The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1082: Extension

I am very grateful to Jiu Ai, quiet ^ _ ^ Bookmate classmates, Xie Feng's men classmates, condensed smoke 1208 classmates pink ticket!


In the human vision, the black light-elastic cloth was sprayed in and out, and there was no visible light bomb. A black torrent formed in the field of vision, and it slammed into the wall. Seeing that the wall was quickly corroded, it turned into sand and generally fell off.

"Bow ~ ~" Xu Xing shouted.

All the monks suddenly realized that these innocent ghosts in front of them wanted to use their black light bullets to erode the wall into a passage and then sneak in from this passage. All the monks immediately took up the blade of their hands, took out the bow and arrow from the storage ring, and pulled the bow like a full moon.


Xu Xingfan sighed.


Thousands of miles of glares emerged, and the innocent ghosts standing in the front row fell, but the innocent ghosts behind them spurted black bullets and marched toward the front.

The two sides were so focused. After an hour, the 100-meter-wide wall collapsed, and there was a passage between the human monk and the innocent.


Xu Xingfan was drunk, and the monks immediately laid a line of swords, spreading from the breach of the wall to the rear, always preparing for the monks in front to die, and the monks in the rear immediately filled them up.

At this time, the innocent ghosts on the opposite side have already collided, and a huge meat grinder has been formed in the space of this 100 meters. It is really impossible to describe it with tragic.

The sun hangs from the middle of the day to the west, and the entire 100-meter-wide passage has been stained with blood. The Xujia 30,000 monks have already died more than 8,000 people. The innocent ghosts have also vanished more than 5,000. After the human monks were unable to release the spells, they were clearly weak.

However, all the monks' faces were not depressed at all. But gradually revealed a smile, because they all know that Xu is the king, Xu Ziyan is coming back.

A sapphire figure flew up from the main peak of the Lotus Peak, and stood on the high sky and looked at it. I saw the tragic inside the 100-meter wide passage.

Xu Ziyan raised one hand and eighteen lotus flowers lined up to the 100-meter-wide passage. As a stream of light, it reached the top of the 100-meter-wide passage. The eighteen lotuses continued to zoom in with the speeding. Waiting for the top of the 100-meter channel, each lotus has become as small as a small mountain. Release the holy white light.

"The king is here!"

"The king is here!"

All the monks shouted excitedly, and the excitement and excitement made the innocent ghosts across from each other amazed. I paused and looked up at the sky in confusion, and saw eighteen white, holy, hill-like lotuses.

They instinctively felt that the eighteen white lotuses were extremely threatening to them, and they shivered one by one. An innocent ghost boldly spurted a black light bomb toward a lotus. Before the light bomb rushed to the front of the lotus, I saw that the eighteen lotuses suddenly began to rotate, releasing a dazzling white light, hanging from the top of the eighteen lotus flowers, a dazzling white holy light curtain, falling down.

The entire passage was shrouded in a dazzling white, the human monk was shrouded in white light, the wounded monk, the wound was quickly healed, the wounded monk was not injured, and the repair of the loss was rapidly recovering. but. Those innocent ghosts are melting!


It is melting!

It’s just less than a quarter of an hour. All the innocent ghosts are gone.

Xu Ziyan reached out and made a trick. Eighteen lotuses quickly shrank and flew over to Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan waved his sleeves. Eighteen lotuses were collected. Turning head to Xu Xingdao:

"Xingfan, the big array will be closed. Those who are outside the magnifying circle will come in, and then they will open the big array and kill them."

"Yes!" Xu Xingfan's tone revealed excitement and quickly left.

After a while, the big array of people surrounded by the Xu family disappeared, and the outside of the ghost world Raksha saw the appearance of the Xu family. They don't know what happened. The intuition is that the innocent ghost has broken the big array of Xu family. During the time, the ghosts whispered, and there were more than a hundred thousand ghosts rushing into the Xu family.

When the hundreds of thousands of ghosts rushed into the Xu family, they suddenly saw that the disappearing big array was once again opened, and everything covered by the fog was only screaming. For a full two quarters of an hour, the ghost whistle within the big array disappeared completely. Xu Xingfan once again closed the big squad. In the eyes of the monks, the ghost beads everywhere spread the brilliance.

"Clean the battlefield!"

Xu Ziyan sighed lightly, and the monks cheered and rushed out.

Xu Ziyan called Xu Xingfan to the front, handed over 18 lotus flowers to him, and handed him a jade slip, which recorded the use of eighteen lotus flowers. Then he hurried away, and this day continued to infuse the gas of life, making Xu Ziyan exhausted, at this time she was anxious to go to the practice room to resume repair.

Xu Xingfan is presiding over all this, and the loot that each monk harvests will be handed over to Xu, and then Xu will naturally distribute the benefits according to the reward system.

