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Ye Fei just nodded, no words, but his heart was very nervous. He knows that Dong Yiyi is not coming to kill him. He must have any conspiracy. If he does not cooperate, she will become a murderer.

However, Dong Yiyi will definitely not need to cooperate with her alone. She must have the entire Central Plains machine to cooperate with her. When I first thought of it, he suddenly remembered the news that the Kunlun ancestors came to the mountains some time ago, and even the ancient ruins of the towns and towns were not gone. Is this related to Dong Yiyi? At this time, Dong Yiyi’s voice rang again.

"Ye Zongzhu, I am openly talking with you, my goal is only Yanshan soul. He must die, this is the meaning above!"

Having said that, Dong Yiyi stretched out a filigree jade finger and pointed it at the top.

Ye Fei’s heart was shocked, and he couldn’t help but say: “The above? You mean...the fairy world?”

Dong Yiyi nodded with a smile and saw the shocked look on Ye Fei’s face. She was very satisfied and said faintly:

"Yes, the past life of Yanshan soul has deep hatred and above, so he must die. These things have nothing to do with you outsiders. You have not been able to fly for millions of years. It is also because of the soul of Yanshan. If you cooperate with our guardians Killing the soul of Yanshan, I will not take care of your ascent."

Ye Fei said something self-deprecatingly: "Dong Xianzi, your guardian is very embarrassing, how can we help the little Zhongyuan Shenzong? How do you think that even if you are looking for a collaborator, you should go Look for the four superpowers, not our Central Plains."

Dong Yiyi shook his head faintly: "Their ambitions are too great to lose the awe of the above, perhaps because the mainland has not soared for too long."

Having said that, Dong Yiyi took a fan from the storage ring and placed it on the table next to it. Ye Fei’s gaze is a bright light. Excited to ask:

"this is……"

Dong Yiyi pushed the fan over and said with a smile: "This is a wind thunder fan, a fairy. As long as you trust our guardians, this is only a trivial benefit. You have lost contact with the fairy world for millions of years. Nothing at all. Know the situation of the fairy world. I may as well tell you that the fairy world... is not good. It is even more cruel than here.

A monk without a background, even if it is flying up, is living on the bottom of the fairy world and will die at any time. There is no cultivation resource, no fairy crystal, only able to live a slave life.

But once you trust our guardians. You have a background in the fairy world, and someone will train you to give you resources to cultivate and Xianjing. You may wish to think about it. As long as you rely on the guardian, it is not only the benefits of the wind and the wind fan, but also the endless benefits in the future.

The most important thing is that you are supported by our guardians. In the great era of the vast continent, it will stand out and become a super power. It is not impossible to dominate the mainland. ”

Ye Fei’s hands were playing with the wind and thunder fan, and he fell into meditation. Suddenly looked up and stared at Dong Yiyi:

"Dong Xianzi, when you closed the ancient ruins in the town, did you cooperate with Kunlun?"

Dong Yiyi frowned slightly, and his eyes revealed the color of anger: "Don't mention those idiots. I passed them before entering the ancient ruins. Tell them that they only need to pick herbs in the ancient ruins. Don't Entering the mountain. These idiots don't listen. If it's not that these fools don't obey, maybe the Yanshan soul is already dead."

Ye Fei’s eyes were obviously hesitant, with a smile on his face, and he thought:

"Will this be?"

but. Ye Fei did not dare to say it. He knows that he has to go to the guardian, whether it is true or not. Worried. Otherwise, he will die in front of Dong Yiyi immediately. However, since Dong Yiyi has put up a gesture of solicitation, it means that the guardian is not strong enough now and needs his own Zhongyuan Shenzong. In this way, you can only do more with your own benefits. Thinking about everything, Ye Fei said with sincerity:

"What do Dong Xianzi need to do next?"

"Two points!" Dong Yiyi extended two fingers: "First, hand over the metamorphosis of the Central Plains machine to me, and secondly, cooperate with Kunlun Zong in the ancient ruins of the town, and look for opportunities to provoke each The big forces, let them fight, we take the profit of the fishermen."

Ye Fei listened for a while, and he sang for a long time: "Kunlunzong has announced that it has closed its doors, and the ancient ruins that they did not participate in the township customs have opened."

Dong Yiyi smiled coldly: "He said that Fengshan will seal the mountain? It will be so easy. My son needs the transformation of the Central Plains machine, that is, to kill several high-level Kunlun sects, and then Our guardians are transformed into the appearances of the Kunlun patriarchs and disciples. Then they enter the ancient ruins of the town, and now the Central Plains Shenzong and Kunlun sects can cooperate secretly and provoke the fire of the major forces. Ye Zongzhu, this is your Central Plains god. It is also very beneficial for the machine to be able to dominate the mainland in the future. If we can provoke a big fight in the ancient ruins and consume their strength, I think your ideal will be realized soon."

