The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1080: decisive battle

I am very grateful to sz744141183 classmates, ruthless Yufeng classmates, Tang Tang 8719 classmates, Zi Yan? Zhao Yilin classmates, Aoki soul classmates pink ticket!


Xu Ziyan frowned slightly and said: "Xing Fan, have you ever thought that this mouth will open, there will be countless monks flocking. This monk is now displaced by thousands of monks, there are millions, and there are millions. They need a lot of resources, even if we have a big family, we have been robbed a lot before, and we can't afford many of them."

"I know!" Xu Xing nodded.

"Even if these monks are monks above the Dandan period, they can go to the valley without having to eat. But if they join the Xu family, they have to send them resources for cultivation. This is not a small amount. If they are not given to them, they We will not really return to our family. We will have resentment and resentment. If there is a long period of resentment, there will be riots. Maybe they will unite and give us a home. At that time, there is no need for a ghost attack. Our family will die."

Xu Xingxiao said with a smile: "Aunt, this kind of thing will not happen."

Xu Xingfan blinked and continued to say: "Since my aunt and other people went to the ancient ruins, I left the family and went out to practice. When the ghost world began, I hurried back. Through the return of the family, I saw it. I was prompted to make this decision.

First of all, the vast continent is very large, and the monks who are far away from our home are not likely to escape to our home. Secondly, there are many Rakshasa in the ghost world. The aunt also saw it, outside the large area of ​​our family. There are countless ghosts in the world.

It is not an easy thing for those monks who have escaped to cross the heavy world of Rakshasa. I am afraid that many monks will be able to die. In this way, those ghosts of the Rakshasa not only reduced the monks who fled here, but also played the role of survival of the fittest. The monks who can enter our Xu family are almost no weak. The most important thing is that our family has gained prestige while expanding its strength. This prestige is crucial for us to deal with Da Luotian in the future. ”

Xu Ziyan stared at Xu Xingfan, who was close at hand, and it seemed that a group of monks who were full of desire for life were approaching the Xu family. Around them are the dense, endless ghosts of Raksha, countless monks continually dying. Xu Ziyan took a deep breath and thought of himself:

"This Xu Xing is arrogant and arrogant. It is a material for the patriarch. But I can safely go to the happy life."

Xu Ziyan gradually stabilized from the shock that Xu Xingfan gave her, and continued to ask:

"Then why should we reduce the power of the big array?"

Xu Xingfan said with a faint smile: "I think it is enough to use the seven-pronged array to deal with the ghosts of the Rakshasa. The people who need to be guarded are the human monks who have come to the scene. So I hide some cards and even a big array. The control was given to Wang Zonglie. It’s ridiculous that Wang Zonglie still doesn’t know, I can take control back at any time, and improve the power of the big array, annihilate them all. I also dream of occupying our family and provoke me to deal with my aunt. ""

Xu Ziyan nodded. "You did a good job. So, you have nothing to fear. Why should you hand over the power to Wang Zonglie? And ban your own ethnic group on the mountain?"

Xu Xingxiao suddenly laughed and said: "There is his Wang Zonglie leading people to resist the attack of innocent ghosts. Why do I still consume the power of our family?"

Xu Ziyan also said with a funny smile: "So, will you take care of the Xu family's disciples completely?"

"Yes!" Xu Xingfan also smiled smugly.

"But your plan is only half the success! Now these forces are coming to the market, but only 11 are willing to join the Xu family, and 16 are unwilling!" Xu Ziyan asked narrowly.

"Aunt, you are testing me!" Xu Xingfan said with a smile: "There are aunts who are sitting in the town during the Mahayana period. They must honestly give us the cannon to make cannon fodder. It is on the front line. Our Xu family is not Philanthropists, since they have taken them in, they have to pay the price.

I think this catastrophe is not so easy to end. More and more monks will gather at our Xu family. Those ghosts of Rakshasa will also notice this. They will mobilize a large number of innocents to come and fight with us. Over time, I believe that those who have not gone to our home. The forces on the top line will consume very much, waiting for their sovereigns. The patriarchs and elders died, and they did not have the desire to rebuild the sects and the family. Because they have no such enthusiasm, it is only a matter of time before they fully join the Xu family. ”

Xu Ziyan licked the long hair in his ear and said in a deep voice: "So, there is no need to let the mountain spirit go out so early, I will tell him later."