All these purple smokes were ignored. After three days of restoring the cultivation, when she came out of the practice room, she unexpectedly saw a mid-disciplinary monk sitting in front of her door and looking at the sky. Xu Ziyan stunned and coughed, and the monk turned back and stood up from the ground, his face showing a bitter smile:

"Xu patriarch, I am a thousand machines!"

Xu Ziyan’s look is a glimpse, and then he stunned: “Shencheng Lord, you...take it?”

Shen Qianji nodded and said: "I know that the demon is not good to kill, so many of the monks died in this catastrophe, and I found a qualification monk and a good death monk."

Xu Ziyan nodded and said: "Shencheng Lord, you occupy his body, you must catch his cause and effect."

"I know!"

"So good, Shencheng Lord, I am afraid that you will need a long time to stabilize the realm of the future, you will retreat in Xujia!"

"Thank you Xu Ziyan!" Shen Qianji said sincerely.

Xu Ziyan waved his hand and had no words. Shen Qianji gave a deep ritual and turned and left. Looking at the back of Shen Qianji, Xu Ziyan sighed softly, packed up his mood and turned around. Everything that saw Xu’s work under the leadership of Xu Xingfan was very smooth, and he returned to the practice room. He got the fairy charm from the beginning and began to further integrate his own inheritance to understand the fairy charm. At this time, the Yanshan soul has also been resecting a variety of fairy tools.

Xu Ziyan spent a month to thoroughly study the immortality and became a mid-level peak. Xu Ziyan firmly believes that as long as he gives himself another month of comprehension time, he can fully reach the top of the class.

However, Xu Ziyan did not continue to understand the immortality, but came out of the retreat. On the one hand, she needs to take a break. On the other hand, she also needs to know the current situation of Xu.

Sitting in the main position of the main hall, listening to the reports of the people, Xu Ziyan fell into meditation. She had already contacted the solitary smoke of Ximen. The ghost emperor was very embarrassed. Although she was caught up by the solitary smokers of Ximen, she eventually escaped. They are still pursuing.

In this way, Xu Ziyan firmly believes that the ghost emperor simply does not have the time and energy to slaughter everywhere. The Xu family now faces only the Rakshasa of the ghost world.

Xu Jia now has four Mahayana monks, Xu Ziyan, Yanshan Soul, Hope and Xiaobai. Such a lineup is not afraid of the ghost world, even if it is the ghost emperor, it can also compete with it. We must know that the hope of this time and the soul of Yanshan are both the repairs of the late Mahayana, plus the early peaks of the two great Mahayana of Xu Ziyan and Xiaobai. The most important thing is that Xu Ziyan has the sound of dragons and phoenixes. The ghost emperor never dared to run to the Xu family.

Moreover, in the report that Xu Ziyan heard, it was learned that the ghost circle Raksha, which was gathered around the Xu family, had been strangled by the Xu family’s big squad a month ago. At this time, the ghost world in the 100,000 mountains was inserted. not much.

This is a good time to grab the ground. Xu family can not always shrink into the family, must go out and expand their strength. Thinking of this, Xu Ziyan asked the forces who had gone to the Xu family one by one, and learned that their Zongmen or family residences were in the Central Plains, and they were in the East to cultivate the fairyland, but one common feature is that they are not from Xujia. Too far away. Think about it too, if they are far away, they can't escape the family.

There are a total of 30 forces that have gone to the Xu family. The residences of these forces are scattered around the 100,000 mountains. If these forces are fully occupied, the scale of the Xu family will grow by a hundredfold and will be centered on the Xu family. One layer of land expands outwards to form a large Xu family territory.

In this way, Xu Ziyan no longer hesitated, immediately gave orders to these 30 forces. With Xu Ziyan entering the twenty-five disciples and Xu Haoliang of the Xu family in the ancient ruins of the town, Xu Haosang, Xu Haoge, Lu Guangtian, re-installed the Taoist, these people Xu Ziyan are not ready to take them to the ancient ruins of the town. Because even the ancient relics of the town of Guanzhong still have a strong aura, they do not help much.

Their moods have not been improved, and there is a strong aura that is difficult to improve. So Xu Ziyan assigned these 30 monks to 30 teams as the leader, and each team was assigned five more Linggen disciples. These disciples will be dragon and phoenix, so they are more sure about the Rakshasa. At the same time, each team is also assigned twelve **** disciples, which also constitutes a group of twelve elephants. For the disciples of Dolingen, in the moment of crisis, they can be upgraded through the 12 elephants.

The small ancient rattan of the ten-and-a-half-step Mahayana sent eight. Focusing on the Xu family, we will tour two teams in the southeast and northwest, and support the team that needs rescue. The remaining two and a half steps of the small ancient vine and the ten old vines of the late peaks of the distraction are sitting in the Xu family.

The order of Xu Ziyan is very simple, that is, to occupy these 30 places. From now on, this square of hundreds of thousands of miles is Xu's home. No matter whether it is the Central Plains or the Oriental Xiu Xianjie, no one wants to rob the Xu family.


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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