scattered, now only the super forces, the big gates and some strong medium-sized sects have not been broken. ”

Wang Woyun frowned slightly and asked: "Is the monk on the mainland only passively defensive? Is there no killing with the ghost world?"

Shenye’s face is bitter: “It’s not too much, but there are too many monks in the ghost world, that is, the monks who are high-educated will be overwhelmed by the ghost sea tactics. Therefore, everyone can only defend according to the city. Waiting for the seniors to come out."

"You just said that the super powers and the big gates are okay at the moment, what about the three major cities and the three major customs?" asked the killing anxiously.

"Nothing!" Shen Yi replied immediately.

Xu Ziyan did not want to ask, like the three major cities, there is nothing, and the Xu family with the nine spirits will not have anything.

"What about our Yaozu?" the demon asked anxiously.

"I don't know!" Shenye said with a bitter face: "We don't have human monks in the Yaozu territory, so there is no news from there."

"How is the death and injury?" Yan Xingyun asked Shen Cheng Ning.

"The forces that have not been defeated have not suffered the slightest damage, but those who have been attacked by the guardian squad have lost countless forces and scattered injuries."

The brow of the solitary smoke of Ximen wrinkled and said: "Do you mean that all the forces that have not been broken have not opened the big array, and put those monks who have been chased by the ghosts to enter?"

"Yes!" Shenye's face was a bit shy: "I really don't dare to open a big battle. I have to know that if I want to close it again after opening the big battle, it will take time. If the ghost emperor took this opportunity and rushed in, If you break the big battle, the loss will be big."

Speaking of this, Shen Ye looked at the solitary smoke of Ximen and said with care: "That is... the Tianshen City of the predecessors of Ximen is completely closed, and no monks are allowed to enter."

The face of the solitary smoke in Ximen is cloudy, looking at the outside of the town, like a black torrent, the ghost world is not talking. Suddenly, his eyebrows picked and turned to the night dream of the sword across the neck of Xu Ziyan.

"Do you still want to leave the town?"

The night dreams look awkward, looking at the eyes of the unscrupulous monks, and looking at the ghosts of the people outside the town of Rakshasa. In the heart of a move, secretly to ask, he has a hidden fairy, that is, in the Rakshasa can also escape. So, the sword in the hand was leaning against the neck of Xu Ziyan:

"Not bad!"

"Good! Good! Good!"

When the solitary smoke of Ximen made three sounds, he turned his head and ignored the night dream, but said to the monks:

"You, these ghosts are not enough. The fear is the ghost emperor. Now our cultivation is worse than the ghost emperor. As long as we join hands, we may not be able to recreate the ghost emperor or kill the ghost emperor. Therefore, we should go to kill the ghost emperor now, and after the ghosts are killed or severely wounded, let the monks in our respective forces be dispatched to drive the Rakshasa back to the ghost world."

“Good!” Yan Xingyun said: “Our family has a Mahayana monk and went to encircle the ghost emperor.”

Nowadays, Yunhe Fairy, Han Dan, Yin Ling, Li Yi and others have only reached the half-step Mahayana period. The monks who reached the Mahayana period were only the solitary smoke of Ximen, Yan Xingyun, Wang Woyun, Yunfeifeng, Hope, Xu Ziyan, Yanshan Soul, Xiaobai, Yaohuang, Bai Xiyan. The Ghost Emperor and the Witch God left because they were afraid of killing the two of them after they were cracked in the ancient ruins. So they did not improve.

Among the ten monks of the Mahayana period, only Xu Jia and Xiao Luotian each had more than one Mahayana monk, namely Xu Ziyan and Hope, Yan Xingyun, Yanshan Soul and Xiaobai. Therefore, according to the rules, the two families can only have one Mahayana period.

The hope of looking at Xu Ziyan, Xu Ziyan nodded, said faintly: "I hope the seniors, you go, don't worry about me."


Don't worry about me, just lick me with a pink ticket!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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