The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1079: Strong

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Xu Ziyan moved a footstep and just wanted to fly down. But when I heard Wang Zonglie’s side, a woman shouted to Xu Xing’s voice around Xu Ziyan:

"Stars, save me!"

Xu Ziyan looked a glimpse, and the steps he took came down. Looking at the woman, the heart secretly:

"This woman is the daughter of Wang Zonglie?"

Looking around to Xu Xingfan, Xu Xingfan's eyes are very indifferent. No anger, no disgust, no love, no heartache. As if he didn't know Wang Zonglie's daughter at all.

"You are Xu Ziyan?"

Wang Zonglie in the fierce battle suddenly shouted at Xu Ziyan. At this time, the eight chiefs who besieged Wang Zonglie also stopped their movements and retreated toward the back.

"You cut yourself!" Xu Ziyan did not answer his question at all, but said coldly.

Wang Zonglie sneaked, then he laughed and said: "Let me make my own decisions? Hahaha..., Xu Ziyan, do you have that skill? Yes! You are back, I can’t stay here! But, I want to go, Who can stop me?"

Xu Ziyan is now a Mahayana monk, but also a family leader, his eyes are disdainful, too lazy to start with the other side. Turned around and glanced at the little ancient vine around me.

Xiao Gu Teng lifted his foot to the void, but this step went to Wang Zonglie. Stretching out a big hand and grabbing the past toward Wang Zonglie, Wang Zonglie looked at him with both eyes, and took a long knife with his hands and smashed the past with the big hand of the little vine.


The long knife was broken under the big hand of Xiao Gu Teng, and the big hand fell on Wang Zonglie’s head.


Wang Zonglie’s head was broken. The small hand of Xiao Gu Teng continued to fall, and Wang Zonglie was shot into a meat mud.


Wang Zonglie’s daughter cried and cried, then suddenly looked at Xu Xingfan, and the mouth blew a trace of blood. Shouted:

"Xingfan, why? Tell me why?"

Xu Xingfan glanced at the woman with a scornful look, but closed her mouth. The expression of the gaze is already very clear, and the other party simply does not deserve it. Not even a single answer.

The people of Wang Zonglie were quickly annihilated. Naturally, people under the ground began to clean the battlefield and re-armed. And Xu Ziyan and others and the 20 or so power leaders once again sat in the hall of Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan glanced at the monks in the room and told the truth. At this time, her heart was still very angry. The entire Lotus Peak made these people completely ruined, completely without the original appearance.

"I don't care which power you used to be, you have to remember, now you are the shelter of the promised family. I am not good enough to drive you out in this situation. Now you have two roads, one is to join the Xu family. From then on, it is the person of Xu family. While you are responsible for the responsibility of Xu, all the resources for cultivation are naturally supplied by Xu.

The other way is the shelter of your temporary home, and you will have to leave after the end of the catastrophe. However, all resources are not available. And you must unconditionally obey the Xu family's dispatch during this period, starting today. Don't let me find out who of you has secretly picked any resources of Xu's family. Once I find out, I won't kill you. Please ask Xu to leave Xu. ”

The monks face each other, but they have also seen the strength of Xu Ziyan, and the means of Xu Ziyan’s monks. Let them not be convinced, but they dare not say anything. The patriarch of a small family stood up from his seat and said respectfully:

"The head of the Xu family is the owner of the Central Plains family, called Fang Yuan. Is the ancient ruins of the people's towns closed?"

“Not bad!” Xu Ziyan said faintly: “Don't you feel that the concentration of Aura has increased?”

The eyes of the monks showed a happy color. Nodded. Fang Fang excitedly said, "I feel it. I am not sure."

When the words fell, Fang Yuan asked with expectation: "The head of the Xu family, the younger brothers in the lower court also took the ten monks to the ancient ruins. I don't know if the monks who entered the ancient ruins are all coming out."

Xu Ziyan lowered his eyes slightly. After a sigh, he said slowly: "In the ancient ruins, we met the fairy tales. Only a thousand or so monks of the distracted period finally broke out. As for your brother, I don't know. ”

The face of the square became pale, and the body swayed a bit, and said bitterly: "I didn't let him go at the beginning. The ancient ruins like this are open. Where are the small families that we can participate in? Second brother! ......"

Two rows of turbid old tears rolled down. Xu Ziyan’s face also showed a faint color. In the ancient ruins, life and death can be described as a moment of death, and even almost all of them died there.

At this time, a female monk stood up and handed it to the court: "The patriarch of the Xu family is the sect of the Qing dynasty, Dong Xuan. Excuse me, did you break through to the Mahayana period? In the following, it was the late monk, but could not see through it. Your cultivation is."

