The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1085: Reproduce Dong Yiyi

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"You are the boss of this square city? Do you know who I am? I am a monk in the Mahayana, the only Xiandan division on the mainland, the patriarch of the Xu family in the Central Plains, the king, Xu Ziyan!"

The boss of Fangshi City was shocked. It was not far away from the Xu family in the Central Plains. Today, the name of Xu’s family is ringing, and it’s quiet, looking at the eyes of the colorful woman is full of fear. I saw that the girl in the color dress continued to say faintly:

"...the man! Wang Boda, do you say that I am like a robbery person?"

Wang Laos’s face was bitter, and although he wanted to pump the other’s mouth, he was really scared to death. However, even Xu Ziyan’s men can’t afford it! Only politely said:

"It's not like! It's not like! How can you be robbed? How can the patriarch's men rob a piece of clothing, joke! It's a joke!"

Wang Laoda said here, turning his eyes to Li Erhu and screaming: "Two tigers, obviously you are crazy, want to succumb to this fairy. Fairy is a person with identity, will not care about you, do not hurry to the fairy apologize?"

Although Wang Erhu is poor, he is confused and squinted: "The dress was originally mine. Why should I apologize?"

When the words fell, they turned to the seductive woman and said, "Don't you return the clothes to me?"

The enchanting woman’s face showed murderousness and lighted the lips of the lips: “Peach blossoms are not in the grass, and the money is not guaranteed!”

With the voice, the seductive woman gave a shot, and a worldly copper coin popped out of her hand. It fell on the head of Li Erhu.


The ground of the entire square suddenly shook. A thousand or so monks suddenly came from all directions in the city. They only surrounded the group including Xu Ziyan in an instant, and shouted neatly:

"Peach blossoms are not born in the grass. The money is not guaranteed!"


Li Erhu was afraid this time, Xu Ziyan’s reputation was loud, but in this catastrophe, Xu Jia’s monk attacked everywhere. Give the monks on the mainland a sense of justice. Therefore, although Xu Ziyan is powerful, Li Erhu feels that he is responsible for it, that is, Xu Ziyan is face to face, and he is not afraid.

However, "Peach blossoms are not born in the grass, the money is not guaranteed!" The words shouted out, he was afraid. The reason is in the last two months. Suddenly a group of monks appeared, with a glamorous woman as the leader, robbery around, and when confronted, the enchanting woman would spill copper coins, and each person put a copper coin on his head. If you dare to let the copper coins fall from the head, there is only one dead road.

"噗通". Li Erhu held his hands on the copper coins on his head, and his knees fell to the ground, and he couldn’t speak.

The seductive woman proudly swept her eyes toward the surrounding monks, her face changed. She saw the purple purple smoke that was looking at the back of the crowd. At this time, Xu Ziyan was staring at her with a sullen look. She couldn’t help but tremble, and the flower was eclipsed. Even the rosy lips lost color.

Xu Ziyan walked in separately from the crowd. At this time, the more than a thousand monks who came from all directions also recognized Xu Ziyan. Each one has lowered his head. I am afraid that Xu Ziyan will see them. However, how can Xu Ziyan not see them? A cold look, these monks are all in one, and their heads are lower.

Xu Ziyan walked to the front of Chun Sanniang. Looking at her coldly. Chun Tie Niang smiled femininely and quickly reached out and grabbed it. The copper coin on Li Erhu’s head returned to her hands. Her move, but frightened Li Erhu. Sorrowful voice:

"Rain! Life!"

When Xu Ziyan waved his dress, Li Erhu could not help but stand up from the ground, took out a storage ring and stuffed it into the hands of Li Erhu, whispered:

"How can Xu family be able to make such things as robbery? Can you look at these spiritual stones?"

Li Erhu swept the gods into the storage ring and saw that it was two million of the best spiritual stones, that is, 200 million top grade Lingshi, and the heart could not help but say:

"Enough! Enough!"

Xu Ziyan said faintly: "Enough is enough!"

Turning around and talking to Chun Sanniang: "Don't you follow me?"

Spring 30 mothers screamed "oh", followed by Xu Ziyan out of the city, followed by more than a thousand demon. Xu Ziyan emptied into the mountains in the distance. Chun San Niang and the one thousand monsters hurriedly flew up and followed Xu Ziyan.

Above the flying boat in the air, Yanshan soul just wanted to control the flying boat to chase toward Xu Ziyan, but was hoped to stop. I hope that naturally I know what Xu Ziyan has gone. It must be to bring those Yaozu into the purple smoke space. This is the secret of Xu Ziyan, so I hope to stop the Yanshan soul road:

"Yan Xianshi, the patriarch let us wait here, we still have to wait!"