Time passed very quickly in the fierce fighting. In the first ten days of Xu Ziyan's return, three teams successively fled into Xu, but after ten days, no one monk escaped into Xu. This means that Xu Xingfan’s judgment is correct. The ghost world has realized that the Xu family has gathered a large amount of rations they need, so the Rakshasa of all parties flocked, and the entire 100,000 mountains are filled with the ghost world Rakshasa. Looking out from the air, the Xu family has become an island.

The next battle was fierce. The Xu family’s big array still showed the power of the Seven Spirits, blocking most of the ghosts of the Rakshasa. Only those innocents could pass through the big array and attack the Lotus Peak. Before, the war of attrition began.

These innocent ghosts are not afraid of magic at all. They can only use the methods of martial arts and innocent ghosts on the ground. Fortunately, these innocent ghosts also have weaknesses, that is, they will not fly. However, their ability to climb is very strong, and the walls built by the monks can not be said to be flat, but it is not very difficult. Every time the killings, the human monks lost their lives. Of course, among these losses, those who did not rely on the Xu family were particularly fierce.

Xu Jia did not have any embarrassment, and all kinds of medicinal herbs were supplied in time. This made the monks who were in the first line dissatisfied, but they could not say anything else. Xu Jia gave you a shelter, do you always get it? Can't let the Xu family's monks top the front line to protect your outsiders?

Want to rebel against the home?

How can this be?

Now the strength of the Xu family has been fully revealed, Xu Ziyan, Yanshan soul and Xiaobai three monk period monks sitting in the town, there are ten half-step Mahayana period, this power completely shocked all foreign monks.

This continued for another month, and the patriarchs, patriarchs, and elders who did not join the Xu family began to fall. Lost the sovereign, the patriarch's Xiaozongmen and the family began to consider joining the Xu family. Their hearts have already understood at this time that even if the catastrophe is over, they will not have the strength to rebuild their sects and families, and they will leave the Xu family. They will soon be swallowed up by other sects and families. Left.

In this case, someone started to join Xu. The treatment of the monks who joined the Xu family was different immediately. Not only did the medicinal herbs be issued more, but the Xu family would also give them suitable training practices. Of course, these Zongmen or the family who joined the Xu family had to hand over their cultivation methods and put them in the library of the Xu family.

This lasted for half a month, and the monks who fled to Xu’s family finally joined the Xu family. The Xu family expanded from only a few thousand to more than 30,000.

However, the situation has become increasingly dangerous. The ghost world also saw the greatness of the Xu family, and realized that only the innocent ghosts could marry the Xu family. As a result, there are constantly no devils who are gathering in the 100,000 mountains and gathering outside the Xu family.

This situation makes Xu's family nervous, that is, Xu Ziyan is no exception.

Xu Ziyan also contacted the solitary smoke of Ximen. The solitary smoke from Ximen told her that they had found the trace of the ghost emperor and were approaching.

Gradually, outside the Xu family, there are gathered innocent ghosts with about 20,000 or so. The innocent ghosts are tall and tall. There must be two monks, four feet and six hands, and the action is very fast. In the outside of the Xu family, he gathered a piece of black pressure, looking at the past and pulling the sky.

Within the entire Xu family, the atmosphere is very dignified, this is a life and death battle. Let the monks give up their expertise and abandon their use without using them. Instead, they use their shortcomings to fight against the enemy in the way of martial arts. Everyone knows that their 30,000 monks are really not 20,000 innocents. Opponent.

At this time, Xu Ziyan stood in front of the Yanshan soul retreat, his lips slightly squirming, and the sound was transmitted. About a quarter of an hour, the voice of Yanshan soul came out:

"Ziyan, 18 lotuses I have already refining for you, I have refining the Xuzhou's flying boat. I am now refining Yunling for you, no time to go out. Things are going on."

The words fell, the door of Yanshan soul retreat opened, and a bunch of things flew out from inside, floating in front of Xu Ziyan, after that, the door suddenly closed.

Eighteen white lotus flowers float around the Xu Ziyan, and I can see the purple smoke in my heart. Although it is only a speculation in my heart, it also makes Xu Ziyan's mood a lot easier. Waved and collected 18 lotus flowers, and finally a palm-sized flying boat floating in front of the eyes was received.

The amount of the end is a nine-piece spirit, Xu Ziyan has no time to experiment with this flying boat. The figure quickly flew to the main peak of the lotus.

At this time, the innocent ghost began to attack. Xu Ziyan was in a shape, stopped in the air, and turned to look at the big array.

I saw the fog of the big array constantly swaying. It seemed that something was walking inside. The shape of Xu Ziyan flashed, and he stood on the wall and looked at the direction of the big array.


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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