The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1078: Squirting you in one breath

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The sound outside stopped abruptly, and then the door was pushed open. A purple sapphire skirt, Xu Ziyan walked in faintly, followed by ten small ancient vines of ten and a half steps, and Ling Yijian. Lu Guangtian and others. Xu Xingfan stood up from the main position and flashed to the side, bowing to Xu Ziyan.

Among them, the five power leaders who saw Xu Ziyan's alchemy in the alchemy scene, jumped from the chair immediately, and bowed to Xu Ziyan. This scene shocked the heads of other leaders who had not seen Xu Ziyan, and stood up in a hurry and bowed to Xu Ziyan. Although they did not know who the woman was coming in, everyone said that they should express their courtesy. Anyway, this will not be a piece of meat.

However, it is precisely this situation that makes Xu Ziyan stand out. They bent down unconsciously and gave Xu Ziyan a prominent position. At the same time, because of this highlight, they gave them pressure, which they did not expect. I don’t know if I should straighten up immediately. Everyone’s eyes are focused on Xu Ziyan at this moment.

Xu Ziyan walked lightly to the main position and slowly sat down. At this time, Xu Xingfan has given up the position and stood at the bottom. Xu Ziyan’s eyes swept over the crowd and said with a smile:

"Everyone is sitting!"

Everyone just straightened up and looked at each other and sat down silently. Even Xu Xingfan silently said nothing.

Xu Ziyan’s gaze looked at Xu Xing with a faint smile: “Xing Fan. Is the patriarch not good?”

"Also make up the deputy!" Xu Xingfan was completely relaxed.

"Yeah!" Xu Ziyan nodded faintly, looking at Wang Zongyan, who was still in a daze, and frowned slightly:

"This person is Wang Zonglie?"

"Wang Zonglie practiced in the aunt's practice room. This is his younger brother Wang Zongyan." Xu Xing said with a smile.

At this time, Wang Zongyan’s mind was very chaotic. He doesn't know who is this mysterious woman? However, in my heart, I feel vaguely that the other party is Xu Ziyan. But even Xu Ziyan, do you know the leaders of these parties? impossible? Why are they giving gifts to the woman?

“Wang Zongyan?” Xu Ziyan smiled and said: “You can sit down too!”

"Daoyou is..."

Wang Zongyan took a deep breath and stabilized his mood. At this point in his heart has been decided. Regardless of whether the other party is a purple smoke, they must suppress the other party. If the other party is Xu Ziyan, there is nothing. Big deal and Xu family completely turned their faces. With the strength of their brothers and the strength of their brothers, Xu Ziyan can be arrested.

Xu Jia is just relying on the big battle, and now the big array is in the hands of his brother. The other party is best to make a purple smoke, so even if it is a certain value. It is also worthwhile to be able to catch Xu Ziyan. Because Xu Ziyan is an elixir teacher, as long as she is arrested, she can be forced to give her and others to refine the alchemy, and the medicinal herbs of Xu Ziyan will be further improved. At this time, the entire mainland was his own and his brother.

"My name is Xu Ziyan!" Xu Ziyan said with a smile.

Wang Zongyan’s look is stiff. The eyes flashed a bit, then the attitude became tough and fierce: "Xu Daoyou, we are meeting here, please go out immediately. Waiting for us to finish the meeting, you will talk to Xu Xingxiao about your family."

Xu Ziyan stared at Wang Zongyan with a funny smile. Wang Zongyan was stared by Xu Ziyan's gaze under his tough appearance, and the heart could not help but whisper a few times.

"Xing Fan, I am not qualified to sit here?"

Xu Ziyan condensed a smile and said with respect: "The aunt is the king of Xu family, and here is the aunt's hall. When the aunt wants to sit here, he can sit here."

"Have you heard that?" Xu Ziyan looked at Wang Zongyan slyly.

"Xu Xingfan. At the beginning you joined my brother. I want us to help you kill Xu Ziyan, and you should give me an explanation."

Wang Zongyan was very upset at this time. He felt that he and his brother had been on Xu Xing's. Xu Xing was used as a monkey to play.

"Hey!" Xu Ziyan gently patted two slaps: "You can't help but say, you are really humorous. Xingfan is my Xu family. It is to explain and explain to me. Explain to you? You What is it?"

"Do you dare to humiliate me? You are looking for death!"

Wang Zongyan fiercely approached Xu Ziyan, and according to his knowledge, Xu Ziyan was only the peak of distraction, and he himself. The most important thing is that you are your own people outside this hall. As long as you scream it, Xu Ziyan is also unable to escape.

"Looking for death? Are you talking about yourself?" Xu Ziyan's gaze was so sharp that his body's killings were released without any disguise.

