The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1071: Killing the ghost emperor

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I hope to see the look of Xu Ziyan, then nodded and no longer speak. The Yanshan soul on the side said softly to Yan Xingyun:

"Master, the ghost emperor will trouble you."

Yan Xingyun nodded and said: "You can take care of the purple smoke. You must ensure the safety of the purple smoke. After we have destroyed the ghost emperor, we will immediately call you, and then we will immediately go to the ancient ruins of the town."

"Good!" Yanshan soul nodded.

The other Mahayana monks here have no opinion, only Bai Xiyan and the demon's look are hesitant. However, thinking that he will live on this continent in the future, Bai Xiyan will dispel the thought of leaving and prepare to go around the killing of the ghost emperor.

The demon emperor also thought that as long as the ghost emperor could be killed, even if the demon territory was attacked by the ghost world Raksha, it was only a temporary loss, and it was a once and for all way to kill the ghost emperor. Therefore, he does not speak anymore. And the seven Mahayana period to kill a ghost emperor, such a scene, so that the demon king just want to think about it, my heart is very excited.

"Shenye, open the door to the people's town," Simon smoked and said: "Let us find the ghost emperor and kill it."

This time, Shenye was not ambiguous. There are so many Mahayana monks here, and his daring has also grown. Flying to the heart of the town, and the solitary smoke of Ximen is flying toward the gate of the town.

Yanshan soul looked back at the night dream, said coldly: "Let's go!"

The night dreams were tight and the long sword in the handshake was held. Holding Xu Ziyan followed by Yanshan soul also flew toward the gate.

The mask at the gate of the town was slowly opened, just as the blocked flood suddenly encountered a gap, and the densely populated Rakshasa swarmed toward the gate.

Nine Mahayana monks were arrested except Xu Ziyan. The Yanshan spirit stared at the night dream, and the remaining eight Mahayana monks smashed each other. Time is like a few dragons whistling out of the door. Just like plowing the ground, it is only an instant. Before the town gate closed the gate, it stretched for a thousand miles to the far side, and the whole air was empty. All the ghosts of the Rakshasa **** are not left.


Rakshasa, who was not affected by the two sides, yelled in fear and ran away in all directions. It was only a few moments of time. Outside the town, the original densely-knitted Rakshasa disappeared, leaving only the bones. It was a human monk on the vast continent that wanted to escape into the town and seek shelter, but was rejected from the door, and was finally eaten by the ghosts of Rakshasa.

Everyone looked at the white bones outside the gate, and all their faces were sad. The solitary smoke of Ximen shouted:

"let's go!"

The seven Mahayana monks roared away, and the remaining monks also screamed and flew toward their own gates. There are seven great-time monks in the solitary smoke of Ximen to find the troubles of the ghost emperors. These monks who came out of the ancient ruins are relieved. No ghosts. They are confident that they can safely return to the sect, reorganize the disciples under the door, wait for the news that the ghost emperor was slain, and then they will all go out to hunt down the ghost world, and at this time, no one will think about personal grievances. This is the catastrophe of the entire human race.

The night dreams pressed Xu Ziyan out of the gate, followed by fire dancing and other people, Yanshan soul hanging slowly behind. The Xu family's monks also followed the Yanshan soul.

Xu Ziyan suddenly said to the fire dance: "Fire brother. If I did not guess wrong. That night dream is the overseas undercover of Lingbao Island in your fire home."

The look of the fire dance is a glimpse, and immediately restored to nature. He has a strong trust in Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan’s prestige was deeply planted in the heart of Tai Xuanzong’s disciples. As the master of Xu Ziyan, the fire dance is so close to Xu Ziyan. Natural feelings are deeper. Therefore, Xu Ziyan said so, he did not have the slightest suspicion, immediately believed her, and immediately whispered to Xu Ziyan:

"Ziyan, can you figure out her purpose?"

Xu Ziyan has thought about Lingbao Island’s night dreams in the past two days. Combining the things of the oriental cultivation of the immortal world, let Xu Ziyan become more clear, and quietly conveyed to the fire dance:

"It is nothing more than for their Lingbao Island to be able to stand on the mainland of the Cangwu, and to mess up the entire vast continent. The more chaotic the mainland is, the better it will be for them."

At this time, the monks have left the town and ten miles away. Night dreams look at the soul of Yanshan, said coldly:

"Yan Xianshi, please stay here and wait. Your Mahayana period is so scared that I will let go of the purple smoke when we leave the hundred miles."

“Bai Li?” Yanshan’s soul said faintly: “Bai Li is only a moment for me, and there is no difference in front of me.”

"That's better, since there is no difference, then please stay here!"