Yanshan soul thought about it, those monks are demon, naturally it is not the Yanshan soul, but he also saw those demon people are very afraid of Xu Ziyan. Besides, the strength of those demon people is not the opponent of Xu Ziyan, but they finally give up to chase the purple smoke and wait in the air.

Xu Ziyan flew into the forest, waved the next big array, and enveloped all the Yaozu. The eyes swept through the demons in turn, and the heart was more comfortable.

The spring 30-year-old is now the culmination of the peak of the gods, and those who were in the purple smoke space also broke through the Yuan Ying period. The brow wrinkled slightly:

"Thirty mothers, these are the original monsters?"

Chun Tsao Niang respectfully said: "Master, here are the monsters I took away, and the monsters I have conquered in the demon territory. And... the monsters I took away were also dead."

"Well! Good!" Xu Ziyan nodded faintly, she is not afraid of these newly added monsters, as long as they are sent into the purple smoke space, as long as they stay for a while, they will become their loyal men.

"You don't resist!"

Xu Ziyan said faintly. After that, it was a big sleeve wave, except for the spring 30-year-old mother, all the other monsters were taken into the purple smoke space by Xu Ziyan. Then turned to look at the spring thirty mother said:

"Here is the human world. If you look good, you can buy it with Lingshi. You can also use things to change. How can you grab it? And it is to grab it under the public."

Chun Tsang Niang said: "We have always been like this in the territory of the Yaozu. If you look at it, you will grab it!"

"This is not a demon territory, it is a human world!" Xu Ziyan hated iron and said nothing.

"Know it!" Chun Tie Niang did not dare to talk back, standing there honestly.

"You first enter the purple smoke space, let those monsters know where their territory is, are not allowed to steal my herbs, and are not allowed to harass the tree demon and the human monks inside."

"Yes!" Spring 30-year-old mother should have a voice.

"The speed is fast. When the arrangement is over, I will call you immediately. I will call you out, and you will be with me for the time being!"

Even in the forest, and the arrangement of the array, Xu Ziyan did not enter the purple smoke space, but stood in the big array and carefully observed the surrounding situation.

After a quarter of an hour, Chun Zi Niang was called out by Xu Ziyan, waving her hand to the big array, and coldly said:

"Let's go!"

Spring 30-year-old behind the Xu Ziyan, secretly looked at Xu Ziyan, seeing Xu Ziyan did not pay attention to her, and then eagerly reached out and touched the colorful clothes on her body, his face smirked with a smile. Time, eyebrows, eyebrows, peaches, lips, delicate flowers.

Xu Ziyan’s gods saw the appearance of Chun Sanniang, and shook his head with a funny smile. He stepped into the air and flew toward the air. Chun Sanniang also hurriedly swayed in the dress and flew into the air.

Xu Ziyan returned to the flying boat with the spring 30-year-old, and introduced the spring 30-year-old to everyone, just saying that she is her own. And those people did not ask where the more than a thousand demon people left by Xu Ziyan went, Xu Ziyan directed the flying boat and flew toward the people.

Zhongyuan Shenji Zong.

Ye Fei sat in his practice room, and he was already in the middle of distraction. He was approaching the peak of distraction.

A figure appeared in front of him and smiled at him.

Ye Fei was shocked and felt that his practice room had come in. I can't help but feel awkward. It is necessary to know that this practice room is the secret room of the ancestors of the Central Plains, and there is a strong ban on the outside. It was actually stunned by people.

Stabilized my emotions, slowly opened my eyes, appeared in front of him is a girl, very beautiful. However, Ye Fei’s gaze is shrinking, because he can’t see the other’s cultivation, and he has seen this person. Although she doesn’t know what she is, she was in the ancient ruins of the town’s customs. Originally followed by the Kunlunzong team, it disappeared afterwards. It was just after the break, she did not see her again, and she did not know why she appeared in her practice room.

Ye Fei slowly stood up from the ground and gave a courtesy to Dong Yiyi. The gentleman said:

"I don't know which fairy is it? Why is it in the practice room of the flight?"

Dong Yiyi smiled a little and saw Ye Fei’s quiet look, with a hint of appreciation in his eyes. I walked down to a chair next to me and said faintly:

"You can sit down too!"

Dong Yiyi was completely anti-customer, and Ye Fei did not adapt to a little bit. Instead, after bowing to Dong Yiyi, he sat down in the chair and asked Dong Yiyi.

Dong Yiyi smiled and said: "Do you know the guardian?"

Ye Fei’s gaze was a contraction, and he returned to normal in an instant, nodding nodly calmly.

Dong Yiyi was very satisfied with Ye Fei’s move. Since Ye Fei did not show a strong sense of rejection, she proved that she was right this time and could talk to each other.

"Ye Zongzhu, I am the leader of the guardian Dong Yiyi."


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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