The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1072: Sharp fire dance

I am very grateful to Yu Yu 645098 classmates, lonely fleeing classmates, dream poetry 0327 classmates, dbxn classmates, cool and thin tears classmates, sz744141183 classmates, fox Linlin classmates pink ticket!


"You are from Lingbao Island overseas!" The eyes of the fire dance became gloomy and murderous: "You were rescued by your grandfather, but it was a play by your Lingbao Island. Your purpose is to teach your life in the sky." The ups and downs of the mainland will make the Cangwu continent more chaotic and better, and it will give you the opportunity to stand on the mainland. Our fire home is the gun in the hands of your Lingbao Island, the cannon fodder in front of your Lingbao Island.

Our fire home has been plundering more than ever in the past few centuries. Is this your credit? Are you not rumored in the face of Grandpa? There is a shadow behind every action of the flame. This time attacking the Xu family, although it is decided by Grandpa, you must play a role that cannot be ignored.

You are nothing more than because the family of the Xu family is in the border of the immortal world, which will threaten your future actions in the East. I thought about letting our fire home and Xu family fight, and then stirred the entire mainland. Let your Lingbao Island take advantage of the fishermen. It can be said that the monks of our fire house and the monks of Xu family died because of your Lingbao Island, and they all died in the hands of your Lingbao Island. Your Lingbao Island is the black hand behind this and is the common enemy of our fire home and Xu family.

As for you later, you are strongly trying to release Xu Ziyan. Is your Master’s order given to you? When your master listened to the predecessors of Simon, the key to opening the next ancient ruins was purple smoke, he immediately changed his mind and ordered you to release the purple smoke. otherwise. How did you try to kill the purple smoke before, and the purple smoke is still caught by your own hands, and there is no reason to release the purple smoke. Master of the night, am I right? ”

The eyes of the night dreams turned. I saw the eyes of the fire dance staring at her sharply. And the twenty-five flame monks looked at her eyes and revealed doubts. This matter, if she does not admit it, the fire dance will not take her for the time being. However, it is difficult for him to stay in the fire home afterwards. And the most important thing is. If he does not admit it, the fire dance will not be able to transfer the goals of the twenty-five fire masters to her.

Her heart is very clear that the heart of the fire dance is to take off the hostility of the fire house for Xu Ziyan. If you admit it, the hostility of the fire family will be transferred from the Xu family to your own body, so you will not insist on killing the purple smoke. However, this hatred will be passed on to Lingbao Island.

So, will Master agree?

However, if you don't recognize it. The twenty-five fire masters will insist on killing Xu Ziyan. This can not help but make her dilemma!

And just as she thought about the two interest periods, the suspicions in the eyes of the twenty-five fire masters had become killing. They have already believed in the fire dance in their hearts. If the fire dance is not the truth, the night dream is definitely not the look of today. This is also the night of the dream suddenly violently exposed the identity and purpose of the fire dance, without any preparation, revealing flaws.

The fire dance suddenly shouted: "Night dream, when do you want to use our fire home?"

"Ha ha ha..." The night dreams know that they have revealed flaws. Already hidden. This is also let go, anyway, Master once explained, no matter what method, as long as you can save the life of Xu Ziyan. As long as you keep the life of Xu Ziyan, even if you expose yourself, you must not blame the Master.

"Not bad!" The night dreams haha ​​laughed and said: "The fire dance is all right. But we may not be enemies!"

Speaking of playing here, she swept her eyes deep into the crowd, and then set her eyes on the face of the fire dance, said faintly:

"I have been in the fire home for hundreds of years. I am also very clear about the purpose of your fire home. You are not thinking about taking back the fire from the hands of the Yun family?

at this point. Our Lingbao Island can help the fire home. Fire dance. You should be very clear. Yunfeifeng is now a monk in the middle of the Mahayana, and what about your fire home? There is no monk in the Mahayana period, even in the early days of Mahayana. However, we have Lingbao Island. My master is a Mahayana monk. As long as your fire homes go to our Lingbao Island, our Lingbao Island can help your fire home to retake the fire. ”

"Fart!" The fire dance screamed.

Night dreams are not thought to be: "Fire dance. You should not be too stupid. We both have two benefits, and the two are harmful. The fire homes go to our Lingbao Island, and there will be a Mahayana monk to support you. Recapture from the fire, complete your fire home wishes just around the corner.

Yes, many of your actions have been driven by me for hundreds of years, and many monks have given their lives. But even without me, can they live in the present?

Your flames are rogue! Do you know?

How can you not die as a rogue?

Just die and die! What is this strange?

Don't say that you have won the fire, is this hatred of Xu family, it depends on you?