Yanshan soul nodded and stood up. His gods are locked in them, but they are not afraid of them running. As long as Xu Ziyan wants to start, he can feel it in an instant. The negative hand stood in the same place and said to Xu Ziyan:

"Ziyan, I am waiting for your secret number."

"Yeah!" Xu Ziyan gently voiced.

The night dream saw that the Yanshan soul really stopped, and the heart said: "As long as I can distance you from the distance, there is a moment to let me open the hidden fairy, even if you are a Mahayana monk, why not! ”

In the eyes, he revealed a trace of sarcasm, pressing Xu Ziyan, and taking everyone away.

A hundred miles away, the night dreams released Xu Ziyan, just want to release the hidden fairy, but saw that twenty-five flame monks rushed toward Xu Ziyan, one by one to show their own spiritual treasure, went straight to Xu Ziyan to kill .

The shape of the fire dance moved Xu Yanyan behind him and shouted: "What are you doing?"

The Yanshan soul mouth outside the hundred miles passed a smile and said softly to the Xu family. "You are waiting here."

When the words fall, the figure is moving, and it appears in the clouds above the fire dance and other people. Now that Xu Ziyan has been dancing in the fire, there is no danger for the time being. He wants to see what the fire house monks are doing.

"Small patriarchs, kill Xu Ziyan. This is a chance for us to revenge. Now Xu Ziyan is already a Mahayana monk, miss the opportunity today, if you want to kill him later, it is difficult!"

The fire dance ignored the twenty-five monks, but turned to the night dream, faintly asked:

"Night master, can fire dance ask you a question?"

The look of the night dream is a glimpse. I don’t know how the fire dance is at this time, how can I have a mood to ask myself questions. I was confused and nodded:

"Last patriarch, please say."

"I want to know why the night masters tried to kill Xu Ziyan at the beginning, but later tried to release the purple smoke?"

The night dreams calm down and said faintly: "It's very simple. I tried to kill Xu Ziyan at the beginning. It was because she was the enemy of our firehouse. Later I wanted to release her because the solitary smoke of Ximen said it was turned on. The next ancient ruins need Xu Ziyan. I don't want to be a sinner on the mainland of the sky, so I want to release Xu Ziyan. If you are solitary in Ximen, you will hear it in the fairy."

Fire dance nodded: "This reason is ok."

He turned his head and looked at the twenty-five flaming monks: "Do you still want to kill Xu Ziyan now?"

Twenty-five fire monks face each other, or the original monk sullenly said:

"With our qualifications, even if the aura concentration is restored on the mainland, we may not have the possibility of flying. The husband's grievances are clear, Xu Ziyan killed our fire family, we will kill her revenge, and where it is managed so much."

The voice of this person fell, and the remaining twenty-four fire-fighting monks looked at Xu Ziyan with a murderous look.

The look of the fire dance and the night dreams was stagnation, and they did not think how the monks of the fire family would marry! The fire dance narrowed his eyes and looked at the night dream, faintly said:

"Night master, you want to kill purple smoke at first and then want to release purple smoke, I am afraid it is not as simple as you said?"

The night dreams a glimpse, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he looked forward to the fire dance. He said faintly: "The patriarch, what do you mean?"

Sure enough, the twenty-fifth fire-fighting monk was also drawn by the words of the fire dance, and the murderous eyes were removed from the body of Xu Ziyan, and some confusedly looked at the night dream.

The fire dance faintly smiled: "Who is the master of the night master?"

The night dreams are tight, but the look is still faint: "The old people in my fire are almost aware of the fact that one is a mess, even the ancient cheats, the young patriarchs are new people, I have doubts about me, I don't blame you. ""

"Hehehe..." The fire dance looked at the night with a sneerly look at the night: "The master of the night is a high qualification. Just relying on an ancient cheat, you can cultivate the seven treasures. You can make the city of Lingbao City. What is the feeling of Yunhe Fairy!"

The look of the night dreams was silent, and said coldly: "The little patriarch, what do you mean? Do you doubt my loyalty to the firehouse? You know, it was the patriarch who saved my life, I used me. Everything to repay the patriarch. Little patriarch, so doubtful with me. It is really chilling!"

"Night Master!" The eyes of the fire dance suddenly became sharp, staring at the night and dreaming: "I know your background, I know your purpose."

"What do you know?" There was a fluster in the eyes of the night dream.

The night dreams looked around and saw that the Yanshan soul and the Xu family still did not appear, and the heart was relaxed. Although she is still in the strange Yanshan soul and Xu family monks, but as long as there is no Yanshan soul, she can easily escape.

"You are from Lingbao Island overseas!" The eyes of the fire dance became gloomy and murderous.


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*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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