The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1081: Innocent

I am very grateful to Tang Tang 8719 (100) and Yi Fenglan (100) for their reward!


The ghost world is going to start attacking! All the monks had a touch of uneasiness in their hearts. Unanimously, everyone focused on Xu Ziyan's body.

Xu Ziyan is also very nervous, and she is only relying on her own life. Should have a lore effect on innocent ghosts. However, in essence, the gas of life is also a spell. Since the innocent ghost is immune to the spell, will it be immune to the gas of life? Xu Ziyan is not sure.

Therefore, Xu Ziyan’s heart is also very tense, but on the surface it is light and windy. It’s not light or light! If you first show timidity and panic, not to say whether you can repel the innocent ghosts in the end, I am afraid that the innocent ghosts will be repelled. The cohesiveness of the monks who have just fled to the Xu family will immediately dissipate.

Xu Ziyan’s voice was lightly remembered, although the sound was very light, but it echoed throughout the Lotus Peak, so that everyone could hear it very clearly:

"Don't worry, Yan Xianshi has just handed me the nine pieces of spirits that he gave us. This is his special refining to deal with innocent ghosts. I just had time to let these innocents experience Yan Xian. The power of the division."


The entire 30,000 monks were excited and made their nervous heart easier.

"The patriarch, where is the nine-pronged instrument of Yan Xianshi's refining? Let us see what?" Someone was yelling.

Xu Ziyan smiled and said: "This is a set of nine spirits, a total of eighteen."

When the words fall, Xu Ziyan waved his hand. Eighteen nine spirits snowdrops were released and floated around the body of Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan said faintly:

"This set of spirits was developed by me and Yan Xianshi to deal with innocent ghosts, but it is still to be tested if I can deal with innocent ghosts. If you have a lore effect on innocent ghosts, you also need to be able to top. Live a day of innocent offense, because these 18 lotuses still need me to complete the last process. If it is not good, there is nothing here, are we afraid of these ghosts on the mainland?"

The monks listened to the words of Xu Ziyan. Although the mood is not as tense as it was just now, it is also suspended in the air. Everyone is praying for the spirit of Yanshan Soul Refining.

At this time, the innocent ghosts walked out of the Wanli Yellow Sands, and the black pressure came to the surface. It has twice the height of human beings, more than 20,000 innocent ghosts, and the pressure to give human monks is not generally large. As soon as they walked out of the big array, they saw the walls of the Lotus Peak. One by one, they screamed and shook, and then they quickly stepped up and ran straight to the wall of the Lotus Peak.

Xu Ziyan’s body shape suddenly flashed, and he stood in the sky above the innocent ghost, looking at the innocent ghosts.

A few innocent ghosts saw Xu Ziyan, and the huge head was lifted. Opened a big mouth, in their mouths quickly condensed a group of black gas, and suddenly sprayed out to Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan's body flashed, and five black light bullets were flashed off. The black ruin of the body was sealed, leaving only the white life gas to rush out of Dantian and run in the meridians. Gently stick a finger and point to an innocent ghost below.

A white light spurred on the head of an innocent ghost, only to hear the scream of the innocent ghost, and the whole head instantly turned into nothingness. And that white light continues to erode his body. In the blink of an eye, an innocent ghost who is twice as tall as a human monk will be wiped out.


Excited cheers erupted above the city wall, and Xu Ziyan also completely let go of the heart. After a teleport, the body returned to the wall and shouted to the monk below:

"I need you to withstand the day of the innocent offense. Can you stand up?"

After seeing the process of Xu Ziyan killing the innocent ghost, everyone knows that Xu Ziyan wants to use this day. The eighteen lotuses were poured into the white gas that Xu Ziyan had just released. With hope in mind, confidence is naturally strengthened.

This is no longer an endless war, as long as they can stick to the day, and the war will end when Xu Ziyan comes out. Therefore, every monk shouted on his neck:


Xu Ziyan nodded, and his body shape moved away. He came to his practice room and took out the 18 lotus flowers.

Picking up a lotus flower and carefully measuring it, Xu Ziyan rejoiced. Yanshan Spirit faithfully refines the eighteen lotus flowers according to their own ideas. These eighteen lotuses are covered with tiny circles of law. These arrays can only absorb the vitality between the heavens and the earth, and will not absorb other auras. If you give these lotuses three months, you don't need the purple smoke to convey the white life in them, they will absorb enough life.

However, now that time is too late, Xu Ziyan has to fill the life of these lotuses.