Everyone felt the killing of Xu Ziyan, and Wang Zongyan certainly felt it. He took the initiative and made a tripod, rushing toward Xu Ziyan. His eyes flashed through the dark, as long as the Xu Ziyan was solved, everything will return to the track.

Two green ancient vines were extended from behind Xu Ziyan. An ancient vine was entangled in the air, so that the tripod could not make a profit in the air. Another ancient vine was wrapped around Wang Zongyan’s right wrist. When I got up, I smashed it in and forth, and broke his wrist in a lively way. I had fallen to the ground with my palm, but it was the two ancient fingers that stood out from the ancient vine behind Xu Ziyan, but it was just a moment. Zong Yan was injured.

Wang Zongyan stared blankly at the palm of his hand and fell to the ground, and stared at the airborne Ding was taken away by the green monk behind Xu Ziyan. At this time, not only Wang Zongyan was stunned, but the leaders of the various forces were stunned, and Xu Xingfan was stunned. When is the little ancient rattan so powerful?

At this time, Wang Zongyan was only three steps away from Xu Ziyan. He suddenly stepped forward and raised his left fist and bombarded the past with Xu Ziyan. He is ready to fight!

Xu Ziyan looked at Wang Zongyan, who was close to himself in an instant, and took a deep breath. Zhang Zongyan spurted out to the rushing Wang Zongyan.

Just a sigh of relief, but this tone is golden and glamorous. With the tone of Xu Ziyan, it is the sword of gold. During the time, thousands of swords were sprayed out, and a dazzling golden color surrounded Wang Zongyan’s body. Wang Zongyan’s body flew up from the ground, and was constantly struck by thousands of swords. The festival was elevated. The air was like a **** rain. When the blood rain fell, Jinmang dispersed, and there was still inside the whole hall. Wang Zongyan's figure, even if it is a bone? The whole body was twisted into a powder by the thousands of swords of Xu Ziyan.

The heads of the forces of the various parties sitting in the chairs in the hall splashed blood, but no one was going to wipe them, and they were all scared.

what is this?

Just a sigh of relief, just smashed a monk who was at the peak of the distraction?

Xu Ziyan and others did not have the slightest blood drop. These people in Xu’s family all knew that Xu Ziyan’s cultivation was done. At the same time that Xu Ziyan spit out a breath, they all propped up their own air shield and dripped the blood in the air. Blocked outside.

Xu Ziyan put away the gas shield, and looked at the leader of the powers of more than 20 parties and said:

"You are going to sit here all the time?"

The twenty-something monks were shocked, and the eyes of Xu Ziyan were full of fear.

"Boom" jumped from the chair and bowed toward Xu Ziyan.

"Please Xu Xianshi command!"

"Yeah!" Xu Ziyan nodded. "Where is Wang Zonglie's men, where do you live? Are you clear?"

"Yes!" Twenty of the monks' eyelids jumped and said in unison: "I will work for the immortal!"

"Let's do it for me!" Xu Ziyan lowered his eyes slightly.

"Yes!" Twenty monks once again gave gifts. One of the monks looked a little hesitant: "Xian Shi, that Wang Zonglie..."

"Give it to me!"


The appearance of more than twenty monks was happy, and they immediately left the hall. When everyone left the hall, Xu Ziyan stood up from the chair:

"Let's go see Wang Zonglie!"

Out of the door, standing in front of the gate, Xu Ziyan has seen the leaders of the various forces are carrying their own hands, swarming toward the main peak. Just now Xu Ziyan and others came to the main hall, which was teleported. There was no alarm that Wang Zonglie was stationed under the main peak. Today, these twenty-someone leaders are leading the countless monks to rush. There was no reaction under Wang Zonglie’s hands, and many people were slain on the spot.

Xu Ziyan was at the gate and looked at it all coldly. Wang Zonglie’s men could not withstand the impact of the other side and stepped back to the mountain.

"what happened?"

A violent drink rang from the practice room of Xu Ziyan, and Wang Zonglie’s figure appeared at the door. His eyes did not look at the entrance to the main hall, his eyes were attracted by the killing of the four places. Just looking at it, I understood what happened. It is the rebellion of all parties! At this time, his men were being killed, and his daughter was being protected by four of his own men and flew back to the mountains. Only in an instant, the four men who protect their daughters died one.

Wang Zonglie was furious and screamed and rushed toward the mountain. Twenty princes under the mountain immediately divided eight leaders, Wang Zonglie.

That Wang Zonglie had to fight eight people alone, and did not fall into the wind. Xu Ziyan’s eyes crossed over the crowd and fell on Wang Zonglie’s body.

Wang Zonglie’s feelings were very sharp. Xu Ziyan’s eyes full of killing had just fallen on Wang Zonglie’s body, and Wang Zonglie felt it. Looking back, I looked over the crowd and fell on Xu Ziyan.


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*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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