The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1077: Unexpected

I am very grateful to Xing Haiyun (100), Shun Shun 666 students (100) for the reward!


Xu Ziyan stepped into the hall and “hula”, all the monks inside jumped up and stunned and excited. Xu Ziyan smiled at everyone and walked slowly to the middle of the main position. Xu Qinglian had already let go to the side. Xu Ziyan slowly sat down and gestured to everyone. After the big furniture was seated, Xu Ziyan looked at his grandfather Xu Dingtian and said:

"The family is okay?"

“No!” Xu Dingtian said calmly: “Just all are locked here. Hehe...”

Xu Ziyan nodded and let go of his heart. However, she did not understand that Dingtian was locked here, how can she still laugh? However, people in the family have nothing to do, and their parents must have nothing to do. Looking at Xu Dingtian, he looked:

"Is this done by Wang Zonglie, or is it an order under the stars?"

"It is the order of the stars, he said that everyone will stay here for a while." Xu Dingtian said leisurely.

Xu Ziyan frowned slightly and thought about it, but did not want to understand why Xu Xingfan would do so. Ling Yijian’s performance had once made Xu Ziyan’s heart tighten, but then he was relieved. He absolutely did not believe that Xu Xing Fan would deal with himself for the right and cooperation with outsiders. However, why did Xu Xingfan do this? Xu Ziyan’s heart gave birth to a bit of irritability.

"What did the Stars say to you?"

Xu Dingtian said: "Oh... purple smoke, the stars grow up, you ask him about this thing, huh, huh..."

"Hmm?" Xu Ziyan looked at Xu Dingtian strangely, but she did not ask deeply. The corner of the mouth passed a smile, and the heart was dark:

"It seems that things are not as serious as I thought, I am afraid I will be looking forward to it."

"Right!" Xu Dingtian suddenly said: "Ziyan, your parents don't have to worry. They are with us and have not been controlled by Wang Zonglie!"

"Hmm?" This is the second time that Xu Ziyan was surprised.

"We learned some of the transformational techniques of the Central Plains machine from the Shen Qianji City Master. Your parents are now staying with Shen Qianji. The two people controlled by Wang Zonglie are the two distracted monks of the Xu family. However, the use of the convergence symbol is used. Wang Zonglie, who guards them, is only a monk who is a god. They can leave at any time!"

After listening to Xu Dingtian's words, Xu Ziyan was more expecting to meet Xu Xing. Now that I know my parents are innocent, I am not in a hurry to meet up. I stand up from the chair and Xu Ziyan said faintly: "You are waiting for me here, don't take any action, let me see."

If you fall, walk towards the door. Ten small ancient vines in the late part of the distraction, as well as Ling Yijian and others, followed Xu Ziyan.

Above the main peak of the Lotus Peak, within the hall of Xu Ziyan, more than twenty leaders of various parties gathered here to discuss how to face the attack of the ghost world. Wang Zonglie is undoubtedly the most powerful of these forces, but he has not completely condensed these forces into a rope.

The leaders of these forces are also one of the overlords, not so easy to yield. and so. He also needs Xu Xingfan's cooperation very much. If Wang Zonglie and Xu Xingfan are fully united, they can temporarily unify these forces. Over time, these forces can be fully integrated into their own camps.

Wang Zonglie can't completely destroy Xu's family. It doesn't mean that Xu's strength is not weak. If he does that, his strength will be greatly depleted. What is important is that who knows if Xu has no cards, but now there is no Push the Xu family to the bottom line. and so. The most ideal is to marry Xu Xing.

He also learned about Xu family these days. I know that there are two kings in the Xu family today. One is Xu Ziyan and the other is Xu Xingfan. Moreover, Xu Xingfan has been pressed by Xu Ziyan, and Wang Zonglie has pushed people by himself. He does not believe that Xu Xingfan is willing to be pressed by Xu Ziyan. and so. He opened up and talked with Xu Xingfan.

However, Xu Xingfan seems to be very hesitant. This makes Wang Zonglie very contemptuous, and the heart is secret, no wonder you will be suppressed by Xu Ziyan, a little woman. However, Xu Xingfan proposed to let the Xu family gather together and let him work slowly. He did not want to have a fierce conflict inside the family. The reason is that there are very few people in Xu family, and they cannot afford to toss.

Wang Zonglie nodded and agreed, and then put forward the idea of ​​assigning his daughter to Xu Xingfan. Xu Xingfan is undecided, just saying that he will talk about this matter after he has completely unified the Xu family.

In this way, Wang Zonglie and Xu Jia did not achieve the ideal alliance, and they did not have an absolute advantage over the remaining twenty forces. Although Wang Zonglie is very anxious, he can't force the 20 forces. If they are forced to unite, I am afraid that they will not attack the ghosts. Their fight will kill them.