Xu Ziyan took the root of a lotus flower and sent the gas of his life continuously. The dense array of lotuses on the lotus flower immediately ran up, constantly absorbing the breath of life that Xu Ziyan poured in.

Beyond the Lotus Peak, the innocent ghost is already approaching the city wall. Although tall, they are agile like apes.


The elders in all directions screamed loudly, and more than 30,000 monks were arranged in the back of the city wall. A row of bows opened and a string of sour bowstring sounds. The eyes are on the innocent ghosts who are approaching fast.

"Put ~~"


A neat string of sounds, dense and dense arrows cover the sun and cover the innocent ghosts, countless innocent ghosts fall, but more innocent ghosts rushed up. Just released five rounds of arrows, those innocent ghosts have already rushed under the wall.

These walls, the human monks are very strong, with a thickness of two meters. The bodies of the innocent ghosts hit the wall at high speed, only to make the walls have a shock.

However, the six hands of these innocent ghosts seem to have suction cups, crawling upwards along the wall, and soon less than one meter above the wall.

I saw that these innocent ghosts no longer climbed up, but grabbed the city wall and slammed it up, then slammed up and slammed up to two meters high and flew down the wall.

Gong Sunlin held the flame knife in both hands and slammed it down, and he smashed into an innocent ghost in front of him. The human monk who was guarding the wall of the city waved his sword to the innocent ghost and bombarded the innocent ghost who jumped up.

However, more innocent ghosts jumped up, and on the entire wall, human monks and innocents fought in one place. Those innocent ghosts have four hands and six hands, and they are powerful. From time to time, they also eject black light bullets from the big mouth. Those light bullets will rot as soon as they are touched by the monks, and the big flesh and blood will fall from the body. Down, the human monk rolled the call sign and knew that it was completely rotten and died.

This wall has become the line of life for humanity. Everyone knows that they can't push. Once they retreat, they lose this wall. The rest is chased by these innocents and become their rations.

Although the human monks were hit by black light bullets from time to time, the whole body rotted and died, but in the process of their body rot, they still clenched their teeth and innocent ghosts, or they could not endure the pain of body rot. While screaming, he waved the weapon in his hand to kill the innocent ghost.

Those innocent ghosts have no weapons in their hands, and the six hands grab the body of the human monk and tear the human monk into pieces. There is blood rain everywhere in space, and there is broken meat everywhere.

"Xingfan, what should I do?" Xu Xinggan stood next to Xu Xingfan, waving a big knife in his hand to cut an innocent ghost, and his face showed an irritating color.

Xu Xing has bitten his teeth: "In any case, stick to the day and wait for your aunt to come out."

"Xingfan, you retreat, hand it over to us!"

Xu Xingfan slightly thought about it and shouted loudly: "Duo Linggen disciples retreat and play Long Fengming."

The Do Lingen disciple immediately pulled back and took out various instruments from the storage ring, offsetting the hammer...

The music of Long Fengming sounded and swayed in the air. This Long Fengming is exactly what he said to the original, mainly to give his own monks a bonus.

Long Fengming's music enveloped the entire battlefield. Sure enough, the human monks stimulated the potential of the body, and the momentum of each one increased sharply. Only the heart was full of courage, but the innocent ghost was obviously disturbed and the movement became somewhat sluggish.

"it works!"

Xu Xing's heart is overjoyed. It seems that this innocent ghost is not completely immune to spells. It is only immune to ordinary spells, like the aunt's life and Xu's voice, they can't be immune.

Time is in the fierce battle of the past, half a day of killing, both sides of the ghost are seriously depleted. However, in the end, the human monk still tightly suppressed the innocent ghost under the wall.

Suddenly, an innocent ghost yelled a few times and saw that the innocent ghosts around the Lotus Peak began to concentrate in one direction.

Xu Xingfan put away the ten fingers from the strings, stood up and stood in shape, standing on the wall and looking down. Eyebrows wrinkle:

"These innocents want to concentrate their power in one place, open a hole and rush in. Send orders, concentrate here!"

The human monks began to concentrate in the direction of facing the innocent ghosts. They knew that even more tragic moments had arrived, and this 100-meter-wide place would become a place of death between humans and ghosts.

Both the ghosts and the ghosts soon assembled, and the innocent behavior made the monks uneasy. After the collection, they did not immediately launch an impact, but began to spray the light bombs in their mouths within 100 meters of the wall. The light bullets were sprayed on the wall, but in an instant, the walls within a hundred meters turned into black and black, exuding a disgusting rancid smell.


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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