Just by the flame?

Can you take revenge? ”

In the eyes of the night dream, there is a trace of disdain: "And, with your flames, now it is all over the whole continent. If you add our Lingbao Island, where do you have a living path?"

Speaking of this, she said with a sinister smile: "I have been in flames for hundreds of years, what else do I know about the flames? As long as I expose all the secrets of your fire home, in a moment, your flame will be completely destruction.

Fire dance, you still listen to my advice, go to Lingbao Island. This is your best choice, don't think about killing me, I want to go, you can't keep me! ”

At this time, the wilderness was silent, only the wind blew through the forest bones...

The fire dance suddenly and madly laughed: "Good deeds! Good calculations! Our fire homes are all iron and bones. For hundreds of years, because of your existence, how many brothers and sisters have the fire family died? Now let us go to the fire home. Enemies, wagging, what do you want to do with our fire home?

Night dreams! As you said, you know too much about the flame. Why not kill you, why am I safe? ”

When the words fell, the figure of the fire dance suddenly rushed up, behind him was twenty-five fire masters, and together they bombarded the past with a night dream.

The night dreams sneered a little, and did not sacrifice the hidden fairy to escape, but sacrificed the attacking fairy, haha ​​laughed:

"Fire dance, since you want to die, I will kill you all. So, even if I go back to the flames, no one will doubt me! Hahaha..."

The fairy rushed into the air, only to see the sky dark, as if there were countless stars falling, a piece of hill-sized stone smashed toward the fire dance and other people.

The eyes of Yanshan in the air flashed, and when I saw that the fairy did not cover Xu Ziyan, I endured the idea of ​​hands-on.


The phantom of a lamp from the body of the fire dance is the illusion of the fire lamp, infinite expansion, and the essence. Cover him with twenty-five fire monks.

Xu Ziyan’s right foot slammed on the ground. At this time, her mana was lost, but it was the power of her body. The power of this scorpion, the earth was cracked at her feet, and the shape of Xu Ziyan hurried toward the back. Go, stay away from the battle zone.


Xu Ziyan landed on both feet and looked up to the front.

I saw countless hill-like rocks screaming from the air above the shadow of the fire, and they were broken. Not to mention the night dreams in the battle, it is to watch the lively Xu Ziyan on the side, and the faces are full of surprises.

This is not a fire lamp!

I was shocked by the night's dreams, and I was already reluctant. Just want to start the hidden fairy, but I saw that the wick of the fire lamp "噼啪" thought, a spark appeared, then turned into a fire phoenix, the fire phoenix small and exquisite, flew out from the wick, time Infinitely wide, it became a huge phoenix, covering the sky and covering the sun, and went straight to the night dream.

Although Xu Ziyan is far from the fire, but still can feel the cold to the soul. The fire phoenix turned out to be a **** fire, and the flame that was released from the body was not only not hot, but extremely cold.

The night dream has just released the hidden fairy house, the feet have disappeared, and are quickly hiding, have been hidden in the legs, seeing the whole body hidden, disappeared.

However, at this time, the **** phoenix passed over her body. Her body was immediately frozen into an ice sculpture, and this cold flame instantly freezes the night dream, and even her gods are frozen to death.

When the night dreams of death, the fairy symbol loses its master and loses its power. The legs and feet of the night dreams were revealed again.


The hidden fairy and the attacking fairy fell to the ground.


The ice of the upper part of the night dream spread rapidly to the bottom, but between the blink of an eye, the night dream was frozen into an ice sculpture.

The fire dance strode forward and rumbling.


A punch of fire dance was on the night's dream.


The body of the night dream has turned into a piece of land.


More and more fierce, this time has entered the late autumn, the wind blowing the dead leaves flying in the sky...

The fire dance waved the two fairy charms on the ground and the storage ring of the night dream, and found the storage ring that Xu Ziyan was searched for by the night dream from the storage ring of the night dream. Looking back at Xu Ziyan.

At this time, Xu Ziyan was slowly walking towards the fire dance and other people. When the night dreams of death, Xu Ziyan has no fear of fire dancing and other people. Xu Ziyan’s current body is strong, fire dance and other people can’t hurt her in a short time. She is afraid of the attacking fairy charm of the night dream. Now the night dreams are dead, even if it is a fire dance, I want to use it. Xianfu, you also need to sing a little, then you can't use it at this time. And she has also received the voice of Yanshan soul, knowing that Yanshan soul is in the air above her head.

Therefore, Xu Ziyan is now safe. Slowly walked to the front of the fire dance, said with a smile:

"Congratulations to the fire brother, killing the gangsters in the fire house."


Urgently ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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