Therefore, these days, these leaders have been gathered here, and everyone is quarreling with each other. In fact, all parties want to earn the most benefits for themselves.

Xu Xingfan sat lazily on the main seat, with a faint smile on his lips, and occasionally when others did not pay attention, his eyes flashed a bit of sarcasm. Xu Xingfan has been taking Xiandan in the days when Xu Ziyan left. Today's cultivation is already in the middle of distraction. Such cultivation is not considered to be weak among the monks present here.

And the smile that Xu Xingfan’s face has been hanging all the time makes the monks in the room feel vigilant. The deeds of the king Xu Ziyan are that they have not seen it and have heard of it. They don't believe that Xu Xingfan, who is also a king, will have no cards at all!

However, Xu Xing-fan is also extremely human and animal-free, always smiling. Moreover, he never expressed his opinion. One message he revealed was that Xu Jia and Wang Zonglie had not yet united, which made the twenty-something forces have more thoughts. The voice for the benefit is also a bit higher.

They did not dare to rob the various herbs in the Xujia Lotus Peak like Wang Zonglie. But they have to fight for the ghost beads that kill the ghost world. After each battle, there are full ghost beads on the ground. This is not the time to grab someone who is it? So, this requires allocation.

In addition, the attack of the ghost world is more intense than once, that is, the lotus peak does not know when it can be adhered to, then the position of the defense is different, and the strength of the loss is also different. This is the place to fight. Besides, Xu family can't always hide on the mountain peak. Should it also come out to take on the task of defense?

Wang Zonglie also tried several times to completely conquer these forces, but they did not succeed. Also thinking about joining Xu Xing as soon as possible. However, Xu Xingfan is always shirking, saying that he has not done a good job in the family. If at this time the family monk is released. They saw that Wang Zonglie, who is here today, is not his Xu Xingfan. I am afraid that it will immediately riot, but it will affect the alliance between the two.

This made Wang Zonglie very helpless and his ambition was great. When he first entered the Xu family, the greed in his heart was unstoppable. His calculation is to marry his daughter to Xu Xingfan, and then jointly with the Xu family to suppress the monks who fled here, and finally completely conquer the forces here.

At that time, he can get rid of the Cangjie business, set up a Zongmen here, and he is the ancestor of the mountain. No longer a second boss of Cangwu Commercial Bank. By that time, with the power of his own service, the Xu family was already vulnerable. If Xu Xing is interesting, give him the position of a deputy lord. If he is not interested, he does not mind that at that time, he will kill all the family. Anyway, at that time, the value of Xu’s use was gone.

At this time, it is not him who sits in the position of Wang Zonglie, but his brother Wang Zongyan. Wang Zonglie himself was sitting in the practice room of Xu Ziyan at the moment. In addition to his retreat, Xu Ziyan never opened the prohibition of the training room. Because in the heart of Xu Ziyan, no one will marry his practice room. This gave Wang Zonglie the opportunity to find the eye of the earth.

Wang Zonglie is the root of the soil system. At this time, he is practicing in the practice room of Xu Ziyan, and he will hand over the things of the various parties to his younger brother. He knew that it was useless to be present at the time. Everything had to wait for Xu Xingfan to agree to marry his daughter and join hands with himself.

In these days, he also spread rumors through his men, saying that Xu Xingfan was trying to preserve the strength of his own family, and put the Xu family monks on the mountain, did not participate in a war against the ghost world. Nowadays, there have been forces to ask for Xu to participate in the war. Presumably, it will not be long before Xu Xingfan will surrender to himself, and then it will be when he appears. Before this, it was better to practice in the practice room of Xu Ziyan. This is a big opportunity for myself.

Within the main hall of the main peak, Wang Zongyan sighed with enthusiasm and said that the leaders of the various forces were indifferent. Then he looked at the help and looked at Xu Xingfan sitting in the main position. However, Xu Xingfan still sat there with a smile, without saying anything.

Wang Zongyan bit his teeth, and his face also showed a smile: "The patriarch of the Xu family has already proposed that the Xu family should also share some defensive tasks. You can't always hide in the mountains. You see..."

Xu Xingfan’s smile was stiff, and there was a hint of helplessness and killing in his eyes. However, this was only a moment, and it was restored to a smile, said faintly:

"This thing, you can't do the Lord, or wait until I talk to your brother and talk about it!"

"Good!" Wang Zongyan's face flashed a sigh of anger. He was a little unsettled, and said coldly: "I am going to find my brother. Today we must discuss a result."

When the words fell, they turned and walked outside the hall. The heads of the 20 parties in the main hall of the hall have a nervous color on their faces. They are aware in their hearts that this time it is probably a complete showdown between Wang Zonglie and Xu Xingfan. And Xu Xingfan looked at the back of Wang Zongyan’s departure, and his smack in his eyes was murderous.

At this time, the guard outside the hall heard a loud voice: "Who? This is..."


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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