"Yes!" Xu Ziyan nodded gently.

Everyone’s eyes were shocked, and the square was only slightly thought out, and immediately fell to the ground on one knee:

"In the lower house, I am willing to join the Xu family, and ask the Xu family to accept it."

The square is only very clear in an instant. Now that the ancient ruins are opened, I am afraid that the great era on the mainland will come. In such a big era, such a small family is probably the object of being annexed, that is, the cannon fodder of the big family or the sect.

So passively joining other families, it is better to join the Xu family on its own initiative. In any case, Xu has now had two Mahayana monks, which is also a powerful family on the entire mainland. As the saying goes, relying on the big tree to enjoy the cool, there is a big tree of Xu family, and his family will not be destroyed.

Under his leadership, some families or scattered, even some small Zongmen who have not much strength, also want to understand, have fallen to the ground, vowed to invest in Xu.

Xu Ziyan glanced at it. There are twenty-seven strengths in the hall. Now there are eleven forces willing to invest in Xu. Xu Ziyan smiled and let these people get up and said:

"You guys can go outside the Lotus Peak after a few days and choose the mountain as your future residence."

Speaking of this, I look at the remaining 16 forces: "You can also go to the peak of the Lotus Peak and choose the mountain to live temporarily. When the ghost world is over, you can leave. But you have to go to us. After Xu’s eleven families have selected the peaks, they can choose.”

"Xie chief!"

Whether it was the eleven who went to the run or the sixteen who refused to go to the court, they thanked them. After Fang Yuan stood up from the ground, there was some hesitation between the looks. When Xu Ziyan saw it, he asked with a smile:

"Fangyuan, do you have something to say?"

"The patriarch!" The look of Fangyuan is a bit sorrowful: "If we go to live outside the Lotus Peak, then the innocent ghosts come, we can't resist."

Xu Ziyan puts a hand in his hand: "This matter is not a problem. You have to live in the Lotus Peak for the first time. I have solved it for two days."

The monks, including the sixteen, knew that Xu Ziyan did not immediately drive himself out of the Lotus Peak, and his face revealed a relaxed color. Xu Ziyan faintly waved:

"If there is nothing else, you should go back first. In these few days, you will need to defend against ghosts."

"Yes!" The monks stood up and stepped forward in an orderly manner.

"Mountain Spirit, Stars, you two to stay."

After everyone has retired, there are only three people left in the hall. Xu Ziyan first took out a jade slip and placed a message in the eyebrow to go to the Yanshan soul road:

"Mountain Spirit, you can see if this can be refining, you don't need the grade of the fairy, as long as it is a nine-piece spirit."

Yanshan soul took over and said to the eyebrows: "The nine spirits are just for you, what can't be!"

Just put it in the eyebrows for a moment, then took it down: "Ziyan, how much do you have to refine?"

"18! How long does it take?"

"Two days!" Yanshan soul said faintly: "When I am refining these 18 lotus flowers for you, I will begin to retreat before the refining, there is no time to refine the fairy, and strive to open before the town is closed. Refining a few."

"That is troublesome mountain spirit!" Xu Ziyan said happily.

Yanshan stood up from the chair and walked outside the hall, and his back disappeared.

The soul of Yanshan left, and there were only Xu Ziyan and Xu Xingfan left in the hall. For a time, the hall was very quiet. Xu Xingfan looked at Xu Ziyan, and there was a slight uneasiness between the looks.

"Talk about it!" Xu Ziyan said faintly.

Xu Xingfan looked awkward, his lips twitched twice, his eyes were silent, and he seemed to be thinking about where to start.

Xu Zi’s mouth is smiling with a smile: “Before telling why other forces refused to accept the monks’ entry, even if they were disciples who were living outside, and you kept accepting the monks who went here?”

"Aunt, you... doubt... I?" There was a mist in Xu Xing's eyes.

Xu Ziyan looked at Xu Xingxiao and slowly shook his head: "Xingfan, I will not doubt you. This family is yours sooner or later, I just want to hear what you think, how to do it, can you afford it? This burden."

Xu Xingfan’s spirit is refreshing and his eyes are shining. Looking at Xu Ziyan excitedly said: "Aunt, now our Xu family's strength is still too weak. Stars have thought about it, the most important thing is that our Xu family has too few people, and only a few thousand people are full.

Therefore, I am thinking about the opportunity of this ghostly catastrophe. Can we absorb some monks into our family and strengthen our strength? Anyway, our ethnic group is very large, so that they can settle outside the Lotus Peak. Now all the big forces refuse to enter the monks of all parties. This is an opportunity for us to give us a home. As long as we open this mouth, they will flock. ”


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*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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