Ye Fei heard this, and the wild vision in his heart was completely picked up. The so-called rich and dangerous insurance, do it!

Ye Fei stood up from the chair and bowed on one knee: "See Dong Xianzi!"

Dong Yiyi reached out and lifted Ye Fei. "Ha ha" laughs...

Dong Yiyi has been away for a long time, and Ye Fei is still standing alone in the practice room. Half-sounding, the corner of the mouth passed a sneer, whispered:

"Dong Yiyi, do you treat me as a fool? Oh, if you can help you safely, I don't mind. If you have any sinister intentions, don't blame me for turning my face at any time, I don't want to be the next Kunlunzong, huh... ..."

Xu Ziyan arrived earlier in the town and was the first to arrive. This is mainly because other forces have just completed the encirclement of the ghosts and they need to return to the Zongmen.

Han Dan personally greeted Xu Ziyan at the gate of Guancheng Town, and then arranged Xu Ziyan and others to stay. This was the time to sit down with Xu Ziyan and put on tea. The two men sipped tea and chatted softly.

Seven days later, the forces of various parties began to arrive one after another. Han Dan was busy welcoming the forces of all parties and arranging various issues. In the hall of the town, the town began to be lively.

Wang Liyun saw Xu Ziyan, his face was very ugly. No way is not ugly, these days they are busy chasing the ghost emperor, but Xu family is good! Even taking advantage of this opportunity to vigorously develop the forces, now has formed a super-powerful home. If it is really compared, Wang Woyun found that his big Luotian has begun to fall.

Among the Xu family, I hope that for the later period of Mahayana, Xu Ziyan and Xiaobai will be repaired for the early peaks of Mahayana, but you must not forget that there is also a Yanshan soul. He is the late Mahayana. Although he is not a monk of the Xu family, he is no different from the Xu family.

So, Xu has four monks in the Mahayana period, and his big Luotian? Until now, he is still only a mid-May. This made Wang Woyun very upset. At this time, he could not stop the development of Xu family, just bite his teeth and look for opportunities.

The solitary smoke of Ximen and Yan Xingyun are very happy. The solitary smoke of Ximen is already in the late Mahayana. He feels that he will soon fly to the fairyland. However, his son Ximen Yu is now only the mid-peak of the distraction, but now there are four Mahayana monks in the Xujiajia Yanshan Soul. Ximen Yu has the care of Xu Ziyan, and he can safely fly. On the contrary, Yan Xingyun deliberately put a face on his face and screamed at the Yanshan Soul:

"Kid, don't forget that your home is Xiao Luotian! It's so unpopular!"

His nephew made the Yanshan soul and Xu Ziyan directly become a big red face. Very silent looking at the Yan Xingyun.

Bai Xiyan also stepped into the hall at this time, and behind her was still a white towel. Xu Ziyan raised her eyes slightly, and she has now confirmed that Lingbao Island is her future enemy, which is inevitable. It is not that she wants to transfer Tai Xuanzong to the oriental cultivation of the immortal world, but that Bai Xiyan regards the Xu family as a nail in the eye, and regards her as an obstacle to unifying the oriental cultivation of the world.

Suddenly in the heart of the move, remember that now that he is already a Mahayana monk, the power of his own eyes should also be improved. When Bai Xiyan greeted himself and others, Xu Ziyan slightly narrowed his eyes and opened his eyes.

In the eyes of the eyes, the blue strobe flashes, and the eyes of Bai Pengyan look at the fairy charm of Bai Xiyan and see the blackness of Bai Xiyan's body. The black gas is full of evil, full of blood, full of tyranny...

Xu Ziyan closed her eyes. She remembered the kind of gas that was first seen in Gong Sunlin and the fierce body.

What is her practice of cultivation?

Bai Xiyan's body trembled, and she felt that someone was peeping at her, and suddenly turned and looked at the faces of the monks inside the hall. At this time, Xu Ziyan had opened his eyes and sat in the chair if nothing happened. After Bai Xiyan's gaze swept swiftly, he found no traces of clues, frowned slightly, and turned away.

Xu Ziyan saw Bai Xiyan turn around, and this turned to the Yanshan soul next to him:

"Mountain Spirit, what kind of exercises will be swayed in the body, full of evil, bloodthirsty, tyrannical!"

Yanshan soul teased and said: "My practice will be black and sorrowful when it is being used, but it is evil but not evil!"

Xu Ziyan stunned Yanshan soul and said: "I am serious!"

The body of Yanshan's soul was shocked. He looked at Xu Ziyan in an inquisitive manner and said cautiously: "Ziyan, where did you see the person practicing this practice?"


Really eager for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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